Winning the Quidditch trophy kept Gryffindor House in a state of euphoria for at least a week. Even the weather seemed to be celebrating: as June arrived, the days were sweltering and cloudless, and everyone felt that this was the kind of weather everyone should take to the lawn with chilled pumpkin juice to bask in the sun.

But this is just what everyone thinks about. After all, it is the end of May, and the exam is approaching. Even the most active Fred and George are preparing wholeheartedly. w. Ls exam.

Not to mention Percy, who dreams of working at the Ministry of Magic after graduation. He once told Ryan during a one-day review: Thanks to Ryan's help, he made a face at Director Burns. This made his journey to the Ministry of Magic much smoother in the future. Now he can get a good job at the Ministry of Magic as long as he gets a good grade in the N.E.W.Ts. But these pressures make Percy seem a little anxious now, and every night he yells at the people who disrupt the peace of the common room.

The reading club is also running smoothly. During this time, everyone's focus is to help the Weasley twins review the exam and organize what they have learned, so as to improve the level of each participant. You must know that the exams in the wizarding world are not the same for ordinary people. No matter how high the theoretical score is, the score will still be very low. And as long as the operation is good, even the theoretical score can generally get a high score.

This is why Hermione has always scored lower than Harry in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the original book. At least when Harry was in third grade, he could release the physical Patronus, which Hermione could never do at that time.

Therefore, in the collective learning of these several reading clubs, it is natural that the actual operation content that everyone is not very good at practicing alone is the main content. In this relatively free and less stressful environment, everyone has a lot to gain. Even students like Neville or Hannah who usually do not have very good grades can correctly release the spell that appears in the learning process.

After everyone had practiced the Happy Mantra that day, Ryan went to bed early on the excuse of being tired. In the second half of the night, after confirming that everyone was asleep, he opened the space door and went to the Wanjie grocery store.

After spending a little time packing up the equipment to bring, Ryan stood in front of the grocery store wearing leather armor and a windbreaker. The clothes were recreated in Fallout World after returning from the world of Beauty and the Beast last time, using Legendary Deathclaw Leather and Bulletproof Cloth as raw materials. After getting it, Ryan also used the magic he mastered to strengthen the suit.

Because of the tempering of the previous worlds, Ryan felt that his strength had improved. So he invested 32 offset points this time to open a door to a certain sixth-level world.

After finally checking that everything on his body, such as the supply of medicine, weapons, etc., was all right, Ryan held a magic wand and a jade talisman in his left hand and stepped into the light blue vortex-shaped space door.

According to the summary of the previous travels, Ryan found that every time he traveled to another world, he would always come near the child of luck (that is, the protagonist) in that world, and when he came, it was often an important turning point in the story.

This is why Ryan was fully armed when he was traveling through the world. After all, many novels, movies, games, etc., the protagonist escaped death at the beginning of the story, and he had to ensure that he was in danger after reaching that world. Can make the decision to escape or fight back at the first time.

But as the blue light passed by before his eyes disappeared, Lane found himself in a magnificent Rococo hall: a dark red carpet with a curly grass pattern under his feet, and some beautifully carved wooden wainscoting on the walls. Directly facing Lane is a delicate opalescent marble staircase. Looking up, you can see that the entire ceiling is decorated with intricate plasterboard carvings and painted wood panels, and a high ornate gold crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the ceiling. A few pots of plants are placed on wrought iron shelves around the hall, adding a touch of life to the house.

"I'm at someone's house?" Ryan was at a loss. But it must be very rude to suddenly break into someone's house like this.

Thinking of this, Ryan looked around and found that no one came out. So he shouted: "I'm sorry I entered your place by mistake, is there anyone?"

After shouting, Ryan turned his ears to listen to the movement around him, but after a while, he didn't hear any response.

"Looking at how new this house is, it doesn't look like no one lives in it. Even if the owner of this gorgeous house is not there, there should be servants left behind." Ryan thought of the Zixia magic art running here and shouted again, and then tried his best to listen. movement around.

After he shouted a second time, Ryan heard a very slight crash. It was like a heavy object fell on the carpet. If it wasn't for his internal energy at this time, he wouldn't be able to hear the sound at all.

With curiosity, Ryan walked down the stairs to a room on the second floor where he just heard the sound. He suspected that he might have come to a horror movie story. But after pinching the Leifa Jade Talisman in his left hand, Ryan felt that there should be nothing to fear.

After going upstairs, I walked along a gorgeous corridor covered with thick carpets. The whole corridor was mainly decorated with light tones. There were some exquisitely carved wooden lattices on the walls, and the middle was also lined with light-colored silk.

"It seems that the owner here should be a rich man, but it's unreasonable that there is not even a servant in this house. Maybe this is a haunted house, and the ghosts of this house were rich people before they died." At this time, Ryan There is still the mind to complain about the owner of this mansion.

After walking to the door of the room that made the noise just now, Ryan opened the door lightly after getting ready for battle, and the milky white and gold-painted wooden door was easily pushed open. Everything in the room was imprinted into his eyes.

Different from the monsters and monsters he imagined before, Lane could see only a girl in white pajamas lying on the bed in this pink-dominated house, with one arm drooping beside the bed. On the rug in front of the bedside table is a vase that was beaten to the ground.

And Ryan's detection magic told him that there was indeed an ordinary human girl in front of him, and the whole person was in a very weak coma. It's very likely that he just heard Ryan's shouting downstairs and has no way to answer. He can only knock down a vase with the last of his strength to ask for help.

Seeing this situation, Ryan hurried to the bed, and then began to check the girl's physical condition.

After a comprehensive examination using magic, pulse and bb boy, Ryan came to a conclusion: the girl in front of her started with a simple lung infection, but now it has deteriorated seriously. At least judging from her livid face and weak breathing. If he doesn't show up now, it's likely that the girl will be dead in a few hours.

Since entering the mansion, Ryan has not seen any trace of electricity. It could also explain why the girl, who looked rich or expensive, dragged a simple lung infection to this dangerous point.

Because before the invention of antibiotics, various diseases are too easy to take human life.

While lamenting the fragility of human beings, Ryan turned through the space bag to find a way to treat the girl. After all, according to her current situation, it would be difficult to rescue her even when the technology developed in later generations. He can only see if there are other means to save the girl.

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