My America

Chapter 487: German beauty

Before the election, this matter should be settled. When it comes to another country, things are always more complicated. However, Sheffield feels that the prospects are still very optimistic. Ordinary citizens often have simple patriotism. When treating foreigners, they hope that the country will be harsher to foreigners, and the opposite is true of their citizens.

But the thing of the state, as an entity of a ruling body, is almost completely contrary to the expectations of the citizen class. Diplomacy is no small matter. This is the real national conditions. When the country bombards other countries indiscriminately, the benefits will not be fed back to the citizens, and the bad consequences will be brought by the citizens.

Sheffield invited Thyssen United almost immediately, and important members of the Krupp family came to the United States to travel. Of course, in the telegram, they still stated their willingness to deepen cooperation. In the midst of the economic crisis, the bosses of major enterprises are very busy, and simple travel is not enough to make them spend their busy schedules in the winter.

The United Company is in the stage of lying on the body of others to absorb nutrients. Although the overall situation of the country's economy is declining, the world's second-largest Concern Group is bucking the trend.

Annie is doing everything in Arlington. The family has traditionally been very friendly to women, leaving the hostess happy and busy. This is actually quite good, at least Sheffield is not worried for a while, his son becomes Ma Bao.

"My son, don't be too busy. You have more time to care about him." Sheffield was not in Arlington. She said that Don't spoil the child for only three minutes, and she said on the phone.

"Alexander is very obedient, crying and making noises is a man, much better than you." As soon as Annie mentioned her son, she couldn't hide the excitement in her mouth, and extended the call for another half of the time.

The sons of Sheffield and Anne, whose full names are William Alexander and Sheffield. He didn't like his son. Like many people of this era, he grew up called Sheffield II or Sheffield Jr. At the beginning of the name, Sheffield proposed to call a domineering name, the name given by Anne is indeed very domineering, called Caesar Sheffield.

This name is too unlucky in Sheffield's eyes. It might as well be called Augustus, at least in one step. Annie said that it would be OK to call Augustus, and she felt no problem. After the discussion, a common name was chosen, which ended the naming rights fight.

"Okay, there's nothing to do, and pay attention to rest." Sheffield hung up the phone, and Natalia, who had been holding the man like a koala, grunted, "They can all help you, Only I have nothing to do, I can only hope you come back soon. "

"That's what I said!" Sheffield raised her head slightly, letting Natalia's hair rub against her face, and said softly, "I see what suits you, or should I do the business first?"

"Okay, I'm going to have a baby too." Natalia twisted the water snake's waist, full of eagerness to try, meaning from the inside out that I was ready.

New Orleans, the largest city in the south, has been completely rejuvenated, and it seems that it has not been affected by the overall downward trend of the international economy. This will raise the question of who is facing the coast. In the south, facing a group of banana republics, the stronger ones are Venezuela and Colombia.

Usually this is not an advantage, but there is no doubt in terms of dominance. Sheffield knows well that persimmons need to pick up the truth. The domestic market is difficult, and they have to squeeze oil and water from these banana republics. It's not that in the face of European countries, these small countries on the doorstep can't do anything.

In fact, Sheffield has been paying attention to whether thunderstorms in Arizona ’s crackdown miners have finally appeared, and there is currently no sign of emergence. The United States here is because the judicial review process is a “presumption of innocence”. Therefore, every criminal suspect People are considered innocent after being arrested, neither the police nor the agents. They cannot be sentenced to them. They can only collect evidence a little bit to find them guilty. There is no doubt that under this seemingly democratic judicial review process, the real powerful gang has room to survive, no matter how big the case is, even if the president is assassinated, as long as the case is clean If you do n’t let the police get real evidence, the villains will never have to worry about anything.

Gangs can live well under this legal system. Of course, well-known entrepreneurs like Sheffield have no problems. Because of legal problems, assassination and suicide are prevalent in the United States. It is very logical that I am here in the United States.

The paradise of the rich, the United States is not a beacon of mankind? Who is a human lighthouse? As for the dirt and dirt under prosperity, who cares? Anyway, Sheffield didn't care, he had to talk to the distinguished German guests, and he didn't have time to deal with such trivial matters.

There is also a name that Sheffield can remember, Gustav Krupp, across the Atlantic to the United States.

Frederick Alfred Krupp, the second-generation president of Krupp, committed suicide due to a **** scandal for the press conference, leaving only one daughter, Berta Krupp. Because it was considered incredible that the Krupp weapons empire was controlled by young women, Kaiser Wilhelm II personally elected a young Beta for the younger Berta, and the Prussian diplomat Gustav von Pollen Ond Ha Erpahe, they were married two years ago, and the emperor approved Gustav ’s surname Krupp.

This is a standard political marriage. Of course, political marriage does not necessarily have no emotional basis. Since there is such a vocabulary for a long time, it certainly makes sense that this vocabulary appears. Otherwise, why are there so many adulterers in the world?

Out of the common experience of the two, for example, to a certain extent, abandoning dignity and burden, Sheffield feels that he and Gustav should have a common language, and can privately exchange how to face the adversity. The strong woman becomes gentle like water.

"Hello, Fritz, Gustav, it's a pleasant surprise to be in New Orleans." Sheffield greeted two important people among the guests and made them very familiar.

In addition to Gustav, the other is the leader of the Thyssen family, Fritz Thyssen. When Fritz practiced basic operations as an apprentice, the old Thyssen demanded him more than any of the lowest apprentices in the company. He also tried to obstruct his son ’s marriage, but later his son ’s wedding was held as scheduled. People eventually grow old together. The father and son are often arguing about the company's development direction.

Originally, Fritz Thyssen had a younger brother as a competitor, but like many German father-son relationships in this era, Fritz Thyssen ’s younger brother eventually evolved into a fatherhood because he wanted to live a European aristocratic life. In the court, it was no surprise that Jiang was still old and spicy, and he directly handed Thyssen United to Fritz Thyssen.

If you can learn from Thyssen United, you must be careful about the power struggles brought by several sons, but this problem has been solved by the Rockefeller family in the United States. Later, just follow the Rockefeller family to study.

Sheffield was very enthusiastic about Gustav and quipped, "The queen of artillery finally fell into your hands. I believe Gustav must have some outstanding strengths. The joint company has worked with many German companies for a long time. Come to my place and think of it as your own home. "

"Mr. William came to us, there must be something wrong. Although a relaxed life is very desirable, countries now have their own problems. If there is really something going on, we still talk about business first." Gustavk Rupert was very calm and went straight to the subject before Sheffield spoke.

"Okay, it really is German." Sheffield didn't actually want to say the word rigorous. Ordinary citizens can label other ethnic groups, but as a high voter, he knew it was just a means of domination.

Any label is for a certain purpose. The comparison is to compare your own strengths to the weaknesses of others. You must not reverse it. Who will compare the Western Zhou Dynasty with the Persian Achaemenid Dynasty? Comparing Qin with Macedonia is acceptable.

The ordinary citizens in Sheffield ’s eyes are no different from those of the colonial ethnic groups. I really want to say that there are some methods that are afraid of international influence that cannot be used by the colonial ethnic groups and do not care about the citizens of the country.

"During this economic crisis, many of my friends and I were worried about the sales of agricultural and animal husbandry products." Sheffield finally expressed his purpose, which is to hope that the German Empire can establish a grain reserve system and provide this Of course, it is better to reserve yourself. If you do n’t give yourself, it ’s better not to build.

Fritz Thyssen and Gustav Krupp glanced at each other, and were caught in thought. Fritz Thyssen asked directly, "Mr. William, is this a unilateral requirement?"

"Of course not, just an exchange of interests." How dare Sheffield demand the German Empire bill of lading, and the British empire, the father of the United States, would not make such a request. He said, "What is international trade? It is possible to do everything well. The United States has deficiencies and the German Empire has deficiencies. We make up for each other ’s weaknesses. This is a win-win cooperation. "

The obvious heart of Sheffield's senior German fan can be learned! Traveling all over the United States, it is no longer possible to find someone who cares more about Germany than he does.

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