Watching the fire of the girl's life in the magical vision getting dimmer, Ryan also felt more and more nervous. Fortunately, he finally pulled out what he was looking for in the space bag: a panacea sealed in a syringe.

Because Curie only made one panacea back then, but she recorded all the production processes. When she went to the world of Plants vs. Zombies, she collected materials from several worlds through Ryan and finally gathered all the raw materials to restore the panacea.

Unfortunately, because some raw materials are special products of the Radiation World, there are restrictions on the production of other worlds. The production of this panacea does not exceed 100 per month. It can only be used to supply certain essential personnel. However, as the federal radiation is further reduced, those seeds extracted from the federal seed bank will be replanted. Soon the drug will be mass-produced.

After injecting the panacea into the girl on the hospital bed, Ryan injected her with an energy potion and a healing needle to repair the parts of her body damaged by the illness.

Fortunately, people of this age are also not exposed to antibiotics, so antibiotics work extremely well. After three minutes, Ryan noticed that the girl's body stopped deteriorating, and then slowly improved.

"Ah, I finally saved someone." Ryan also had a smile on his face. "It's a lot easier than saving the world before."

However, this world is a sixth-level world, which means that there must be more powerful extraordinary powers. Although Ryan did not see any trace of the existence of supernatural powers in this house, the person who can own such a house must be able to come into contact with some supernatural powers with his status. Rather than go out and try your luck, you might as well just sit back and wait here. Thinking of this, Ryan found a stool by the bed and sat down, slowly waiting for the girl on the bed to wake up.

Half an hour later, Ryan, who was reading the Transfiguration textbook spread out on his lap, heard movement from the bed. He looked up and found that the girl was almost completely hidden under the quilt, with only a pair of blue eyes looking at Ryan.

Ryan could see the fear in her eyes. After all, anyone who wakes up and sees an unfamiliar person sitting on the head of the bed will feel scared, which is normal. Fortunately, Ryan is only 13 years old now, plus the Asian baby face makes him look younger. Otherwise, if a burly man is sitting here, the girl on the bed is probably screaming now.

"Hello, you can call me Ryan." Ryan said with what he thought was the kindest expression. "I was a spellcaster who accidentally broke into your home while traveling with magic, and rushed upstairs in the hall after hearing the movement upstairs. After I went upstairs, I found out that you were very ill, so I just gave you some treatment."

"Je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles." (French: I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.) Perhaps seeing that Ryan didn't make any threatening actions, the girl on the bed was silent for a while before revealing her face, and then whispered said.

"It's French again." Lane thought and quickly repeated what he just said in French. Now the girl understood, she was silent for a moment and begged Ryan to go out to the corridor, because she was about to change clothes.

Ryan nodded, stood up and went out through the door. Don't forget to close the door when you go out. The reason why he said he was a spellcaster just now was mainly to test whether the girl had been exposed to these supernatural things. From the girl's calm eyes and normal tone of answer just now, Ryan got the answer he wanted.

Ten minutes later, the door opened just as Ryan was waiting a little irritably. The girl came out in a light blue dress. After seeing Ryan, she bent her knees slightly, and bowed slightly with both hands on the sides of her skirt. A standard dress-up ceremony was given to Ryan. Ryan also hurriedly bowed and gave a gentleman's gift in return.

"Sir, thank you very much for reaching out to me. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Saying one's purpose now is a bit like paying a favor,

But sometimes it is better to say it directly than to hide it. Thinking of this, Ryan simply chose to directly state his goal.

"I used the magic trip this time to learn more about the supernatural. Can you tell me where this is? Is there any place around here where I can learn this knowledge?"

"Oh, like my father. Don't you guys have nothing else to pursue except knowledge?" Maybe Ryan's words touched some taboos in her heart, and the smile on her face just now disappeared immediately, feeling The mood of the whole person suddenly dropped.

Ryan easily analyzed from what she said just now that her relationship with her father was not very good. And his father is probably also a wizard, but because he spends a lot of time and energy in the pursuit of knowledge, he lacks communication with his own daughter. That's why as soon as Ryan said such words, the girl in front of him immediately turned bad.

"In this way, I can accompany you until your father comes back. I'll just ask him then." Seeing the girl in front of her who was about to cry, Ryan thought it was better to accompany her first. After all, according to common sense, being able to teleport here means that this girl should be the key character in the story. Staying here for a while might trigger some kind of plot. Besides, Ryan doesn't know anything except that this is France, so it is necessary to settle down here temporarily to find out the situation.

And he was a little worried about letting a girl who was about his age here alone. He really didn't know how big-hearted his father was to leave his daughter at home alone.

"Thank you, that's great." It seemed that the girl had been alone here for too long, so she seemed very happy after receiving Ryan's kindness.

"By the way, you can call me Alice." The girl told Ryan her name on the way to the reception room.

The next time was spent in the exchange of two people, Alice had an inexplicable desire for the outside world. Lane introduced her to Hogwarts, and could see that Alice was very interested in the wizarding school he described as a school of hundreds of little wizards.

And Lane also knew that it was the era of Louis XV in France, and his estate was located in the suburbs of Paris. It's just that there is a magic circle arranged by Alice's father around, so no outsiders can enter here.

Maybe because no one communicated for too long, Alice seemed very chatty. Time passed by in the conversation, minute by minute, until the clock beside him chimed.

This was also the first time Ryan saw the extraordinary power of this world. While the clock was striking, several mechanical birds flew out from the small door at the top of the clock and sang around the entire reception room. It was not until after three circles around the reception room that he returned to the clock.

"God, this is so ingenious." Ryan couldn't help but exclaim. "

This is just a trifle to my father, the other organs he does are the real subtleties. Speaking of which, Alice showed a proud smile on her face, but soon the smile turned into an angry expression. "This time, an earl in Paris asked him to make alchemy toys, and he went there for a week. If it wasn't for you accidentally breaking in, maybe when he came back he could only cry with my body in his arms. "

After speaking, Alice stared at Ryan and asked, "Do you think I have a strange attitude towards my father?"

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