Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Deadly delay

Everyone will say it, and it's beautiful. But when it comes to the specific negotiation environment, it will naturally not be so smooth.

However, before this round of Wu Hao, the leaders of the own aviation industry company stood on it. Wu Hao They are just the providers of this system framework, and the military and aviation industry companies are responsible for the development of this system.

So how to fight for more benefits, they are naturally more anxious than Wu Hao.

Of course, no matter what, the part that belongs to them is definitely not missing. On the one hand, it is because Wu Hao played a decisive role in the development of this intelligent voice assist system. Without them, they must not be justified.

In the second aspect, Wu Hao still has the relevant core technology in their hands. It is impossible for them to turn their faces at Wu Hao until they have thoroughly understood the core technology in their hands.

In addition, this intelligent voice assistance system is also listed as an example of a military-civilian integration demonstration project. They will not take such a risk to reach out on this.

Moreover, Wu Hao has always worked closely with the military and aviation industry companies, and there are still many follow-up projects to cooperate with, and they will not do things that would damage the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Of course, projects like this have never been negotiated once. In particular, it involves a lot of interest distribution, and it requires a long and careful negotiation process.

And this time the leaders of the two sides are just conducting preliminary contacts and consultations and negotiating a rough framework. Then, it will be handed over to the professional negotiation teams of both parties to conduct more detailed discussions within this framework.

After a lively dinner, Director Huang immediately left with his team. And Wu Hao came to the conference room to conduct a special technical discussion on the test flight test content.

Although Wu Hao had no direct contact with the actual research and development of the entire intelligent voice assist system, he was also the deputy chief designer of this project, so he should have participated in this special seminar.

And both the research and development team, the test flight test team, and Director Luo want him to stay and participate in this seminar.

To say that those who are present know the intelligent speech system best, then this is Wu Hao. And only Wu Hao owns the core system code and related technologies of this trap, so the project research and development team naturally does not want to miss this rare opportunity.

"Here, when I am doing a few maneuvers with high elevation angles, the voice broadcast is delayed for a while, and I can't keep up with my movements." Fan Yunlong pointed at the picture on the big screen and said to the crowd.

At the same time as he said, another big screen shows the operation monitoring situation of the intelligent voice assist system at this moment.

Zheng Chengwei took a look at the crowd with glasses, and then pointed at them with a ballpoint pen: "It can be seen from this data that when maneuvering at this high elevation angle, more data is generated instantly. So the system is processing these data It will take some time before the delay occurs. "

"If this is the case, then this system may not play any role in actual combat. In actual combat, there are too many critical moments to want such high maneuverability, large elevation angles, and breaking the limits of pilots and fighters.

And often at this time, pilots need to know real-time information, which can improve combat effectiveness. "Another test pilot, Cao Lei, the backup of today's test mission, said.

"Yes, if this problem is not solved, then this system can only be reduced to an ordinary voice assistance system, and its own value will be greatly reduced." Zheng Chengwei glanced at Wu Hao Road.

Following Zheng Chengwei's eyes, just as he also turned his eyes to him.

Wu Hao smiled slightly, then said to the technician who controlled the large screen: "Give me the list of instantaneous data when the fighter moves at high maneuvers and high elevation angles."

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, the staff member quickly opened the whole interface and displayed a list of all data information on the big screen.

Looking at the dense information on the big screen, Zheng Chengwei said, "A total of 237 items of data were generated in an instant, covering all aspects of the entire aircraft. There are flight control systems, oil pressure, air pressure, airspeed, power vectors, etc. Wait.

Immediately, the system selected the top seven items for broadcast.

Intelligent voice assist system can only disseminate data information through voice. Although it frees the eyes, it is not as fast, intuitive, and comprehensive as the information that the eyes can obtain. "

"Yes, I was anxious at the time, so I couldn't help looking at the meter." Fan Yunlong nodded.

Wu Hao marked it on the laptop on the table, and then said to the crowd: "There are many reasons for the delay, I will not talk about the hardware, the flight control system, and the sensors.

Let me focus on the problems of the intelligent voice assist system. The first one is that the data of the entire system is a bit bloated.

These data information or the information transmitted from the flight control system and the sensors can be replaced by codes. After the system performs the identification and screening processing on these information, it can be replaced with the edited relevant language broadcast information.

What you think about is very comprehensive. You want the pilot to know more comprehensive data information, but you ignore the computing speed of the entire processor.

So there are two ways to solve this problem. One is to increase the processor performance and improve the operation efficiency. The second is to streamline this information and make them concise enough.

Although this will increase the pilot's burden of understanding, but through simple training, pilots can understand these code information more quickly, which can greatly reduce the overall delay time and improve broadcast efficiency. "

"This is okay, we have relevant memory training in itself, so there is no problem in recording such dozens of hundreds of code information." Fan Yunlong nodded in response.

Hehe ~ ~ Wu Hao shook his head and smiled: "In fact, there is no need to memorize these codes. We are an intelligent voice assist system, so play its role. Use some short and clear sentences instead of time The above is similar, and it is more clear and direct. It is also beneficial for pilots to accept and reduce their burden.

Of course, what I said is that it is not necessary in the normal flight environment under extreme conditions. "

"General Manager Wu has a good idea, and I think we can try it out."

Zheng Chengwei first nodded in affirming Wu Hao's plan, and then said to him: "General Manager Wu, in terms of simplifying the processing of system data and information, I am afraid it will require you to take more care."

In response, Wu Hao waved his hand: "This is what we should do."

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