Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 138: Mr. Jonny is very strong

Latest website: "Wild Hunters Union" is the most lively place in Camp Dawn.

Moreover, it was in the dilapidated villa of Stormwind Manor.

Suren's controller hated the living corpses all the way up the hillside, and soon came to the garden of the manor.

The surrounding scenes are very familiar, and he still remembers the place where he killed Ivan the bald head under the crooked neck tree. It is now an anti-aircraft artillery and machine gun position.

The villa hall has been turned into a hunting hall, full of hunters with guns and swords.

There is a huge bright screen in the center of the hall, and various mission information is released densely on it.

Recruiting personnel, buying information, and selling various high-level materials and cursed objects.

The hunters stopped in front of the big screen, looking for the information they needed.

"Recruitment: "Iron Boots Wilderness Hunting Group" recruits 30 members of the Wilderness Hunting Group. Doctors are given priority. Tier 2 professionals will lead the team. Tomorrow, explore the a-level cursed space in Xicheng..."

"Recruitment: C~A level cursed space exploration mission in the periphery of the East City, led by senior professionals of the Oliver family, unlimited comers, daily salary of 20,000 riso, and additional subsidies for battle..."

"Purchasing information: need advanced materials/or information related to the second-order thunder elemental warlock, depending on the value of the information, pay 30,000-500,000 liso, and go to the notary office."

"Items on consignment: Advanced materials for Tier 2 Assassins [Black Magic Dagger], identification can awaken the ability to sneak, and the price is negotiable..."


Su Lun had good eyesight, so he glanced at the words on the light curtain without squeezing into the crowd, and saw someone begging for second-order materials again.

This is also the purpose of his coming here.

Liming Ruins are huge, and it is absolutely impossible for him to find the information he wants by himself.

He didn't delay too much, and went directly to the union to pay the money and hung up a circular message.

"Purchasing information: shock, 5 million!!! I need materials/intelligence related to the second-tier ability to awaken the'spatial ability', depending on the value of the information, pay 2--5 million liso, and go to the notary. You can also explore with the group, the first-tier veteran professional, Quasi-gun master, good job, don’t hold back..."

This eye-catching method is the "headline party" he learned from various bad media in his previous life.

Regardless of the situation, let's start with a shock.

As soon as he came out of this 5 million, he instantly became outstanding from the dense information.

As for the spiritual power secret method, he didn't hang it up.

Mr. Hei said that it was classified as "forbidden" knowledge by the Dark Tower. Su Lun felt that if he went up with great fanfare, it might attract some people with ulterior motives to fish.


Su Lun hung up the information requesting information, and then stopped at the entrance of the hall for a while. He wanted to see if there was any information he was interested in.

At this moment, a tentative voice called out from behind.

"Mr. Jonny, is that you?"

Su Lun turned his head to look, a childish face was staring at himself.

Who is it if it's not Tommy?

However, Su Lun was even more surprised that he was actually recognized?

Just now, in order to get rid of the stalker, he even changed his outfits. How did Tommy recognize this?

Su Lun smiled, did not deny, curiously said: "How do you recognize me?"

Tommy looked at Su Lun, a smile immediately appeared on his little face, and he was pleasantly surprised: "I didn't recognize it. But I think it should be you, Mr. Jonny."


Su Lun was even more surprised when he heard this word.

He vaguely felt that Tommy seemed to have any special talents, and asked: "Is it your awakened special ability?"

Tommy nodded, then shook his head, his tone was uncertain: "I don't know..."

He thought for a while with a bitter face, and said, "Did I almost get killed by a deformed monster when I was escorting? At that time, my scared head was buzzing...Fortunately, Mr. Jonny saved me. . Then, I realized that I seemed to have some special abilities. Just like I thought your figure was familiar just now, so I called out your name..."

"That's it..."

Su Lun listened to the process he described, and he could basically confirm that Tommy had really awakened a certain talent.

However, after thinking about it in his mind, he didn't find any corresponding talents.

This inexplicable "feeling" ability seems a bit rare, like some kind of visual talent?

But because talent is invisible, it can only be speculated through some appearances.

Moreover, before the awakening is complete, I am not even sure what it is.

For example, obviously your talent is [b-002-Red Devil], but when you first awakened your talent, it only showed that your strength has grown. It is easy to confuse it with [d-082-Dali].

If you don't develop and control that power, you won't have the opportunity to transform into the "Red Devil", and it is possible that that rare talent will be buried for a lifetime.

This is normal for ordinary people who have no plans to advance to a professional level.

When watching Qianjo reveal her two-stage awakened [Raksha Girl] talent before, Su Lun also curiously asked some knowledge about talent.

He has now determined that the talent can be grown, and it can be a second breakthrough.

Although I am not sure what the factors that affect "growth" are, from the experience summed up by Chijo, almost all talent awakening has something to do with fighting.

Only by experiencing the kind of despair between life and death, can it be possible to realize it.

This is exactly what Tommy described.


Su Lun frowned and thought for a while, but didn't think what Tommy's talent should be, and asked: "What about your father? Does he know that you have awakened talent?"

"I told him."

Tommy said, stubbornly speaking, and said with an aggrieved look: "He said I was crazy."

"My dad also said..."

After a pause, he still slumped his throat, learning Benson’s tone, and said rough words, "I’m all awakened by [Dali], you **** must also be awakened [Dali]. If you are strong, you can move and resist. This It’s the most practical ability! Don’t think about it..."


Su Lun couldn't laugh or cry, but this was in line with Benson's careless character.

For ordinary people, vigorously creating miracles is indeed one of the most tangible abilities that can be seen with the naked eye.

Those fancy and rare abilities are just like winning the lottery. They belong to someone else.

He asked again: "By the way, where is your father?"

Tommy pointed to the dense crowds of people in the hall, and said, "I met an acquaintance and went to pick up the task."

Suren: "Oh."

The two just said here, Benson didn't know where he came out.

Watching his son talk to a stranger, there was a hint of caution on the bearded face.

But little Tommy greeted him and said excitedly: "Daddy, I met Mr. Jonny."

Benson took a look at Su Lun, and was surprised, "Brother Jonny?"

He was very surprised. It didn't take long for him to see him, so he changed his clothes.

Su Lun nodded, "Yes, Captain Benson."

"Why do you wear a gas mask in the city, I almost didn't recognize it..."

Benson murmured, but didn't think much about it. There were also many wilderness hunters in such costumes.

Recognizing Su Lun, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said excitedly: "Brother, are you interested in a hunting mission? The hunting in the Red Brick Tower block of the East City. I have a group of old acquaintances, and their leader is two. Rank, very strong. And the reward is quite good, and the degree of danger is low..."

The situation of joint exploration in groups is also often encountered in the hunting of wasteland.

Especially when encountering some large dangerous relics.

Usually it will be a team of acquaintances who have worked together.

"East City?"

When Su Lun heard this, he really became interested.

Remuneration and everything are secondary. He heard that "East City Red Brick Tower Block" a bit familiar.

After thinking about it, isn't it the place where the vendor said before found the [Crying Witch's Cursed Hair]?

Benson looked at Su Lun with interest, and asked, "Brother, you haven't found the team yet? How about with our "drunkard group"? There is a mutual support."

Su Lun knew that this uncle probably felt that the **** had not returned the favor, so he planned to continue to "take care of" him.

He was about to take a look at the area he was going to, and there was a team that could provide more protection, so he agreed: "Okay."

Benson listened to Sulun's promise and smiled again: "Go, I'll sign up for you. By the way, I will introduce you to my friend."

At this time, he also saw the cloak giant standing quietly not far from Su Lun, and curiously asked, "This is...?"

Su Lun said casually: "That's a partner I knew before, and I just ran into it at the camp. If it's convenient, let's sign up together."

Benson looked at the size of the living corpse that he hated, and naturally guessed that it was good. He also felt that the sniper had a good partner, which was reasonable.

He laughed and said: "Haha, of course it is convenient! Now all major groups are recruiting people to explore the ruins, I am afraid that there are not enough people, not too many people."


After speaking, Su Lun followed Benson to leave the hall and turned to a room next to the banquet hall.

Su Lun looked at the brightly lit corridor, his eyes gradually deep.

When I was here, I encountered a **** banquet...

As Benson walked, he still introduced: "I tell you that the reward for this mission is very good, even if there is no gain, there are five thousand lisos every day. The key is that people are reliable. My friend has cooperated a lot. I’m a veteran hunter of the second time, rich experience, surely no problem...Moreover, we are a cooperative contract, independent of each other, do not need to obey their instructions, and have the right to choose when encountering danger."

Earn five thousand a day without gain?

Su Lun sounded familiar, just thinking of something, she watched Benson lead him into the room with the sign of "Oliver Family Wilderness Hunting Group" hung at the door.

He muttered in his heart: "It wouldn't be so coincidental..."

The Oliver family, isn't it the family that met the young man who wanted to buy his hair when he was buying hair?

What else is the "Juggler" Lloyd Rodney...

As soon as he thought about his destination, Su Lun understood it instantly.

It is estimated that they also bought the information of the stall owner, and then the waste hunting team that was going to send it over to take a look.

Thinking of the previous tracking, Su Lun's eyes narrowed slightly, "Tsk tut, what a coincidence."

Entering the room, Benson started a business blast, "This is my brother Jonny, a very powerful sniper, and an experienced veteran hunter. That's his friend, a very powerful fighter, sniper. Hand observer..."

Then he introduced the registrar to Su Lun, who looked like a professional, "This is my old friend Raleigh, the captain of the famous ‘War Knife Group’..."

Raleigh took a look at Su Lun and Detesting the Living Corpse, and said, "Well, take out your ID and register it."

Su Lun took out Jonny's famine hunting certificate, but the corpse's casually found an excuse for the loss of the certificate and stalled the past.

The other party was obviously also anxious to recruit people, and they were introduced by acquaintances, which was not true.

After a short while, the contract was signed. Su Lun hangs under the name of the "drunkard group", and will go to the ruins with the large team organized by the Oliver family tomorrow morning.


Su Lun completed the employment procedures, and did not stay in the Wilderness Hunting Union too much.

Saying goodbye to Benson and his, he took the living corpse to the camp to find a place to live.

Seeing Sulun leaving, Benson was also relieved.

He hooked Tommy's shoulder and said, "Let's go, son!"

As he walked, he also showed off his ability to do things, "Huh... I also found a reliable employment mission for the Jonny brothers. After all, the Lone Ranger is still a gunman, not very easy to find a group, and easy to meet. To the black group..."

On the side, Tommy looked at Su Lun's back, not knowing what he thought of, and muttered: "I think Mr. Jonny is very good... Without the introduction of your father, he will definitely find a good team."

Benson didn't understand the meaning of Tommy's words, and raised his eyebrows, "Well, Brother Jonny's marksmanship is indeed not bad..."

But it's just not bad anymore.

I've seen it during the **** before, that marksmanship... and Paul, the gunman in his team, let's go 50-50.


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