My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 627: : between life and death

My car was temporarily requisitioned by the woman in red. I had no choice but to stand under the platform of the community and wait. I picked up my mobile phone and dialed Mi Cai, but the result still made me terrified. Her phone was still turned off. state.

My world suddenly became slow, between the left and right of the crowd, I walked through the lights of the city, looking around in the scattered... But the passing vehicles were roaring indifferently, I was like a reptile I stretched out all the tentacles like suffocation, waiting for the spinning wheel to stop at me, but under the shadow of the street lamp, the whistling wind nailed me to death between reality and illusion, looking at all the familiar things in front of me Becoming unfamiliar, gradually unable to feel my own existence, only the flickering light and the dirty sewer flowing around me... The whole world is in my senses, completely desperate... Desperate!

Finally, a ray of light came to a standstill beside me. With heavy breathing, I opened the car door and mumbled the word Zhuomei over and over again. The city seemed to be squeezed into a ball, full of distorted light and blunt walls... I leaned on the car seat, closed my eyes, and escaped from everything here...

  When I called the woman in red with confusion and suffocation, the response to me was still a reminder that no one answered... My panic spread without limit!

   I can’t count how long it took, and the taxi finally took me to Zhuomei Building. Before the car stopped, I opened the door and ran towards Zhuomei...

I stopped, and I saw several familiar figures in the parking lot 50 meters away. I couldn't hear what they said, but I could see the smiles on their faces. I will never forget it in my life Their expressions...

They got into the car and drove in the opposite direction to me one after another. My nerves felt like tearing pain. Among these people, I saw Fangyuan and Mi Lan, Xiang Chen and that woman named Chu Xinrui. And Mi Zhongde... The direction and place where they left is full of victory...

I don't want to take everything I see as real...I'm afraid that my life will be shattered in the illusion of human nature, but I feel desperately that this is not an illusion. There is only one step away from the rift, and at this moment, there is only one person who can tell me what happened today.

Time tore away my pain and I was getting closer to the truth step by step. I finally saw Chen Jingming coming out of the staff passage of the mall... He found me in the crowd and walked towards me with heavy steps Come.

He stood in front of me for a long time, finally lit a cigarette and said: "Tianyang Group's plan to invest in Zhuomei was rejected by the board of directors... It is a French company that replaced Tianyang Group as Zhuomei's investor." A large investment group, this group was brought back by one of your brothers named Xiang Chen. They have long been interested in Zhuomei’s accumulated resources and strong channel power in the traditional retail field. They hope to use Zhuomei’s e-commerce in China. A piece of the pie...This is a long-planned action...Mr. Mi lost, completely...very thoroughly!"

Chen Jingming swallowed painfully, as if he had aged a lot in the blink of an eye. His days in Zhuomei had also come to an end with Mi Cai's loss of power. He became the most direct victim of this factional dispute... ..

  I couldn't care less about this anymore, I grabbed his shoulder and asked, "Where's Mi Cai? Where's Mi Cai?...Is she still in the company?..."

Chen Jingming shook his head and said, "Zhaoyang, you ruined Mr. Mi...... It was your ignorance that ruined everything that Mr. Mi painstakingly managed. As I said a long time ago, Fangyuan is a man with evil intentions." Yes, if he is willing to stand by Mr. Mi, maybe there will be no ending like this..."

   I asked tremblingly, "He.....did he do something... what?"

Chen Jingming looked at me with cold eyes: "At today's board meeting, Mr. Mi Zhongde and his daughter sued Mr. Mi on the grounds that Mr. Mi's failure to go public and Mr. Mi's mistaken introduction of zh investment plunged Zhuomei into an unprecedented crisis. ..." At this point, Chen Jingming laughed bitterly: "...There are many cronies left by the old chairman (Mi Zhongxin) in the board of directors. Of course they try to protect Mr. Mi, but Alone and alone... At this time, Fang Yuan has become a key figure, but unfortunately...he sued Mr. Mi without the slightest room in front of the directors! Complaints are Mr. Mi's strategy Improperness has led to Zhuo Mei's current predicament...and the Christmas event that changed Zhuo Mei has also become Mi Lan's wise decision in his mouth. It was Mi Lan who led the event and kept it. Zhuomei's foundation even accuses Mr. Mi of having a strong personal tendency to obstruct the holding of Christmas activities, which almost makes him, a hero, unable to stay in Zhuomei. Mi is always Zhuomei's sinner through the ages... Did you think about it? The Christmas event you put in all your effort to help him create has become his weapon against Mr. Mi, leaving Mr. Mi powerless to fight back...Mr. Mi is too wronged... ...the only way left before her is to take the blame and resign!"

  I'm on the verge of collapse...The two brothers I trusted the most in my life conspired to kill the woman I love the most...and I was the accomplice! I made Mi Cai completely lose Zhuo Mei and the last entrustment left by Mi Zhongxin... I am a sinner! There is no pardon! …

My breath became intermittent, and I just stood there... Chen Jingming looked at me desperately and shook his head, walked around my body, and walked to the parking lot. My world is suffocating I was completely frozen in the severe cold... until the mobile phone rang again and again in my pocket, I seemed to see the gap leading to the world from hell, but my body still stopped in **** and could not breathe.

I took out my mobile phone and connected the call. It was the woman in red who was calling, and her tone was anxious: "Zhaoyang, after leaving Zhuomei, I couldn't keep up with Mi Cai, she was driving like crazy , I got lost at an intersection...and haven't been able to find her until now!...Maybe you know where she went, find her as soon as possible! Something will happen to her driving like that!"

My heart felt as if it had been twisted with a knife and a knife. I saw countless pictures. In the picture, the evil smile of some people is the real pain of others... I can feel the pain of Mi Cai under this evil smile , I said to the woman in red with my remaining rationality: "I am in Zhuomei, come to me quickly..."

  The phone was hung up instantly, and I was in pain, waiting for the arrival of the woman in red.


As if walking through purgatory, I finally met the woman in red. She got out of the car and handed the car keys to me, saying, "I don't have time to talk to you about what happened at Zhuomei's board meeting now." What's the matter, hurry up and drive to find Mi Cai...I'll ask my friend from the road administration to help me and watch the real-time traffic video to see which direction she is going. We will keep in touch at any time.

I nodded in a panic, got into the car in a panic, and put my phone on the center console of the car in a panic, for fear of losing contact... and the woman in red hurried into a taxi Che, left this place of sin and betrayal before me.

  I started the car and rushed to the old house subconsciously. I didn’t know where Mi Cai would go in despair, so I could only pin my hope on the old house...

However, except for those crowded buildings, dim street lamps, and only one wooden horse left, I didn't find any trace of Mi Cai's return. My heart seemed to be trapped in the fusion of ice and fire. ...may collapse at any time in the despair of not being able to find her.

If something happened to her today, I don't want to live anymore... I will die in this city without a sense of belonging, in the vanity of human nature, in the confession with no way out... .

I stomped on the gas pedal, the engine roared tremblingly, the direction was too late to correct, and the trash can on the side of the road was scraped down in an instant, and the garbage was covered in the place where I just stayed, but I didn't know that the next moment my direction was in Where, where is Mi Cai? ...I was in a breakdown, crying bitterly...The brotherhood of nearly ten years has become a means of betrayal, the woman I want to protect lost her living soul in this cruel method, Otherwise, how could she, who is indifferent, use such a dangerous way to vent, to tear apart in the the tear, hate me from head to toe! .....she won't forgive me! It was my blind trust in Fang Yuan that ruined the most important thing in her life!

   How can I redeem? How else can it be redeemed?

I have lost my mind, and on the black road, I frantically left this unrecognizable city behind... In the shadow of the sun, I can't see the remaining light, and the curve passes through the heavy truck Between the car and the truck, the speedometer on the car crazily sent out speeding reminders over and over again. Life and death were only drifting between the lines... Gradually, there was only one thing left in my sight. The flashing street lights, the queues sent me off... I no longer have any fear, life or death is fine!

The ringtone from the mobile phone finally brought me back to my consciousness. After connecting, I heard the voice of the woman in red. She was so nervous that she was out of breath: "Zhaoyang, Mi Cai is going to Shanghai at 8:16." After driving for about 60 kilometers, it did not appear on the road monitoring screen. I am afraid that she will have an accident, so hurry up... I have also contacted the nearby high-speed traffic police brigade. But they may not be as fast as you!"

  My thinking stagnated for a short time, and I became sober in an instant. After hanging up the phone, I stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the entrance of the expressway...

   On the endless highway, my body was left with numbness not controlled by thoughts, and my eyes were only looking at the place where Mi Cai stayed...



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