Master of Fist

Chapter 790: big chance

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"Could it be that the will ushered in a transformation?" Nine Heavens Demon Lion was secretly startled.

There are countless times of will transformation in a warrior's life, and most of these transformations occur in dangerous life-and-death crises or life-and-death struggles and some hard training without knowing it.

But such things as will transformation are not common, especially the higher the level of cultivation, the longer the process of this kind of will transformation. Therefore, the growth rate of the strength of the domain master and even the demigod level is extremely slow compared with that of the galaxy master and below.

"It's kind of interesting. There is no news that this kid will usher in a transformation. In this way, this kid's own will is already at a critical point of transformation. Now the degree of persistence is about one-fifth, but if you want more than half Still impossible."

Nine Heavens Demon Lion was both emotional and disappointed. Jiang Heng's talent was indeed good in his opinion, but his martial arts will still remained above the level of ordinary geniuses. But to become a demigod, it's not enough to be just an ordinary genius.

Which one of the demigods is not a peerless genius who has only been born in tens of thousands of years or even tens of millions of years in a super galaxy? come out.

I thought that Jiang Heng, who was born as an undisciplined person, was more outstanding in martial arts than the spoiled disciples of the Nebula Sect, but now it seems that he is much better than most of the disciples of the Nebula Sect, but he is still far behind.

In Jiutian Demon Lion's view, if he wants to have the 30% chance of becoming a demigod, Jiang Heng's martial arts will have to be transformed two or three times, so at his level, his martial arts will is already stronger than the average peak the ones. When his cultivation has reached the peak, I am afraid that the will of martial arts will be even more terrifying, and then with some opportunities and treasures, the chance of breaking through the demigod will be even greater.

As for now, Nine Heavens Demon Lion feels that Jiang Heng is not worthy of his master's efforts to cultivate.

Time is still passing by, and Jiang Heng is indeed as expected by the Nine Heavens Demon Lion at this moment. Just now, he feels that his mentality has opened up a lot, and his whole body seems to have undergone an illusory transformation. His martial arts will also weakened a lot.

But as time passed again, after ten minutes, after the transformation, his own martial arts will was continuously oppressed and weakened by the will of the portrait, the extreme sense of oppression struck again, and this time it was even stronger.

"No! It's only one-fifth of the past, which is far from enough!" Jiang Heng was a little anxious seeing the burning degree of the incense stick, which was not what he wanted to see.

He wants to seize this opportunity!

An opportunity to become the true direct descendant of the Nebula Sect.

Jiang Heng knew from the serious and solemn test of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion today that this demigod Xingyun didn't just accept disciples at will, but really wanted to accept a personal disciple who would inherit the mantle. If you just randomly accept a symbolic disciple, there is no need to do so.

But Jiang Heng couldn't help being a little distressed that he couldn't seize such an opportunity.

"What else can I do? If only I can catch my breath, even if it only takes a few minutes!" Jiang Heng was secretly anxious, and he had gradually figured out this kind of baptism of martial arts will.

In fact, the will of martial arts itself does not do much harm to him, on the contrary, the benefits are great, just like in the past one-fifth of the time, Jiang Heng can feel that his physical strength, soul strength, and even the martial arts will are all strong. A great improvement has occurred.

Originally, I had just stepped into the mid-stage realm, so my foundation was still not solid enough to break through so quickly. It may have been extremely solid for other physical martial arts fighters, but in Jiang Heng's view, it was still a little bit worse.

However, at this moment, the realm of mid-term cultivation is completely solid, not only that, but also faintly moving towards the mid-term peak level.

This kind of change made Jiang Heng reluctant, but the martial arts will on the portrait did not give him a chance to breathe, but the test of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion was to endure the baptism of will all the time.

"Is there any way to temporarily divert these will shocks?" Jiang Heng thought quickly.

The first thing he thought of was the internal compass, but the compass remained motionless no matter how he pushed it. Just like before, he was so cold and aloof. Since he transformed into a compass, he seemed to look down on Jiang Heng.

Immediately, his attention turned to the golden ornaments.

Mind locked on the golden ornaments hanging on the inside of the clothes, Jiang Heng's mind turned.

"Since we can directly extract the physical law of the people on the side of the jewelry, we can also let them bear the pressure on my side!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng began to try to open the golden jewelry. As the jewelry space was opened, another world gradually opened up.

At this moment, the will that had been acting directly on Jiang Heng suddenly seemed to have found another flood outlet and began to gradually shift the focus of oppression, gradually sweeping away along the door of the small world to the people in another world.

Martial arts will is illusory, but it directly ignores that layer of space barriers. Most people who hesitate in that world are involved in Jiang Heng's laws, so these wills are gradually distributed along the red line of Jiang Heng's laws to the other side. Hundreds of thousands of people flowed away.

It's like a virus suddenly drilled into every household's computer along the Internet.

At this moment, Jiang Heng felt light all over his body, and the will that was oppressing him suddenly dropped sharply, which made Jiang Heng immediately overjoyed, and the whole person began to recover slowly and began to readjust his state.

At the same time, the Neanderthals who were countless light-years away from this place were practicing half asleep and half awake, but at the next moment, they felt a terrible coercion sweeping over, and countless Neanderthals woke up one after another. But they were also worried about being detected by the monitoring system, so they had to grit their teeth and bear this terrible coercion.

They were panicked and very confused, they didn't know what was going on, could it be some kind of demon?

They couldn't figure out what happened to the accident and they had to grit their teeth to bear the impact.

And Orto, who has the highest cultivation base, is the first one. His connection with Jiang Heng is closer, the red line of the law connection is thicker, and the baptism of will will naturally be greater.

Fortunately, the number of Neanderthals cultivating has already reached nearly 90 million, and it will soon break through 100 million. Such a large number of people are sharing profits at the same time, although the pressure shared by different cultivation bases is also different. The same, but when the base number reached such a terrifying amount, the baptism of will that was shared was also within the tolerable range.

Orto's joints were constantly pounding, and his consciousness was also a little dizzy due to the impact of waves, but he still didn't dare to neglect his teeth and persisted. He was afraid that he would never wake up again if he became dizzy.

"What's going on? Could it be that something happened to God?"

Alto was terrified. He was not worried about himself. Instead, what he thought of was Jiang Heng, the creator and the great creator **** in the hearts of the great Neanderthals.

But soon he discovered that although this crisis was dangerous, it seemed to have many benefits.

The simplified version of the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing magical skill practiced by the Neanderthals is actually far inferior to the original version in tempering the body, which also leads to the amazing benefits they have brought after they have endured waves of baptism at this moment.

This feeling of being able to feel the substantial improvement in physical strength made Orto ecstatic.

"No! This is not because of some accident, but because of the grace bestowed by God!"

Thinking of this possibility, Alto worked harder to share the baptism of will, and he even voluntarily took on more shocks of will.

This kind of situation happened among many Neanderthals with higher cultivation bases. They had stronger tolerance and were more able to discover the benefits of it, and one by one they started to fight for it.

Feeling that the will of martial arts oppressed on him was getting weaker and weaker, Jiang Heng finally let out a sigh of relief.

While recovering silently, he began to observe the situation over there through the door of the small world with a ray of mind. He was a little stunned to see the fierce competition for each other over there.

Can it still be like this?

While feeling emotional in his heart, Jiang Heng naturally couldn't let them keep sharing his opportunities, that's right! At this moment, in Jiang Heng's view, this test is his chance. If he can continue, he can continue to bear the baptism of will by taking turns sharing with the Neanderthals.

Thereby maximizing the benefits brought about by the baptism of will.

Time passed little by little, and as the incense stick burned through one-third, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked at Jiang Heng again and nodded approvingly.

"That's right! Although this kid's willpower is weak at the beginning, he is still very adaptable. It can be seen that his martial arts will has undergone at least two transformations. Maybe he can really surprise me maybe."

Nine Heavens Demon Lion sighed in his heart, and was a little surprised that Jiang Heng could transform one after another.

"But maybe this is the limit!" But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

This transformation of martial arts will is not so simple, once or twice is enough, no matter how much it is, it is really too little.

Especially when there is no possibility of respite during this period, it is very difficult for a person's martial arts will to continue to bear this kind of impact.

This requires a certain degree of recovery in the middle, and only by doing so step by step can there be continuous transformation. Otherwise, if one's own martial arts will fails, it will be difficult to transform.

It's just that as time passed again, after half of the incense stick had been burned, when the Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked at Jiang Heng again, his eyes were a little surprised.

Not only him, but all the domain owners present looked at Jiang Heng as if they were monsters.

Now they all doubt whether what they and Jiang Heng saw is the same portrait.

It took about half an hour for them to persist intermittently, but Jiang Heng had already been there for nearly four hours, and the incense sticks had been burned for more than half, but his face remained unchanged.

Tianxing was even more astonished when he knew the inside story. He was well aware of the difficulty, and naturally he also knew how incredible it was that Jiang Heng could do this.

"It can't really be done, can it?" Tian Xing was a little unsure from now on.

At this time, there was already a trace of smile on Jiang Heng's face, and his realm had reached the mid-term peak level.

And with him as the core, a wave of energy tides has begun to emerge around him, and a steady stream of energy particles are gathering towards him, and an energy vortex is generated from the top of his head, which is madly absorbing all the energy particles around him.

Seeing this, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion frowned slightly, Jiang Heng's strength progressed, he had expected it, and seeing this, he quickly took out a small ball of glass beads from the storage space.

As soon as the bead was taken out, one could feel the incomparably rich energy contained in it. The Nine Heavens Demon Lion threw the bead towards Jiang Heng and said, "Don't absorb energy, absorb the energy of this **** stone!"

This place is an important military location, and there are large energy-gathering arrays, but most of the energy gathered by these energy-gathering arrays is to maintain the operation of the entire fortress and the operation of the star gate, so it cannot be absorbed by Jiang Heng so recklessly.

After receiving this weird **** stone, Jiang Heng couldn't help but **** it with all his strength.

The majestic energy continued to pour into the limbs and bones along the contact position of the palms and continuously strengthened Jiang Heng's muscles, bones, and muscles, which also made his cultivation base gradually stabilize at the mid-term peak state.

At the same time, Jiang Heng couldn't help but be amazed at the horror of the energy contained in this sacred stone, and he could still bear it after absorbing it so frantically. If ordinary energy crystals are directly turned into energy powder before they come into contact with them, they will be directly absorbed by him. Alright.

Until the peak state is completely stabilized, the sacred stone in the hand also turns into powder and dissipates in the hand.

Seeing this Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked normal, but his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Time is still passing by little by little, but Jiang Heng is still as motionless as a mountain, still standing in the face of the impact of will, which makes the Nine Heavens Demon Lion's original intention to end the test pause again and again.

As the incense stick burned to four-fifths of ten, another monstrous aura erupted from Jiang Heng's body.

The realm of the late stage!

Looking at the energy vortex floating above Jiang Heng's head again, this time it was obviously ten times bigger than before. Seeing this scene, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion couldn't help cursing inwardly.

"This loser's thing!"

Cursing in his heart, the movements in his hands continued unabated, and he threw out ten previous **** stones almost at the same time.

Jiang Heng took the **** stone with a smile on his face and began to absorb it with all his Watching this scene, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion's eyelids twitched, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at the floating portrait next to him, but saw The paintbrush traces on the portrait are much thinner, and it is obvious that it looks like a lot of consumption.

Tian Xingcong and the others on the side were completely numb, and he found that there is really no comparison between people.

To them, this kind of test is no less than a punishment from heaven, but to Jiang Heng, it is clearly a chance!


At this moment, everyone only felt the sound of electric current coming from their ears, which made everyone look around and above, but they saw strands of thick thunder snakes emerging from the originally empty cosmic vacuum. Jumping between meteorites, everything touched is instantly reduced to dust.

Seeing this scene, many domain owners were horrified, each and every one of them felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.


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