Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 180 Unexpected accident

? The observation point in the No. 3 greenhouse is actually just a high ground overlooking most of the greenhouse. On the high ground are three stone slabs carved with magic runes, and the runes are shone with blue light from time to time.

"There are far-seeing spells on those slates. After you stand on the slate, you can observe things in the distance. Please keep order and go up one by one. Those who don't have a turn can move freely on this platform for a while." Professor Ferdinand stood in front of everyone and spoke to everyone.

So everyone decided to draw lots to arrange the order. Ryan was lucky, and it was his turn to watch the first batch on the slate. Standing on the slate, he realized that despite the simplicity of this slate, it was much easier to operate than those binoculars.

As soon as you stand up, you can see a screen appearing in the air, the screen shows a distant scene, and it will change its position with the rotation of people's eyes. At the same time, as long as you gesture with your arms, you can easily zoom in and out, which is very similar to those holographic images in science fiction movies.

It seems that magic is not much worse than those technologies, because there was nothing to do along the way, Ryan also relaxed a little and began to observe these rare plants.

The greenhouse is carefully designed so that the plants and small animals inside can be seen to form a small ecological circle. Through the magic on these slates, Ryan could see the walking grass sneaking in the shade, and some fairies were collecting edible nectar and petals from a flower. Ryan kept changing his perspective, hoping to see more things that were basically invisible outside.

However, when he turned to a piece of silver-leaf ghost grass, he saw something that made Ryan suddenly shudder and a pair of footprints appeared on the ghost grass, and after zooming in, he could see that the ghost grass was slowly standing up again. This means that the person who stepped on the footprints may have left there dozens of seconds ago.

Is there an ambush? Lane's first reaction began to observe the surroundings of the clump of ghost needles. Sure enough, he found that the leaves of some plants were swinging unnaturally, but no one could be seen. He could only roughly judge from the changes of these plants that there was an invisible person slowing down. Slowly approach the observation point.

In this case, a sneaky approaching person really doesn't look like a good person, Ryan remembered the warning from the principal yesterday. But this is obviously in the school, how did they get together?

But it is useless to think too much now, because it is impossible to have only one sneak attacker in this situation, but seeing the distance between the sneak attacker and the observation point is getting closer and closer, I want to find out all the other sneak attacks before they attack. It's too late.

According to previous combat experience, the only way to survive in this situation is to disrupt the opponent's deployment. Thinking of this, Ryan ran down the slate immediately, then ran to the railing, took out his wand and drew a rune at the approximate location of the invisible man, activated life and natural magic, and threw it away with a reconnaissance technique.

Sure enough, there was a person hiding in that place. 35xs He originally wanted to use the advantage of invisibility to get close to Ryan and the others, but neither the phantom spell nor the invisibility cloak could hide himself under this kind of active magic detection. The moment Ryan's detection spell touched him, he You know you've been exposed.

Obviously, the other side did not expect that someone would use reconnaissance magic on an open space like a sudden nervousness, so he paused in action. However, those who could sneak into the school to participate in the attack were all veterans, and soon cast a blood-red spell on Ryan on the stage.

Fortunately, the attacker paused just now, allowing Ryan to use the cover of his wand to successfully release the Thunder attack.

"Wind and Thunder Break." Following Ryan's spell, a purple thunderball flew towards the attacker. The attacker didn't dodge the magic because he was half a beat behind in casting the spell, and because he saw that Ryan was a lower grade student and relaxed his vigilance.

When the lightning ball hit him, a blood-colored barrier appeared on his body, but soon the barrier was broken, and the lightning ball hit him firmly.

This lightning ball caused the attacker to be shot directly from the invisible state, and then fell down with convulsions all over his body. At the same time, Ryan dodged to the side while firing the thunderball, easily avoiding the bloody spell.

A series of fights are completed in seven or eight seconds, so no one can react until the end of the fight. Professor Sprout seemed to be ready, and she shouted loudly, "Everyone move closer to me now, reinforcements will be here soon." Then she took out a handful of seeds from the cloth pocket around her waist with her left hand and sprinkled it on the ground.

These seeds took root and soon began to form a green barrier around this high platform. Just as the barrier was halfway up, several magic spells hit the barrier. Fortunately, the barrier was only shaken, and did not break open.

Looking in the direction of the magic launch just now, more than a dozen wizards escaped from the invisible state. Half of them wore blood-colored robes, while the other half wore assorted clothes.

Is this the joint attack of the Blood God Cult and the Chimera Society? But where are the reinforcements that Principal Fernando promised now? He said before that he would lead this group out and then encircle them in one fell swoop. Now people are drawn out, but what about them?

While Ryan was thinking about this question, suddenly several holes appeared on the top of the cave. Ryan saw Principal Fernando and Skorzeny, the former saint, descend from the sky with a dozen people, and landed around the attackers before they could respond.

As soon as he hit the ground, Skorzeny fired a silver incantation at the little guy in the flamboyant magic robe who was leading the group of attackers and shouted defiantly, "Hey, Dietrich. You Finally willing to take your group of men to climb out of the mouse hole?"

"Ha, I haven't seen you for such a long time, what tricks do you have other than being a good mouth? My little pet misses the taste of you guys." Saying that, Dietrich waved his wand to block the spell shot at him. Then raised his wand and shouted, "Come out, my little cuties. Let them taste your power."

As the shouts fell, several pieces of ground suddenly shook, and then seven or eight monsters emerged from the ground, each with traces of splicing. For example, a giant ape with six arms has a spider on its lower body but three fire-breathing dog-headed monsters on it. The most exaggerated is a chimera the size of a basketball court. Spit out ice, fire and poisonous gas and attacked Principal Fernando and the others.

However, Principal Fernando and the helpers he brought are not weak, and soon their wand heads sprayed colorful light, which was on par with those monsters and attackers.

Naturally, in this case, the magic fired at Ryan and the others was much less, and everyone under the protection of Professor Sprout could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But now there is an important question. How did so many monsters and attackers get into the school? The more Ryan thought about it, the more he felt that the situation was not right. There was a voice in his heart telling him that the enemy who could make such a big scene would definitely have a backhand. It couldn't be just such a simple ambush.


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