My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 414: Kicking the Ball

The air under the shade of the tree was inexplicably colder. Professor Twelve Trees stretched his hand to the top of his head, passed through the messy silver hair, and scratched his numb scalp. Obviously, this accident started from a simple Grindelwald and Dumbledore's fight turned into two former Hogwarts professors who were caught spying on Ilvermorny.

"I believe we all don't want to see the current situation happen," Melissa said helplessly, spreading her hands, "Your wisdom must be able to see that this is just an unsightly coincidence."

From the beginning to the end, she didn't explain the relationship between herself and the explosion just now. This undoubtedly kicked the decision-making ball back to Professor Twelve Trees. As a principal with complicated components, Professor Twelve Trees needs to consider What matters is not only the identity of the suspect who surrendered and the wanted criminal, but also the complex impact of this trip. If Professor Sykes is really arrested and her identity is made public, her origin, England, Huobi, etc. What kind of attitude will Gewarz give, and the Magic Congress of America, which is eager to get rid of the taint of the Second Salem experiment, is bound to make "cooperation with the anti-wizard organization Second Salem" in her identity and wanted notice. Will the attitude of the British Ministry of Magic, which was splashed with dirty water at that time, change again? If the British Ministry of Magic takes a tough attitude, can the Magical Congress of America and the American magic community, which has lost its backbone and fallen into a weak trough, bear their anger?

He knew that there was something hidden about Melissa's defection. She was not the real person who cooperated with Second Salem, which made his thoughts more confused and his headache even more painful.

Professor Twelve Trees pressed his thumb tightly to his temple, and the pain covered his incessant migraine since he stepped into the forest. The ambitious young minister Nobby Rich, his lion mouth on the negotiating table and Norton II's helplessness and complaints afterwards made Professor Twelve Trees clearly understand that the fugitive in front of him was not a simple arrest. Big trouble can be solved.


But he still couldn't expose Grindelwald's whereabouts. In order to prevent those No-Maj-born children from experiencing the tragedies he witnessed back then, he had already let go of his position and dignity over the years, even like his ancestors many years ago. Same, bear the sin of betrayal.

He raised his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in his cloudy old eyes: "At least there is good news for now."

"What do you mean?" Melissa smiled knowingly and asked.

"Your Armando Dippet, who should have been buried a long time ago, is quite capable, at least he didn't need to be caught on the spot." The blue veins on Professor Twelve Trees' temples twitched, and the soreness caused by pressing his temples could no longer be covered He had a headache, and there was no trace of reservation in his tone, he almost pointed his nose and scolded, "But why didn't you just run away with him?"

"I don't have the skills of a principal, so I dare not conflict with so many outstanding professors in Ilvermorny." Melissa covered her mouth and chuckled. She already understood that the old principal in front of her was a sensible person, unlike Armando. So she deliberately put on a vulnerable gesture, "So I'm going to get caught, no?"

Armando's breakthrough bought time for the conversation here, but until now, seeing that the pursuit was hopeless, the professors who were hanging in the air turned their brooms helplessly and started flying towards this side.

"You know how to transfigure, right?" Professor Twelve Trees said with narrowed eyes, "I didn't expect that Ilvermorny would have to become a place where all kinds of dirt are hidden at this time."

"Principal! That black wizard's spell is too fierce, we can't catch up with him!" The nearest professor approached and shouted in mid-air, "Fortunately, you caught another murderer!"

"This is one of our own." Professor Twelve Trees shook his head helplessly, "I will report this matter to His Majesty Norton."

Opposite him, Melissa, who lacked a wand, had completely turned into another person. Professor Twelve Trees stared at this strange spellcasting, and gradually narrowed his eyes.

"What... Principal, didn't they just stay in—"

"She is... Forget it, you can tell yourself." Professor Twelve Trees was too lazy to make up excuses. He raised his chin, pouting at Melissa, and said in a hoarse voice, "Tell them what you do."

Melissa nodded, knelt down to pick up the wand on the ground, gently patted off the dust on it, stood up and looked at the professor in the air, and greeted the professor in a graceful manner like a girl who just walked out of the campus, "Professor Hello, my name is Martha, I'm sorry, my mana is a bit low, and I couldn't stop the dark wizard who was trying to attack Ilvermorny just now."

Melissa was almost exactly the same Martha she had met when she left London, only slightly fuller and more confident.

Looking at Melissa's young but unfamiliar face, the professor in the sky asked a little confused, "Are you... a student who just graduated? But why do I feel like I haven't seen you before?"

"I'm from England, Professor, just immigrated from there."

"British?" There was a trace of hostility on the professor's face. After all, not long ago, the terms of the British made them lose face.

"I've wanted to be a teacher since I was little, a professor."

As if Melissa didn't see his expression, she raised her bloody arm with a scar at some point, and tied a strand of blue hair hanging from her forehead behind her ear. This scar reminded the professor of After reading her self-report of "trying to protect Ilvermorny and fighting hard", her weak movements also softened his eyes. The teacher is always used to trusting innocent young people.

"Do you want to treat the wound first?"

"It's okay, Professor, it's just a minor injury," she shook her head, and continued to introduce herself gracefully: "But I'm not a pureblood, and Flitwick and McGonagall were even better at the same time, so the Hogwarts school The Board of Directors did not take a fancy to me, and under the introduction of my childhood friend Nelson Williams, I traveled across the ocean and came to the United States, and he told me that there is a group of friendly wizards who are willing to accept different people."

"Oh, of course!"

Hearing Melissa's flattering compliments, the professor showed an expression of appreciation and approval, and his feelings of inferiority and disdain when facing the motherland of the founder of the school were completely satisfied, as long as he knew a little more about it Son, you will know that McGonagall is not a pure blood wizard. As for Flitwick, you can tell that he is not a pure blood wizard just by looking at him, and the identity of Nelson's childhood friend also greatly increases his favor, even though he is an American. The instigator of the shame of wizards, but for them, the Magic Council who did such a thing is even more shameful, not to mention that he and Nelson once had a good teacher-student relationship, so he said gently, "Those British gentlemen only look at blood and family background. In my opinion, you can delay that kind of dark wizard. Even though you are injured, you are definitely better than those Fluvi and Magnum."

"It's Flitwick and McGonagall, Professor."

"That's not important," said the professor, who was from the Goblin Academy. He was a wizard skilled in healing magic. He sat on a broom and waved his magic wand. A ball of milky white light flew out from the tip of the wand, covering Melissa's body lightly. On the arm, "They have become rigid and rotten, and you are right, we are indeed more willing to accept different people."

He didn't notice the murderous eyes of Professor Twelve Trees behind Melissa.

"Do you approve of me too? Professor!" Melissa showed an excited expression, turned her head, and looked at Professor Twelve Trees expectantly. A tolerant Ilvermorny professor is willing to recognize me!"

The professor on the broom said confusedly: "This is..."


Before Professor Twelve Trees could finish a word, Melissa turned her head quickly and said like a cannonball, "I want to find a job in Ilvermorny so that I can learn more about the teaching profession. , Professor Twelve Trees recognized my enthusiasm, but he said that my status as a British immigrant may have some problems, you see, Teacher Twelve Trees, he recognized me!"

Melissa looked back at Professor Twelve Trees with the expression of eating a fly, expressing her sincere joy.

She told the story of her crossing the ocean with excitement, and after adding some magic to Martha's real story, her self-report seemed so real, so real that it was moving.

Professor Twelve Trees couldn't hide his murderous eyes anymore. Countless words and emotional particles rushed out of his eyes, and he made eye contact with Melissa emotionally.

"Are you crazy? I'll give you a chance to run away and don't cause trouble for Ilvermorny. What are you doing?"

"You asked me to introduce myself, Mr. Principal." Melissa showed a Mona Lisa smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will arrest you and hand you over to Congress?"

"You will not."

Professor Twelve Trees is angry. Compared with Melissa, who is a bachelor, he has too many things to consider, and he doesn't dare to blatantly hand over the prisoner. What's more, when time is running out, he doesn't even go to the daily affairs. The Norton II meeting opportunity.

"What are you trying to do?" he asked softly, with a foul breath, "I don't want to cause trouble for Ilvermorny."

"Professor, I promise I won't cause trouble! When I first came to the United States, I was apprenticed in a tailor shop in New York. I didn't even dare to use magic. Professor, a person with nothing like me will never They will firmly grasp the only remaining opportunity!"

At this moment, there are more and more professors around them. After sharing what they heard, some sentimental professors even started to secretly wipe their tears. Professor Twelve Trees almost exploded when he saw this scene. You guys usually Why can't you empathize with yourself when you ask for money? He remembered a rumor he had heard when he secretly visited Nurmengard—there was a mysterious and moody senior who liked to throw his subordinates to the South Pole as punishment. Maybe he could consider asking the school board of directors to have greater arbitration powers. proposed.

"Principal, what happened to the British immigrants? Isn't our founder, Aesop Issell, an immigrant from Ireland to America?" This is a later female professor who came from the south. After reading Lisa's story, she couldn't help thinking of the days when she was studying under the discrimination of her classmates in the north.

"Principal, are you also considering her bloodline? The founder of our Goblin Academy is even a No-Maj!" The professor who arrived at the earliest also responded, "As for the origin, our garden manager doesn't even know Where did we come from, but don't we accept her anyway? This kid came here from far away, pompous England in search of a slim chance, and as a school of teaching, shouldn't we encourage such dreams ?”

"I don't know where the gardener came from?" Melissa's eyes showed a gleam of joy, and she found the person who had been curious.

"Principal, her friend Nelson was also a student of ours."

A few more professors expressed their support. These lovely teachers have always recognized the dreams of young people, and there were also some professors who showed doubts, but they just stopped in the air and did not object aloud.

"Are you teaching foolishly?! Give her back her old friend? If she can be counted as Nelson's old friend, then I am Merlin's real father!" Professor Twelve Trees really wanted to yell out this sentence, but he didn't Needless to say, this old wizard who has been compromised for a lifetime made another compromised choice.



Somewhere far away from Ilvermorny, Armando's tired body suddenly appeared in the wilderness. The cover magic during his escape almost consumed the last trace of mana in his old body, so that he didn't have any magic power after Apparating. With the strength to stand upright, he could only throw himself heavily on the sand, his eyes were useless, and he couldn't even get up.

"I...I can't go down, Barry is waiting for me to find a way to fix him..."

He murmured weakly, and soon fell into a coma. After an unknown amount of time, when the wind and sand covered his body with a layer of yellow, a pair of exaggeratedly shaped orange leather shoes appeared in front of his eyes. One foot is doing a disturbing tap dance.

Armando woke up from a trance, the owner of the leather shoes stood still, and poked his back with the crutch in his hand, followed by a greasy sound.

"Professor Dippet, I thought you were dead, it was really easy for me to find you!"

The owner of the voice squatted down slowly, and Armando raised his neck with difficulty, and saw the familiar, treacherous, mask-like face with a smile.

"It's you... Daguerre," he spit out the sand mixed with blood foam, and spat softly, "You bastard, did you come to see my joke?"

"No, no, no," Daguerre took out a handkerchief and put it on his hand, pinching Armando's chin as if he was afraid of getting something dirty, and held his head at a height regardless of the health of the old man's cervical spine. The elevation angle of difficulty was raised, and he said with a smile, "I'm here to save you."

"Would you be so kind? If you wanted to save me, why didn't you come earlier?" Amando wanted to move his head back, but Daguerre's hands were as strong as iron clamps, so he could only laugh at himself Smiling, "Are you estimating my price? It's like picking a piece of meat."

"How could it be, professor?" Daguerre took a look at Amando's eyelids, which he couldn't open, and threw his head and the handkerchief on the ground, "You are a priceless treasure."

"What do you want to do..." Amando snorted, feeling infinitely sad. At the beginning, he was also a well-known great wizard, but now he is just a fish on the chopping board.

"I told you, I'm here to help you," said Amondo's head. It seemed that Daguerre was writing. After a while, a small bottle of potion pressed a piece of paper and was He put it in Armando's ear, "This is Isabel's 'medicine' and the address of what you want, but I advise you to go early, after this weekend, they may not come back go out."

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