My America

Chapter 486: Do something for Germany

Nationalization and privatization In this era, there was nothing to do with any doctrine. The German Empire has always been a country with a high degree of nationalization. For example, the railway system has always been state-owned. This is just a step up from the original foundation. Nationalization puts all important departments in the hands.

The whole country is top-down commander, William II is the chairman of a super Concealer empire, which can mobilize the nation ’s power to achieve its goals. The German Empire was one of the world ’s two strongest powers in the early 20th century. The United States shouted at home.

So for the criticisms of some joint companies, Sheffield was very unhappy, his company is just a small Concern, the real Concern is so obvious in Europe, why should he be blamed? Isn't this obviously bullying?

The most important thing for the joint company now is the transformation. While ensuring that the country does not fall, as far as possible to gather the market in other places, Sheffield has invested in a busy schedule. This state change makes Alice Roosevelt a little uncomfortable. This man sometimes wants to kneel in front of himself and lick hard, sometimes it is so strong.

"You seem to have two souls." Alice Roosevelt sent a feeling, and this sentence made Sheffield look back dignifiedly, and asked marginally, "Where does it start?"

"You will be cold and hot for me for a while!" Alice Roosevelt annoyed, "When you like it, it's like a bull with a passion, when you don't like it, like now, just busy yourself. Thing. "

"My dear, who makes me a man. To balance family and responsibility, no one will let a woman bear this responsibility." Sheffield breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Alice Roosevelt had a bright eye and found something.

It turned out to be hot and cold, but it shouldn't be a problem. This kind of thing often happens between men and women. If there is no social responsibility on the body, do slave owners want to stay at home and lick dogs? But this society does not allow a man to do this, what is his solution?

Feeding a family is not an easy task. Alice Roosevelt ’s consciousness is relatively high, at least higher than the average of this era. Hearing the slave owner ’s explanation, he is no longer entangled. He just asked what he was planning recently. Is it going to take advantage of my father again? "

Hearing Alice Roosevelt ’s skeptical tone, she knew that the trip to the White House had given her a psychological shadow. Sheffield quickly said, “No, this plan is for the German Empire. Germany is not an agricultural power, so I have a plan for grain reserves in the German Empire. "

Once there is a major disaster or war, there are enough food reserves to at least protect the people's food problems. In addition, the country can also adjust grain prices by dumping grain reserves and stabilise prices. Once there is a major disaster or war, there are enough food reserves to at least protect the people's food problems. In addition, the country can also adjust grain prices by dumping grain reserves and stabilise prices.

I do n’t know if the First World War is considered a major event for the participating countries. The slave owners think it should be counted! As a senior German fan, Sheffield expressed appreciation for the courage of the German Empire to challenge the Allies, so she decided to help Germany make up for its disadvantages in agriculture.

He certainly knows that German industrial strength has clearly surpassed that of Britain. Germany's steel production is more than the sum of Britain and France. The machine manufacturing industry is developing rapidly. The electrical and chemical industries have become the pride of Germany. However, these problems still cannot be completely solved. The previous large-scale agricultural plan was only a matter of cent, but it was still far from enough. It just made one-fifth of Germany ’s food imports barely enough. After all, the help that external forces can provide is limited, so this time the help should be changed.

This time Sheffield is going to help Germany to make up for the shortcomings. Once the war begins, the labor force goes to the front line, the surplus labor force enters the factory, and agriculture is even more lacking in labor force. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a national grain reserve system.

It ’s not just Germany. The consumption of war far exceeds that of peacetime. Germany experienced famine in the first year of war, and other countries have n’t gotten any better. In this era, there are not many food reserves in various countries. Food is expensive!

Limited by productivity, half of the world ’s population is still unable to eat enough food.

When the imperial Russian government collapsed, the workers in St. Petersburg could not guarantee the basic survival of the food. The imperial Russians really did not persevere before they quit the war. Otherwise, with the patience of the imperial Russian gray animals, even if there is a way, they will choose to persist Like the supply of sawdust bread from the Soviet Union in World War II, the imperial Russia will persist.

Knowing what Sheffield did, Alice Roosevelt thought, "Does our country not need this idea of ​​grain reserves?"

"No, our country doesn't need it!" Sheffield refused flatly, glancing at the suspicion in Alice Roosevelt's eyes, the words changed, "The huge and rich land of our United States does not have the problem of food shortage. There are countless natural resources. If you use more food, you must find a country to export, otherwise it will be spoiled. "

Even during the Great Depression, there was no major famine in the United States. If you think about it, with the population of the United States and the per capita cultivated land, it is impossible to starve to death if you think about it.

It is only one reason that the country ’s basic conditions are good. Sheffield does not want the United States to establish a reserve grain. Even if it is to be established, it should be behind Germany. In Sheffield ’s eyes, it is necessary to do everything possible to meet the needs of the Germans. In the world war, Germany ’s current agricultural level is probably not enough. Once a war breaks out, there is no doubt that everyone's energy will be put into the war, and food production will inevitably be affected.

Make a choice between the United States and the German Empire. There is no doubt that Sheffield chose the latter. The cruelty and the forbearance mean that he is now, not to mention the strong agriculture of the United States. Even if it is as bad as Germany, he must Help the Germans first, people can save their lives for the World War, what can the Yangji people do?

Sheffield has recently called Thyssen United to prepare a joint venture with a foreign joint company. Lobbyed the German imperial government and advocated the establishment of an imperial reserve grain system to prevent being caught by surprise during the sudden war.

This is certainly not easy. It is important to know that the German Empire is a powerful centralized state among European and American countries. There is still a discount for the lobbying of this country.

But Sheffield believes that it is not without possibility of success. On the one hand, it is necessary to point out the obvious benefits of doing so, of course, this is not enough, but also to give the vested interests in Germany enough benefits. The vested interests that can be drawn in Germany are the Ruhr capitalists represented by Thyssen and Krupp, not the village Juncker.

If you want the Ruhr area to stand on your side, this will involve an old-fashioned issue, the issue of tariffs.

The tariff issue is an old problem between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Even the Civil War broke out for this reason. Who made the United States ’North and South economic foundations different? If the tariffs of the United States can be lowered, Sheffield can be sure to use the tariff reductions in exchange for his own food, become the reserve grain of the German Empire, and contribute to the world war.

If you want to work on the issue of tariffs, the Republican Party will certainly not be able to continue to govern. This is the problem again. In this national election, Sheffield must find a way to bring the Democratic Party to power. Anyway, Roosevelt ’s domestic economy has been so bad. Now, coupled with racial issues, the slave owner has even had three illusions of life, I can do it!

Of course, this cannot be said in front of Alice Roosevelt. The only thing that can be said is that Sheffield took Alice Roosevelt to St. Louis. This is not to relive the old dream. The main purpose is to honor the promise of the White House. He promised it at the White House. The plaintiff dismissed the two trusts of beef and canned food, and must not speak or say anything.

In St. Louis, Sheffield interviewed two key members of the trust, and there was no evasion. In fact, it has already been ventilated, but it has only officially started now. Just let Alice Roosevelt be a witness.

"He still values ​​me very much!" Seeing the members of Sheffield and Trust explain, Alice Roosevelt's heart rose a little sweetly. The man spoke and really broke the trust for himself.

If Alice Roosevelt knew that these people would immediately go to Arlington to become an important shareholder of the United Grain Company, I do n’t know what she would think, but now he can only see the man who can do what he says and speaks. .

"Dear gentlemen, I am very sorry for this. For this, I invite everyone to visit Arlington, and I can discuss compensation." Sheffield's face was all bearing humiliation, and it seemed that she had already embarked on a dead end and could only bear the pain. Survival of the arm.

This even made some idlers and others sympathetic, and these greedy farmers all agreed, saying they would go to Arlington to let the Sheffield family give themselves an explanation.

After Alice Roosevelt knew it, the heart of the cheated marriage had already been forgotten. She just wanted Sheffield to feel her tenderness. "William, is this a big loss?"

"Great!" Sheffield kneaded Alice Roosevelt's dough in one hand and hummed, "But for you, it's all worth it, and the most important thing between husband and wife is trust."

Alice Roosevelt suddenly remembered that he was now married, but it was also pretty good.

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