My Italy

Chapter 436 The Thriving National Society (Part 1)

Perhaps considering the reaction of the two people, the person introduced himself immediately. "I am Leontien, the head of the National Socialist Party in Naples. This time I am here to ask you for a little help. It can give our National Socialist Party some convenience so that our party can provide some positions in your factory. Also Please rest assured that we will provide personnel who meet your factory's requirements for these positions, and you can re-inspect them."

Leontien, the head of the National Socialist Party branch, did not want sponsorship but wanted to work, which made the two of them feel confused and did not know why. However, they do know a lot about the National Socialist Party. The party has become famous in the south in the past two years and has grown rapidly. It is already considered one of the top three political party organizations in the south.

The two of them did not want to offend the local person in charge of such a political party, but they still needed to understand their intentions.

Stamp said. "Mr. Leontien, although I don't know your intention, your approach makes us a little confused."

"It's nothing. In addition to sharing the worries of national enterprises, I also want to use this to provide some benefits to the members of our party."

This Leontien answered so openly that people didn't know what to say. But since the other party has said so, I still have to give him some thin noodles. After all, the other party is also a local snake. Although he doesn't know how to deal with him, he can't offend him.

Just when Stamp was about to give him more than ten or twenty positions at random, the factory director Molina patted him with his hand and spoke first.

"Mr. Leontien, we are very willing to ask your party for help, so we also hope that your party can help us find two hundred employees?"

Upon hearing that there were two hundred employees available, Leontien stood up and said excitedly. "Thank you very much for your help. Our National Socialist Party will never forget your kindness."

The position of two hundred refinery employees was a great gift for the local branch of the National Socialist Party. These two hundred positions can at least add two hundred loyal party members to the National Society. How could Leontien not know this?

"Nothing, I just appreciate your party's ideas. I think individuals must serve the country, otherwise they will not be able to gain a foothold in this world."

Molina's words made Leontien's eyes light up. This person actually knew their National Socialist Party. This is good news, maybe you need to get close to this person in the future.

"Mr. Molina, if you have time, can I have a cup of coffee with you and discuss this topic together?"

"I am very happy for your invitation, but I am too busy with work now, so I may have to wait for a while."

"It doesn't matter, I will wait for your visit."

The two were as friendly as good friends they hadn't seen for many years. If they hadn't been there from the beginning, even Stamp would have thought the two were good friends.

So after Leontien left, he couldn't wait to ask. "Director, are you his friend?"

"No, I just met him today, not as long as you."

Molina's words directly broke one of Stamp's speculations.

"I saw that you two talked so well, I thought you were good friends."

"Okay, Stamp, don't be too eager to know about some things."

After warning his subordinates, Molina left. Being close to the National Socialist Party, what was he thinking? He just heard a guess, so he tried it with other thoughts.

After all, the National Socialist Party is quite legendary, and its vigorous performance in the south has led to some speculation. Of course, this has nothing to do with him.

As for Leontien, there were also people curiously asking about the same topic.

"This is also the first time I met the director of the Molina factory. Although I don't know why he has goodwill towards our party, this goodwill is precious and we cannot let it down."

Obviously the meaning of this is, don't worry about anything else, as long as it can benefit the National Socialist Party, get the benefits first. But it is enough to let the head of the dignified Naples branch come to seek sponsorship or something.

Of course, in the final analysis, the National Socialist Party is too radical. In the past two years, under the leadership of the great party leader Cruz, the National Socialist Party has resolutely chosen the strategy of developing southward. He still remembers that the party leader said at that time that poverty in the south is our opportunity. We must eradicate the mafia that oppresses the people in the south and wrest the people from the hands of the mafia.

Leontien burst into tears when he heard this, and at the same time he also recognized this cause with lofty ideals.

Under his leadership, the Naples branch has developed well in the past two years and is already the second largest local party after the Democratic Socialist Party. Of course, the National Socialist Party can develop rapidly in Naples. In addition to normal speeches and rallies, the National Socialist Party also has a secret weapon, which is to fight the mafia.

That's right, it's the famous Italian Mafia.

According to the policy of the National Socialist Party, these scum who only know how to do illegal things and suck blood from the people can only have one effect, and that is to fertilize the land.

Yes, the National Socialist Party not only said this, but also did it. Because of this idea, the National Socialist Party was targeted by the mafia from the beginning. Actions such as assassinations and setting fire to branches or the homes of National Socialist Party members could not scare National Socialist Party members at all. Their actions can only prove once again that the party leader Cruz said that only a dead Mafia is a good Mafia.

Faced with the threat of the Mafia, the National Socialist Party immediately launched a counterattack. The National Socialist Party formed a paramilitary organization, the SS, which was a paramilitary organization headed by retired officers or soldiers. A detachment is formed from twenty to thirty, and a combat company is formed from five detachments, and each division controls 4-8 companies. Of course, the mission of these SS units is also to target those Mafia families who do evil.

In order to avoid improper use of the SS, Cruz reiterated more than once that each branch must be cautious in the use of the SS. The Mafia family must be identified before the SS can be used to eliminate it. In addition to the SS, the branch must also send a supervision team of no less than three people for each elimination operation.

The National Socialist Party used the SS so cautiously because they knew the government's tolerance for political parties. For example, even if a fight breaks out between them and the mafia, the government will at best give a verbal warning. But if the mafia is replaced by other political parties, it goes without saying that both political parties will be investigated and punished immediately. If we talk about targeting ordinary people, let alone the law enforcement agencies, severe crackdowns will come soon.

Yes, from the government's point of view, if the National Society can deal with the mafia, then it can tolerate it as long as it doesn't go too far.

The National Society also relied on fighting the mafia to enrich itself. You must know that every mafia family will have a lot of wealth. Why not take out this ill-gotten wealth and distribute it to the people. The National Socialist Party, which controlled distribution channels, relied on this to develop and grow in the south.

Of course, the National Socialist Party also knows its propriety. In areas where the Mafia has been eliminated, the National Socialist Party will transfer the SS and will not continue to keep the organization in the local area, making it a target for other parties to blame themselves.

However, in this war with the Mafia, the National Socialist Party is not yet qualified to claim victory, because compared to the Mafia that has existed in the South for hundreds of years, no matter how advanced the National Socialist Party is in its organization, it has only been in this war for two years. Still have to fight.

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