Mystic Dominator

Chapter 350: perpetrator ronald

No matter how true or false there is.

It was told by Lumil, the "person" who had experienced everything firsthand, and everything finally became clear.

To implement the organization's plan.

It is also to facilitate the establishment of a stronghold in Gred.

Therefore, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] secretly established a laboratory in Montenegro, and it has been functioning normally with the protection of its remote location.

However, at the beginning of last year.

A young man who possessed the original text of The Divine Comedy but did not dare to try at all was absorbed by the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

According to the man named Malcolm.

This original script passed down by their school belongs to the type that is extremely difficult to decipher.

If it is said that a hundred people in the normal scripture test, two or three people can pass it successfully.

Well, in this scripture, it is estimated that all 100 people will die.

So from the beginning of the inheritance, Malcolm's school has only three people who have passed the trial, and all the spells obtained are "Paradise".

Therefore, after joining the [Nine Rings Secret Society], Malcolm chose to start obtaining the spells of "Heaven" with the help of the organization, while "Hell" and "Purgatory" were handed over to the people in the Black Mountain Laboratory for experiments.

- The work of studying the texts has always been dangerous.

——After a certain original holder of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] used his spell and then came into contact with the "Divine Comedy", the lowest-level personnel who originally served in the [Nine Rings Secret Society], that is, the original Lumir family, appeared on the spot. kind of change.

It was also that accident that made Malcolm realize the true power of the original text of The Divine Comedy.

Not just "Paradise".

Even "Hell" and "Purgatory" also have extremely powerful spells.

So before Ronald's caravan arrived.

Accident happened.

Taking advantage of an experiment that went wrong, the ambitious Malcolm suddenly attacked.

The Montenegro Laboratory, which was deeply buried in the Montenegrin mountain, was immediately reduced to a battlefield, and the original Lumil family was also directly killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Because of the stress response of "The Divine Comedy", the original holder of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] had no choice for a while.

With the idea of ​​leaving no hope for traitors.

He sent people to trigger the "Divine Comedy" rampage, and then used some means to trigger the alienation of the world.

in this irreversible situation.

At that time, everyone, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, was forced to choose to evacuate from Montenegro.

And after the riots, the current 'Rumir family' was also born from that crisis.

--And then.

——It was the unfortunate Ronald and his party who bumped into it.

In the end, Rumier escaped with "Purgatory", while Ronald got "Hell".

- Timeline comes to Burrenwich.

Rumir, who fled to this city, accidentally met the warden who was connected with the [Nine Rings Secret Society], and Malcolm, who was temporarily serving the warden. At this time, Rumil took advantage of his origin from the same source, and successfully obtained the spell casting power of "Purgatory".

So rather subtly, she began to attach herself to the warden.

It's a pity that the stable days did not last long. The warden finally exposed his connection with the cult warlock under the activities of Ronald and others, and is currently imprisoned by the Bureau of Investigation.

As for the cornered Rumier.

She fled all the way to Springs, and then relied on her previous relationship to start a new life as an 'extremely rare sample' in the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

- until that day.

- Ronald came again.


As Rumil finished telling his story, the atmosphere in the room fell silent.

And Heloise sitting on the sofa.

At this moment, his eyes looked at Ronald with a subtle look.

The meaning in the girl's eyes was very obvious.

——Although Heloise also participated in some events.

——But precisely because she was also involved, she also knew that Rumil’s words were very credible.

But listen now...

No matter how I think about it, I think Ronald is the big villain in this story!

In the beginning, Lumir didn't do anything particularly bad, just simply attached to others, and finally was driven all the way down to the present end?


Noticing the look in Heloise's eyes, Ronald reached out and scratched his hair.

Although Rumil said it was very touching.

But from his own point of view, Ronald can guarantee that all his actions are justified.

Wiping his nose, Ronald adjusted his tone and asked again:

"Lumir, how much do you know about the [Nine Rings Secret Society]?"

Rumier smiled pitifully:

"The previous 'I' was the lowest-level staff member, but now it's a 'sample worthy of observation'. Probably no organization will tell a 'sample' its detailed plan, right?"

Speaking of which, Lumil paused.

She made a thoughtful look, and then slowly said:

"But if I have to say it, I know a little about the connection between the warden and the cult warlock. That is a holder of the original book called Edgar, and the spells he uses exude a terrible power that makes people crazy."

Ronald reiterated solemnly:

"What I care about most now is the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

"Lumil, are you sure you have nothing to say?"


The girl's eyes were impatient but not flustered.

She is very aware of her situation, and providing more clues is her value.

But after thinking about it, the most valuable thing she has is the information of the warden, but Ronald just doesn't need these.


"I can make a contract to be your slave."

"Trust me, a subordinate who can use the original spell is very useful in all aspects."

"Not to mention that the spells I have mastered can also change the body shape and appearance at will, which will definitely satisfy you in all aspects..."

"To shut up!"

Ronald directly stopped Rumil's self-promotion.

In all fairness, no matter how weak Rumir is now, this guy's reckless actions against ordinary people are enough to be sentenced to death.

Such a 'person', he would not dare to let the other party serve him.

Reflecting Ronald's actions.

The black mist that had settled down was still surging out between him.

The scene in front of him was reflected in his pupils.

Rumil curled up and sank deep into the sofa, her eyes finally showing an extremely flustered look.


"I really want to do anything."

"Just please don't do just..."

"Ronald!" However, just as the spell was about to come, Heloise stopped Ronald's movements, "Although it is a bit presumptuous to say this, can you give her to me?"

"Guaranteed by our relationship."

"I swear this guy will never appear hostile to you in any situation in the future."



Ronald instantly understood what Heloise was thinking.

After all, Lumir is an extremely rare 'sample' that even the [Nine Rings Secret Society] will accept.

Also from a large organization.

Of course, Heloise would also consider getting such a 'sample'.

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