Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 103: "Roller" add function

   Such a big island with great potential, if you say you give it away, you can give it away...This kind of thing can only be done by the special existence of Saint Yule, who has been taught by terrorist organizations since childhood.

   Brother Miao feels so painful that he can't breathe after thinking about it.

   If Saint Yule is willing to give the island to it, let alone become an heir, even if it is called Saint Mother or Grandma. As long as the value of the energy stone is sufficient, its service can be fully distributed.

Xu Qiji on the side of    also did not expect that “becoming the lord of an island”, something that I never dreamed of before, would have a chance to be fulfilled today.

   Now as long as he opens the golden mouth, the Saint Yule in front of him will be very happy to give way to such a big island and the residents on it. And it's not playful. It can be seen that she really wants to do this, and she really doesn't take the value of that big island in her heart at all... This may be a real master mentality.

   But the problem is.

   "We are not from the same world, saint." Xu Qiji reminded.

   He doesn't know how far his "Miracle Gate" can evolve in the future... But he knows when he thinks about it with his toes. If he wants to reach the physical body and cross the world, he must reach a very high level to cooperate. I don't know if the "Martial Saint" realm that Shi Yihua's sister and brother said is enough.

   But if he reaches the realm of physically transcending the world...maybe a big island, he won't look down on it anymore.

   For example, the Saint Yule in front of her, she doesn't know what level she has reached, but she doesn't seem to have the power of the physical body to cross space, but she has completely ignored the inheritance rights of that island.

   I can’t go what I want, and I don’t care if I can. The unreachable are in a commotion, the favored are confident~

"What does this have to do? As long as your mental power is stronger, can it be projected on my island? And the enclave is not very interesting? As long as you like it, you can have another world The island territory of the island is exciting to think about.” Saintess Yu Le let out a symbolic weird smile again.

   The more she said, Xu Qiji's heart moved.

   In fact, even if she does not give the island inheritance rights, Xu Qijing has the intention to cooperate.

   is a mutually beneficial thing.

   If the Saintess of Yule can copy the templates of his practice 1 to 3, even if it is a copycat version, it does not matter if the practice speed is greatly reduced. As long as you practice, you will also use a large number of star beasts and spirit race runes...The original "blessing rune" can also be as attractive as the energy stone.

   Brother Hamster: "Squeak~"

Shumei smiled and translated: "Miaomiao said, Aji, you may not survive the day of inheriting the island. Saint Yule completed the agreement to train the remaining 38,000 islanders into the fourth state, which may take hundreds of years. …Because it takes several generations of efforts to gather 38,000 people who can cultivate."

   There are only 80,000 people on the island, and not everyone can practice. It is necessary to select suitable seed players from generations to cultivate and cultivate them.

  The Saintess of Yule was also taken aback when she heard this: "Boss Miao, Mr. Xu's third realm, did not increase his lifespan?"

   "Squeak~" Miao Miao responded.

   The rules are different in different worlds, and the cultivation systems are also different. Not every cultivation system can live long. Some cultivation systems will not prolong their lives, but will also lose their lives, such as certain poisonous sects and others, the faster they die. Unless you can practice desperately to a certain level before you die and break through the limitations of the ‘cultivation system’ at once.

   Xu Qijing's system of ‘Awakened’, currently seems to show no signs of longevity.

   may have to wait for the realm to reach a certain height, the return of all laws will naturally achieve the beauty of longevity.

   Brother Miao is from a personal point of view, hoping that Xu Qiji's ‘Awakened’ system can continue like this... so that it has a chance to wait for Xu Qiji to die.

   "In this case, how about I can give the authority to Boss Xu in advance and let you become the agent island owner? Although the island owner is still me in name, I will leave everything to you?" Saintess Yu Le suggested.

   "No, the saint doesn't need to be so polite. We just need to cooperate, and there is no need to consider things like heirs." Xu Qiji waved her hand.

   What he said to Brother Miao about "Shou Yuan" is that there is not much turmoil in his heart... He is still young, and he is still too early to die. Moreover, he can raise the realm first and solve the problems in his own world first. Looking back, consider the issue of longevity.

"No, since I am greedy for your exercises, I can't let your exercises spread. Looking back, I will announce the identity of the'agent island owner' and the'hierarch of the island owner'... Based on the question of Shou Yuan, count I owe you a favor!" Saint Yule said firmly after thinking.

   Xu Qiji's technique, if she can learn from her successfully and train the islanders, she will be upgraded to several levels. This is a big cause and effect, and it is impossible to let it go.

   "Squeak?" Brother Miao called out softly.

   Huamei Translation: "Are you sure you want to owe Ah Ji a favor?"

   "Because of this kind of thing, there is something owed and something...I will help you if it is useful in the future." Saintess Yule nodded.

   As soon as the voice of the saint fell, the "Rolling Roll" on the bedside automatically lit up.

   Xu Qiji's eyes fell on the roll.

   his eyes unlocked, and the "Rolling Roll" automatically turned the page quickly, until it reached the last blank page.

   New content slowly began to appear on the blank page.

   is an avatar first.

   It was a dark and gloomy place, and there was a shadow that was nailed to the ground by a spear. Blood kept pouring out of Qianying's wounds, staining this black soil...There are gorgeous flowers that are nourished by blood, blooming under her.

  Name: Yule Saintess.

   Remarks: The former Tai Su Xuan Yin teaches the saint who holds the lamp, and now the owner of the "Unnamed Island", in charge of 80,000 indigenous islanders.

   Xu Qiji: "Huh?"

Is    a new feature?

   Every time he advances, "Roller" will unlock new poses. After he successfully gathers a thousand talisman this time, the new function of "Roller" is ‘adding people’?

  The condition to add it favor?

   If he owes him a favor, can he be on the list?

[According to Teacher Dawei’s introduction, the names on the roll are divided into two categories... One is the thigh group who owes favors and comes up as a teacher; the other is paid or paid a large price to the owner of the roll , Came up to participate in the Wusheng training class to learn the'thigh-holding group'. 】

   What kind of saint is that Yule Saintess? Thigh teacher group?

"Can you divide it into categories?" After thinking about it, Xu Qiji tried to swipe the name of Saint Yule on the "Rolling List" to see if she could match her page with Qi Yishan, Miaoge, and Su. Yishan, Shi Yihua, and other members he had contacted got together for easy management.

   With Xu Qiji's thoughts, the last page on the "Rolling List" was really moved.

   "Hey, what is going on with this feeling of heartbeat?" In reality, Saint Yule suddenly raised her eyebrows, she felt inexplicably as if she was heartbeat? Isn't it an emotional heartbeat, but in a physical sense, you feel that your'heart' seems to be moving?

   "It's done," Xu Qijing said.

  As he released his mind, the members on the first few pages of the "Rolling List" were linked together.

   At the same time, in the original study space of "Three Years of Martial Arts, Five Years of Martial Arts", with Xu Qijing's operations, an additional small activity space was separated. The heads of the members of the ‘Rolling List’ who were brought together by him just now were realized and sent into this small space.

   This function... the group chat room of the training class?

   "Huh?" The real Miao brother seemed to have a feeling in his heart and made a weird scream.

   Yule Saintess curiously stretched out her hand and stroked in the void: "What kind of technique is this?"

  In a small space.

   Sister and brother Shiyihua’s profile picture: "Has the class started? The class will be restarted so soon?"

   "Is this time different from the last time?" Su Yishan's head murmured.

   Taste the little cutie of the earth: Chewing sound~

   Hamster Miao Miao's portrait: Exit Xu Qiji's group space.

   after a moment.

   Hamster Miao Miao Avatar: Login to "Xu Qiji Group Space".

   "What kind of group name is this group?" Brother Miao couldn't help but said, this time it was not a squeak, it was human words-the group's name was made like Xu Qiji's harem group, which made it very uncomfortable.


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