Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 174: Puppetry·0 Night Walk

Su Lun listened to the tactics arranged in the communicator, and his expression showed a touch of playfulness.


This name is naturally the "Pirate" Julian Williams.

A mysterious professional who is good at mental illusion, has similar abilities to the crying witch, can hypnotize dreams, and kill people in dreams.

She is also one of the elders of the "Occult Society" in Old Lingdon.


Hearing the name appearing in the communicator, Su Lun knew what the people behind were going to do.

He glanced back, just looking at the seven chasing soldiers, two guards were separated beside a purple-robed female warlock.

Because casting that dreaming technique requires full attention, and can't be distracted to avoid some attacks. This action was probably also afraid that Su Lun would suddenly take out the black sickle, and his companion would be able to rescue him in time.

Suren pulled a little distance away.

But he knew that the technique couldn't be avoided, and the distance was just to prevent people from chasing him when he fell into a dream and murdered.

In the hands of Tier 2 professionals, there are more or less curses with strange abilities.

Especially the masters raised by big chaebols like the Oliver family, there is no shortage of good things.

According to Su Lun’s intelligence, that "dream thief" Julian had a special curse in her hand [Angus’s Dream Refracting Mirror], which was very compatible with her ability.

A curse that can cast spiritual spells at a distance through mirroring.

Just as the female warlock took out the mirror, Su Lun threw a bunch of mechanical spiders into the ground.

This time is different from the last smoke spider, with some special markings on it.

After just doing this little movement, he looked at it again, and not far from him, he had already projected the outline projection of a primitive mirror.


There is no sign of being caught.

The surrounding scene remained the same, still in the ruins.

As someone else, I really couldn't find that I was already in illusion.

Su Lun looked down at his finger-circling movements, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "Dreaming..."

The magician methods of the mystery system are hard to defend against, especially the mirror that can cast magic magic skills from a long distance, and it is even more difficult for people to hide. If you were someone else, just this Julian would suffer a big loss.

Su Lun showed no abnormality and continued to run in his dream.

And this time.

The robe warlock behind him chased after him.

The psychic warlock, who was obviously not good at chasing, suddenly seemed to teleport at this moment, catching up in a flash.

Because this is her dream, she can have everything.

Since Su Lun knew that this was a dream created by the enemy.

Did not try to fight this woman either.

Julian is the creator of this dream, she is the master of the dream, and she is invincible here.

The normal script is that Su Lun will be unaware of falling into a dream, and then he will start to fight back.

But soon he will be horrified to discover that he can't kill him with a shot, and he can't poke with a spider spear...nothing works.

But the other party can slowly torture him to death.

This is very buggy, in the other party’s dream, you can’t kill her at all.

She kills you easily.

Although there is a time difference in the dream, Su Lun did not intend to waste time with Julian, the "Pirateer".

Physical means can't hurt her, so use mental means.

[Dream Space] This technique is almost inevitable.

But this does not mean that this technique has no shortcomings.

Generally speaking, no matter what the spell, "range" and "spell power" can only give consideration to one.

As if to maintain such a large-scale dream technique, it is impossible to use any powerful single mental power to attack the technique.

Are you proficient in mental arts?

As it happens, I will too.

Although Su Lun didn't even count the basic spiritual magic theories as an introductory one, he strangely directly mastered several high-level sorcerers, such as [Illusory Art·Drowning Art] and [Illusory Art·Suffocation Art].

This was originally from the "1911 Hotel", and the proficiency even reached the second-order technique of "proficient level".

In addition, his own mental power is not weak, although he can't use it funny, but he has a large amount.

It's not bad to pressure people by measure.

It was the moment when Julian caught up, and the two of them faced each other, which was a direct "visual illusion" each other.


That Julian screamed.

Although Su Lun felt a little dizzy in his head, but luckily he didn't suffer.


It was the moment when the two men clashed that an explosion sounded right in Su Lun's ears.

Looking at it again, the dream has been broken, and the Julian not far away plummeted like a severely injured figure.


After all, it was a chase, and the people behind them would have to follow Su Lun's route if they wanted to catch up.

This time the spider bomb is not an alchemy fog, but a high explosive bomb.

Although I didn't expect to kill these Tier 2 professionals, it was enough to make them feel threatened.

When these dozens of spiders exploded, a wall of fire formed in the distance, blocking the sight of both parties.

Su Lun pulled from his hat, and an invisible puppet immediately appeared beside him.

Then he slashed three times into the explosion flame without hesitation.

Although the flames blocked the enemy's vision for a moment, and also his own, the knife was not completely blind.

Su Lun knew the location of the spider bomb and also knew the scope of the explosion.

Then it's normal, you find a bomb on the left, where will people dodge?

Naturally on the right!

Before the explosion, after swinging the knife, there is no time for people to react at all.

He predicted the position where the enemy would appear after evading the explosion. These three knives sealed a large area behind the flame. As long as someone appeared in that position, he would definitely be hit.

What's more, the figure he is aiming at is still holding a mentally traumatized Julian in his hand!

The crows in the sky are still screaming,

The cadre "Blood Raven" Longfellow of the Crow Gang noticed Sulun's movements, and a loud shout came from the communicator: "Watch out for the black sickle!"

Unfortunately, it is too late.

When the voice fell, three spatial cracks had accurately appeared behind the flames.

Although the three-knife space missed a crack, the two hits hit the comatose Julian with one hit, and the other cut off a thigh of the melee professional who had saved her, and blood spurted like a fountain.

Although the "gray fog" did not appear, these three swords also directly caused the two Tier 2 professionals to completely withdraw from the pursuit team.


Su Lun looked back and did not continue to make up the knife.

The two were seriously injured, so there is no need to be afraid, and there is no need to waste the mobile phone meeting of the living corpses.

The abomination living corpse has appeared, there is no need to take it back after a few slashes, because at this moment, its body has been covered with developer powder, and the tall figure has been outlined by the silver powder.

Seeing the living corpses appeared, the remaining five people were not surprised, but relieved.

"Then why did Su Lun miss the illusion?!"

"Damn it, there may be something cursed against mental attacks on him! Leave the wounded for now and continue chasing. The guy's black sickle has appeared, and he has nothing to do!"

"Now that his puppet is visible, everyone is careful, avoiding the slash and his musket is no threat!"

"Prepare to implement Plan C! Hold it on your side, and support is coming right away..."


Su Lun listened to the news in the communicator, and there was a touch of playfulness in his eyes.

After chasing for so long, those reinforcements came around.

Not counting the "Lance King" Geiger, ten second-tier chasers, three died, two severely wounded, and five.

But Lloyd, the "juggler" he was waiting for, never showed up.

Su Lun naturally knew that the guy was busy commanding the ruins to surround him.

Now that he is next to Black Scythe, the few remaining guys dare not approach.

But they didn't expect that with such a burly invisible puppet, Su Lun's speed still didn't slow down at all.

Then, after chasing them, they were surprised to find that Su Lun took them in a big circle and ran back again.

"No! That guy still wants to kill Julian and the others!"

"Death! He wants to keep running. We may not have time to catch him. We are now looking for a dead end. Notify the encircling people and move closer to us! Prepare the space seal!"


That's right.

Suren went back again.

He was also thinking about the two seriously injured Tier 2 professionals.

One had a broken leg, and the other died in a faint.

When Su Lun ran over, he watched the guy with the broken leg treating himself the wound.

Not too famous, but the professional bodyguard of the Oliver family seems to be Johnson.

Even if it is a Tier 2 professional, it seems that the whole leg is cut off, and the amount of blood pumped in a moment is enough to make him weak. What's more, during intense exercise, the blood pressure is extremely high.

Now... the guy looked at Suren who was returning, his eyes were full of horror.

Although he heard it ten seconds ago, he had no time to escape with his broken leg.

Su Lun ran over and shot out Julian the "Dreamist" who was in a coma, and harvested a wave.

Then that Johnson wanted to pretend to be weak and attacked his legs, but he didn't expect that Suren's melee skills were not weak at all.

Although Su Lun rarely fights with people on weekdays, he has stripped so many people's fighting memories, and his fighting skills have reached the level of "fighting experts". With the body modified by "X Serum", it is really necessary to fight head-to-head, and Johnson may not be able to beat him.

What's more, his current super hearing and visual crunch makes it impossible for him to be attacked by a man with a severely injured leg.

The sneak attack failed. Not long after they entangled for a long time, Su Lun stabbed these guys to death with a few spears.

However, because of the delay, the five chasing soldiers also caught up.

Su Lun left in no hurry, stripped of his soul, and packed the storage rings of the two.

Because, at this time, it is too late to leave.

The ruins of the enemy's encirclement are gathered.

Looking at the distant house, a team of about a hundred people and well-equipped men and horses appeared opposite. And the streets near the ruins suddenly burst into thick purple light, like the beam of a projector, and suddenly several purple light curtains were projected.

Then, a huge six-pointed star array lit up in the sky, and several purple light curtains formed a deep purple "big box" with a height of 100 meters and a radius of hundreds of meters, covering a large area nearby. .

Su Lun watched that he was trapped, without any surprise, raised his eyebrows and looked at the purple light curtain, and chuckled, "Tsk tsk... the space is sealed off the barrier."

Now that he has mastered the spatial ability, he can clearly feel the strength of this enchantment.

Very strong, hard to break with guns.

The third-order powerhouse may not be able to break it when it comes.

I have heard the enemy's combat plan just now, and this space barrier can only be opened from the outside. Moreover, a death order was given just now, and it would never be opened until the young Dan Ze brought a large group of troops over.

This means that the two sides in the space can only live one side.

Of course, this is exactly what he meant.

Everyone can't run away, so just fight it hard.

Oh no!

The enemy couldn't run away, and it had no effect on Su Lun.

This kind of space barrier is like a glass cover, not strengthening the space.

Su Lun wanted to leave, so he opened the space door.

Of course, he stayed and didn't want to leave.

It's hard to get the fish together, why don't you catch a net?


Su Lun became a turtle in the urn, and the Oliver family were no longer anxious, and slowly gathered around.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Lun will fight to death.

After all, with the black sickle in hand, it is really going to be slashed at death, no one dares to take it lightly.

No one thought that the loss would be so heavy in an original encirclement and suppression.

Ten second-tier masters participated in the round up, and five are still alive.

The faces of the remaining people are very ugly.

And at this time, not far away, a gloomy dwarf also appeared, naturally the master "Juggler" Lloyd in the field of puppetry.

To say that he hates Su Lun the most, except for the young Dan Ze who was robbed of the chance, this is none other than this.

A highly respected master is actually an ugly dwarf, and the master's temperament he created collapsed.

Su Lun Ye Shabina said that this guy has not appeared in public since he was beheaded the alchemist puppet, and he probably has no face to see people.

Just after the moment of showing up, the warlock seal in that guy's hand has been condensed.

As soon as the cloak was released, thin black lines appeared on his body...

In the sky, the six-pointed star array slowly lit up, and a huge cross was condensed.

Su Lun had seen this routine once before, so naturally he was no stranger.

He also knew that using enchantments to limit the space was not only to prevent himself from escaping, but also to maximize Lloyd's abilities.

Just like the siege of "Weeping Witch", within a certain range, Lloyd's [Upright Puppet Theater] has almost no solution.

Su Lun squinted at the cross in the sky, and muttered in his heart: "This profound meaning is really a bit greedy..."

Today, in such a big game, the biggest goal is to come to this guy.


Probably because he felt that he was winning, Lloyd did not rush to do anything, and began to persuade him to surrender: "Boy, give up resistance, maybe I can spare your life!"


Su Lun grinned as he listened.

This is true.

If they can, they really want to catch it.

After all, there are too many secrets in his body, and Master Dan Ze is very curious.

For example, how can I use the black sickle without side effects...

If he really died, this might be a secret that will never be solved.

More than a hundred people stared at him, the "maliciousness" gathered into one, like a sharp spear, stabbing Su Lun's brain with pain.

There are more than a hundred enemies, but he dare not look down.

It was just this glance, there were thirty or forty professionals just looking at the professionals who had untied their cloak.

Even non-professionals are all dressed in sophisticated machinery.

Obviously, this is the elite team of the Oliver family.

Not to mention those magic warlocks, mechanic warlocks, and mystery warlocks, there are more than a hundred guns and artillery, and a round of volleys of Sulun will have to kneel on the spot.

Why do you call so many people here?

Of course it's blocking the knife!

There is only one black sickle, and it can only be cut one knife at a time. No matter how curses are backlashed, it is impossible to kill more than a hundred people with a black sickle, right?

The gap between the shots was enough to drown him with attacks from more than a hundred people.

Lloyd looked at Sulun not intending to disarm, and said coldly, "Boy, I'll give you one last chance. After three breaths, don't surrender, and kill him!"

He said who was persuading him to surrender, but he did not relax his vigilance at all.

Because the SS wanted criminal in front of him was too calm.

The minds of professionals who can advance to the second level are not simple.

From the very beginning, they guessed that things were tricky.

Just now Su Lun ordered a chance to escape, but returned for the loot of two corpses, and was blocked?

Although Lloyd felt that this had something to do with their "sure-free" plan, but always felt that something was wrong.

If he is really so "greedy", this guy will definitely not survive now.

The most likely thing is that this "Su Lun" has any means of life-saving.

But...the situation is all right, what can he do?


More than a hundred eyes stared at him, even if Su Lun could fly, his wings could interrupt him on the spot!

Being forced to the corner of the barrier, he seemed to have nowhere to escape.

But in the next instant, he slapped both hands, and the technique of space teleportation could not be more proficient.

Seeing him move like this, there was a loud shout from the other side, "No! Do it!"

Then listen to the sound of pulling the trigger.

But it was too late.

Su Lun’s feet have stepped into the space door, the gun shot for a moment, the bullet

Just when these people in the Oliver family thought that Sulun had escaped suddenly, they found a person suddenly appeared upstairs in the back.

Look at it again, isn't Su Lun who is there?

"Many of you? Haha..."

Su Lun grinned at them and said to himself: "Fortunately, I have a lot of people."

While speaking, he pulled out three scrolls that sealed the spatial technique.

The reel unfolded in the wind, and nearly a hundred puppet dolls appeared densely. They looked at the more than one hundred people in front of Oliver, and the wooden joints "click" and "click" crisply, as if they laughed again.

Su Lun's eyes were micrometers, his five fingers scratched in the void, and he said softly, "Try the puppet technique I created..."Secret Skill·Night Deception"!"

PS. Recently, the schedule has been messed up, and the updates are about 18 o'clock. In the future, try to be at 12 o'clock.

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