Nightmare Attack

Chapter 899 Tent

The physical exertion of climbing the snow-capped mountains made most people fall asleep in a drowsy state. Among them was undoubtedly Wang Fugui, who got into his sleeping bag and fell asleep almost as soon as the sleeping bag warmed him up. (audience)

I don't know how long it took, but my heavy eyelids were slightly raised. The blizzard outside was tearing the tent apart, but fortunately the tent was strong enough.

He was woken up.

There was a "rustling" sound, as if someone was approaching his tent, and it seemed that they were...circling his tent. As soon as this scene appeared in his mind, he immediately woke up, and there was actually something on his body. Cold sweat broke out.

He held his breath and didn't dare to move, until a bright light shone on his tent, a snow-white light, like the flashlight that comes with a mobile phone.

A figure was reflected on his tent, from far to near, and there were footsteps. It seemed that someone was using a mobile phone flashlight to illuminate it, walking towards him.

After the figure approached, the tent made a "squeaking" sound, and then black flocs continued to slide down around the tent. The fat man took a breath. He could probably imagine that it was the night watchman clearing the snow for his tent. .

"The snow is too heavy and it can easily collapse the tent, so don't sleep too hard," said someone standing outside.

The fat man heard the voice. It was a doctor. He always answered the doctor's questions, but this time, he hesitated. The figures outside gave him a strange feeling of strangeness, even though the familiar figure was really real. printed on the tent.

The fat man gently picked up the phone. The next second, the phone vibrated slightly and he received a message.

While reading the message clearly, his fingers couldn't help but tremble, "Brother Fugui, don't open the door. I heard the sound you heard." The sender was Huai Yi.

Soon, the second message arrived, "I tried to contact Brother Jiang just now, but couldn't." Huaiyi's nervousness could be felt across the screen.

The fat man thought for a moment, and instead of taking any bias, he sent a message to the doctor on his mobile phone. However, after a minute, he did not receive a reply from the doctor.

At this time, the doctor outside was nearing the end of his snow-clearing work. As if he was finishing his work, he patted the tent with his hand and said in a small but clear voice: "Your tent is crooked. Remember to come out when you have time." Sort it out." After a pause, he added: "As soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Fatty was immediately sure that the person outside was definitely not a doctor, but a ghost.

That hungry ghost!

Because the doctor will never trust him to go out to clean up the tent alone at night. Even if there is a problem with his tent, the doctor will help him clean it up outside instead of leaving the problem to be solved by himself.

"Fat man?" The people outside seemed a little impatient, stroking the tent with their palms, "Did you hear what I said? After I leave, you have to come out and clean up the tent, otherwise there will be danger."

"Why don't you come out now? I'll help you. It'll be faster for two of us." Finally, the person outside took another step back, with a tone of impatience.

No matter the tone or actions, they are very similar, but if they are fake, they are fake, and you can never learn the essence.

The fat man remained unmoved and remained silent.

He also blocked the light emitted by the phone with his hand. He judged that the reason why this ghost was spending time with him here was because it knew that he was awake and was luring him crazily in some way.

As soon as his front legs go out, his back legs will be killed.

"That's good, I'll go help others clear the snow first, and wait until you have time to do it." The voice of the person outside softened, "But you must be careful, otherwise the tent will collapse..."

The other party paused, and his tone suddenly became harsh, as if spitting out wind and snow from his mouth, "Then you are dead." Then the other party touched the tent with his palm, from top to bottom, and made a "squeak" sound. "The sound was like sharp fingertips that could tear through the tent at any time and pull him out and drag him away.

The fat man felt a chill running down his back and almost screamed, but when he came to his senses, the lights and figures outside disappeared, leaving only a "rustling" sound, as if there was someone there. Something, dragging in the snow.

When the fat man opened his eyes early the next morning, there was already chaos outside. He hurriedly put on his clothes, unzipped the tent, stuck his head out, and was greeted by the doctor's face.

Huaiyi followed the doctor.

Seeing that the fat man was fine, Jiang Cheng's frown slowly calmed down. Seeing that the fat man was about to speak, Jiang Cheng made a gesture to shut him up first, "I heard from Huai Yi that someone came pretending to be me last night. I’ve been looking for you two, right?”

"Yes, yes, yes." The fat man nodded repeatedly, "That thing is really pretending. Doctor, you don't know. His tone is the same as yours. No, it's more annoying than you. Fortunately, I'm more skilled and didn't let him. Get over it, otherwise we will be short of people here today!" The fat man complained, and the ghost's sudden change of tone really scared him.

Unexpectedly, when the fat man said this, Jiang Cheng and Huai Yi's expressions became worse, especially Huai Yi, who subconsciously glanced back and whispered: "Brother Fugui, you are right. There is indeed someone missing from our camp, but it’s not you, it’s Chanli.”

Huaiyi paused, "When we checked just now, Chanli was missing and the tent was empty."

There was a buzz in Fatty's head. He was deeply impressed by Chanli and promised to live with her and leave here alive.

When they arrived at Chanli's tent, they happened to bump into Gongsun Zhiruo and Bai Xi's group rushing back from the other direction.

"How's it going? Did you find it?" Jiang Cheng asked first.

Gongsun Zhiruo, who took the lead, had a gloomy face and shook his head.

Bai Xi behind him explained for him: "There was a blizzard last night, which smoothed out all the traces. We have no way to trace them."

Although he said this, everyone knew that Chanli must have been dragged away by ghosts, and it was almost impossible to be alive now.

Although this is the fact, for some reason, everyone believes that it is still necessary to find the body. After all, this has a direct reference for judging the way ghosts kill.

From v haha ​​vui oh Wuhan Buddha then I v bad news i goes in and I have a lotus root powder rushing in from the back muscles. I and v oh have 4 children, but I still make do. I go from i to Wu Erfo to Wuhan iu enterprise v oh. I was wronged by the female blue and white porcelain, oh, I replied to Ban Ki-moon oh, if and I posted yo, after reconstruction, I asked for leave, oh, oh, oh, Ban Ki-moon, if and I 8 evil women me Hey and Conghua went to Hefei from Wudian Buddha. I went to relive the times and I sent my brother-in-law from Wuhan.

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