Mystic Dominator

Chapter 546: Live better

The reaction of the cult warlock is beyond imagination!

Ronald only mentioned the problem of the flow of time, and Baproul's expression changed.

Without even waiting for Ronald to say the term [Infinite Negative Number Field], the cult warlock drove the spell and made his figure suddenly rise up.

Almost ten meters away.

Baprol just opened his mouth and reminded:


"Let's fly higher, now to make sure of something!"

Although Baproul is usually unreliable, he always has strange brain circuits and performances.

But to say something key...

Still haven't seen him sloppy.

Just like when this guy confronted little William before.

No matter how much Baproul stimulates his betrayal subordinate verbally, in fact he has the confidence to control the situation, or at least be able to kill William.

But now...

Baproul showed an unprecedented nervous expression.

What kind of information was obtained from Ronald's words to make this cult warlock react like this?


Raising his eyebrows, Ronald no longer hesitated.

The white wings behind him fluttered together, and he went up at a faster speed with precision, and soon followed Baproul's figure into the sky.

It was also at this time.

Ronald shook his head and sighed in a low voice:

"After working for a long time, this guy flies very fast."


The distance between the two quickly equalized, and finally they lined up and came to the sky.

And with the improvement of their positions, the breadth of their vision also increased at the same time, so a surprising situation appeared.

To the north of Shen Riyang, there should have been a city on land.

— Springs.

However, at this moment, there is only a black outline left on the ground, and there is no shadow of the specific city buildings, the residents of Springs, and everything Ronald has been familiar with for months.

Only the dark Wes River is still flowing on the river bed as usual at this moment.

But the ships that were supposed to be there are no longer there.

This picture comes into view.

It feels like... as if this world is not the one they lived in before!


"Sure enough, is that true..."

Baprol began to sigh with emotion, and his tone was full of worries about the status quo.

And seeing this scene, Ronald began to speculate in his heart.

So, he turned his head to the cult warlock and asked:

"Listening to your tone, you should see the details here?"

"I can see it, of course I can see it!" Baprol shook his head, his gaze towards Springs remained motionless, and his tone also revealed a bit of eccentricity, "But to be honest, I hope I I didn't see it, or it would be better if I saw it wrong."

"Compared to this thing."

"Time and space sealing spell, super enchantment or mental interference that I can't detect, are all pretty good choices..."

Ronald continued to ask:

"If you know something, just tell me first."

"Even if we want to leave this ghost place, we must at least communicate the news first, and there will be no more factual misunderstandings."

Hearing Ronald's questioning, Baproul showed a rare bitter smile on his face. I saw the cult warlock's body turned back in the air, and his eyes were also focused on Ronald.

He looked up and down Ronald carefully.

Baproul finally said in a complicated tone:

"Ronald, this is something that your ancestors set up by yourself. You can't recognize it now and it's a bit too slow, right?"

it is as expected……

Following Baproul's answer, Ronald sighed lightly, and his heart continued to sink.

Things really got to the trickiest point.

In the attack of Little William at the cost of his own life and the original code, he and Baproul were involved in a special change, and then entered the last fortress of the caster in the dark age, the space that was sealed off.

If Ronald's guess is correct.

There is even a custom of hundreds of years ago, where spellcasters ruled everything, and there is absolutely no problem calling it a true magical world.


"Ronald, you realized it too."

Seeing Ronald sighing slightly, of course, Baproul also knew that the man in front of him had realized the situation of the two of them.

Faced with such a cruel reality...

To be honest, he, the leader of the cult warlock, can't do anything about it either.

At the same time, Ronald was still analyzing in his mind.

The time flow of this place is ten times different from the outside world, so hundreds of years have passed outside, and it has actually spent decades here.

For decades, he hadn't managed to break out of the siege, or the only time he hoped to be wiped out by Ronald himself.

For Ronald and Baprol's abilities.

Is it really possible to escape with personal strength?

It was at this moment that Baproul's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have an idea in his heart.

Although the expression on his face is still not so good-looking, he has already asked Ronald with the attitude of proposing a solution to the problem:

"Ronald, have you ever learned to sell merchandise before?"

Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"what do you mean……?"

Paprol replied immediately:

"I mean at least we have to live here. I think I have more confidence in this job as a salesman, and it's okay to take you with me. Maybe we can do it together. Continue to have a partner?"


All right……

This is indeed what Baproul's mind should think of, this messy divergence of thinking is so in line with this guy!

Ronald's tone paused slightly.

After quickly persuading himself to continue to accept this companion, he spoke again:

"Paprol, what else do you want to know about this world, go ahead and tell me."

The cult warlock was also very straightforward in answering questions.

I saw Baprol nodded, and immediately began to explain:

"About this place, the first thing is the time issue you mentioned. In order to ensure that these sealed guys don't come to disgust us, someone sacrificed a very powerful original scripture, which caused the difference in the flow of time between the two worlds. It belongs to us. The world of the past ten days has passed, and it is about the same as one day has passed. In this way, even if the people in the seal escape, we can suppress them with stronger strength with a longer development time."

After a string of words, the cult warlock recalled for a few seconds:

"And then...then it's magic."

"Because it maintains the most suitable environment for spell casting, it can be regarded as a spellcaster's paradise. The spells of the two of us will have a very obvious effect in this world. Moreover, we have the identity of the original book holder, we think If you live here well, there will definitely be no problem.”

Speaking of this, Baproul's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Ronald's expression, and then he realized:

"Wait, Ronald!"

"Are you still thinking of going back?"

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