There is a pedestal right in the corner of the bridge.

Lying on it was a robot that looked like a flying saucer.

It is not very large, about the size of two palms.

The surface of the flying saucer is covered with sensors of various sizes, large and small, with various functions.

There is also a small lid for a transceiver.

Y-5 aerospace mechanic robot.

One of the most widely used astronaut mechanic robots in the three major star fields of the Galactic Federation.

It is also a must-have aerospace mechanic robot for all spaceships.

It has detailed data on all types of ships and is capable of solving 90% of the problems in the flight of all ships.

"There was no response, the system was offline, and it couldn't be woken up. "

Wake up manually, the backup energy should be enough......"

Parker, who was sitting in the captain's seat, quickly got up and hurriedly walked in the direction of the UFO robot.

Coming to the UFO robot, Parker clenched his fist and smashed it on the top of the robot's disc.

Y5 suddenly reacted, and the electronic eyes lit up.

It flew up and left the charged base.

"Fix all the problems of the spaceship immediately, quickly!" Seeing that the

Y5 astronaut mechanic robot had been awakened, Parker hurriedly ordered.

"Understood, the problem is being detected......" The

robot responded to the owner in a mechanical voice.

Powered by the magnetic repulsion generated by its own anti-gravity device.

The astronaut robot flew towards the control terminal.

It lands on a groove of an exclusive astronaut mechanic robot in an attempt to repair the system.


As soon as it fell, a burst of electricity erupted from the astronaut mechanic robot.

The robot's disc body trembled for a moment.


only heard the sound of "pop", and the electronic eye of the astronaut mechanic robot burst directly.

This scene made Parker look at each other and realize the seriousness of the problem.

"It's over......"

In the time that followed, the Parkers did not give up.

They worked hard to fix the ship and find out what was wrong.

But little by little, they despaired.

"Retreat, retreat underground, evacuate quickly......"

On the platform, the Parkers finally abandoned the ship and scrambled to the elevator.

And now, outside, the starry sky beyond the rift has turned into a sea of fire.

Outside, in the dark universe, a spectacle is happening.

The massive star Siria is rushing towards an even larger blue star.

The side facing the stars is already burning.

Wherever he passed, the burning left a long-lasting trace in the universe.

The earth facing the surface of the stars is fiery red, and a sea of fire is spreading into the distance.

Although it is large, it is more than 10,000 times larger than Earth.

But in front of the blue giant, it is like a speck of dust, invisible.

"It's terrifying, the temperature is already over five hundred degrees...... on

the far side of the planet, where the colony ship is located.

Even with your back to the star, the temperature on the surface is staggering.

Billowing white mist is rising from cracks in the earth.

Some of the rocks are turning fiery red, as if they are showing signs of melting.

Looking towards the end of the horizon, there was a fiery blue halo that was gradually approaching this side.

This process lasted two days.

On the last day, the surface temperature of the planet with its back to the star had exceeded 1,000 degrees.

As you see that a sea of fire is about to sweep through the site of the colonial ship, you can see the dazzling blue giant star with your own eyes.

However, the star was thrown away by the star's huge gravitational pull and rushed towards the nebula at a very high speed.

It was a golden nebula that spread like an aurora across the sky of Silia.

"The temperature is cooling and has dropped to 200 degrees...... "

This is the third day that Siria has been away from the star.

Due to the extremely high speed, the huge blue giant star in the rear is getting smaller and smaller little by little.

Because the volume is so huge, even if three days have passed, it still occupies half of the sky.

The side facing the stars is still burning, fiery red.

I don't know how many times the colonial ship has experienced such a scene, so Li Meng is not worried that the colonial ship will be affected.

However, just in case, the STC factory was moved underground half a month ago.

Today's colonial ships are left with an empty hull, and everything they can take with them is gone.

Even if it is destroyed, it will not have much impact on Li Meng.

The Gold Eater is a good thing, and in just over three months, a huge space has been dug into the ground.

Due to the abundance of raw materials, defective gold eaters are being replaced and live longer.

As more and more gold-eating insects go offline, gold-eating insects have grown to their limits.

Its size is more than 20 meters in diameter and more than 100 meters in length.

The updated Gold Eater also has new features.

Not only does it have a new energy supply core, but it also has the ability to refine and forge.

Time flies, and as the stars fade away, the golden nebula is close at hand.

On a certain day, at a certain moment, for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, the star of Siria rushed into the nebula, as always.

As the star of Scia rushed into the nebula, the strange realm reappeared.

The starry sky was shrouded in golden clouds, and there was no thunder, only countless golden lightning bolts striking the earth again and again.

"Sure enough...... "

At the location of the colonial ship, golden lightning struck the colonial ship.

Each impact recharges the backup energy batteries in various areas of the ship.

It stands to reason that high-intensity ionized lightning is the nemesis of all electronic devices.

It will cause short circuits in circuit pipelines and overload and explosion of electronic equipment.

However, all electronic equipment inside the colony ship is turned off, which effectively prevents ionizing lightning from destroying the electronic equipment.

Moreover, the outer equipment of the colony ship has basically been destroyed, and the equipment in the deep layers will not be affected by lightning.

The reason why the backup battery is charged.

This is because the backup battery is equipped with an additional stellar energy absorption device, which is a solar panel.

Through solar panels, the battery backup battery pack can absorb the energy of ionized lightning with low efficiency.

Instead of paying attention to the lightning storm, in the sea of data, Li Meng researched new technology from the gravity star.

There are only three of the most useful technologies.

One is anti-gravity technology, one is laser weapons, and the last is subspace communication.

Although the Gravity Star is only a civilian transport ship, it has been strengthened to a certain extent in the hands of the Parkers.

On the upper deck of the bow, a light point defense twin laser cannon was installed on the left and right decks.

Fires powerful blast beams.

Although the explosion range is small, the explosion is extremely powerful and has a strong armor-piercing ability.

No matter how complex the technology is, as long as you know its principle and have a sample of the finished product, you can quickly grasp it to Li Meng.

Not only can you grasp it, but you can also optimize it to take it one step further.

This is the difference between artificial intelligence and Leemon.

No matter how strong the computing power of artificial intelligence is, no matter how smart the thinking logic is, it cannot create something out of nothing.

You can only use existing tools, not create new ones.

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