Smogg came to the house on the edge of the square and watched Luffy's battle with his binoculars.

"Are we going to go and capture Straw Hat Luffy right away?" A naval soldier asked.

"Don't worry, let them fight a little longer," Smogg said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Smogg, I'm late again!" Dusty hurried in.

"Dusty, you're always slow, what the hell are you doing?" Smog asked loudly.

"This... Shi Yu, who went to the store to get me just now, met a man who loved knives, and something happened that shocked me, and I was late. Dusty explained.

"Anything can shock you, but your concentration is still insufficient, Dusty." Smogg didn't blame Dusty either.

"It's Roronoa Solon!" Some sailors shouted.

"Another bounty hunter?" Smogg asked.

"No, according to the information we received, Roronoa has joined the Straw Hats." The navy soldier explained.

"Yes, it's him! He is actually the famous Roronoa! Dusty used his binoculars to see Solon who was heading towards Luffy, and realized that the man he met twice today was Roronoa Solon, a pirate hunter who became famous in the East China Sea. The heart was shocked again.

"Now everyone follows me to catch the Straw Hat Kid!" Smog ordered. Since the straw hat kid has appeared helpers, it can't wait any longer, otherwise there are likely to be variables.

The sea soldiers and Dusty quickly walked from the house to the square, while Smog jumped directly from the third floor.

Luffy saw Smogg, and by this time the brothers Karen and Jaeg were covered in bruises.

These two are also persistent, it is obvious that they are not Luffy's opponents, but they will not give up.

"You can't leave! Straw Hat Kid, Smog is here! Although our brother lost at your hands, we also managed to entangle you and wait to be caught in the naval prison! Saber-toothed Tiger Jaeg said.

Luffy glanced at them, both of them were no longer in human form, and they were beaten by Luffy. "I just waited for Smogg to keep you until now, do you really think you can resist my fist for so long?" Luffy thought to himself. Since Smog has appeared, there is no need to keep these two.

Luffy knocked the two off with one move "Rubber Rubber Armed Rocket Launcher".

Solon was standing beside Luffy at this time, already unsheathed his knife. It's not that Solon doesn't want to help Luffy fight, it's really that the battle is over when Solon comes over, and now there are only sailors who have surrounded him from afar.

"Solon, you solve that group of sailors, I will deal with the smoke-covered one, if you get scattered, you will meet the Melly, you know where the Meli is, right, Solon!" Luffy said and suddenly felt that he had made a mistake, maybe he should leave Sanji to help him, or simply be alone. Well, if Solon gets lost later, he will have to go to him, and he will have a headache!

"Don't worry, Captain, I'll never get lost!" Solon is clearly confident in his way of finding his way.

As he spoke, Smog the Smoker had arrived. At the same time, heavy rain poured down.

"In the name of 'White Hunter Smogg', I declare that Straw Hat Luffy, Roronoa Solon, you are arrested, don't try to resist, because that's pointless!" After Smogg finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Luffy Solon, unexpectedly wanting to take Luffy and Solon alone, it seemed that he was quite confident in his strength.

"Solon, according to the plan, act separately!" Luffy jumped back as he spoke.

"I'll wait for you on the ship!" Solon headed in the opposite direction to Luffy.

"I won't let you go to sea!" Smogg's hands suddenly turned into smoke and remained shrouded in Luffy and Solon.

"Why are you so confident, always thinking about one dozen or two." Luffy thought to himself, while reaching out his right hand and grabbing Smogg's smoky arm.

"It's useless, I'm a smoke man who ate the "smoke fruit", you can't catch me." Smog didn't forget to remind Luffy, or rather fearless.

In the next second, Smogg was grabbed by Luffy's arm, and Luffy smashed it to the ground with force, like smashing a gopher with a hammer.

Solon took this opportunity to defeat seven or eight of the surrounding sailors and quickly broke out of the encirclement.

"This is the domineering of armed colors!" Smogg's eyes widened, and this time he was shocked. Xiao Xiao Donghai can actually produce such a character, and it seems that this person cannot be allowed to successfully go to sea today. Bet on my honor as a "white hunter" to bring him down!

Originally, Luffy didn't want to use armed colors, otherwise how to lose to the smoker later, it would be difficult to act. If he is not caught, how can Luffy's father make a move? But now I have to show my hand, otherwise Smog was cut by Solon with an armed color domineering, then he really has no chance to act.

After knowing that Luffy had an armed color domineering, Smog finally stopped underestimating the enemy and slowly took out his weapon "Ten Hands". This is a special weapon made of sea lou stone, shaped like an iron rod, with a handle at the end for grasping. Of course, the Sea Lou Stone is only at the forefront, otherwise Smogg, who is a Devil Fruit ability, would not be able to hold this weapon.

"No wonder the headquarters wants to set you a reward of 80 million, as a newcomer, your potential is unmatched, but that's it!" After Smogg finished speaking, he stabbed the "ten hands" towards Luffy's throat.

Luffy took two steps back, and at the same time stretched out his fists "rubber rubber machine gun" to hit Smogg's body, but they all wore over, as if hitting the air, and clouds of smoke rose from the place where Smog was hit. Is this the Department of Nature? It's amazing! Luffy, who didn't use armed colors, was feeling the elementalization of the natural fruit.

"What are you doing! Give me more seriousness! Smogg felt slighted.

On Solon's side, Solon, who had taken the road, ran into an alley. Two sailors appeared ahead.

"Roronoa Solon!" Just as Solon was about to rush over and slash at the two, Dusty suddenly appeared.

"Chief Cao!" The two sailors were overjoyed at once, and the moment they saw Solon, they thought that they were going to make a contribution, and this promotion was promising! But when Solon rushed towards them, both of them panicked, what to do, what to do if they couldn't beat them! Just at this time, Dusty appeared, and the two were overjoyed.

"I can't imagine that you are that pirate hunter Roronoa, you teased me several times, I won't let you go!" Dusty yelled at Solon. Dusty feels that Solon did not report his name, making people mistakenly think that he is just a fellow practitioner who likes knives, and Dusty, who now knows Solon's identity, feels that he has been deceived.

"Hey! You never asked me my name, and I never told you I was a good person! And aren't you the same? I didn't know you turned out to be a navy. Solon had a headache when he saw Dusty's face.

"I won't forgive you anyway! I'm going to take back your "Harmony Word" and Dusty pulled out the "Time Rain" and rushed towards Solon.

"If you have the ability, try it!" Solon had a wicked smile on his face.

"Ringing the bell..." The

sound of swords clashing endlessly. The two fought fiercely.

Soon, Solon corners Dusty into a corner, and the "Wado Word" crosses his throat, killing him with a slight touch.

Even if Solon only uses a knife, Dusty is far from an opponent.

"This knife can't be given to you anyway! Goodbye, I still have to hurry. Solon let go of Dusty and walked away.

"Cao Chang lost!" The two seas were puzzled. They couldn't imagine that Dusty would actually lose, but that was the existence in the base second only to Smog Dazo!

"Why didn't you kill me?" Dusty shouted, looking at the distant Solon she felt an unprecedented humiliation.

"Just because I'm a woman?"

"Although women's strength is not as good as men's, releasing water in an all-out competition is an insult to women! Although you can't understand how much I wish I was a boy as a woman, the moment I pulled out "Time Rain", I had already put life and death aside, and I wasn't playing with you! Dusty yelled these words at Solon.

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