"The loss of the robot is too great, and I don't know if this mission can be completed.

"There are only so many robots that are willing to give them, and it is not up to us to decide how much production there will be. "

There is a translation system on board the Gravity Star spacecraft, recording the Federalism and Parker language systems.

The pronunciation of the federal language is similar to that of English, but the script resembles kanji.

By hacking into the ship's internal communication system, Lemon also gained access to the communication channel within the Parker Power Armor.

Their communication is eavesdropped on by the Gold Eaters.

There was nothing to explore inside the base, and Lemon found it to be an abandoned mining colony.

Except for the elevator, which is still in operation, the rest of the equipment is decaying.

In the underground mining area of Eighteen, there is a group of KE5 robots at work.

It is a mining robot, the fifth-generation mining technology service robot developed by Locks Mining Group.

It is clear that these Parkers are thieves.

At this moment, on the Gravity Star spacecraft.

The ship's bridge hatch was opened.

Two figures dressed in gray robes and wearing white masks walked in.

This is the most common image of the Parkers, and hiding the face is also a Xi of the Parkers.

"We have to leave, there is a possibility that the gray-robed warriors will appear, we can't risk it!"

"They haven't been seen in years, don't worry about them.

"Our mission is not yet complete, and the deacons will not be happy.

"It's too late, Siria is rushing towards the star, we only have 13 hours to evacuate, and I don't want to die here yet.

During the exchange, the two sat in their respective seats.

One of them turned on the control terminal and activated the ship's power system.

Outside, the engine at the tail of the ship suddenly erupted with blue tail flames.

The gray-robed warrior

and the star of Slimia were rushing towards the star,

and the conversation between the two gave Li Meng some information.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Li Meng didn't ignore the message.

He hurriedly searched for relevant information.

Soon, Lemon found the relevant information in the ship's database.

It turns out that the star system in which the star Siria is located is encased in a nebula.

There are only two celestial bodies in the entire star system, one is a star, which is in the blue giant stage and is extremely massive.

The other is the star of Silia.

Since nebulae release charged ions, they pose a great threat to passing ships.

The star system in which the star is located is marked as a red exclusion zone, a high-risk area, on the federal government's galaxy map.

Because nebulae are not stationary, they are moved around the outer space of the galaxies by the gravitational pull of the stars.

A safer passage appears every ten years, and it takes about half a year for the passage to appear.

Due to its massive mass, the orbit of the star is very strange.

The orbit speed is also extremely fast, and it only takes more than six months to orbit the star.

On two of the four months of the month, Siria will pass by the star.

At that time, the star of Scia would burn up due to the heat of the star, turning into a huge fireball.

After thirteen revolutions around the Sun, the gravitational pull of the two celestial bodies meets to form a thrust.

The star is bounced away from the star by the gravitational pull of the star.

At that time, the speed of the star will accelerate to the apex, and eventually rush into the nebula.

The star will fly in a nebula for a month and then be pulled back by the gravitational pull of the star.

When in a nebula, the star Celia indicates a ionic storm.

This results in a window of only four months to land on Slia.

This stage is not until the star breaks away from the nebula and rushes towards the star again.

The Parkers wasted not a single moment, they had been in Siria for more than four months.

"This is probably the wonder of the universe......"

Limon knew the reason, and became very interested in the upcoming stellar journey.

However, when Slimia is approaching the star, the side of the colony ship should not be visible.

If it had been seen, the colonial ship would have been destroyed long ago.

That's a bit subtle.

The crash site of the colony ship is not only a subtle avoidance of the side of the planet that was directly incinerated by the star.

It is also subtle that the degree of damage to the ship's hull is so low in the fall of such a large gravity.

You must know that the gravity of Siria is thirty times that of Earth.

With such a huge gravity, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving the structural strength of the hull of a colonial ship.

More subtlely, why the regional energy storage battery on the colonial ship can still be used after 20,000 years, the energy is almost full.

This may have something to do with the ionic storm in the nebula.

The coincidence that the colony ship survived is too bizarre.

And the Grey Warrior, what is that?

In the database of the Gravity Star Ship, Li Meng did not find any information related to the Grey Warrior.

"Call those robots back and don't waste any more time.

"We're still a little bit close, we still have five hours to be safe.

"The safe passage is disappearing, do you want to be trapped here?"

the two got into an argument, but the argument didn't last long.

Soon, the two were on the same page.

One person turned on the shipboard communicator and connected to the lower-level mining technical service robot.

"Stop the operation and return to the ship immediately!" The

other contacted the Parker who was carrying cargo outside.

"The spaceship is ready to set sail, you still have half an hour!" As

soon as these words came out, the Parkers who were carrying them outside hurriedly sped up their speed.

"Are they leaving?"

Hundreds of gold-eating insects were hidden inside the gravity star ship.

The conversation between the two was overheard by Li Meng.

Fortunately, he came in time, if he had been a day late, I am afraid he would not have met these Parkers.

"Can't let them go ......"

Gold Eater is scanning the equipment on the ship, which will take time.

The next step is to analyze that data to learn about new technologies.

The Gravity Starship is his only way to access anti-gravity technology.

If you miss this time, the next one will be ten years away.

He couldn't have waited another ten years.

Although he is still very weak now, it is not difficult to keep these Parkers behind.

As long as the Gravity Star ship is destroyed, they will be left on Siria.

And there is only one fate left on the planet of Siria, and that is death.

Even if they hide in the lower mines, avoiding the heat and ionic storm, they will die from lack of oxygen.

As soon as he said and did it, Li Meng gave the gold eater an order to destroy the ship's control system.


!" In the bridge, the control terminal suddenly burst into an arc of electricity, and sparks flew everywhere.

This startled the Parkers, who were a little overwhelmed.

Outside, the ignited engine went out.

The Parkers, who were working on the outer platform, also saw flashes of electricity in the bridge.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, all the systems have stopped working. "

Quick, hurry up and wake up the space mechanic robot, we don't have much time to waste. "

The sudden change caused the two Parkers on the bridge to mess around.

The words were full of urgency and tension.

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