My Iron Suit

Chapter 1075: Emergency moment!

After the arm finally broke free, Happi's attack became more fierce. The double fists continued to attack, making Eric Severn more difficult to dodge. Finally, Happi was accidentally punched in the nose. on!

In the face of the unexpected strength of Eric Severn, Happi did not keep a hand, this punch can be said to use all efforts.

If it is an ordinary person, Happi is enough to interrupt the other's nose bones, the concussion is light, and it is even possible to kill people directly, but this punch is on Eric Savin's body. However, he only made a wound in his nose, and his whole person did not seem to be affected.

However, it is quite good to say that after all, the power of Eric Savin is there, and the strength of the body will certainly not be too bad, but the scene that happened in the next moment is to surprise Happi Hogan, the horror of the face!

I saw an orange light appearing on the face of Eric Severn. When I was licking something, the lava of the lonely man’s face was exactly the same, but it was more dazzling.

This lava-like light quickly rushed to the broken nose of Eric Savin, and the cracked wound seemed to have lava flowing out from under the skin, shining more dazzling light, quickly Filling the ruptured wound is almost a blink of an eye. The wound that had just been punched out by Hapi quickly healed and disappeared without a trace!

Happi himself actually has the self-healing ability that Chen Mo helped him to strengthen, but with his self-healing ability, it takes at least a minute for the wound to be completely healed. It is absolutely impossible to be like Eric Severn. It will heal completely!

As far as he knows, even Chen Mo, the most powerful self-healing commander among them, can't heal so quickly!

How does this guy have such a powerful self-healing ability and more powerful power than him?

And what about the orange glow of the magma that emerged from their faces? This powerful self-healing ability seems to be related to the orange light!

Just as Happi looked at Erik Savin's wound healing wounds, Eric Savin rushed toward him with an angry look!

Happi quickly punched the ball toward Eric Severn, but was shunned by the other side, and waited for Happi to attack again. Eric Savin was violently reaching out to grab. Happi's arm, then violently forced to throw Happi out!

Happi itself is three times more powerful than ordinary people, and Eric Savin’s power is stronger than Happi. The huge force throws Happi’s thick and heavy body directly out of a dozen meters and knocks over a booth. He fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Happi was strengthened, his physical condition was very strong, and he was not injured. He quickly climbed up from the ground and gritted his teeth again to meet Eric Savin, who was rushing toward him.

When the two of them first started to fight, they did not attract the attention of too many people in the square. The people around them only looked far away, but when they saw the strong and heavy Happi being thrown out for more than a dozen meters, Everyone's face has changed. This is obviously not something that normal people can do. Many people immediately panic and ran towards the distance!

In the middle of the square, there are only Eric Severn and Happi who are playing together again, and the lonely man with a suitcase standing by the side!

Seeing that Eric Savin and Happi are fighting together, they are desperate for men even if they want to go up and help.

The things in the suitcase that Eric Savin gave him are very important to him, but they are illegal human experimental drugs that are prohibited by law. They cannot see the light, and the appearance of Happi is likely to expose their affairs. He can't allow this to happen!

However, due to his own intensive effect is not good, the body's strength is not stable, want to help Eric Severn against the weak enemy, you need to consolidate!

When he even opened the suitcase directly, he picked up a slap-sized dish from the inside and put the head with the iron piece in his mouth.

A touch of orange light came out again on his face, and the familiar power re-emerged in his body!

However, just as he was preparing to help Eric Saiwen deal with Happi, his face suddenly changed, because he found that the power in the body did not stabilize as before and stabilized to a certain extent. It continues to grow and become more and more violent!

This made him unable to panic!

He knew exactly what it meant. There were a lot of people who had been with him for reinforcement, and in the end, they all died!

Even the body did not stay!

Under the horror, the lonely man like a drowning man grabbed the life-saving straw, and hurriedly shouted at the desperate scream of Eric Savin, who was not far from Happi.

"Saiwen, save me! Save me!"

Eric Savin heard the shouting behind him and took the time to look at the past. When he saw the brighter orange light on the man who fell, the look on his face changed dramatically.

In such a short period of time, the orange light on the man's face has spread to the whole body, and it is getting brighter and brighter. The whole person is like a huge light bulb, and the mouth is bursting with painful mourning.

Eric Severn is very clear about what will happen next. This is the purpose of his coming tonight, but the battle with Hapy Hogan just let him forget the "chess" for a while, no I thought that he actually used the "dead virus" at this time!

Eric Severn was no longer able to look at the opposite Hapy Hogan let the other side punch a fist on his face, but he turned directly to the outside of the square Run over!

Although Happi Hogan didn't know what was going on, but looking at the growing state of the man who fell and the reaction of Eric Severn, I also know that it is not good, this is obviously the rhythm of the explosion!

Happi also refused to take control of Eric Severn again. His eyes swept away and quickly hid behind a stall next to him. As for whether he could block it, Happi had no bottom in his heart!

The strength and self-healing ability that Eric Savin showed just now is much stronger than him. Even he hurriedly fled, showing that the destructive power of the explosion is absolutely strong!

The people in the square also found the monster that glowed like a red iron, and fled in a panic, but at their speed, how could it be.

Seeing a violent explosion is about to happen, everyone in the square is about to be buried in the sea of ​​fire. At this moment, a fierce air-breaking sound suddenly sounded over the square, like the sound of a shell falling toward the ground.


Everyone felt that the ground was suddenly shocked. The next moment I saw a tall figure wearing a black steel war suit and fell on the monster that was shining and mourning!


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