My Iron Suit

Chapter 1146: Howard's nightmare is here!

喂 "Hey, what do you think? Let's go down. It's been a long time since I tasted Wang Kun's cooking. I can't wait!"

Howard's voice awakened Chen Mo from his memories. Chen Mo looked at Howard's eagerness and drooling, and could not help thinking of Wang Kun's wife's craftsmanship.

When Chen Mo and Howard opened the door and went downstairs, in the familiar hall of the Martial Art Hall, Wang Kun was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea with a purple sand pot. In the kitchen not far away, the sound of friction and collision between the shovel and the pot wall, but The sound of ingredients sizzling under the high temperature kept coming, and the originally empty and cold Wu Guan suddenly added a breath of fireworks.

There was a seductive scent floating around, and around the tip of their noses, Howard could not help but swallow.

"This seems to be the smell of spicy chicken!"

At this time, Wang Kun on the sofa also noticed the movement on the side of the building and suddenly raised his head.

Seeing Chen Mo and Howard stepping down the stairs, Wang Kun stood up from the sofa for the first time and said respectfully.

"Library owner, you are back!"

Uh ...

That night, Howard touched Chen Mo's light. After many years, he again tasted the wife Wang Kun's craftsmanship, and drank at the dining table until he couldn't hold it, and then he let go of his chopsticks.

He couldn't help but think secretly that it seemed necessary to recruit a Chinese chef for the SHIELD base!

Of course, he is definitely not to satisfy his appetite, but to improve the quality of life of SHIELD agents!

Only after eating well can we fight the evil forces better!

After eating this delicious dinner made by his wife Wang Kun, several people sat on the sofa and chatted again.

In the New York incident two and a half years ago, the battle with the invading Kitari Army took place in the center of Manhattan. Brooklyn was not affected so much, so the Armed Forces and the Seven Rings were not affected.

It was Wang Kun's grandson Wang Jin who joined the Avengers Alliance. Although he was in New York, he moved with others into the Avengers Building, which was converted from the original Stark Building.

However, Wang Jin is also very filial. When he is fine, he often comes back to see them. In addition, when Steve is free, he often takes Sharon back to the martial arts, and discusses with Wang Kun. By the way, Professor Sharon, both I don't feel lonely in my life.

However, Howard followed Chen Mo to live in the martial arts hall.

机构 The SHIELD itself has a very good institution building. It doesn't matter if he is the director of SHIELD for a short time, and Howard relies on the military hall to eat and drink.

Speaking of them, Howard also fought with them that year, participated in the battle to destroy the underground forces in Brooklyn, killed a lot of enemies, and was regarded as a force for the establishment of the Seven Rings.

At this point, Chen Mo left him here, by the way, he also hone his combat skills!

默 Chen Mo originally thought Howard would shrink back a few days. I didn't expect that under the temptation of food, this guy insisted on it. He did not eat less every day, and his fighting skills were greatly improved under the guidance of Chen Mo and Wang Kun!

In fact, it is not just the power of food. After the New York incident, Howard also realized the importance of strength.

Earth may face the invasion of other powerful alien creatures at any time. Only with great strength can we guarantee the safety of the earth. As an intensifier of the super soldier's serum, it is too wasteful to improve his strength.

When he doesn't want danger to happen, he has no strength to protect his family!

Enjoying delicious food every day, feeling the continuous improvement of his strength, Howard is painful and happy, and he is fulfilling every day.

But with the arrival of the Steve family a few days later, Howard's nightmare finally came!

That evening, in a powerful engine roar like a sports car, a pink Beetle car was speeding on the road at a speed totally inconsistent with its appearance, galloping all the way, constantly throwing cars to Behind.

Through the car window, you can see a young girl with beautiful long blond hair and exquisite facial features who is sitting in the driver's seat, and constantly turns the steering wheel with excitement, and in the co-pilot seat, a "slow!" "Careful!" The reminder kept ringing, and Carter, sitting alone in the back row, looked at Steve's anxious look and shook his head helplessly. This guy is really dead!

Although Steve reminded repeatedly, the driving Sharon obviously did not listen at all, the small Beetle still surpassed the cars in front with the speed and flexibility of the racing car, even staged from time to time during the turn. The drift made Steve nervous about the co-pilot, but he couldn't help her.

Finally, after turning into a historical street, the beetle, like a wild horse, finally began to slow down, and finally stopped steadily in front of the Wuguan gate with a violent braking sound.

The door of the cab was first pushed open. Sharon Rogers came out of the car with excitement and turned his head towards the martial arts gate. Although the door of the co-pilot was also quickly opened, the one sitting inside The tall figure took a while to get out of the car.

The height of more than two meters and the strong and strong body made him stand very uncoordinated beside this small pink beetle!

Looking down at the front passenger seat ~ ~ Carter slowly walking down the back row, Steve said helplessly.

"I just said she shouldn't be allowed to drive, you see how dangerous this road is, what to do in case of an accident!"

Carter gave Steve a white look and said angrily.

"Why are you riding a motorcycle slower than your daughter? With her reaction speed and full control, don't worry about it!"

Steve didn't agree when he heard the words, and shook his head again and again.

"That's the same, Sharon is still young, it's safer to drive slowly!"

Carter rolled her eyes, too lazy to deal with Steve, the spoiled monster, and turned directly towards the gate of Wu Guan.

Perhaps in the eyes of the father, no matter how old the daughter is, he will always be a child!

When Steve came to the front door of the Wukan, the door had been opened. Looking at this uncle with a beard who had never seen it, but felt very familiar, Sharon couldn't help revealing it. A puzzled look on his face.

Behind her, Steve and Carter were surprised to see Howard.

"How come you guy here?"

Steve could not help asking.

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