Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 208: Come to the people, use it to the people

The Lark No. 1 report, I requested to return to the sea to complete the relevant scheduled test items. "

"Tower received, Lark One, welcome home!"

"Starting home."

"Enter home mode."

"Direction, 310, altitude 500, speed 450. At present, the upwind of the airport is northwest, and the air speed is four to six, which is slightly higher than before take-off. Please pay attention to crosswind and drive carefully.

"Enter the landing route."

"Altitude 500, 400, 300, please lower the landing gear, slow down to 350, 300, 250 and start landing!"


I saw the fighter plane leaning its head on the runway, allowing the rear wheels to land first, and then a cloud of smoke was set off. Immediately the front wheels started to land, and then the fighter began to taxi quickly on the runway, gradually slowing down.

Slowly, the fighter jet driven by Fan Yunlong slid to the top of the tarmac in front of Wu Hao. The engine went off and the cockpit lid opened. Fan Yunlong waved his hands as he stood in front of him.

Papapap ... Everyone saw their applauding warmly. This may seem like a very simple and easy test flight mission, but the dangers involved are only known to the R & D and testing team.

It should be known that the entire intelligent voice assistance system is linked to the aircraft's digital flight control system and various sensor electrical components.

Once an error occurs in the intelligent voice assist system, or the connection with the fighter's digital flight control system fails, this is a terrible problem.

In some cases, misaligned command information may be generated to affect flight. In other cases, it may cause tragedy of machine damage.

The flight control system is equivalent to the fighter's brain. With the fighter's hands and feet empty, once it fails or loses control, the fighter may not be able to control it. Then all rescue measures may be useless. You can only choose to parachute and watch the fighter plane crash.

And our pilots often try their best to save the fighter plane at the last minute, and it is very easy to miss the chance of skydiving.

Even if there is no other way, to parachute, they still have to choose the place where the fighter plane crashes in a place where there is no crowd to reduce the loss of the masses.

The crew quickly moved to the hanging ladder, and then assisted Fan Yunlong out of the fighter.

And the long-awaited two primary school students wearing red scarves dedicated the flowers in their hands to the hero who flew back to the test. These two elementary school students are both students of the children's school, apparently often participate in such activities, so they are not frightened at all.

"Yunlong, how are you flying this time?" Director Song asked immediately.

Fan Yunlong nodded at the crowd and said: "It feels good. There is such a voice assistant who has been helping me manage all the data. I have a lot of ease when flying. At least I do n’t have to look down at the dashboard frequently. Learn about the situation.

And in terms of information perception, it's very good. Sometimes I feel like I'm flying a two-seater, and I sit behind thinking a chattering comrade. "

Hahahaha ... Everyone heard a laugh and laughed.

At this time, Luo Kai said: "In this way, Yunlong, you go to change clothes and take a break. We will talk about the test flight in the general conference room later."

Fan Yunlong nodded when he saw this, and then smiled at everyone: "Okay, then I'll change the equipment first."

Luo Kai said this because, on the one hand, because Fan Yunlong had just returned from a test flight, he really needed a short rest. In addition, the temperature difference between the cockpit and the outside is relatively large, and it is still not suitable for the pilot to be in such an environment.

Another reason is that the site staff is relatively noisy and it is really not suitable to talk too much about this test.

At this time, Zheng Chengwei also spoke to the crowd: "There is still a lot of data to be extracted after the test flight of the fighter aircraft, so I will go first and see you later."

After sending away Fan Yunlong and Zheng Chengwei, only Wu Hao, Luo Kai, and Huang Song were left at the scene.

Compared to Wu Hao, the director Huang seemed slightly awkward. In fact, he also guessed the reason why Luo Kai asked Fan Yunlong to change clothes, obviously he didn't want to let the outside world know too much information.

The main target of his visit this time is Wu Hao and Luo Kai, so it doesn't matter if he does not participate in this meeting.

Luo Kai laughed at everyone at this time: "It's strange outside, let's go ahead."

Talking, everyone came to the sitting room and sat down again, after the staff served tea.

The Director Huang couldn't help but take the lead to say: "Today's test flight really opened my eyes. I don't think this intelligent voice assist system is any worse than a qualified pilot, even more accurate and objective.

I believe that applying it to aircraft will not only reduce the workload and stress of pilots, but also ensure the overall flight safety.

Compared with airplanes, I am more optimistic about applying this intelligent voice assist system to our air traffic control system.

With this system, I believe that the current most dissatisfied flight delays will be greatly reduced. The utilization rate of both the route and the airport will mostly increase. "

"The development of military-civilian integration in the new era is a matrix of innovative development strategies proposed by our country in the new situation. It is an honor for us and our scientific researchers to be able to make this intelligent voice assist system play an important role in the field of civil aviation An incentive and responsibility.

This system can make such great progress now, in fact, mainly due to Xiao Wu's generous dedication.

It comes from the people, and it is a kind of beautiful talk to use it from the people. Luo Kai said with a smile to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao saw this and knew that it was time for him to speak, so he simply organized the context in his mind and said with a smile: "Everyone has a responsibility to build national defense. This is just our obligation as a private enterprise. And responsibility.

And the cooperation with the military has yielded a lot, so these are the things we should.

Regarding the cooperation with the civil aviation system, I am also very optimistic about it. With the continuous development of our domestic civil aviation industry, the entire market is also growing.

We are very much looking forward to entering this industry ~ ~ and contributing to this industry. "

"Ha ha ha, okay! If you have such words, I can rest assured."

Director Huang said with a smile: "To be honest, I was still a little worried. On the one hand, I was worried that this so-called intelligent voice assist system was unreliable. Is it really excellent performance or a gimmick, I don't know .

But after seeing the test flight test just now, the stone in my heart finally landed. But another concern was raised, is that such advanced and excellent technology can really be applied to the civilian field.

And what Director Luo said just now completely disappeared the stone that fell to my heart. Rest assured, on behalf of the civil aviation system, I guarantee that I will strive to cooperate with you with the utmost sincerity to develop this system and strive for the benefit of people's livelihood at an early date. "

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