Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1292 Weakness

"Haha, defeat these damned monsters!"

"This is our superhero! Our people!"

"Burn these demons to death!"

On the live broadcast website, the scene of the fireball washing the ground was directly placed on the top, becoming the most important broadcast content.

And the scene of frustration just now was quickly pushed to the end.

Everyone is very happy.

As for the dead, who cares?

At this moment, someone suddenly popped up and said:

"Didn't Batman never kill? He just killed one!"

"Yeah, it looks like he killed a civilian by mistake when he just fired a bullet?"

However, this barrage was quickly deleted, and the corresponding live broadcast was also transferred to other places.

Everyone quickly skipped this paragraph, but then another audience found a bad omen from the live broadcast:

"Did you notice, that villainous clown, that it seems to be getting stronger?"

"How did you see that?"

"From its control ability, you can see that before it could only control monsters within a few hundred meters around, but now, it can actually command monsters within a few kilometers around it!"

This audience member is obviously a military expert, and ordinary fans cannot see such details.

"Tell our superheroes to cheer them up."

At the scene, the superheroes have already seen the corresponding barrage.

They are also a little nervous, because no one knows their background better than them.

"Damn it, why is this clown getting stronger and stronger? Could it also gather faith?" Spider-Man asked impatiently.

"Hmph, some people are mentally deformed and worship criminals, do you remember? It's unbelievable that a woman wrote to a serial murderer and said she loves him." The Storm Girl said bitterly.

"So that's it, let the live broadcast switch the screen quickly, don't give that damn clown too many screens." Spider-Man said immediately.

"No way, if we don't show its ugliness, how can we highlight our justice? This is a double-edged sword. If the villain doesn't have enough exposure, the decent one won't be able to attract people either." Captain McCann said helplessly.

This is why Eagle Fort artificially creates villains, they want to control every bit of power.

However, the reality is not as people think, what you want to do can be done.

The clown was out of control, and the script they wrote actually fulfilled the devil.

Although superheroes like to show off, at least they all have people who set restrictions, at most accidentally hurting them, or doing some evil things in private.

And the people they killed, all added up, can't compare to the one killed by the clown. The latter is blatant and unscrupulous.


At the same time, Wen Rensheng was standing in a corner of the city, watching the battle.

The perspective he can see is different from those of the audience and superheroes.

In his eyes, thick white and black mist were continuously flying towards the front and back.

Of course, a large amount of gray breath is also pouring into the two parties.

When observing Captain McCann before, he noticed the gray breath.

The white and black breaths represent faith; what does the gray breath represent?

Wen Rensheng thought of another place.

Just need proof.

But now, the strength of the two parties is growing dramatically, which is even more outrageous than that of the Go world.

In the world of Go, the time flow rate is 1:1000, but it is impossible for many people to stay there for a thousand years.

And the growth rate of these people's strength increased by more than ten times in just a few hours of fighting.

No wonder these people enjoy it and are obsessed with it, and they don't even think about whether they can digest food after eating too fast.

A few hours later, the fighting was over.

More than half of the city with hundreds of thousands of people was destroyed, and not one out of ten survived.

However, the movie "Monsters Rising: Super Heroes United" has received unprecedented praise.

The same live broadcast was also well received.

No one wants to listen to survivors.

They only know that they have won, that superheroes can protect them and defeat monsters.

They no longer need a colossus, they can regain the right to choose life.

This is the difference in thinking between them and Dongzhou people - they don't think that life is the first, on the contrary, how to live a stimulating life is more important.

Both modes of thinking have their own advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on personal preference.

You have to know that when there is no shortage of material life, there are many people in McCann who are engaged in dangerous sports, and they are not tired of doing it. They are considered to have personality and pursuit.


Victory banquet.

Everyone was laughing, but Batman was hiding aside, drinking wine, frowning and thinking about something.

"Hey, boy, are you pretending to be deep there, are you trying to attract a hot, hot girl like me?" Storm girl came over and leaned on his shoulder.

"I think something is wrong." Batman looked into her eyes seriously.

"What's wrong?" Storm girl drank a large glass of wine and looked into the other's eyes.

"I felt an urge to kill in my heart, and I even killed an innocent person by mistake."

"So it's such a trivial matter. You're not the original character in the movie. You're a real person, so of course you have the urge to kill. As for manslaughter, there's nothing you can do about it..." Storm girl persuaded.

She has bowed to the opponent's money ability.

"I know that manslaughter is not uncommon in formal warfare. Even in modern warfare, when various identification technologies are extremely mature, there are cases of accidental injury to friendly troops. What I'm saying is, something is dominating my hands, It takes me out of control." Batman sighs.

"It should be that the strength is increasing too fast, just like shooting has recoil, so you can't control it, just take it slowly. Speaking of which, would you like to come to my house?" Storm invited.

"OK." Batman put his worries aside immediately.

Just focus on what's in front of you.

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is still a giant statue on it.

he thought to himself.

This is why they dare to make such a fuss.

Colossus doesn't punish humans after all.

It's just that they don't know that the departure of the Colossus only requires a word from someone.


"Xiao Huan, remove the colossus. With the most devout believers and priests, I'll find you another fragmented world." Wen Rensheng said.

"Why?" Xiao Huan was very angry, "Isn't this a compromise, a surrender?"

"No, McCann is not our land. Since they want self-awakening and self-choice, let them have this right. Twisted melons are not sweet, we are not demons, and we are restricted by the bottom line. In this case , retreat may not be a kingly choice." Wen Rensheng persuaded.

In fact, he didn't say the real reason, that is, the gray breath made him feel very dangerous.

Now they only focus on superheroes, but when they grow bigger, will they only focus on superheroes?

Impossible, they will inevitably turn their attention to the colossus.

But for this reason, he will not say it, because it is necessary to establish a correct image for the children.

"Damn it, if I leave, they will only think I'm a coward, and I didn't lose, and half of the people support me. My priests have already thought of several ways to counterattack." Xiao Huan said angrily.

"Okay, you can continue to toss if you want to." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Children have to be beaten so badly that they can truly understand what they want and how they want to live.

If you still have a bottom line, it is very difficult to forcibly reverse people's hearts. Unless Wen Rensheng is willing to turn the giant statue into a Man Qing and a devil, then the McCanns will be doomed.

However, Wen Rensheng couldn't do that. If he did that, the gray aura would linger on him.

"Hmph, just wait and see, these guys will soon return to their mother's arms crying and shouting." Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

A few days later, such a truth was circulated on the Internet:

"You think you're a fan of superheroes, but people just think you're a leek."

Then an inside story about superheroes appeared.

That's two newly established heroes, Blaster and Kraken, chatting away:

"Haha, as long as you hook your hands in front of the screen, make a few poses, and say a few lines, those fools will fall in love with you enthusiastically. This power is so easy to acquire."

"Who says no? Compared with those aliens, mages, and immortals, we are the most powerful, because our strength grows the fastest."

When the one-minute video went viral, it caused an uproar.

"Bastard, we worked so hard to give them our blood and sweat, and they laughed at us, bastard!"

"Why do we worship these high-ranking guys? If so, why can't we create our own civilian heroes?"

"Yeah, let's stop worshiping those superheroes!"

One of the Achilles' heels of superheroes is that they are too diffuse and too easy to mold.

They don't have a solid base like a giant statue, a solid operating system, and a huge backer.

They can be replaced at any time.

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