Mystic Dominator

Chapter 547: explore decisions

"What, you don't want to go back?"

Ronald didn't even look at Baprol.

He stared at this special environment around him, and while fully opening the power of "Rage", he told the cult warlock his thoughts in his tone.

Then, Baprole really started to make suggestions like a company headhunter, saying things like 'everyone has come', 'be safe when they come', 'accept the reality well' and so on.

can be seen.

Bapro really really wants to live a good life.

But at the same time, Ronald didn't have the heart to pay attention to this.

Because after he launched the detection scope of the power of "Rage", an unprecedented experience was emerging in his perception.

In the original world, after he fully deployed the power of "Rage", the maximum detection range would not exceed the area of ​​Springs. But in this [Infinite Negative Number Field]...

said with no exaggeration.

Has shifted from a city monitor to a level of regional monitor.

The huge gap between the changes before and after is really difficult to describe in words at this moment.

Changes brought about by changes in the environment.

Can it reach this level?

Without a word, Ronald reactivated his strengthening spell.

At the moment when all the transformations of [The Divine Comedy's Triple] and [Lunar Eclipse] were completed, a force that was too strong to adapt appeared in his body. At this time, if Ronald was to have a late-night supper, the cutlery that he crushed abruptly would be piled up on the table.

Secretly canceled the double reinforcement to allow myself to adapt to this reinforcement.

Only then did Ronald turn his attention back to Baproul.

He had been secretly testing changes to his spells, but the cult warlock had not. Under the strengthening of investigation that was completely different from the previous one, he sensed what Baproul was thinking.

This guy is really thinking about a plan for how to survive.

But in the deepest part of his mind, there is still a touch of concern and worry.

Ronald only thought for a moment, then said:

"Baprol, it's a choice for us to live here."

"But have you thought about other things, like your beloved daughter."


Ronald's guess directly hit Baproul's only concern.

The moment he heard this question, the persuasion that the cult warlock prepared to open his mouth came to an abrupt end, and there was a rare genuine feeling in his eyes.

The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Baprol sighed one last time, and then changed the subject simply:

"If that's the case, let's figure out how to get back."

"First of all, I really don't know any way to get out of this prison-like world. Ronald, you'd better come up with an effective plan."

Ronald nodded slightly, and came up with the simplest plan:

"Six days...or seven days."

"We spend this time in this world, and the outside world will come to November, by then..."

Ronald said this, and Baproul naturally continued:

"So on the harvest day in November, we may find a chance to go back to the world over there. After all, this is what the casters of this place have been pursuing."

As soon as the words came out, Baproul suddenly couldn't help laughing:

"So we planned to get this group of people, but now we have to switch sides again, expecting them to do it?"

"Speaking of which... Shall we add fuel to the [Nine Rings Secret Club]?"


Ronald shrugged wordlessly.

In this way, the two of them do have a taste of grass.

But reality is reality. The environment you are in is momentary and momentary. After all, the original world has already established too many fetters, and it is normal to want to go back.

"Seven days is not too long to talk about in detail. Let's act immediately. By the way, Baproul, remember to reset the spells on your body. There will be great changes and you need to be familiar with it in advance."

"Oh... ah ah ah!"

"Well, am I so powerful!"

Baproul reset his spell as Ronald said.

In the next second, he was shocked by his own powerful strength.

At this time, Ronald changed the power of 'Rage' and could not continue to see the thoughts in Baproul's heart. Obviously, the cult warlock also completed the reset of his spells.

Analyzing the information received in his mind, Ronald said:

"Now, the closest human settlement to us is in the northeast. Let's fly over first, and then disguise as ordinary passers-by to contact them to inquire about news, is it alright?"

Baprol nodded without objection:

"It's all at your disposal."


Having just exposed his flying ability, Baproul didn't need Ronald to take him with spells this time.

The two flew in the air together, and then...

Then he was caught off guard by his own speed.

In the original world, their flight speed when they were on their way was within the normal But in this world, they could instantly increase their speed to the point where they approached the speed of sound.

Although this sudden and powerful acceleration will not cause harm to the two.

But it still makes them feel quite uncomfortable.

Almost stopped the acceleration process of the flight together, Baproul turned his head to look at Ronald:

"Ronald, how are you feeling?"


Ronald suppressed his nausea and responded:

"It's okay now."

"But then we have to adapt to this change. Or at least seven days from now, we can't have problems in mastering our own abilities."

After adjusting the state a little, the two continued on the road.

During this time in the air, Ronald never forgot to observe the situation in the [Infinite Negative Field].

Although it is still dark.

But Ronald's enhanced vision again is no joke.

For him, he can clearly distinguish the color and details of objects that can be seen within the line of sight.

Up close, there was nothing special about the ground, plants, or bodies of water. But if you look farther, such as the night sky and the sea at a great distance, Ronald can feel the distortion in his vision.

This feeling……

It's like when playing the game, some game textures can't be loaded?

Is this due to being sealed, or is it a characteristic of the space itself?

Just when Ronald was analyzing this question, the two of them quickly passed a very long distance. The signs of human activity detected by the power of ‘Rage’ are only a few kilometers away.

At this moment, Baproul, who noticed something, also spoke:

"Ronald, there's someone over there."

"Let's slow down and land, and look closer to the past?"

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