Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 303 Full Moon Ceremony

About a week into the Christmas break, Ryan received an invitation from Aunt Betty in the Emerald Dream. The letter invited Ryan and Hermione to the centaur village the following night as guests of honor at her son's tree-planting ceremony.

"Having the ceremony at this time means we're going out when we have a curfew," she exclaimed when Ryan broke the news to Hermione.

"Of course, as far as I know, this ceremony for the Centaurs is to be held in the early hours of the day, which means we will definitely not be back before the curfew. If you don't want to go, I can go alone, it's no problem."

"Who said I didn't want to go? It's definitely an honor to go to such a ceremony that is not even recorded in the books." Hermione said excitedly. "Besides, it's Christmas vacation now, and it's not a big deal to come back late - why are you looking at me like this?"

"It was the first time I saw that our Miss Granger was willing to take the initiative to violate some school rules, so I was a little surprised." Ryan replied solemnly.

At nine o'clock the next night, the two quietly slipped out of the castle gate. Then, under the guidance of Wolf, he went straight to the centaurs village. Under the moonlight, the snow in the forest reflected a silver-white light, which clearly reflected everything around.

The village of the centaurs was no exception. The river on the edge of the village was frozen and covered with a layer of snow. The houses in the village were also covered with snow, and the tall wooden roofs seemed to be covered with a thick layer of cream.

Follow Wolf through the quiet village to Aunt Betty's house on the left side of the village, where she is already waiting for Ryan and them. On one side of her horse's back was a frame with plenty of fur, and the child was inside.

Horse people's children are much smaller than foals, and look more like human babies with lower body lengths like horses. Aunt Betty's husband, Bane, was seriously teasing his son with a small toy made of golden leaves and vines. At this time, Bane looked much neater than when he saw him in the first grade, and the hair on his body was neatly groomed. Because it was winter, he was still wearing a cloak made of bearskin on his upper body.

"Welcome, welcome." After seeing Ryan and Hermione, Aunt Betty greeted them happily. "Welcome to come to our son's full moon tree planting ceremony this time. You can go to the bonfires in the center of the village to have a fire first."

Saying that, Aunt Betty opened the gift that Ryan gave her, and then made a surprised voice: "These arrows are much better than most of our arrows, only the top arrows that are usually stored in the altar can beat them, this is really Thank you so much, we love this gift."

These arrows are not only made of Valyrian steel, but Ryan also consumed a lot of materials to give these arrows a variety of useful magical properties. Just hold these arrows and feel the power contained in them.

Bane, who was next to him, expressed his love for this gift even more clearly after receiving these arrows. He directly tied an arrow with rattan and pressed it under the pile of animal skins in the basket, and then put himself on it. The child was put back into the basket.

"If the centaurs have a male newborn, then his parents will put what they think is the best weapon at the bottom of the newborn's rattan frame to wish him a good warrior in the future. ." Wolfe whispered about what Bane was doing now.

At this time, Ryan and the others were already sitting on the very warm stone that was baked by the bonfire, each holding a teacup with some forbidden forest specialty medicinal tea in his hand.

Wolf was lying beside them, with a wide-mouthed cup containing the same medicinal tea in front of him.

"You can have a taste. This is a good thing that only comes on important days. Usually centaurs are reluctant to take it out." After speaking, Wolf put his long fluffy mouth into the cup and started drink up.

Ryan also took a sip when he saw it. The tea had an obvious bitter taste in his mouth, but it turned into a sweetness when it reached the base of his tongue. After that, it was like a warm current flowing directly down the esophagus into the stomach, making the whole person warm up. It dispels the chill that seeped into the body after running in the snow for nearly an hour.

Centaurs are indeed the darlings of nature. After the elves left the material world, it is estimated that only centaurs have such a powerful talent in herbal medicine. After observing for a while, Ryan saw more details. For example, the old horse people sitting by the bonfire add branches and leaves to the bonfire from time to time, but these magical powers contain very little or even not regarded as herbs by human wizards. The bonfire was ordered to emit a faint white smoke.

These smokes carry the fragrance of grass and trees, and everyone who smells them can feel that their tiredness is slightly relieved. After finding Ryan looking at her, the old horse man smiled kindly at Ryan.

"Child, you are the natural friend of that human being. I would like to thank you for your help this time, otherwise Little Betty would not have fulfilled her wish for many years."

"I just realized a tiny part of nature by chance." Ryan said modestly, and then he asked; "What's your name?"

"Lanny, we centaurs aren't as complicated as humans, just call me Lanny. I'm the witch doctor of this centaur tribe, and Baine's grandmother. I grew up watching them, before Betty was cursed. I have been looking for a solution to the problem, but unfortunately it has not been successful. Fortunately, your help fulfilled their relationship. So, you can come to me after you enter the Emerald Dream, and I am willing to share some knowledge about nature and medicine with you ."

Centaurs are very straight-forward, so they don't say polite things like humans do. For example, the witch doctor of the centaur tribe in front of him clearly told Ryan that she was willing to use the knowledge she mastered as a gift to reward Ryan for helping her descendants to continue the bloodline.

"Thank you so much." Ryan expressed his sincere thanks to the generous old man, but Witch Doctor Lannie didn't think it was very important. After all, in the centaur tribe, knowledge was exchanged openly with each other. Unlike human wizards, who set up countless barriers to the exchange of knowledge.

In the following time, Ryan has been chatting with the elder, and her rich experience has benefited Ryan and Hermione a lot. And Lanny is also very happy that there are juniors who are willing to listen to the stories of her youth. After all, the centaur tribe is so big. After she explained her story many times, everyone in the tribe was familiar with what she told.

For example, as soon as she started talking about Wolf, she went to the other side of the bonfire with her teacup in her mouth. Witch Doctor Lannie just shook her head when she saw it, and later told Ryan Wolff in the chat that she told Wolff stories when he was still a wolf cub. It is estimated that he looks like the same story after listening to too much. Just a little scared.

Time passed quickly during the chat, and suddenly a low horn sound echoed throughout the village. Witch doctor Lanney stood up still in the mood (the difference between centaurs and horses is that centaurs often lie down on all fours and rest), wagging their tails and sweeping away the dust from their bodies, said to Ryan and Hermione: "The full moon of Betty's child is full. The tree planting ceremony is about to start, and we need to hurry to the altar now."

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