My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 413 The Vulture's Twilight

"Who is there!"

Professor Twelve Trees held his wand high, raised his beard, and was already suffocated by the explosion that made him feel disheartened. Now seeing two suitable "culprits", he showed a figure that surpassed that of an old wizard. After yelling "Shut away", he struck up with the flash of fire and light, and the broom swished under his crotch like a sweaty BMW. With the round iron and wood stick in his hand, two savage auras shot left and right, chasing after the two sneaky figures behind the bushes.

"Ding! Ding!"

The crisp sound of two metal and stone intersecting came from the woods in no particular order. Professor Twelve Trees froze, holding his breath, and he couldn't tell whether his two moves were blocked by one person alone, or whether they were It was not good for him to be intercepted by two masters with tacit understanding at the same time. Although he knew that the miraculous power of Fierce Fire Explosion was not performed by two people, there were such masters watching outside the gate of Ilvermorny Mountain. Under the shadow of this duo's ill intentions.

However, Professor Sykes and Principal Dippet are so innocent. They hide their names at the foot of Greylock Mountain and live a life of hiding like mountaineers. They dare not reveal their skills at all. Lisa's younger sister Jokunda, they have endured for a long time, but they don't want to be involved in such unnecessary disputes on the day when the agreed date exceeds too much and is about to give up.

——————The end of the whole life


Armando stopped spinning and performing apparition, and lowered his arms silently. Under his feet, there were several living thorns waving their sharp thorns and winding up his calf. Those who followed behind Professor Twelve Trees The sorcerer didn't stop following his caution, but instead separated to the two sides, well-trained to form an arc about the size of the impact crater, tightly surrounding the two in the forest.

"These old-fashioned native witchcrafts of Ilvermorny are annoying!"

He flicked his wand, a small shattering curse hit the vine at the ankle, the thick plant snapped off, and green juice gushed out from the broken section. As soon as Amando was freed from the bondage of the plant, he quickly Sealed by more and more mucus, his feet were as hard to move as if they were filled with lead. His old body couldn't jump out like a strong young man before the mucus solidified, but instead he was a broken vine. Under the nourishment of the sap, Man grew wilder and wilder, rolling towards him from all directions like the tentacles of an octopus.

"Principal, the Native American magic must have something special, otherwise Aesop Searle, who came here from Ireland, would not have retained these spells."

A group of orange-red flames rushed towards Amento's legs with a "boom", and swept around the surrounding area. The tough and viscous sap was quickly evaporated into a crisp green shell. An old man like Armando can be smashed with just a light struggle, and those vines with claws and teeth flinched and crawled away in all directions after encountering the fire.

With a straight face, Amando looked at Melissa who was walking towards him from behind the tree with an indifferent expression.

"This may be a variant of the devil's net. Principal, Professor Twelve Trees of Ilvermorny graduated from the Goblin Academy. He has a lot of research on magical plants," Melissa shrugged. "Fortunately, we are facing The most important are plants that are native to England."

"Don't talk to the principal like this, Sykes," Armando's pride was evident. He had a straight face, as if he wasn't the one who was accidentally tied up just now, but his expression quickly collapsed, and he waved his hands and said, " Forget it... I am no longer the headmaster, we have nothing to do with Hogwarts."

"That's good."

Melissa nodded calmly, feeling regretful in her heart. Originally, she just had to wait patiently for Jokunda to join her. As long as she can reach her, with the help of the armadillo, any pursuers will be easily killed. Get rid of it, and then she can use the magic left by Dr. Sykes to change her face, rebuild the family, and give her sister a life without fear.

In the small town, she disguised herself as a gold digger who went in the wrong direction, and maintained a harmless Muggle image by relying on her fairly good sewing skills, but one morning, she saw Ah who was looking around at the town entrance. Mundo, his former principal.

Considering that he is a wizard who broke away from Hogwarts just like Armando, and that as the headmaster, Armando must be a stronger wizard than himself, no matter what purpose he came here for, the two stayed together. Together, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the safety in a foreign country. Even if Dumbledore came to arrest people himself, it would be enough to escape. Thinking of this, Melissa pushed open the window of the rented hut, and shouted to some people in the middle of the street. Lost Armando.

"Damn it, I'm really out of my mind."

Thinking of the starting point of this relationship, Melissa couldn't help cursing secretly. She, who has always paid attention to her upbringing and image, couldn't control her emotions—the idea of ​​a strong alliance was a mistake from the beginning to the end, and Melissa herself She thought that Amondo must be powerful with magic as the principal, but she didn't consider his age in a hurry. She didn't know what Amento had experienced in the United States, but occasionally heard from some special channels that he destroyed a certain place. According to news from wizarding strongholds or Muggle organizations, his active performance caused Melissa to misjudge quite a bit.

Over the years, Amondo has traveled to America, looking for one after another Second Salem stronghold where there may be Obscurus, trying to find a way for Barry to govern the Obscurus and revenge on Salem, who did not believe what he said. He doesn't care about himself He just wants to find even a trace of life for his grandson who is about to reach the theoretical limit of the silent person, even though this kind of care may not be needed by Barry.

In the aimless search, he only found the wreckage of the obscurity, which was too many to remember. Although Salem has rich experience and many samples, his understanding of magic due to his talent has always remained at the Muggle level. , She may have mastered some methods to create, control and squeeze the Obscure, but the so-called "treatment" promised back then may be just an excuse to delay the time to take revenge on the wizard, or maybe she has really developed a method to treat the Obscure, But in that attack on the Triwizard Tournament, it was brought together behind death's door.

Armando had almost no income, which made his mentality more and more broken, and his past responsibilities came to mind a little bit. Many people said that the reason why Barry became a silent person was because of the lack of family and the strictness of his only relative. , Armando always scoffed at this kind of accusation, but as he was rapidly aging during his journey away from home, the dying old man had to temporarily put down the majesty he had carried all his life and think about the possibility of this theory.

But Amando's pride as an educator did not allow him to admit the failure of his family education. In order to escape from reality, he could only devote every bit of energy to the journey of finding the second Salem residence. He went crazy Smelling the bloody smell of experiments like a very hungry hound, they destroyed one stronghold after another, even the United States Ministry of Magic and other magical organizations on this continent that were involved in experiments.

The reason why Nelson was able to end everything in Boston is also related to Armando's actions in a sense-out of the few remaining strongholds in Second Salem, only the one in Salem Town is still complete, but it is extremely heavy. The casualties also made them short of manpower, so they had to ask for help from the secretly cooperating Magical Congress of America, and the story later became clear—the wizards of the Magical Congress of America were worried that they didn’t have a reasonable excuse to intervene and take away the achievements of many years, so they went all out. They took it there, and even waved their hands, throwing the remaining stragglers who were in charge of contacting in Second Salem into the cells where the experimental subjects lived. As wizards, they have a much stronger understanding of magic and have more means. It was too much, and the lower limit was too low. Just as the despicable Hai Erbo died, the arrangements he left in the world lost the blockade and broke out. Many factors accumulated to create that hellish scene.

And Amando, who knew that there was no antidote but was unwilling to admit it, also fell into an extreme revenge psychology early on. He blamed the birth of the Obscure on these experiments, held the banner of revenge for his grandson, and sacrificed everything he had. He spent all his time and energy on the battle, and there would always be casualties in the battle, but he didn't care. The serious injuries accumulated over the years made his body and mind sink into a trough. It made Melissa feel extremely painful. She picked up a principal, but she didn't expect it to be a negative promotion.

For Armando, who was running out of oil and lamps and lanterns, it was the Second Salem headquarters that had not yet been investigated but had been wiped out, whether it was Nelson and Tom who completed all this, or the For him, the surviving Obscure girls are his last hope to cure Barry - he can't fall here, he must catch them!

"What are you talking about?" Amando turned his head sharply and said in a cold voice, "Are you despising me?"

"How could it be? Your lord principal." Many days of getting along has shattered Melissa's last bit of respect for the old principal. She said flatly, "How could you be rejected? Even your own grandson If I despise you, I won't do the same."

Melissa's words pierced the old man's heart precisely. He raised his wand as if waving a crutch, then lowered it helplessly, shook his head desolately, and said softly, "What should we do now?"

"I would like to believe that you are stronger than Principal Twelve Trees, but at best I can only deal with an Ilvermorny principal," Melissa curled her lips and responded, "For unnecessary casualties and when captured I suggest that we catch them without a fight, of course, if you are willing to listen to my advice when you insist on leaving the town, these things may not happen."

"Don't you care about two wizards beating their lives to death at the door of your house?" Amondo said with a grim expression, "We can't expose our existence, or we will lose our last hope."

"So you understand this truth." Melissa still had that flat tone, and she answered very quickly. It seems that such conversations between them have already become the norm. I was frightened by the explosion, so I didn’t dare to approach it rashly, we still have a chance to escape, but Mr. Principal, I have some bad news to tell you.”


Melissa raised her head and peeped at the wizards surrounding them through the leaf gap. Seeing the familiar gesture, she said helplessly, "The apparition in this place has been blocked. If you don't want to talk to Professor Twelve Trees Let’s talk about it, the only way we can go is to break through, of course, their encirclement is not tight enough, maybe we can use—”

Before Melissa finished speaking, Armando pointed at his face with his wand, and the deathly black air brought by black magic immediately covered his face. He looked at Professor Twelve Trees in the distance and held his wand tightly. Didn't listen to the second half of Melissa's sentence after "Breakout" at all.

She was just about to step forward to obstruct and discuss the twelve escape routes she had just thought up, but she saw that Armando had raised his wand, aiming at Professor Twelve Trees hovering on the treetops on a broom, a lightning-like green Mang twisted and rushed out from the forest, and shot Professor Twelve Trees in the head.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Why did you use the Unforgivable Curse!"

Melissa didn't know what to say anymore, she just felt that she deserved it, that Armando tortured her specifically for the sins she had committed, but she was not as irresponsible as she said in her tone, on the contrary Standing with his back against Armando, he raised his wand, ready to meet the next one.

"It's over, these are really dark wizards." A similar black air also covered her face, and Melissa's voice became thicker.

The moment he saw the flashing green light, Professor Twelve Trees was startled. He wanted to find two unlucky guys who were responsible for Grindelwald, but he didn't expect to provoke two big guys. He gripped the broom head tightly, pulled it up sharply, and frantically waved the wand with the other hand. The big tree in front of him seemed to be inflated, and the vines clinging to the trunk grew rapidly upwards, covering him firmly.

He shouted: "Be careful, it's a dark wizard!"

Immediately afterwards, the green light hit the crown of the tree, and after winding forward for several meters like a reptile, it touched a new leaf. The glare of the Killing Curse and the hidden Obstacle Curse reached the position where Professor Twelve Trees had just been in in the blink of an eye, hit the broom tail hard, cut off half of the broom, and turned the mount into a stick of Twelve Trees. Professor Shu fell quickly.

The branches under his feet softly extended towards him, hugging Professor Twelve Trees who had lost his broom.

"Don't get close!" He repeatedly asked the professors.

"Principal!" Looking at the professors who quickly surrounded Professor Twelve Trees' attack, Melissa said bitterly, "I still have to wait here for my sister!"

"That's why we have to run out!" Amondo seemed to have completely lost his mind, throwing out all kinds of black magic. As a long-established wizard, he knows his current state better than anyone else, and he will fight head-on. If you can't beat it, you can only rely on the powerful and fiercer black magic, "I can't let the Hogwarts signboard fall on me."

Melissa smiled wryly and shook her head. Although it was absurd that Armando still cared about Hogwarts signboards at this time, it was not just a matter of signboards.

"Listen, Principal, I'm going to wait for my sister here," Melissa repeated. "If we all run away, the future Jokunda will surely fall into a trap."

"What do you mean?" Amando slowed down his attack and asked vigilantly, "If you want to leave me and run away, I will definitely be one step ahead of you, understand?!"

"I understand, professor, you were like this when I was a student," Melissa shook her head, "It just so happens that I'm a little curious about...some things in Ilvermorny, and your things need to be outside Do, so run as far as you can to Apparate before I can't stop them."

"What?" Armando didn't believe that the Hogwarts traitor would be so kind, but before he could ask, he saw Professor Sykes had raised his wand and rushed towards the ten people who had just landed and happened to see here. Professor Ershu.

"Principal, don't forget what you promised me!"

Noticing the movement on the ground, the professors approached one after another, and Amando didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed towards the weak area behind.

The Ilvermorny professors who cared about the principal seemed stunned by this operation. Under the deterrence of Amento's death curse, they did not form an effective siege. Ran.

Melissa panted heavily and stood opposite the vigilant Professor Twelve Trees until the strong smell in the air suddenly disappeared.

She chuckled, brushed her hand over her cheeks covered by black air, revealed her true face in front of Professor Twelve Trees, let go of her hand gently, and the wand fell silently onto the moss-covered ground, inserting it obliquely into the soft soil.

Professor Twelve Trees had a surprised expression on his face.

"Who are you……"

"I'm Melissa Sykes, the former professor of enchantments at Hogwarts," Melissa showed a look of survivors after the catastrophe, breathed a long sigh of relief, and introduced herself with a smile on her face, "I had a conflict with you It wasn't my intention, I was also coerced, did you see the black wizard who told me to run away just now?"

"That is……"

"As you thought, Professor Twelve Trees," she said softly, biting her lip, "that's the former headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet."


Professor Twelve Trees suddenly felt a headache.

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