Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 102: Be my own person, boss Xu!

   She and Xu Qiji are not people in the same world, and there must be translation means to communicate with each other... Since they are translation, then there must be a problem of inadequate translation of proprietary vocabulary?

   Yule Saintess thought so and looked at Miaomiao.

   But Brother Miao turned his eyes and refused to meet her.

   The atmosphere became awkward.

  The Saintess of Joy thought for a while, and asked a question that was heavy enough to sink a person under the sea: "Miao Boss, how is the difference between the unit of time measurement here and the unit of our world?"

   Brother Miao: "Squeak, there is almost no difference...This is also what I find very interesting. So, I remind you not to mention this kind of question."

   Yule Saintess looked up at the sky.

   But looking around, her eyes became brighter.

   She saw a bright future.

   "Wonderful!" She slapped her thigh hard: "Ah ah ah~ ah~"

   Then she caused her own pain to exceed the critical point because of the pain of her ‘slap on the thigh’. In pain, she rubbed her thigh and almost rolled on the floor again.

   Seeing the little painful appearance of the saint's grin, Xu Qiji vaguely figured out how terrifying she was when she was stabbed by an unknown strong man.

  The current Saintess of Yule can hardly bear any ‘pain’, just a slap on the thigh can make her exceed the critical point of pain... If she takes a heavy slap, she won’t be able to faint in pain?

   It’s no wonder that the saint wants to retreat quickly and be free from the sequelae of gunshot wounds.

  If he has been in such a painful state, let alone normal communication with people, it must be that others will explode if they touch him a little bit, and his temper will be like a gunpowder barrel, maybe he will have to go back to find others...

   "Siss~" After a while, Saintess Yule gasped while looking at Xu Qijing and said, "Boss Xu, your promotion speed is beyond imagination."

   "This is actually a special exception for me... There are shortcuts to the first 1-3 levels. In addition, although my promotion time is short, my wife and my country have been preparing for me for several years before this."

   If it weren't for the treatment of Daxia National Treasure, or if Thrush just had a hobby of "collecting blessing runes", he might have one or two years to collect the unique amulet.

   "Even if it's been a few years, it's almost a batch! Fuxihe~" Saint Yule raised her hand high, wishing to pat her thigh again.

   But after raising her hand, she felt the flesh on her thigh aching.

   So she shifted her gaze and turned to Xu Qiji's thigh-if she was on her own island, if she was so happy that she wanted to shoot her thighs, she could find her own exclusive "Thigh Minister". That is the exclusive official position on the island, which is used to pat her thighs and back when she is happy.

   But here, her thigh minister is not there, and Boss Miao is too small. It feels like a slap on Boss Miao’s projected body will be slapped into meat sauce by her, directly flying up.

   The avatar's owner, Thrush, is at a stage of physical discomfort. Originally, Thrush is uncomfortable. If she pats her thigh again, the saint of Yule can't bear it. Why should a woman make a woman embarrassed?

   So the best goal becomes Xu Qiji, the only living creature at this time.

   Xu Qiji's keen intuition after the upgrade immediately noticed this, and he flew a huge bear pillow on the express delivery and gave it to Saint Yule.

   tacit understanding!

The saint took over the bear pillow that was tall. Although it felt bad, she could only use it at this time-she patted the bear pillow hard: "Boss Xu, I feel that your shortcut to advancement is very promising. Do you think there is any possibility of cooperation between us?"

   Taking shortcuts may lead to unstable foundations. It is no longer in the consideration of the saint of music-in fact, it is not practical to let a saint of a former terrorist organization consider so much.

   She can achieve the basic kindness, which is enough for the world to celebrate. Is she still asking her to become a moral saint?

   "Cooperation?" Xu Qiji was taken aback for a moment, but after a while, his eyes lit up: "Wonderful!"

   The saint needs to train the residents on her island to the fourth level, the sooner the better... Xu Qiji can quickly advance to the 1-3 level.

   And this kind of exercise requires a lot of "star beasts" or blessing runes in the spirit race to improve the realm.

   It can be said that both sides have needs for each other.

   But the problem is...

   "But my exercises are personal." Xu Qiji sighed leisurely.

   The patterns of the exercises left by Axie and Three Years Jin can only be seen and practiced by Xu Qijing alone. Unless you find an individual who fits well with Xu Qijing, you might be able to learn this exercise.

"Exclusive exercises, this is a bit troublesome. But... if you want, Boss Xu, you can provide me with ideas for the next promotion. I will organize a set of similar exercises according to your ideas of Boss Xu... even if you can In fifty to sixty years, it is enough for those idiots to be promoted from the first level to the third level. You don’t even know how stupid the guys on my island are when they cultivate?" .

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao said-the people on your island are not stupid, they are just ordinary people, and most of them have the qualifications for cultivation are very good. Do you think all of them are geniuses?

  The Saintess of Yule is so talented that she looks at ordinary people with a god-level scholar, and they feel that they are scumbags. Obviously it is a question that can be easily seen, but they can't learn how to learn it, making her anxious.

   In addition, Brother Miao has to remind Saintess Yule of a question: "Squeak~"

   Gongfa is a very private thing... Asking about other people's exercises is a big taboo. What's more, I want to take out other people's exercises.

   "Oh oh Boss Miao is right. Such things as exercises are all taboos...not one’s own, it is not easy to pass on." Saint Yule pinched her chin, thinking seriously.

   [Actually, it is not that taboo for me. ] Xu Qiji said inwardly.

  After thinking about it for a while, the Saintess of Yule quickly thought of a perfect solution.

"Since we can't spread the word... then we will become our own people! As long as we are our own people, the spreading of the exercises will not be a big problem. Fuhehehe~" She said ghostly not. The strange smile from the sun came.

   Xu Qiji was shocked when he heard the words, he immediately approached his daughter-in-law Thrush, and told the saint with practical actions-Xu Qiji is already a man with belongings, don't mess around!

"How about becoming my heir? Boss Xu!" Saint Yu Le said seriously: "You also know that as long as I fulfill the promise to the old island owner, I can get a solution to the sequelae. Then I definitely don't continue to be the island owner. Yes. So, I will give you the entire island and the residents of the island!"

   As long as she has raised all the ashes of the old island owner, Xu Qiji will be the new island owner.

   Since it is the new island owner and the current heir, the "Little Island Owner", everything on the island belongs to Xu Qiji, who is his own...nothing wrong.

   Brother Miao: "Fuck?"

   It's not squeaking anymore, it still has this operation?

   No, it means, is there still such a business?

   This island is willing to accept it if it doesn’t want the Saintess of Joy~ It’s a treasure island! Although the people who stayed above were all black and white aboriginals, these aboriginals had been improved for several generations, and they were completely the rudiments of a big gate.



   First notice: it will be on the shelves tomorrow~ it will be on 10.1, and it will be on the early morning~

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