Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter one hundred and eighty-first

? The number of attacks was far beyond Ryan's imagination, and he felt that it could not be explained by secret infiltration at all. After eliminating all the impossibility, the only possibility is that there is a traitor in Catro Brusso.

Thinking of the traitor, Ryan felt as if he had forgotten something. After closing his eyes and meditating for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes. Professor Ferdinand had a problem.

Because the people here, whether it's Professor Sprout or the classmates, have been together for a long time, Ryan doesn't think anyone is abnormal in retrospect. Only Professor Ferdinand, although he is polite, his every move seems normal, and even the habit of touching his mustache from time to time is not much different from what he saw before school. But in every move, this Professor Ferdinand always had an unnatural sense of deliberateness.

That's why Ryan felt something was wrong on the road, but couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, in this case, only assuming that Ferdinand has a problem, and speculating with the greatest malice, can you feel this seemingly non-existent difference.

According to the conspiracy theory, this Professor Ferdinand is likely to be the product of someone who drank the compound decoction and then adjusted the package. And judging from the fact that he could easily answer the questions of the Hogwarts students in fluent English along the way, this pretender should be a wizard with a higher academic education. is the backbone of each other.

After such screening, it is estimated that it is only possible to be a member of the former saints of the Chimera Society. Thinking of this, Ryan held a wand in his sleeve and slowly approached Professor Ferdinand.

Professor Ferdinand is surrounded by several students, and the professor is comforting them. Lane walked over to Ferdinand and opened his mouth while several students were asking questions, "I heard that this time we were ambushed by an organization called the Chimera Society, I wonder if you've heard of it, Professor? "

"Of course I..." Speaking of which, Professor Ferdinand suddenly changed his face. Because when he just said the words, he realized that Ryan had just asked him a question in German. And the real Professor Ferdinand doesn't speak German.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Ryan was about to raise his wand to give the fake professor a stun spell, ready to capture him alive and ask some questions. A large sixth-year Slytherin boy who saw Ryan raise his wand suddenly grabbed Ryan's right arm and moved it aside. "What are you going to do to the professor?"

God, how can there be pig teammates at this time, if you want to perform, you can perform at other times. Ryan wants to kill this troublemaker very much now, because of his interruption, the first mover has been lost, and things are sliding to more troublesome places.

Sure enough, when he found that he could no longer hide, the fake Professor Ferdinand suddenly showed a hideous face, reached out and grabbed Alicia, the second-year Ravenclaw girl closest to him, in an attempt to take hostages. 35xs But at this time Hermione suddenly rushed out from the side and bumped Alicia on the side. As a result, she stumbled under her foot and was caught by the impostor.

Isn't this messing up, Ryan feels that things are completely out of his plan now. He was about to do something when the impostor threw Hermione's wand aside. Then he threw a small ball at Professor Sprout, who had already reacted and raised his wand, and soon after the ball landed, dark green smoke was sprayed out.

Under the cover of smoke, the impostor tapped the ground with his wand, and a hole more than one meter in diameter was exposed on the ground. He held Hermione hostage and jumped directly into the hole.

He began to shrink as soon as he jumped down the hole, and the others were so confused by the smoke that they didn't even notice the scene. Ryan had already thrown off the big Slytherin at this time, and jumped down immediately after seeing the slowly closing hole.

It was dark under the hole, and Ryan could only feel the wind whistling past his ears.

Suddenly, he heard a sound of falling water from below.

It seemed that there was a surface of water underneath. Thinking of this, Ryan adjusted his body posture and fell towards the place where the sound was just made.

—Pfft, wow. With a crash, Ryan felt like he had fallen into a pond. The water temperature here is very low, and he shivered involuntarily.

Just as he was about to surface and start searching, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and grabbed Ryan's neck. Ryan could feel the webbing on the tips of the fingers that were strangling his neck.

This is human body modification. It seems that these madmen from the Chimera Society dare to kill themselves. This is no worse than the courage of Voldemort's guy who lost his nose.

But it is clear that such a modification is very conducive to fighting in the water. Soon he grabbed Ryan's hand holding the wand, and then the other hand pressed Ryan's head desperately into the water. Ryan tried to punch him a few times and found that he had hard and slippery scales that could not bear any strength at all.

If Ryan was an ordinary wizard, he would definitely suffer a big loss. After all, after the hand holding the wand was controlled, ordinary wizards would lose their fighting ability, but Ryan was different from most ordinary wizards. He has his own backhand, at least after mastering the Zixia magic, he can hold his breath in the water for seven or eight minutes without any problem.

So in the scuffle, Ryan pretended to be deficient in oxygen and moved slower and slower. And the impostor relaxed his vigilance as Ryan's resistance became smaller and smaller.

Soon Ryan's body movements slowly stopped. The traitor of the Chimera Club saw this situation and put his hands through Ryan's armpits, and then swam hard to the surface of the water, it seems that he wanted to move him to the water. ashore.

Ryan took this opportunity to use the Zixia magic, and then, with the strength of his arms greatly increased, he slammed into the opponent's arm under the armpit, and at the same time pulled the mechanism of the hidden sword on his wrist.

The hidden swords on both arms were ejected, and Ryan then stabbed the hidden swords back and up. Fortunately, he had learned martial arts before, and with the help of Zixia Shengong, he could bend his wrist into a normal shape. The angle that the person can't bend, so that the hidden sword in his hand can stab the opponent's vital point.

The impostor also sensed danger. He tried to distance himself from Ryan, but he couldn't dodge when his arms were caught by Ryan.

The enchanted Hidden Blade easily pierced the fish scales on the fake, and when Ryan felt the Hidden Blade penetrate deeply into the body, he turned his wrist and twisted it hard.

Wizards may be physically stronger than Muggles, but most wizards are as fragile as Muggles. Although the impostor behind him used magic to change his body like Voldemort, he did not change as completely as Voldemort. The internal organs protected by fish scales are still as fragile as ordinary people.

Soon, the impostor whose liver and spleen were severely injured stopped moving, and then slowly floated to the surface of the water. And Ryan also followed to prepare to see what the specific situation is now.


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