Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Much attention

Latest website: According to Wu Hao ’s request, Yu Chengwu quickly asked some video surveillance and shooting videos of this launch experiment, as well as some recording materials in the previous research and development process to screen and edit, and finally cut it into a section of 13 minutes Video documentary.

This 13-minute video documentary was immediately posted to the company's official website and official blog.

It is because Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology Company have been followed by many netizens and the media, but they have not been moved recently. Therefore, once this video was released, it was reprinted by many media and once again made the headlines of many media.

In the video, the development of the two rockets is recorded first, and then the two rockets are transported to the launch center next door to the Northwest Desert, and the harsh environment and difficult living conditions are recorded there.

Below is the scene where Wu Hao and Zhang Jun came to condolences and watch the live launch.

Then came the shots of two rockets firing at once, and the recording footage of the second returning rocket landing and failing to land.

In the end, Wu Hao's speech. I don't know who shot it with a mobile phone. The picture is very jittery, but the sound is clear.

Even at the end of the sentence, our journey is a sea of ​​stars.

I have to say that this editor is a master. He showed the joy of everyone when the rocket was launched, and the deep feeling of frustration and collapse of everyone after the failure. Coupled with the kind of background music that Wu Hao encouraged in his last speech, it also quickly impressed many people on the Internet.

When many people liked this wonderful video, the content and information expressed in this video was quickly noticed.

Although there have been media reports long ago, Haoyu Technology acquired two young rocket R & D teams. After the news was reported, it did not attract much attention, and soon sank into a mass of information.

And this time, Wu Hao and they directly came up with results. Although not too successful, it has taken shape.

In particular, the two rocket technologies in the video have become the focus of discussion among many technology and space enthusiasts and experts.

The first is a low-cost disposable rocket using 3D printing technology and materials. According to the introduction in the video, 80% of the rocket's body was printed using 3D printing technology. This will greatly reduce the manufacturing difficulty of the rocket, shorten the manufacturing cycle, and greatly reduce the manufacturing cost.

In the words of Yu Chengwu in the short film, they are confident that the price of the satellite's low earth orbit launch will be reduced to about 10,000 US dollars per kilogram.

This price can be said to have been very ideal, when converted, it is about 60,000 to 70,000 per kilogram. According to the average weight of the currently popular small satellites of twenty kilograms, the launch price of a satellite may be only over one million.

This price can be said to be very cheap, almost reaching the price of cabbage. In other words, if you want, you can send a satellite to the sky for a million or two million.

In this regard, experts are very interested in this low-cost rocket developed using new materials and new manufacturing technology, and give high praise.

In the words of an aerospace technical expert, this low-cost rocket is very competitive in the market. Moreover, private enterprises participating in such projects are more flexible and can closely follow the market without being restricted by some rules and regulations, and can also avoid some troubles.

In the words of this expert, because it is a private company, this can show its unique advantages in some international projects. On the one hand, this purely commercial launch cooperation project can reduce the sensitivity of this project as much as possible, and will not be interpreted excessively by the outside world.

On the other hand, that is the convenience of business cooperation, which involves a relatively small amount of confidentiality, so it is more suitable for cooperation with these international customers.

Of course, some experts have expressed concern about this, thinking that it is not appropriate for private enterprises to enter such sensitive areas. It is hoped that the relevant departments will strengthen their management in this regard and work out relevant laws and regulations on management restrictions as soon as possible.

For example, the expert said that the reliability and safety of private rockets cannot be guaranteed, and major accidents are easy to occur. At present, the domestic airspace is relatively dense, and there are more flights to and from it. In case the rocket hits the plane, that is a big deal.

One is that the fall of the rocket debris may threaten the personal safety of the residents in the area, and affect the production and life of the people in the area.

As soon as the expert's words came out, many people agreed and began to oppose them. There are even people who have @related departments and various departments, hoping that they can come forward to express their views.

This may be the case with the so-called big wind. There have been many cases of private rocket launch experiments in the past, and no such large response has been seen. Wu Hao came out as soon as they were these people.

The expert's words are actually correct, he just expressed his concerns about this. However, his words were misinterpreted and used, resulting in so many rhythms.

As a last resort, the company's official blog had to respond. The reason for the whole thing was clarified, and an explanation was given for this experiment. All launch experiments were approved by the relevant authorities and fully prepared. There were no unsafe accidents in this experiment, and no one or personal property was injured.

As for the second retractable rocket, we have discussed more technically. The first discussion is that Wu Hao's technology is unreliable ~ ~ The parachute recovery and landing scheme has not been mentioned, but no one has practiced it till now.

So this also makes many people question their recycling technology. On the one hand, it is questioned whether this technology is reliable or not. After all, this recycling test has failed.

Another part is questioning that this technology is backward, after all, far less advanced than the Falcon Rocket, and also questioning whether it can reduce costs.

Not only that, the experts also discussed this, and even participated in some highlight programs.

Some experts have said that this technology is relatively backward, completely outdated, and there is no room for operation.

Another expert objected, saying that technology is not out of date, what is important is how to reduce launch costs. Judging from what is currently disclosed, this technology can still significantly reduce launch costs, which is very suitable for commercial space launch missions.

Compared with the experts, the people's discussions are more intense, and even split into two opposing factions.

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