Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 173: Secret Skill·Caged Sparrow

Change first and then change. After 20 minutes, the reading experience will be better.

Suren also knew what the "Sand Demon" Horace was surprised.

"Multiple shooting" is not just as simple as pulling the trigger four times in a row. The profundity of this firearm not only requires very high firearm skills and proficiency, but also requires extremely high reflex speed, strength and toughness of the gunner's muscles.

Suren's own gun skills may not be as good as the "blind detective" Bill, but in terms of physical strength, no gunman in Old Lingdon can reach his current level.

He has no shortage of skills, his gun proficiency is high enough, and his body is strong enough.

So this is barely able to shoot four shots.

But even so, after performing the "quadruple shots", Su Lun felt a hot tingling sensation in the forearm finger flexors, which seemed to be a few threads of broken muscle fibers.

In order to get rid of this rough-skinned guy in seconds, it was worth it.

And it's not a big deal. The super cell viability is quickly healing the minor injuries on its own.


A face-to-face killed even a Tier 2 professional, and a "gray mist" appeared on the two corpses immediately.

Su Lun stopped and swallowed in.

"Obtain the memory fragment of "Horace Walker"*3"

"You have acquired a small amount of "pharmaceutical knowledge""

"You have a lot of'wild hunting survival and combat experience'"

"You have mastered a lot of'earth-type alchemy fragments', alchemy casting experience +25"

"Spirit +0.8"

The memory of the professional famine hunter leader has harvested a lot of famine hunting knowledge, which is not bad.

And the sorcerer gave Su Lun a little surprise.

The separation of the two teaching assistants of Heita Academy at the beginning gave Su Lun the feeling of taking off in situ. Now that a formal teacher has been stripped away, a large amount of solid theory and actual combat memory fragments flooded into his mind, filling his "skill tree" with too many holes.

"Get the memory fragment of "Virginia Eddie"*5"

"You got a piece of information: "Master Tanze really doesn't constrain at all. He actually does things in front of so many people... He seems to have a special hobby for mature women..."

"You have gained a lot of'Comprehensive Alchemy Knowledge'"

"You have mastered some "Intermediate Enchanting Knowledge""

"You have mastered the'Second-Order Rune Drawing Skills'"

"You have mastered a lot of'Fire Elemental Shards'"

"You have mastered the fire technique [Fire Vine Winding Technique], alchemy casting experience +41"

"Spirit +0.9"

Comfortable now.

Sorcerers of the magic system usually have higher mental power, higher soul strength, and more complete quality of the stripped fragments.

After digesting those memory fragments, Su Lun instantly felt a sense of refreshing pores, and his face was radiant: "The magic teacher of Heita Academy...the memory fragments are of extremely high quality!"

Before that, he had been making up for the knowledge of alchemy theory.

Runes, magic spells, each alchemy takes a lot of time.

Now that I have advanced to the second level, I need to master the knowledge of the second level, and the difficulty has gone up to a new level.

Su Lun always felt that he didn't have enough time.

Because I can control my concentration at all times, my learning efficiency is actually not low. But if you want to master the knowledge of intermediate and advanced runes, you don't dare to say that you are proficient in every ten or eight years.

But how can I learn with my head, so that the soul fragments of the finished product come quickly?

If the repetitive knowledge is not counted, the knowledge stripped from the corpse of "Virginia Eddie" is enough to save Suren several years of study time.

From this perspective, there are many enemies, and it doesn't seem to be all bad things.


Su Lun dropped an enemy in a second, and directly tore a hole in the encircling circle.

He didn't stop either, and after swallowing the gray mist, he started running wildly with two corpses.

As for why the corpse was brought...

Naturally, it is necessary to harvest the storage ring, and also to wait for the colony and the inaugural materials to converge.

The things on the second-tier professionals are all valuable.

Not to mention...

He felt that if the illusion that "we can catch up" was not given to those behind, the other party would not chase so hard.


For anyone, this "quick sand technique" + "golden scale fire python" combination tactics will peel off the skin if you die.

But now, Su Lun has responded perfectly and successfully counter-attacked.

Seeing the situation, the masters sent by the Oliver family were all discolored.

How come they didn't arrive first, two veteran Tier 2 professionals with rich combat experience, they were killed even if they failed to block the enemy for a moment? !

Didn't that mean that, except for the black sickle of the forbidden object, didn't he have any means to threaten Tier 2 professionals? !

But what's the matter with the puppet that can absorb second-order magic spells?

They knew that the SS wanted man was a gun expert, but what about the "four overlapping shots"?

A gunman master can’t handle the secret spear skills. He used this spear technique to break a defense and add some "Sand Demon" Horace. Who dares to believe it?

Everyone realized that there seemed to be a big gap with the intelligence they had obtained.

Of course they knew that this matter was tricky from the beginning.

A wanted criminal showed up in the city on his own initiative, sold so many things to reveal his identity, and called for the [Puppet Theater]. This was obviously provoking the Oliver family.

But even if they knew it was bait, they had to bite it.

The Oliver family's Dan Ze is now furious. If he doesn't kill the "Sulun" who robbed him of his chance, he will definitely not let it go.

What's more, even if there is something tricky, they have all come to ten second-tier professionals, what else?

This lineup is already a "sure-proof" round-up lineup.

Otherwise, to encircle and suppress a Tier 1 wanted criminal, go and invite those top professionals to come out?

Two teammates of the same rank were killed face to face, and the remaining eight masters turned black.

But they did not dare to stay, and continued to chase in the direction of Su Lun's escape.

Because the command has been sent from the communicator.

"Plan B, keep chasing!"

Before holding the Oliver family, you have to work for them.


Su Lun ran all the way, and the flare and developer powder in the sky exploded all the way.

The "developing powder" is like rain, all over the floor.

The consumption of these special flare bombs alone is not a small sum.

Naturally, Su Lun also knew that the eight people behind were chasing after him because there were dozens of teams disguised as hunting teams in the ruins, active nearby, just waiting to round up him.

Because he has a communicator on the same channel on his ear.

He has a clear picture of the enemy's movements and round up plans.

It will take some time for the roundup team to gather up.

Su Lun wouldn't be foolish to wait until the other party completely surrounded him before starting his hand. After stripping the spoils from the two corpses, he would throw away the corpses. Although the speed is three points faster, this is already deliberately releasing the water, otherwise he will now control the eight-armed spider spear to run at full speed, and no one in this ruin can catch him.

As he ran, he looked back at the eight second-tier masters behind him.

Think about it, decide to kill a few more.

So as to reduce the threat of later battles.


This time the other party implemented the round-up plan, taking almost everything into consideration.

The occupations of the people who chase him are perfect, including melee, legal system, field control, tracking... and various occupations.

But probably because they killed two just now, the next eight didn't act rashly anymore. They hung them not far away.

Oh, to be precise, there are seven running, and one flying in the sky.

Su Lun raised his head and glanced at the big bat.

This guy has a pair of bat meat wings and is a well-known bounty hunter "Darkwing Killer" Dirk Wilman, who is good at long-range sonic attacks. The agility attribute is very high, and the melee methods are not weak. But defense is a shortcoming.

This guy probably thought that Su Lun couldn't help him. He flew all the way in the sky and spewed sonic attacks all the way. Like an area bombardment, there were potholes everywhere around Su Lun.

If it wasn't for Sulun's own agility attributes, just these "sonic cannons" would be enough for him to drink a pot.

But the other party came prepared, and Su Lun was not unprepared.

He had carefully analyzed the information on the pursuit of soldiers, and knew which of them was the best to kill.

This Dirk is one of the priority targets for beheading.

It seemed that Su Lun was chased and fled in embarrassment, but in reality, everything was still expected.

At this moment, Su Lun saw that the time was ripe and suddenly took out a bunch of mechanical spiders from the storage ring and threw them on the ground.

The mechanical spider fell to the ground, crunching and running around, fanning out.

There is no restriction in this complex terrain, climbing walls and turning stones, and the speed is very fast.

The chasers behind him didn't know what Su Lun was going to do, but looking at his "abnormal" behavior, no one dared to test it directly. One by one, watching the mechanical spiders running towards them, they all showed off their defensive methods, and their stature was stagnant.





A series of explosions sounded, and dozens of mechanical spiders burst apart.

The thick smoke immediately obscured a large area of ​​vision.

Those people thought that Su Lun wanted to interfere with his vision and flee, and the communicator yelled: "He is going to run, Wilman, you go and hang him!"

The other seven people are in the smoke, only Dirk in the sky has no restricted vision, and the task of chasing naturally falls on him.


The voice hasn't fallen yet,

A big bat came out of the thick fog.

At this time, he didn't know that Su Lun had already unlocked the second planting device while taking advantage of the explosion just now.

[Weeping Witch's Hair] After paying attention to the dark spiritual power, it will be completely transparent.

If someone can perceive energy fluctuations, they must be able to "see" Su Lun at this moment like a jellyfish, with transparent tentacles floating all over his body. Those tentacles continue to stretch towards the sky, increasing in number...

Bat wings can fly,

But its special structure allows Willman to be flexible enough to easily dodge bullets.

But it can't fly very high.

This guy chased Su Lun all the way, stupefied that he felt some strange sensations around his body, and a little palpitated.

But being vigilant is one thing, you can't help but chase it, right?

Neither the sound wave nor the vision was abnormal, and he didn't think about it.

But while flying, Wilman suddenly looked at the "Su Lun" hanging underground and made a ten-finger scratching motion.

A sense of crisis suddenly fell in my heart.

Wilman was wary of Sulun's manipulation of several puppets around him to attack, suddenly he felt bad and his expression changed drastically.

Because at this time, he found that countless silver hairs were condensed around his body in an instant.

He immediately realized something, and hurriedly said in his heart: "[Qiansi] Reproduction... Damn it! Didn't you say that this kid is a Tier 1 professional, this **** is a Tier 2 professional at all!"

Su Lun's pupils on the ground shrank suddenly, without giving him a chance to fly away.

He moved dexterously with ten fingers in both hands, coordinated with a few spider spears, and suddenly grabbed it suddenly, and uttered a soft drink in his mouth, "Secret Skill, Cage Sparrow!"

Looking at it again, the silver thread in his hand suddenly stretched straight!


Puppet masters can not only fight with puppets, silk thread is also a big killer. Especially the puppet masters who have integrated the [Thousand Silk] costumes and countless controllable silk threads!

This [Caged Sparrow]'s secret control method is exactly the unique secret method previously found from the storage ring of "Juggler" Lloyd.

Use a huge amount of silk thread to control the target.

Originally, this was a technique that could only be performed in his [Puppet Theater], but now Su Lun has elementalized witch hair. Performing this technique is even more invisible!

There was silver hair around Wilman's body, and there was nowhere to avoid it.

Even if his bat wings are flexible and want to fly away, it will be in vain!

Because at this time, the silk threads around him were already tightened, like a silkworm cocoon, trapping him tightly.

The bat's wings were restricted and could not take off. His neck was cut by countless silk threads. He wanted to use sound waves, but he couldn't make any sound in his throat.

No matter how exquisite your martial arts are, no matter how flexible you are, after being trapped, you won't want to move.

What if it can break a hundred strands of hair?

There are one thousand, ten thousand!

Su Lun’s [Thousand Silks] Alchemy Cloth, the main material is "Infinite Hair"!

The witch mage also has a super "intermittent", if it is broken, it can be connected!

It was the instant that the silk thread controlled the enemy, and Su Lun on the ground was full of cold flames. As soon as Juli drew the thread, his whole body ejected. At the same time, several sharp spider spears showed sharp poisonous spines and stabled straight ahead.

One fell, the other bounced, and the images of the two people were magnets attracting each other, and they touched together with a "swish".

After advancing to the second-tier, the level of law has been raised by a level, and Su Lun’s current [No Servant] Leng Yan, penetrating the second-tier professionals of the Assassin family, is easy!

It was this touch, several sharp spider spears, that easily pierced Wilman who was trapped like a mummy.





Four brocade and silk punctures sounded.

The throat, heart, waist, four spider spears intersect each other, and blood arrows shot out.

After a breath, grey mist emerged.

"Obtain the memory fragment of "Dirk Willman"*2"

"You have mastered the'Introduction to Poisonous Potion'"

"You have acquired some ‘sonic attack techniques’"

"You have mastered a small amount of'junior level rune knowledge', alchemy spellcasting experience +11"

"Spirit +0.4"

Su Lun didn't try to digest those memory fragments. After landing, he took in the silk thread and ran forward with a "mummy".


Not far away, the seven Tier 2 professionals had just rushed out of the smoke range, just in time to see this spider-lance through the body.

Seven people were completely stunned.

Those spider bombs exploded with smoke soaring They thought it was a killing method, but it turned out to be ordinary smoke.

But just because of being cautious, these few interest times were delayed.

Waiting for the vision to recover again, watching another companion was killed...

How did that guy do?

Wasn't Wilman able to fly, how could he be **** and killed?

They didn't see the dense transparent silk threads in the sky, but only saw the mummified trophies hanging behind "Su Lun", as if silent mocking...

"Continue chasing, and be careful not to be alone, that guy's methods are weird!"

"Damn it, the intelligence is wrong, then Su Lun is 80% already advanced to Tier 2! Now that the black sickle hasn't appeared, he is most likely to take the black sickle, please be careful."

"Are the encircled troops in place over there? Okay...I can't let him escape and drive him over. Julian, we cover you, and you are ready to perform..."

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