Nightmare Attack

Chapter 898 Blizzard

"You are back. Google search to read." Zigui saw a group of people coming in and said, "Shang Mo called just now and asked us to continue waiting for him here. He encountered something and will have to come back later."

Jiang Cheng and the others came over and sat down around the stove. After Gongsun Zhiruo calmed down, he told Fatty Zigui and the others about Nima Dui, especially the weird old man in the shack.

The weirdness in this village is obvious, but there are currently very few clues, and it is meaningless to discuss it further. With the fat man's stomach growling, he turned around and went to look for food in his backpack.

He remembered that there were beef jerky and chocolate in it, which he loved to eat.

Bai Xi stopped him and said in a more formal tone: "These are spare supplies. Try not to consume them before starting to climb."

"But it's okay for us to be hungry all the time." Han Juanjuan looked hungry too. He looked at the tent door and said in frustration, "And who knows when that Shang Mo will come back."

They had already alerted the people in the village, and if they went out to look for food now, they might cause some trouble, but they would still be hungry if they stayed in the tent.

"There seemed to be a basket of sweet potatoes in the room when I woke up." Jiang Cheng recalled. He remembered that they were on the ground near the door, but before he could take a closer look, Shang Mo came.

"Sweet potato?" Zhou Yuxuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Jiang, you must have read it wrong." Gongsun Zhiruo said with some embarrassment: "How can there be sweet potatoes in a place like this? The altitude here is too high and there are very few crops that can be grown."

Everyone was dumbfounded until Jiang Cheng came back with a basket of sweet potatoes, and the reason why he was holding it instead of carrying it with his hands was because Jiang Cheng thought it was more convincing.

What Gongsun Zhiruo and his party couldn't figure out was that Wang Fugui and Huai Yi had almost no surprised expressions. Huai Yi naturally took the basket and started cleaning the soil stuck on the sweet potatoes, while Wang Fugui squatted on the heating table. In front of the stove, I began to arrange the clean sweet potatoes in an orderly manner according to size, and then put them into the stove. The technique was quite skillful.

Not long after, everyone had a fragrant sweet potato in their hand. Everyone sat together, eating and communicating, feeling much closer.

Just when everyone had eaten and drank enough, thinking that today would be such an ordinary day, a burst of rapid footsteps interrupted the peace in the tent.

Soon, someone opened the tent and walked in.

"Everyone, get ready." Shang Mo shook out his clothes. His rickety body made people doubt whether he could still climb the snow-capped mountains. "We are about to set off."

The fat man "Gulu" rolled up from the ground and asked in surprise: "Now?"

Not long ago, Jiang Cheng judged that it would be dark in about two hours, so everyone thought there would be no more climbing today. Zigui and Bai Xi, who had experience in snow mountain climbing, also agreed with Jiang Cheng.

But Shang Mo didn't care about everyone's reaction, he just urged everyone to prepare quickly.

So after some preparations, the group left the tent in a slightly depressing atmosphere, and officially embarked on the journey under the leadership of Shang Mo.

Perhaps in order to avoid the locals, Shang Mo chose a very remote road and circled outside the village before going straight to the Gawuzhangde Snow Mountain. Unlike most people who focused on the snow mountain, Jiang Cheng paid more attention left to this village.

After they came out this time, there was no one in the village. It was very quiet, and... Jiang Cheng frowned slightly. He felt that something was missing in the village.

As the old saying goes, it's hard to beat the mountain. Looking at the snow-capped mountains so close at hand, it took them 2 hours just to walk to the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

Looking up at the snow-capped mountains, everyone took a breath.

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but the moment I stepped into the snow-capped mountains, the sky turned completely dark.

Night finally arrived.

"Everyone, work harder. We have to rush to the marked spot and set up tents." The wind started blowing in the snowy mountains, and Shang Mo's voice echoed in the wind, being blown to pieces.

He didn't see Shang Mo making any move to check the map, so he just kept walking in front as if he knew the road. Zigui Gongsun Zhiruo followed Shang Mo closely, and Bai Xi stayed at the end of the team.

This was what they had discussed early in the morning. The snow-capped mountains are full of dangers, and the two people with experience in snow-capped mountains climbed voluntarily to take on more responsibilities.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the wind became stronger and stronger, blowing on the face like a knife. What was even more frightening was that it also brought large snowflakes with it. After stepping hard on a footprint, Shang Mo in front of him was the first to stop. , turned around and shouted to everyone: "We can't walk anymore. We won't be able to reach the marked spot today. I'm afraid there will be a snowstorm soon, so we will camp here."

Everyone worked together and used their remaining strength to finally erect one tent after another.

"In order to prevent the snow from collapsing the tent and causing danger, we must leave someone to keep watch at night." Shang Mo hunched his back and said in a very urgent tone: "The person who remains needs to step out of the tent every once in a while to protect himself and others. There are other tents for snow removal.”

"Then let's take turns, so that everyone has enough rest time." Jiang Cheng said naturally.

There were many of them, so for the sake of safety, two people were assigned to each shift. Out of the intention of protecting the clues, they did not want Shang Mo to participate in the vigil.

But this old man was surprisingly stubborn. He said that this was his business and he would be very grateful if everyone could help. How could he let everyone keep vigil while he stood by and watched.

Unable to defeat him, everyone agreed.

"I don't think this old man is in good health." Huaiyi shook his body and shook off the snowflakes, half complaining and half worried: "He must not die before he climbs halfway. We don't know the way."

The snow was getting heavier and heavier. Shang Mo took the lead and got back into his tent. The rest of the people quickly gathered together to discuss the next action.

"It's so strange that this snow has come. The weather was pretty good along the way." Gongsun Zhiruo said in a suspicious tone.

"The climate in the snow-capped mountains is indeed changeable." Bai Xi continued.

"That's not what I meant." After Gongsun Zhiruo interrupted, he first glanced at the darkness nearby, and then said in a strange tone: "Do you still remember that... that starving ghost in the rumors?"

"How do starving ghosts kill people?" He meant something.

"Use blizzards to trap passers-by, causing them to get lost in the snowy mountains, and then eat them and the livestock carried by passers-by." Jiang Cheng said calmly.

Jiang Cheng realized this when the blizzard first took shape.

The most important thing that nightmares taught him was not to take chances. Just like now, Jiang Cheng was very sure that the snow must be related to the starving ghosts.

And if he guessed correctly, something will happen tonight.

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