My Iron Suit

Chapter 1147: Transformers are not toys!

Howard said sideways while letting the three of them in.

"Just for you to be happy and happy outside, I have to hang on under the ground? Come in!"

The three Steve walked into the martial arts hall and closed the door.

Sharon on the side originally listened to Steve and Howard's conversation, with a look of doubt, but after entering the martial arts hall and seeing Chen Mo sitting on the sofa, Sharon immediately opened his eyes and ran towards him. In the past, he flew directly into Chen Mo's arms and said excitedly.

"Daddy, the Transformers you sent me are just amazing!"

Chen Chen touched Sharon's soft hair and said with a smile.

"nice! You love it."

At this moment, Howard, who was walking to the sofa, suddenly asked.

"Transformers? New toys?"

When Sharon heard that, she looked up at Howard with some dissatisfaction and said with a serious expression.

"Transformers are not toys!"

Sharon Rogers said, looking at Howard's gaze again, but the feeling of familiarity was getting stronger and stronger, where did he seem to have seen him!

Chen Chen looked at Sharon's expression, smiled and said to her.

"Sharon, this is Tony's father, and also my comrade in arms with Steve, Howard Stark!"

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Sharon instantly overlapped Howard in front of her with the photos in her memory.

Yes! The person in front of her looked exactly like the picture of Howard Stark she had seen!

When Sharon was adopted by Tony, Howard had been suspended for many years. She had not seen Howard in person, and had no memory at all. Her only impression of him was some photos.

Because Tony and Howard's relationship has been bad, so Howard's photos could not be found at home, and those she saw were found online by herself.

Knowing Howard's identity, Sharon immediately rose from the sofa and greeted him politely.

"Uncle Howard, I'm Sharon!"

For Howard, although Sharon is not as close to Chen Mo and Steve, after all, she has been a sibling with Tony Stark for so many years. For Tony's father, Sharon still has a far more ordinary feeling in her heart. .

Looking at the well-behaved Sharon, Howard couldn't help but have a pamper of pampering in his mind, and he couldn't help thinking of a dozen years ago and said with sigh.

"Time passes so fast, little Sharon, when you were at the SHIELD, you were only a little bit bigger, and now you have become a big girl!"

Sharon listened to Howard's words, could not help but look at Steve and Carter, Howard said, must be before she was given to Tony to raise.

At that time, she should be only a few years old. She didn't have much impression at all. She only remembered some scattered and fuzzy pictures.

When Steve and Carter listened to Howard's words, they couldn't help but think of the previous picture of Sharon running around the SHIELD. Both eyes were a little red. When Sharon looked at them, they couldn't help feeling guilty. Turned his head.

When Sharon was handed over to Tony, she spent a period of imperfect childhood without her parents, which made the two of them feel ashamed of Sharon all the time. This is the main reason why Steve now spoils Sharon so much. the reason.

He always wanted to make up for everything she owed her!

Although she has returned to Sharon for a few years, Sharon's life has changed a lot, and she is very happy every day, but the guilt in the hearts of the two has not been reduced. At this time, Howard mentioned it. The emotions of the two could not help but be sad!

On the sofa, Chen Mo saw how the atmosphere in the room was completely destroyed by Howard's words, and could not help but stare at him fiercely, but Howard looked at Chen Mo innocently, not knowing where he was wrong.

Chen Mo watched Howard ’s idiot's general performance. I do n’t know how he managed the SHIELD over the years. Fortunately, Hydra is now in his grasp. Otherwise, he might have been thoroughly penetrated by Hydra. He, the director of SHIELD, did not know when he was killed by his men!

默 Chen Mo's idea of ​​replacing the director of the SHIELD could not help but be more intense!

I put down the idea for a while, Chen Mo turned to look at Steve and said.

"Okay, don't stand still, Sharon, come here, sit next to Daddy!"

I heard Chen Mo speak, and several people took their seats. Sharon sat back to Chen Mo and wrapped his arms in his hands, thinking of Steve's complaint to Carter just outside the door.

"Daddy, Steve just said he wouldn't let me drive!"

默 Chen Mo heard his words and turned to look at Steve immediately. Steve was stared at Chen Mo's eyes and just wanted to deny it, but found that he had just said it, although it was to Carter!

Steve had to explain.

"Master, you do n’t know, this girl is driving too fast. We rushed from the Avengers Building and it took a total of ten minutes! And I did n’t let her go, just slow down!"

Chen Mo heard the words but said slowly with a serious face.

"Steve, I know you care about Sharon, but you need to know that excessive care can become doting, and it is not good for Sharon!"

Listening to Chen Mo, Steve felt right, but he always felt like something was wrong!

I heard Chen Mo continue to say.

"With Sharon's physical quality, if she arrived here for more than ten minutes, it means that the speed is completely within her grasp ~ ~ and there is no danger. And the Transformer itself has a strong protection ability, even if the speed exceeds Sharon ’s control, the car can ensure safe driving, and it will automatically respond to danger. It will even automatically deform to meet the enemy. Protect Sharon. You do n’t need to worry about it at all. All right!"

After listening to Chen Mo's analysis, Steve instantly felt that was indeed the case!

I really seem to be too fond of Sharon!

"Master is right! Then I don't care!"

Steve said seriously looking at Chen Mo.

"Yeah, that's great, finally no one will hit me again!"

Sharon was very happy when she heard the words. Since Chen Mo helped her upgrade the Beatles to Transformers. After driving to school by herself, Steve does n’t know how many times he beats her, pay attention to safety and drive slowly, although she also knows that Steve Husband cares about her, but she is no longer a child!

Howard watched this "war" between Steve and Sharon quickly end under Chen Mo's "mediation", but he was envious.

He couldn't help but remember that he and his son were in Los Angeles and stayed in an underground base in New York all day long. Only Tony could see him when he came to the SHIELD with Chen Mo occasionally. When this continues, when will the relationship between the two be relaxed.

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