My Italy

Chapter 437 The Thriving National Society (Part 2)

Palermo is the core city of Sicily. In recent years, with the economic development and the tilt of government investment, Palermo's economy has grown rapidly. Of course, economic growth also benefits everyone. Wrong, there is also a group of people who suffer economic losses.

In a manor on the outskirts of Palermo, there are many muscular men wearing windbreakers and looking wary. Their windbreakers were bulging inside, and it looked like they were carrying guns and other weapons. And at a high place outside the manor, there were also people on high alert with weapons.

There is of course a reason why the manor is so alert, because inside the manor, a secret meeting is being held.

In the venue, more than a dozen mafia family patriarchs were meeting to discuss the future of the mafia.

"Heipi is so rampant now. In Messina alone, three small families have been wiped out. And our Camillo family has lost more than thirty people in the battle with Heipi. If this continues, we will all be wiped out. ”

The person who spoke was Camillo Nunel, the leader of the Camillo family from Messina, the second largest city in Sicily. This person is also very famous in Messina. Although he can't be said to cure children's crying at night, the Camillo family is also notorious. Extortion is commonplace, and smuggling and kidnapping are even more proficient.

But now this Camilo Nunell is not very good-looking. The gauze on his head is from the injury he suffered in a firefight with Heipi. In order to avoid Heipi's pursuit these days, he has been hiding here and there. People are depressed.

The black skin in his mouth is the SS of the National Society. This combat team is mainly composed of retired soldiers. Because they like to wear black clothes, they are called black skin by the mafia.

However, although he is called a black man, he is a presence that makes the mafia gangsters tremble with fear. Instead of fighting against them without three to five times the numerical and weapon advantages, they would not be able to touch these black men at all.

After all, mafia gangsters usually focus on fighting and extortion. Even assassinations are done when they are not prepared. How can they have the energy and ability to fight head-on.

And Neunell's words aroused the emotions of others.

"It's just that these gangsters are too rampant and lawless."

"No, in Bari where our family is located, we and one other family are the only ones among the eight local families. Moreover, our two families can only hide in Tibet now. There is no way to do business at all. We can only rely on some of the money we made before. It’s impossible to survive this day.”

"This cannot continue like this. Mr. Gamena, you are our mutually recognized leader. Please give us a clear path."

With these words, the venue immediately fell silent, and everyone looked at the old man sitting on the chair. This old man was none other than Mr. Dita Gamena, the most respected member of the Mafia. He led The Dita family is currently the most powerful family in Sicily.

In addition, Gamenna himself is also very legendary. He was a plantation guard under the feudal lord where he started. With the liberation of Sicily during the Italian War of Independence, a group of outside bourgeoisie took over the local lemon plantations, and Gamena was fired. He sent a threatening letter to the new owner of the manor, demanding that he be reinstated. The owner of the manor didn't take it seriously, but the next day he found the newly hired guard shot to death.

Gamena returned to the manor and obtained lower land rents for farmers working on the plantations. Farmers on other plantations asked him for help, and Gamena refused no one who came.

After that, Garmena further secretly organized a group of brothers in the name of the monastery to continue to frighten the manor owner into not repenting and retaliating. In response, some of the manor owners fled Sicily, while those who stayed paid protection fees to Carmena to maintain order in the plantation.

You must know that these people who dare to buy the manor are not the ones who eat fast and chant Buddha. They can force them to leave without paying the protection fee. It is obvious at a glance that they are very clever.

Facing the gazes of everyone, Gammona, who was already presiding over the meeting, slowly spoke. "Everyone, I also know that everyone has been very sad in the past two years. The National Socialist Party is like a mad dog looking for trouble for us. We have also used various methods before, such as peace talks, threats, assassinations, firefights and other methods. The result The other side is determined to have its own way and is always our enemy.

So I feel that we cannot continue like this. We must unite, otherwise we will be defeated one by one. After all, our family basically has dozens or hundreds of people, maybe a few hundred at most. The National Socialist Party has hundreds of thousands of people, and its lackeys Heipi has thousands of people. This force must be united by us to resist the other party's attack. So here I call on you to unite, friends, we have no more power. The road is back. "

Faced with the appeal of the highly respected Gamona, the mafia leaders present did not immediately agree. Because when the National Society began to carry out violence against the Mafia, someone called for it, but the result was very unexpected and no one responded at all. The reason is simple: leaders are unwilling to hand over their power.

In addition, each family has its own business. How should these businesses be settled after the union? In addition, most families have conflicts, and it is not easy to reach a reconciliation. So the final result is that everyone agrees, but we can't come up with a solution that satisfies everyone, so we can only give up.

But now every family feels the endless malice from the SS. This is a critical moment of life and death. External conflicts have suppressed internal conflicts, so it is a good time to unite.

Of course, the timing is good, but it will not be easy to achieve a coalition without resolving the issue of interests, for which Gammona continued.

"As for unity, I think the most urgent thing at the moment is the need for a department that gives orders, a department that can direct everyone to unite us."

The people present are all human beings, and naturally they know that they can only be defeated by the black men one by one. So on this point, everyone agrees very much.

"Mr. Gamena is right. We should have a department that can command everyone, otherwise there will be no way to fight against the blackskins."

Someone immediately asked about this. "I have a question, that is, how should this department be organized? Is it recommended or appointed?"

It was a good thing that someone asked, but no one responded, so Gammona continued. “I suggest that we present should elect nine people recognized by everyone to serve as committee members and issue various orders from there.

In addition, whether you are willing to use your family property, business, secret channels, relationships, etc. to join forces can be discussed next. Of course, if there is a willing family, our executive committee can be responsible for evaluating its value and converting it into shares to issue dividends. Of course, this is just my preliminary idea. If you have better suggestions, you can also put them forward for your reference. "

"In addition, I would like to say that our Dita family is willing to bring our family property and business relationships into the name of the executive committee. In order to resist the invasion of black skin, we will do whatever it takes."

Garmona's words immediately made many people's eyes brighten, because it would mean that the executive committee has huge power. Of course, this would also mean that if you want to serve as a member, you will naturally need to give up your family. Of course, the current situation is difficult for all the major families. With the protection of the joint executive committee, the benefits will definitely be higher than fighting alone. Everyone is a human spirit, so they naturally understand this truth, so they expressed their willingness one after another.

“We would like to join”

"Our family is also willing."

"It counts as one of our family."


Such enthusiastic speeches brought the atmosphere in the venue to a climax. Next, each major family elected nine committee members, and the respected Garmona became the first chairman of the executive committee.

After the meeting, the mafia finally united. Of course, the first person to feel the mafia's unity was the National Socialist Party.

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