Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 137: "Juggler" Lloyd

Latest website: The vendors in this stall are two waste hunters with red fox emblems on their clothes.

Su Lun knows this logo, which is the logo of the old Ling Dun large-scale wilderness hunting group "Fire Fox Group".

Various sheepskin scrolls and ancient books were placed on their booth.

Some are well preserved, and they seem to have come out of the cursed space.

Some of them are ragged and incomplete, and they should be artifacts in pictures.

It looks like an ancient library has been found.

Watching Sulun stop, one of them picked up the scroll and greeted him: "Hey, brother, do you want to buy an alchemy scroll? It recorded the scroll of the rare thunder alchemy [Five Thunder Boom]. After the high price of 300,000 yuan, I only need 240,000 yuan to take it here. We belong to the'Firefox Wilderness Hunting Group' and our credibility is absolutely okay. If you can't believe it, you can go through the Chamber of Commerce appraisal channel..."

Most of the scrolls were marked with spell names. Although they were not allowed to open, Su Lun used the pupil of omniscience to identify them and confirmed that these things were really good things.

However, the spell scroll was not what he wanted.

He looked at it and asked, "Are there any ancient books that record spiritual knowledge, or the classics of puppet masters?"

"These two classics are very partial..."

Without thinking about this casual question, the person seemed to have really thought of something, " seems to have."

He rummaged in the storage ring, took out a thick volume of classics, and said, "Look at this, don't you?"

Sulun looked at it. On the cover of the book, "Introduction to the Spirit" was written in Old Neighbor, by Joseph Dicher.

He asked: "Can I turn a few pages?"

"Of course."

The man didn't mind, so he handed over the classics and said: "This thing seems to be a super-order knowledge, so I didn't show it."

Ultra-level knowledge is useless to ordinary people in Old Lingdun, and no one buys it when it is displayed.

Probably only the rich in the inner city will buy some as antique ornaments.

Su Lun read a few pages, it is some theoretical introduction of spiritual power, but not the secret method of cultivation.

But he was also ready to buy it and have a look, maybe he could find some useful knowledge, and asked, "How can I sell this book?"

The man said truthfully: "This was just brought out from the ruins by the members of our group last night. If no one buys it, we are ready to deal with the big business in the inner city. They will send someone to buy it once every afternoon, probably. Sell ​​it for seven or eighty thousand copies. You can just give the same price if you want."

Alchemy knowledge is very expensive, even if it is first-order knowledge, it is definitely more than this price.

But it is not worth using "super knowledge".

"Yeah. I bought it."

The price is fair, Su Lun nodded, "Anything else?"

The man took out a few more classics and said: "Is there anything related to puppet art. But I also have a Fragment of Profound Alchemy here, as well as some super-level knowledge, if you are interested, you can also show it to you. .."

Su Lun took a look and bought a few more copies.

But he didn't buy the magic scroll, those things were expensive, and they needed a lot of energy to learn, and they didn't fit his profession enough.


The first stall harvested some useful things, and Su Lun felt that this market might also harvest some good things.

He continued to walk forward, and stayed at the booth where he was interested.

Most of the stalls are all kinds of alchemy materials and employment materials...

The stalls of those large hunting groups were even piled up like a mountain, and they didn't know how many monsters they had killed.

However, Su Lun is now an advanced professional and has no need for Tier 1 materials.

But after a few turns, most shops were filtered out.

Moreover, he actually saw the second-tier inaugural materials and drawings of the relics in some big booths.

But most of them are materials for mainstream melee, assassin, and wizard professions, and the prices are very expensive, and there is no suitable one.

Su Lun wanted to find the second-tier inaugural materials that had better be used for "Space Ability" first, but didn't want to use it. That kind of thing would never show up in the booth.

Even if it did, it would immediately be bought at a high price by speculative merchants wandering the streets at any time.

Su Lun strolled around most of the street, and then found another surprise!

At an unremarkable stall, he saw that the stall owner had packed some silver silk threads in a box, and the number was more than twenty.

After verification, it was the [Cursed Hair of the Crying Witch] that he had been looking for!

It was a surprise and unexpected surprise.

Before, he had guessed that since the hair was from the ruins, other people might have suffered some, but he didn't expect to encounter it.

Su Lun walked over quickly and asked, "Brother, how do you sell this silk thread?"

The stall owner looked at the customers and introduced enthusiastically: "Oh, my sir has a really good vision. This thread is amazing, it is very tough, and it will become transparent after injecting dark spiritual power, and it can be elemental..."

Although this thread is magical, it may not be used in many occupations, so it is not easy to sell.

This blow also attracted some passersby around, who seemed to be very interested in this kind of elementalized silk thread.

Su Lun knew the characteristics of this hair very well, and didn't want to be too eye-catching. Before he finished the introduction, he said, "Make a price, buy it when it's suitable."

The stall owner turned his eyes, flashed a touch of shrewdness, and shouted casually: "Ten thousand sticks. You know, after all, it took a lot of effort to get this..."

This is obviously tempted.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thread of yours should have been picked up on a certain corpse, right?"

When Su Lun said this, naturally he wanted the other party to realize that he was knowledgeable.

This kind of material belongs to the "new material", and almost no one has seen it in Old Ling Dun.

For those who need it, ten thousand one is really cheap.

But for those who don’t need it, it’s useless to send it for free.

Puppet master is a rare profession after all, and there are very few people in need.

Although he thinks this hair is worth the price, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

Su Lun was not verbose, and simply said: "One price, I have packaged everything, one hundred thousand liso."

The man thought for a while, and seemed to think that this customer was not easy to fool, and decisively responded: "Okay!"

Su Lun paid the money, put her hair into the storage ring, and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

At this time, the stall owner introduced other things on his stall, "Look, I still have some materials here..."

"Is there any more thread?"

"No, this is all."


Su Lun glanced, not thinking about the materials, but directly asked: "I want to know the origin of this thread. If you know, I'm willing to pay the right price."

Anything is valuable when hunting wasteland outside.

Including intelligence.

The stall owner didn't have any surprises when he heard this. The information on the source of the material was also one of the "commodities" he sold at the stall.

He directly quoted the price: "Thirty thousand. I promise to give you the specific location where the thread was found."

"Ten thousand!"

Suren is more direct.

He took out a thick pile of green cash and said: "If it is not detailed enough, I will refuse to pay."


The stall owner took out a pen and paper and drew a sketch: "On the outskirts of the ruins east city, there is a monastery three hundred meters northeast of the red brick tower..."

Su Lun listened, and had a general impression of the address in his heart.

He needs this [Crying Witch's Cursed Hair], the more the better.

This will make his puppet control a qualitative leap.

If he can, he even wants to find the monster that produces this material.

Now that he has the black sickle in his hand, even if it is a high-level distortion monster, he still has the idea to try it.


This was originally a normal business.

But I didn't think, when the vendor was still giving Su Lun the address, a few people suddenly walked up.

"I heard that you sell another special silk thread at your booth?"

This mouth, arrogant tone revealed the superior status of the coming person.

Su Lun didn't need to look at it to know that 80% of this kind of people came from the inner city.

After a glimpse, he looked slightly.

The person here is a middle-aged man in a suit with an upturned horoscope.

Su Lun's eyes were instantly attracted by his hands holding the cane handle, with long fingers and clear meridians on the back of his palm. This situation usually means that the ten fingers are flexible, which can be seen in occupations such as pianists and typists.

If it's an extraordinary professional...or a puppet master!

Because of Sulun's own hands, that's it.

When the vendor heard the question, he looked at his appearance and his tone suddenly became polite: "Dear Sir, what do you need?"

The eight-character Hu middle-aged man once again said his intention: "I heard that you are selling a special silk thread, and I am interested in buying it."


Upon hearing this, the vendor glanced at Su Lun, revealing a touch of embarrassment.

Su Lun guessed the guy's intentions, didn't plan to have more branches, handed the money to the stall owner, and said indifferently: "This is money, just sign it to me."


The stall owner was a little at a loss.

The middle-aged man apparently saw something from the expression of the stall owner, and asked, "Are you trying to say that the silk thread is sold?"

The stall owner bit his head and replied: "Yes. I just sold it to this gentleman."

Bazi Hu looked at Su Lun's adventurer outfit, but didn't look straight again.

It seems that he feels that his identity will drop in price when talking with civilians.

At this time, the young man who followed the apprentice next to him checked the color, and greeted Su Lun who was about to turn and leave: "This gentleman, please wait."

Su Lun heard that the other party's tone was still polite, and he stopped for a moment, "Huh?"

The young man said: "The silk thread you bought just now is very important to us. Can you please cut love?"

"Sorry, I have no idea of ​​selling materials."

Su Lun resolutely refused.

Before he spoke, he actually guessed what the other party was coming from.

However, he would definitely not sell this hair.

Because this is not just a few pieces of material, but also whether he can manipulate the "hateful living corpse" normally!

A few months ago he got three [Crying Witch’s Cursed Hair] on the black market, but because the number was too small, it was not enough to manipulate the puppets, so he kept eating ashes.

Now adding these more than ten roots is enough for him to control a puppet in a small area.

When he entered the city before, he felt that he hated the living corpse too much.

Now with these hair strands, this problem is perfectly solved.

He doesn't even need to conceal the existence of hatred as before. The cloak covers the living corpse, and uses dark spiritual power to infuse the hair when manipulating it. This elementalized special silk thread will completely disappear.

It can be taken with you at any time, there is no trace of manipulation, and it will not be suspected.

Therefore, he will never give up the materials he has obtained.


Hearing Su Lun's refusal, the young man's face suddenly changed and he didn't look so good.

His status and status have never been treated like this.

This made him feel that he was ignored and humiliated by a civilian from an outer city.

A cloud of haze flashed in the young man’s eyes, and he resisted without sending a message, and said calmly, “I’m Denzel Oliver. This is my teacher, Mr. Lloyd Rodney, the'Master of Puppet.’ That thread material For the puppet master, it is useful. If you can cut love, sir, we will pay you extra..."

The Oliver family,

First-class chaebol in the inner city.

It's almost as strong as several divisions of the Reyes family divided into seven.

It is also one of the "five chaebols" who built camps.

Moving out of your identity is naturally to make people retreat.

Su Lun was also somewhat impressed with the identity of the eight-character Hu that the young man said.

The entire Old Lingdon is one of the few puppet professional instructors, a veteran second-tier profession, and the famous "Juggler" Lloyd Rodney.

But what about the inner city people?

Others may have to worry about three points, but...

Is he a wanted criminal with half a dime?

Su Lun responded because the other party had given him enough courtesy before.

But now, where he didn't see the arrogance of these guys, he was obviously overwhelming.

"Sorry, I really don't have any idea of ​​the materials for sale."

He didn't talk any more, turned around and walked away directly.


Seeing Su Lun showing no face, the young man named Dan Ze blushed instantly.

But everyone was gone, and he didn't even give him a chance to make trouble.

Dan Ze could only turn his head and glared at the stall owner, and said angrily: "How much did he pay?"

The main stall was stared at and swallowed his saliva: "Ten... one hundred thousand."

Dan Ze angrily said: "We will give you a million and sell me the silk thread!"


The stall owner looked bitter, and instantly felt that he had lost money.

Although he knows the rules of trading away in the market, he also wants to take the money, so he quickly turned around and greeted Su Lun who had left, and said loudly: "Sir, can you..."

Su Lun didn't look back, and said coldly: "No!"


The stall owner had just made a mistake, and he didn't have much to say.

Seeing Su Lun's attitude, the young man named Dan Ze was even more furious and yelled: "Damn it!"

But the eight-character Hu shook his head and greeted the young man: "Since the materials are sold, let's go. Originally, silk thread is a perfect puppet material. If there are enough, you can consider it as a refining [Qiansi] clone. The main material for the installation. What a pity..."

Dan Ze was even more uncomfortable.

After a pause, Bazi Hu looked at the stall owner again: "By the way, where did you get the silk thread material? We will also buy a copy of the information."

Several people returned the same way.

As he walked, the anger in the young man's heart not only disappeared, but rose up.

He said to the middle-aged man next to him: "Teacher, I think that guy just now may not know [Crying Witch’s Cursed Hair]. After all, that thing is of no use to ordinary professionals. Probably I was too reckless. , Reported the origin. Let him hear that I am from the Oliver family, so he deliberately wanted to raise the price."

After a pause, he felt that he had grasped something, and suddenly realized: "I will go to him now, and I will definitely be able to buy it with a price increase. That silk thread, even if it costs a million to buy it, is worth it!"

"No, he should be very clear about the effect of that hair."

Ba Zi Hu shook his head.

Su Lun did not give face to his disciple, nor did he give him the face of his teacher.

There was also a cold flash in his eyes: "Since you have reported out of the house, he is not afraid of offending people and will not give up the materials, thinking that he should be a puppet master. Haha... the line of the old Lingdon puppet master, Just a few inheritances. I want to see where he comes from!"

After a pause, the middle-aged man turned his eyes and thought: "However, I think that should be a wanted criminal..."

Otherwise, this kind of guy who doesn't have eyesight can't dare not give face to the Oliver family or give him face to Lloyd Rodney!

"Yes, I also think that the teacher is right!"

Hearing this, the young man was overjoyed and immediately understood.

He cast a look at the bodyguard behind him.

The bodyguard knew immediately and left the team quietly.


Su Lun was walking on the street and suddenly noticed something, frowned slightly, and murmured in his heart: "I was followed by someone..."

He has the ability to perceive maliciously, and from the sight of all malicious eyes, he can immediately detect it.

Obviously, it was the Oliver family member just now.

Is there a bad heart?


The corner of Su Lun's mouth raised a coldness.

However, there are many people in the camp, and it is not suitable for hands-on.

Su Lun thought for a while, and didn't want to kill and make trouble here, so he turned into a deviating corner.

The person who followed is probably a professional bodyguard, not very good at tracking.

Since Su Lun knew in advance that the camp building was messy and complicated, it was easy to lose the target.

Not long after Su Lun changed into a costume and mask, and walked onto the street swaggeringly again.

At this time, there were no mechanical dogs and goods around him, but a burly man with a cloak.

Although this tall figure is very eye-catching, but such exaggerated melee professional and heavy mechanical warrior, you can occasionally see one or two on the street.

After changing the witch's hair, the manipulation silk completely disappeared in the air.

There was breathing and heartbeat, and others couldn't detect the anomaly that hated the living corpse.

Su Lun led the living corpse in this way and headed in the direction of the "Wild Hunters Union".

If there is really any way to find out the whereabouts of the "psychic power secret method" and advanced spatial ability materials, it must be the waste hunting guild.

There is the most complete information on the ruins, as well as the wilderness hunters who have mastered the information.


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