Master of Fist

Chapter 789: entry test

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Hearing this, the burly blond middle-aged man waved his hands indifferently, and his eyes quickly locked on Tian Xingcong's side. Obviously, he was quite familiar with the Xingyun Sect disciples present.

"Little God, after all, it was your uncle Jiutian who came in person, why is it so ostentatious?"

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked around and said with a dissatisfied smile.

Hearing that Tian Xing ran over immediately, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Uncle Nine Heavens Master, you still like big scenes, and now you are already all domain master-level powerhouses, and now no one knows when the domineering savage Some necessary garrisons will be called over!"

"Huh!" Upon hearing the hegemony, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "It's just a group of bandits who only know how to rob houses. I heard that you are better than each other in dealing with this group of garbage. A dozen or twenty people were lost?"

Hearing that Tian Xing was a little embarrassed, but still nodded.


Seeing this, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion didn't hesitate to reprimand Tianxing directly from the face of the commander of the second advance army.

Tian Xing, who was scolded, never dared to say much, but kept laughing along with him.

Tian Xingcong still knows this master uncle very well, and he protects his weaknesses, especially not allowing outsiders to bully their Xingyun sect disciples. According to the words of my uncle, I can bully, but others can't.

This caused some unknown domain masters present to look at each other in horror. Everyone was not stupid, and more or less guessed that this burly man should be a person with a very high status in the Nebula Sect. And the aura emanating from the invisible made everyone even more shocked.

"By the way, where is Xing Yun's apprentice?"

As he said that, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion glanced around. He had sharp eyesight, but he had already noticed that Jiang Heng, who was standing in the Nebula Sect, was a little different.

The first time he saw Jiang Heng, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

"It's really true. I'm afraid that the strength of this foundation can't be compared with the little Xingyun back then!"

Feeling that the other party's gaze focused on him, Jiang Heng knew it was time to speak up.

Immediately, he directly stepped forward a few steps forward, cupping his hands and bowing respectfully: "Jiang Heng, the junior, has met senior Jiutian!"

"Not bad! Not bad! Your boy's foundation is certainly due to talent, but the physical strength can also tell that you have put in hard work. Stepping into the domain master is also powered by stars, you boy did not spoil this body Talent, it is very difficult to do this step with casual cultivators, you little dolls should learn this point, don't think about relying on the sect all day long."

As he spoke, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion glanced at the group of disciples of the Nebula Sect, and couldn't help lowering his head after reading the true biography of the Nebula Sect.

At the same time, these people couldn't help being a little surprised. They also heard that the suzerain recently accepted a direct disciple. Now it seems that the other party's ability to become the suzerain's disciple is not as simple as luck.

It's like them, who call themselves the proud sons of the Nebula Sect, but most of them still focus on melting ordinary planets. After all, not everyone can try stars, and one who is not well integrated into the body can easily set himself on fire.

At this moment, not far away in the camp of the Tianshuang Empire, the Sixth Prince Le's expression changed slightly when he saw this scene, but the depth of his city did not show on the surface, he just glanced at Jiang Heng in great surprise.

He had paid attention to Jiang Heng when he walked towards the Xingyunzong camp. At that time, he thought that his capable subordinate should be valued by the commander of the Xingyunzong Tianxing, but the actual situation now shocked him.

"It's interesting. Jiang Heng is a very talented person. I never thought that there would be such an opportunity. It seems that I really underestimated this ally before!"

The thoughts in Le's mind turned, his relationship with Jiang Heng can be described in hundreds of thousands of times.

Before, his image was that of a downcast prince who was excluded, so he also appeared in a very low profile in front of Jiang Heng. After a series of things later, he turned into a relationship of mutual use, and until now it has become a superficial relationship between subordinates and subordinates. .

But in fact, both parties know that although it seems to be a relationship between superiors and subordinates, in fact, both parties have the meaning of guarding against each other.

It's just that Dang Le showed more and more hole cards, and this kind of defense was more like Jiang Heng's unilateral defense against him, and he took the lead, and deep down he didn't think that Jiang Heng could make any waves under his hands.

In the final analysis, in Le's view, he is a royal Jiang Heng, but a vassal of his own fief, and even the other party's fief was conferred by his family. Maybe even Le himself didn't realize this kind of thinking, but that's what he thought deep down in his heart.

This also made Le feel even more shocked when he saw this scene. It was like a little bug who was played by him in the applause, and the other party stood on an equal footing with him in a blink of an eye.

The taste in Le's heart is not enough for outsiders to understand.

At this time, all the domain masters present except for the disciples of Xingyun Sect were all stunned, and everyone looked at all this with a little confusion.

Many Domain Masters who were present at Jiang Heng also knew that, after all, there were only a few of the most outstanding performers in previous battles, so it was hard for Jiang Heng not to be noticed. Everyone knows that the strength of this man from the Tianshuang Empire should not be underestimated.

It's just that I was amazed at that time, but that's all, after all, I can't compare with other people's strength.

But right now, the other party was accepted into the door wall by the demigod of the Nebula Sect, which made many domain masters feel sour, and they couldn't help but sigh Jiang Heng's good luck in their hearts.

But Jiang Heng's group of people all showed ecstasy. They and Jiang Heng both prospered and lost, and they wished that their master's power would become stronger and his status higher and higher.

How unhappy to see this.

"Senior, it's great, but the junior just doesn't want to be mediocre, so he has to keep improving himself and try his best not to follow the trend!" Jiang Heng bowed slightly with a sincere and humble attitude.

"Okay!" The Nine Heavens Demon Lion clapped his hands and praised: "What a self-improvement! What a good one who won't follow the crowd!"

As he spoke, he unconsciously glanced at the disciples of the Nebula Sect, as if he was saying that you guys should study hard and listen to me!

This made Jiang Heng feel a lot of pressure, thinking that this person really likes to show off.

"Okay! Because Xingyun is restricted by the contract and cannot come here in person, I am here to accept disciples on behalf of Xingyun!" Speaking of this, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion's expression became extremely solemn, and he looked around with a majestic and solemn expression.

"Originally, according to the rules of my Xingyun sect, accepting disciples is to worship the patriarch, but Xingyun is the patriarch who founded the sect, so this rule is waived. But some rules are still unavoidable, so I will accept your worship on Xingyun's behalf. I wonder if you would like to worship my master Xingyun as your teacher?!"

As he spoke, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion stared at Jiang Heng with burning eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Heng felt tremendous pressure, as if his heart was firmly pinched by the opponent's aura, and the blood all over his body was affected by the power of Qi and blood emitted from the opponent's body, and became extremely viscous, and the operation became extremely slow.

"I am willing! Master, please accept my apprentice's obeisance!" Jiang Heng said that he was about to pay homage to the master, but he saw that the Nine Heavens Demon Lion raised his hand empty-handed, preventing Jiang Heng from bowing down.

This made Jiang Heng a little puzzled.

"Oh, little friend Jiang, don't be impatient. It's not so easy to worship my master. You have to endure the impact of my master's martial arts will for a stick of incense without getting tired. Only then can you enter my master's door as a gift of apprenticeship!"

Speaking of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion waving his hand, he saw an incense burner that needs three people to embrace it falling on the platform, and a thick incense stick with a width of three meters and a width of more than ten centimeters was inserted in the incense burner.

Seeing this Tian Xingcong and the other Nebula Sect disciples all changed their complexions, Tian Xingcong even opened his mouth to speak, but he had no choice but to keep silent when he was swept over by the stern gaze of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion.

Immediately afterwards, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion took out a scroll from the armor very solemnly, and the scroll slowly unfolded to reveal the contents inside. There was only one person's back depicted on the scroll, and everyone felt shocked when they saw this back. A terrifying martial arts will swept over.

"If you are not a physical martial artist, turn around and don't look at this painting, otherwise you will bear the consequences, and a physical martial artist can do it himself!"

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion opened his mouth loudly and looked at Jiang Heng again.

"You can start now. You can pass the test by looking directly at the portrait of my master for a while without getting tired!"

Jiang Heng didn't seem to realize it, and when he looked at the portrait, he already knew that this test is not easy!

Martial arts will is illusory, but it does exist. This thing is like a kind of aura, but it exists for all martial arts practitioners.

Just like the martial arts will of powerful warriors, the martial arts will make people feel heavy and oppressive, but it is far inferior to the martial arts will of the demigod powerhouses.

If the Martial Dao Will of the domain master level is compared to a powerful aura, then the Martial Dao Will of the demigod can cause great trauma to people as it is in essence. Right now, Jiang Heng can feel that if he is only in the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy I'm afraid that with just one breath, his body will be shattered and irreparably damaged.

At the same time, many warriors of the pantheon who saw the portrait for the first time have already felt the consequences.

The frightening will of a Dao warrior with a physical body close to the median demigod is far beyond what they, the temple warriors whose physical strength is not strong enough, can look directly at.

Even many Nebula sect disciples are gritting their teeth and persisting. In fact, accepting the baptism of the will of the strong is also a baptism of the physical body and their own martial arts will.

Many people are insisting. In addition to the physical martial arts, many temple warriors are also insisting. This is of great benefit to the physical martial arts, and it is even more beneficial to them.

Cultivating the physical way itself is a kind of tempering of the will of the physical body and martial arts. In comparison, the warriors of the temples are much weaker, so the benefits they will get if they can persist at this moment are unimaginable.

Under Jiang Heng's command, Chen is struggling to persevere. He is the dual law of the body and the stars, so he can persist more than ordinary early-stage domain masters, and even more persistent than ordinary mid-term temple warriors.

In contrast, Xiaoya only persisted for three or four breaths and hurriedly avoided taking the opportunity to catch his breath. Lieyan Patriarch was a little better and persisted for nearly a full minute before avoiding his eyes and quietly adjusting his breath.

His Royal Highness Sixth Le was a bit unexpected. With the Lord of Galaxy's peak cultivation, he managed to avoid it after five breaths. This may be protected by some means of protection, but it is also a manifestation of his own martial arts will.

Tianxing looked at Jiang Heng and sighed secretly. This kind of baptism of martial arts will is indeed beneficial, but it is already a kind of punishment for a warrior to keep looking directly at the portrait for a stick of incense, especially such a big stick of incense.

This reminded him that when he was selected as the true heir of the direct line, the incense at that time was an ordinary small incense, which was less than one percent of this size. It took nearly a hundred years to recover with the help of many recovery medicines.

This also made him have a deep fear of the baptism of martial arts will.

"Hey, I hope Uncle Nine Heavens Master is just pretending, otherwise I'm afraid someone will die!" Tian Xing sighed inwardly.

At this moment, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion was still standing quietly, looking at Jiang Heng casually, and he was not surprised to see that Jiang Heng's expression was normal at the moment. After all, it's only five minutes. If you can't even hold on to this point, you don't deserve to be valued by his master.

Of course, this is not enough!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the incense stick that was only burning for one section, silently calculating in his heart.

"I just want to give this kid a bad start. It's enough to think about it halfway through burning. If he can persevere, this kid will also get great benefits. Only in this way can he hope to step into the demigod realm. If he can't even persist halfway , or I can accept him as a disciple?"

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion thought to himself that his basic requirement for Jiang Heng was to insist on half of it, and if he survived half of it, the chance of Jiang Heng becoming a demigod would increase by 30%. If only half of it can't be achieved, he feels that the talent shown by Jiang Heng is comparable to many direct descendants, and he is barely qualified to be his apprentice.

As for more than half, it's not that he hasn't thought about it, but the Nine Heavens Demon Lion estimates that the possibility is not high, and it may be best to barely survive half of it.

Thinking so in my heart, time passed little by little. When the incense stick burned to one-fiftieth, most people had already retreated, and they couldn't even continue to slow down. The will is still in a limit state, and if it continues, the soul may collapse and the body will disintegrate.

Even Tian Xingcong sighed regretfully, closed his eyes and stopped Jiang Heng still looked directly at the portrait, but his face was as pale as paper, and he could not stop trembling outside People seem to be teetering on the verge of life and death.

Seeing this scene, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion seemed to have expected it and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing in his heart. He had expected this situation, but he also hoped that Jiang Heng could persist for a longer time.

But seeing that now he knew that if he didn't stop him, then the foundation of this pretty good young seed would be completely ruined in the future. He was about to speak to interrupt the test, but the movement of speaking was suddenly stopped.


But seeing Jiang Heng's body in front of him trembled slightly, and then he recovered, and even his pale face regained a lot of blood, and there were signs of gradual improvement.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Nine Heavens Demon Lion was a little puzzled, but he could see clearly that this kid had been staring at the portrait just now, and there was no possibility of breathing during this period.


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