Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1291 Zombie Siege

A cave lair somewhere.

Several wolf monsters were biting a carrion corpse.

They have human faces, but they have the body of wolves, and they are so dirty and smelly that people will feel sick just by looking at them.

Not long after, the rotting corpses were divided and eaten.

The wolf monster came out of the cave, and then met a clown.

"Oh, what a cute baby wolf, come, come into Dad's arms."

The clown smiled sharply, and stretched out his hand to the wolf monster.

Such an ugly guy, in his eyes, is the best pet.

The wolf monster howled at him a few times, and finally calmed down, then obediently lay down.

Soon the clown left with these wolf monsters.

And that's just the beginning.

Then there are slime monsters, evil spirits, man-eating rats...

An army of monsters gradually took shape.

Wherever they went, insects, fish, birds and animals were all eaten up and wiped out, while people hurriedly migrated to escape. At this point, people have a natural advantage.

Most people are sensitive enough to danger, and only a few old, weak, sick, and slow-moving people are poisoned.

Previously, Colossus Priests would target them while they were still sprouting, and then clean them up.

It's just that those superheroes who believe in faith have not moved.

Isn't this nonsense?

If there is no crisis, how can there be faith?

When the army of monsters took shape, all kinds of spirits gathered together under the control of the clown, and surrounded a medium-sized city with a total of 700,000 people, they finally moved.

Captain McCann, Batman, Spiderman, Cyclops, Storm Girl...

All kinds of well-known or lesser-known superheroes and mutants make their debut.

However, they never expected that two of them would die at the beginning of the game.

One of the dead is Wolverine, and the other is Supersonic, both of which are new melee superheroes.

The two of them wanted to give the monsters a bad start, and they went straight to the enemy camp against the arrangement of Cyclops and Captain McCann.

They wanted to fight each other, but they were covered by a thick fog, and then lost their mobility and fell into heavy siege.

After two screams, the two skeletons were thrown in front of the superheroes, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The two forgot that what they were facing was no longer an ordinary security incident, but an evenly matched hostile camp.

There was an uproar on the live broadcast website.

"How is it possible? Supersonic, who has never heard of the name, forget it. How could the famous Uncle Wolf die?"

"Impossible, there must be a mistake!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Wolf will come back to life."

Indeed, half a day later, Wolverine came back to life, and the fans rejoiced.

But no one noticed that the faces of the other superheroes beside him were not very good-looking.

Because only they understand that Wolverine can be resurrected only because of a new actor.

In other words, superheroes never die, only actors die, just like blockbusters in reality.

The superman actor had an accident, but Superman himself would not die.

As for the other small character "Super Sonic", he simply left the stage.

Because his appearance is a negative effect, and it will cost extra resources to bring him back, it is better to get a whiteboard character and cultivate it from scratch.

Sonic is a speed hero, and the most classic superhero in this genre is The Flash.

But that hero is too difficult to play. It needs to be cultivated from a primary role, and it can only evolve if it gathers enough power of faith.

The same hero and Superman will not appear until the later stage.

The superheroes who appeared at the beginning were relatively easy to play.

"We don't have enough manpower now, and we have just started for more than half a year, so we are not enough to deal with such a huge team of monsters." Cyclops discussed with Captain McCann.

"We can use guerrilla tactics to slowly weaken them." Captain McCann thought for a while.

"No, they have the clown as their leader, and they will choose to attack the city directly, forcing us to fight head-on." Spider-Man saw the key point at a glance.

"We need reinforcements," someone said.

"The reinforcements gnaw the bones, let's eat the meat." Another person said.

"Send them to death, we will pick up the fans."

"Don't be so blunt!" Someone taught.

"But where did the reinforcements come from?" Captain McCann looked around and said.

"Of course the Colossus Priests, their strength is the most powerful within the range of McCann." Spider-Man said directly.

"But they have been robbed of a lot of land by us, are they still willing to come?"

"If they don't come, we will take more from us."

There was a roar of laughter.

After an hour, however, they stopped laughing.

The colossus priests refused to support.

"Those ungodly people don't deserve the protection of the giant statue." A red-robed priest said indifferently.

"What? That's hundreds of thousands of people? Are you going to ignore so many human lives?" Captain McCann, who was in charge of the negotiation, said in disbelief.

"Who gave you the illusion that the Colossus God has the obligation to protect human beings?" The red-robed priest said coldly, "The Colossus God never harms innocent people, this is the greatest gift to you."

Captain McCann has nothing to say. The long-term peace has caused him to fall into a misunderstanding——

Colossi are supposed to protect people.

In fact, there is no such thing at all, the colossus itself is a kind of disaster.

Its neutral attitude does not allow other disasters to appear within its range, which constitutes the appearance of protecting human beings.

In fact, it never saves people, the ones who save people are the priests who got its power.

Now they compete with the priests for their faith, how could these priests be willing to be their fighters again?

Colossi may not matter, but priests who are human like them will care about everything.

As for the hundreds of thousands of deaths, what is that?

In the eyes of the priests, those who turned their backs on the giant statue were not considered human.

Captain McCann couldn't get reinforcements from the Colossus, so he could only think of other ways.

"Now we can only use the foundation of the Eagle Fort to summon the aliens and dispatch the official army." Captain McCann said to others.

"But aliens will refuse to recruit, and the army can't deal with monsters." Spider-Man shook his head.

"The army can't deal with monsters, but it can maintain order." Captain McCann said.

Because he actually knew in his heart that the clown was trained by Eagle Castle.

Eagle Fort definitely has the means to control the opponent.

It's just that for some reason, he seems to be out of control now.

In the original script, the opponent would only gather a few monsters and attack one or two towns. With the current number and strength of superheroes, it is enough to deal with it and fight a beautiful battle of annihilation.

Then at the end, because of some mistakes and soft-heartedness, let the clown go and prepare for the next fight.

The opponent will not specifically target superheroes, let alone kill them.

But now, two of them died at the beginning, and it is not known how many will die later.

"Well, I hope I can get through this." Spider-Man said helplessly.

Many superhero skills are not suitable for large-scale battles, and are only suitable for fighting alone.

Just like his spider web, ten or eight of them are fine, but if there are hundreds of them at once, he'd better hurry and slip away.

Sure enough, Eagle Fort used its heritage, and invited a lot of foreign aid—such as the gods of the West Continent.

Zeus didn't invite them, but he invited a group of miscellaneous gods headed by Hercules Hercules, whose strength level is similar to Spiderman's, but the bullshit is bigger than them.

Just at this moment, the first monster impact had erupted.

Sludge monsters, evil spirits, man-eating rats, wolf monsters... just like attending a dinner party, they rushed into the city from all directions and began to feast on them.

The high power grids and blockade walls around them are almost meaningless in front of them.

One pounce will fall, one drill will pass.

These blockade facilities are actually used to guard against people, separating people from the wild and preventing them from going out casually.


"Kill these monsters! FIRE!" Batman waved his hand, and hundreds of fireballs aimed at the monster group and hit them.

The monster lay on the ground in a mess.

The flames were burning, and the charred smoke shot straight into the sky.

The fireball is not an ordinary flame, it can penetrate the mysterious world and hurt the monster itself.

While other superheroes are chattering away, he has spent huge sums of money hiring mages from the Internet.

His greatest superpower is money.

Batman in the comics actually understands the root causes of crime, and flexibly uses his own money to improve people's lives and prevent the emergence of new criminals by investing in education and employment, medical systems, scientific research and other effective ways.

It's just that because of the arrangement of the screenwriter and director, he must be a lone ranger who ignites the light of justice, but the enemies he faces are becoming more and more inhuman.

"Oh God, that's not fair, why do you have such a big budget?" Storm whined behind him.

"This is determined by my character design. I don't have as many superpowers as you. The only superpower is money." Batman spread his hands.

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