Mystic Dominator

Chapter 351: light of return

Before the sun rises, Ronald sends Heloise and Rumier away.

Now that the original text has been stripped away by himself, Heloise is also a trusted friend, and Ronald is more at ease when handing over Rumir to the other party.

As for what happens after today...

Even with a good relationship with Heloise.

But this guy was seriously injured just now because of his own business, and Ronald couldn't invite him again.

So wait until this is all done.

Ronald walked slowly back to his rented apartment.

The body rested on the back of the sofa, and the sky over the balcony was still dark.

In Ronald's hand, the black cover of "The Divine Comedy - Purgatory" was simply held in it.

Staring at this scripture with complex eyes, Ronald was rarely distracted for a few seconds.



Sitting alone at home.

In front of me is the original script that I finally got after going through a lot of things.

At this moment, Ronald had no interest in opening his mouth to sigh.

He simply opened the page directly, he saw the text on the original page, and then read the above poem without language barrier:

"In order to sail in calmer waters,

My boat of talent is soaring,

Leaving the stormy seas behind;

Meanwhile, I will sing the Acura in the second kingdom,

There, the soul of man is washed,

Qualify for ascension to heaven.

Here the poetry of death is revived here,

O holy nine muses,

I belong to you;

Here too Calliope rose for a moment,

Accompany my poems with the melody of the day,

It was this music that made those poor hi-jos be beaten in the head,

discouraged them from being forgiven by the gods.


Word for word.

Ronald reads the preface to The Divine Comedy—Purgatory.

In his gentle and steady recitation, a soft and colorful light slowly emerged on the page.

Different from what Ronald had imagined before.

At this moment, "The Divine Comedy" does not have a sudden surge of magical power, nor does it have an earth-shattering magical creation.

Only under the traction of "Purgatory".

"Hell Chapter" and "Heaven Chapter" automatically appeared from Ronald's hands, and then the three original books were sorted from top to bottom, and began to float smoothly in front of Ronald.

At a slow and steady pace towards each other, the three separate canons began to approach.

Ronald, meanwhile, paid attention to his surroundings.

Don't dare to relax at this moment.


"So we walked out of here and saw the sky full of stars again..."

"Beautiful and pure in body and mind, ready to float up to meet the stars..."

"It is this love that turns the sun and drives the stars..."

For a moment.

Ronald seemed to hear something from these three scriptures.

Among them is a wise male voice...

There is a noble female voice......

There are also ordinary voices...

It's a pity that Ronald doesn't have to tell the difference. Next, the three original classics of "The Divine Comedy" overlapped and then began to blend with each other.

Here, a soft and sincere light is displayed in the world.

It sprinkled on Ronald's body.

The small apartment on the third floor was instantly radiant under this brilliance.

But on the street just a few meters away, it was just as bright as a light bulb.



Little by little, Ronald regained his mobility from the loss of his body.

During the process of re-merging the three original texts of "The Divine Comedy" into one, he was completely suppressed by this powerful spell and could hardly move.

until now that it's all over.

In the end, all the visions disappeared and returned to the original "Divine Comedy" in the form of a book, which automatically fell back into Ronald's hands.

It loses all spell responses.

Just like an ordinary book, there is no change.


As someone who has experienced the entire canon merging phase.

Ronald bowed his head slightly at this time.

Looking at the Divine Comedy that he was holding in his hand, he blinked as if awake from a dream, and then realized that everything had finally returned to peace.


"That's pretty awesome."

With emotion in his mouth, Ronald slowly sat upright on the sofa.

He directly concealed the completed "Divine Comedy" in his hands, then spread out his hands and tried the steps of clenching and releasing his fists repeatedly.


- This is the feeling of power.

After the convergence of the three original texts, the power of betrayal in "Hell", the original sin of **** in "Purgatory", and the blazing angel in "Heaven".

At the end of each chapter, there is an original psalm involving the content of the stars.

At this moment, the trial or requirement that should have been directly ignored, and the right to use the spell was directly opened to Ronald!

And these three forces, unified bring about the strengthening of physical fitness.

The power of pure betrayal.

The ability to transform Ronald from a thin adult physically into a well-trained soldier.

The same enhancements from the three chapters now stack together.

It even gave Ronald a feeling that he was also a man of steel!

Of course, this must be an illusion.

It belongs to the discomfort after being suddenly strengthened.

— but there is no doubt about it.

Ronald's physical strength at this moment absolutely exceeds the limit that humans can reach, thus completely stepping into the inhuman realm.

This is an all-round improvement.

In order to ensure that the body can withstand this force.

Reaction speed, muscle toughness, bone strength, perceptual efficiency...

All aspects of the body, such as this, have now begun to change like a leap.

If I had to give an example...

The old man that Heloise dealt with tonight.

If it was the current Ronald to face it, he could probably beat the opponent to death simply with his fists!

And in addition to the effect of activating the spell at the same time.

Ronald was also informed of the need to use the "Purgatory" spell normally.

- Self-improvement.

It's not as clear-cut as "Hell" and "Heaven".

"Purgatory" has all the spells, which will be obtained randomly in the process of opening the other two books.

After experiencing the information in his mind, Ronald smiled and shook his head:

"It's quite in line with the characteristics of purgatory..."

Purgatory recorded in The Divine Comedy was originally a place where sinners redeemed their original sins and then gained the opportunity to ascend to heaven.

The corresponding original text will activate the spell in this Is it in line with the setting?


Next, is Ronald's last message tonight.

When all the spells of the three original books of "The Divine Comedy" are obtained, this original book will naturally belong to him completely.

At that time, Ronald will get a spell called [End of Humanity].

He doesn't know the power of this spell yet, but he uses the various aspects shown in "The Divine Comedy" as a reference.

Ronald instinctively thought that this should be a "people" related.

rather than spells related to 'God'.

After all, only in this way can it conform to the meaning of the existence of the book The Divine Comedy itself.

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