Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter three hundred and fourth leave

The starlight shone on the entire village of centaurs, making everything in the village seem to be shrouded in a hazy mist. There was only a little bit of fire on the main road, and it was the people holding torches to illuminate the way to the altar.

As the crowd came to the altar, the baby was wrapped in a swaddle and placed on a wooden platform in front of the altar. Betty and Bain stood on either side of the table as the children's parents.

Of course, when almost everyone was there, the baby's parents began to kneel on the front legs of the altar and pray silently. And all the centaurs in the open space waited silently, and could only hear the slight sound of the breeze blowing through the surrounding branches. Even people like Ryan and Hermione who didn't understand centaurs' rituals were shocked by this sacred feeling, standing there motionless and silent.

Finally, ten minutes later, the pattern on the arch that was used as the altar began to emit emerald-green light spots like fireflies. Then the light spots converged on a bare branch on the offering table behind the arch.

After absorbing these green light spots, the branch grew green buds visible to the naked eye. Lane heard Hermione gasp in disbelief next to her. All the books she had read before said that centaurs were good at astrology and divination, but they never mentioned that centaurs knew other magic.

At this time, Betty took a step forward and picked up the branch, and then used the branch to dip the water in the wooden cup on the offering table and sprinkled a few drops of water on the baby's forehead, saying: "May the power of nature bless you, my child. ."

The droplets evaporated quickly, but Ryan felt the natural force in the droplets enter the child's body. This power can enhance a child's vitality and help him through his most vulnerable infancy.

After blessing their child, Betty and Bane held the branch together through the arch to the woods behind the arch. This woodland is different from other places. While other places are covered with thick snow, this small woodland is full of spring-like life.

Betty and Bain quickly chose a small open space and planted the branches in their hands. After the branches were planted, they poured the glass of water just now into the small hole after the tree was planted. The watered branches grew again in a cloud of green light, and finally stopped when he was about the same height as Ryan.

"Thank you very much for coming to the tree planting ceremony of our newborn foal. May nature be with us." Aunt Betty said goodbye to everyone with the baby at this time. Ryan also left under Wolff's lead after approaching them to greet them.

"The centaurs can actually unleash magic, but why do the Ministry of Magic and most wizards never know about it?" Hermione asked Ryan on the way back, she felt a little weird about what she saw today.

"Traditional wizards always think of themselves as superior to others. For example, they despise people who can't do magic, and they also despise non-human intelligent creatures. Under the dominance of this arrogant mentality, they depreciate or even ignore the power of other creatures. Very natural. For example, in the British Ministry of Magic, if someone is queued to the centaur office, it means that his representative is not far from being fired. How do you think wizards can really understand other intelligent creatures in this situation Woolen cloth?"

"Yeah, arrogant. After rejecting other creatures, they are classified in wizards. Why do some people always like to show their superiority by belittling others." Hermione expressed her emotion.

"Because they can only show their nobility by belittling other people. Those pure-blood wizards have actually intermarryed with Muggles, otherwise they would have died out due to a series of problems caused by inbreeding.

It's just that most of the so-called pure-bloods refuse to admit it. The proof is that very few wizards still possess the magical power of bloodline today. Faced with this situation, how can they flaunt their nobility without some extra-discussion words? ' Ryan said in a slightly disgusting tone.

It was already early morning when we got back to the edge of the forbidden forest, the lights in Hagrid's hut had long since gone out, and even the horses in the stable were asleep. Fortunately, this time is a holiday, and the professors are not strict in their inspections. Let Ryan and the two of them easily return to the common room.

"Good night, I wish you a good dream!" After saying good night, Ryan went straight back to the dormitory to sleep, and slept until lunch the next morning. And thanks to the Christmas holidays now, no one has noticed anything wrong.

After the Christmas break, the second game day on February 24 is suddenly a lot closer. According to Percy's revelations, it's likely that some fight will take place this time around. Because only when magic is used on people will some legal issues be involved, and the certification of certain magic is different in different places. For example, in some parts of Northern Europe, the Ministry of Magic has a much smaller scope for black magic than the British Ministry of Magic.

However, Ryan is not nervous about this. In terms of actual combat experience, he thinks that the other contestants may not have as much experience as him. Even the students of Durmstrang, who had the most combat experience, probably would not have the combat experience of Ryan who was killed in a sea of ​​corpses.

The grounds are still covered in thick snow, but the Hogwarts Greenhouse has set the temperature very high to ensure the growth of those magical plants from warm places. This also caused fine water droplets to condense on the windows of the greenhouse. Through the windows, everyone could only see a vast expanse of white, and could not see the scene on the site at all.

This kind of weather outdoor course is naturally very bad, but I don't know if it's because Hagrid is in a good mood recently. For the first time, he did not let everyone continue to breed fried tail snails in the class, but introduced an extremely rare golden flying man to everyone.

Everyone has made no secret of their love for the high-speed bird in a giant ring cage, especially those who love Quidditch. The golden snitch is known to be a surrogate made to protect the birds when they were on the brink of extinction.

Maybe it was a little tired from flying, and the bird stopped on the bar in the cage. Its long, round, slender beak, golden feathers and ruby ​​eyes make this bird look like a finely crafted piece of jewelry.

"Oh, it's so pretty!" said Lavender Brown. "How did Hagrid get it? The snitch is said to be extremely rare these days, except in certain reserves."

"This needs to be thanked for the generous help of Principal Beauxbatons." Hagrid's loud voice came over. "We can see this very rare bird with our own eyes. You can see its feathers. In the past, many potions were needed for making them. Therefore, their numbers have dropped rapidly due to indiscriminate hunting. Fortunately, today everyone has found a replacement. products, and began to understand how to protect them—”

The students were now looking at the beautiful bird from the cage, and from Hagrid's lectures he could hear that he knew no less about this little cutie than those monsters.

At the end of the get out of class, every student expressed his satisfaction with the class. Especially many girls hope that Hagrid can keep his current state, because those sticky fried tail snails are so disgusting.

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