My Iron Suit

Chapter 1074: Happi's boxing!

Eric Severn strode toward the lonely man in the corner of the square, and behind him, a generous and strong figure quietly followed the square and stopped in front of a booth selling sunglasses.

Picking up a pair of sunglasses from the booth, Happi Hogan looked at the mirror in front of him and looked at it. It seemed to be looking in the mirror. In fact, he quietly adjusted the angle of the mirror and used the mirror to sneak. Observe the every move of Eric Savin behind him!

Happi saw that Eric Savin handed the suitcase in his hand to the lonely man. After that, the two said a few words, but because of the distance, and the noisy here, Happi did not listen. What did the two say?

However, the two people sneaked into the night to meet secretly, apparently there is something ulterior, Happi Hogan's gaze could not help but fall to the suitcase in the hands of the lonely man!

Eric Severn and the lonely man simply turned around and left without saying a word. Instead, they were grateful for the man’s face. After watching Eric Severn’s departure, he couldn’t wait to open the suitcase and check it out. .

Happi Hogan saw Erik Savin's figure disappeared outside the square, and immediately took off his glasses and turned and walked toward the lonely man.

The lonely man hurriedly glanced at the contents of the suitcase and closed the box directly, getting up and preparing to leave, but he just turned down and walked out a few steps, and was hit by Hapy Hogan!


The suitcase was knocked out and hit the ground, and some of the key-shaped fishtail-shaped metal pieces contained in it were scattered around the ground.

"Sorry, friend!"

Happi Hogan said, squatting down with the fallen man, screaming at the other party, Happi hid a piece of metal in the palm of his hand.

The lonely man only looked at the metal piece scattered around, and did not notice Happi's little movement, but when he looked up casually and looked at Happi who hit him, Happi found his face appeared. A smear of magma generally has a hot orange glow, and it seems that magma is surging under his skin!

Hapy Hogan was shocked by this strange scene, but he tried to hide the shock in his heart, and his face did not show up. When he looked down and continued to pack, he pretended to get up and ready to leave. .

He believes that as long as he gives his hand to Tony, he will be able to figure out what this is!

However, Happi did not notice that Eric Severn, who had walked away before, did not really leave, but hid in the distance to monitor the lonely man. When he stepped forward and knocked his suitcase off, Ereli Ke Saiwen found out that it was wrong!

At this point, Happi just walked out a few steps, then he felt his shoulders were hit hard, just as he had deliberately hit a fallen man before, and Happi felt that the strength of the other side was much larger than the average person!

Rao is a strong figure, and has been strengthened by the improved super soldier's serum. He has more than three times the strength of ordinary people, and he has been hit by a shackle. He finally regained his stature.

"Hey! Buddy! So smart, we met again, why, don't need to protect your beauty boss, run alone to watch a movie?"

Hapy Hogan looked at Eric Savin, who was laughing in front of him, and his brow could not help but wrinkle.

I just saw that the other party left, but now it suddenly popped out and hit him. He didn't think it was a coincidence!

The other party is likely to discover his previous move!

However, Happi is not afraid. He was originally a top professional boxer. Otherwise, he could not become the top bodyguard of Tony Stark, and later accepted the enhancement of the serum of the improved super soldier. Confidence In addition to the perverted superheroes in the Avengers, no one will be his opponent!

Although this guy seems to have a lot of strength, it is not likely to be stronger than him!

"Are you not the same? Oh, no, you have a male companion, are you going to see romantic romance together?"

Hapy Hogan followed Tony Stark, and his other skills were not learned. The ability to ridicule the sarcasm was the true biography of Tony.

Eric Savin heard that the expression on his face was solidified and his face sank.

Behind him, the lonely man who had just packed his suitcase saw Eric Savin appear again, and he stunned with the strong guy who had hit him. He quickly reacted and looked at him with a bad look. skin!

"You took our things, it's best to hand them out!"

Eric Severn looked at Happi's right hand with a fist and threatened a fierce look.

Happi Hogan heard that he knew that his little gesture had been seen by the other party. Since he had been discovered, Happi was no longer hidden. He raised his right hand and pinched the piece of metal between his fingers, towards Eric. The text said.

"Do you mean this? I think you can't take it back!"

Eric Savin looked at the piece of metal that Happi pinched in his hand, and his eyes couldn’t help but condense. He quickly reached out and grabbed Happi’s arm and said coldly.

"That's not your thing!"

Happi didn't put Eric Severn in his But when the opponent's palm grabbed his arm, he found himself underestimating this guy!

The pressure from the arm tells him that Eric Savin's power is much stronger than he thought, and when his arm tries to break free, he finds that he can't get rid of it!

This Aldrich Kilian's bodyguard is even stronger than him!

But now, Happi has no time to think about the other, see the right arm can not get rid of it, he directly fists in the left hand, a punch punched towards Eric Savin's face!

It is reasonable to say that Happi is now more than three times more powerful and strong, and the speed of punching is so fast that the average person can't do it, but when Happi's fist hits his eyes, Eric Savin is quick. A hoe, easily flashed Happi's fist!

However, Happi did not stop the attack. As a top boxer, Happi’s boxing method was not weak. Later, he often practiced with Tony and Wang Jin, and the boxing method was greatly advanced. Although Rick Savin is better than him, his combat skills are much weaker than him. Although he relies on agile reaction to escape most of Happi's attacks, he is still attacking in Hapy. I had to loosen the hand that grabbed his right arm.


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