Master of Fist

Chapter 781: pitched battle

Bang bang bang!

The more dense and powerful impact came down, and the entry of domain master-level powerhouses, the pressure on the formation doubled.

Even if the double formations are superimposed, the large formation of the fortress is in a precarious state at this moment.

"It can't go on like this, what should I do, Your Highness?" Hao Hu said anxiously.

"Yes! Otherwise, I'll go straight out, Your Highness, and I'll make a profit by killing one and killing two!" On the other side, who is also the eldest prince's confidant, late-stage domain master Haisu said with a tired face.

Wen Yantian looked at the two of them, Haohu didn't pay attention to him, this guy just talked about it, and would only shrink back when it was critical. The latter dared not give any orders.

Haixu, a subordinate who has followed him for less than a thousand years, has proved his loyalty in the battle during this period of time!

Fighting until the eldest prince is very aware of Haixu's state, not to mention that the oil is exhausted, but it is almost the same. After careful perception, he can find that the energy in the opponent's body is close to exhaustion, and he is supported by a wave of perseverance.

"Forget it, just wait. When the formation is broken, I'll kill the enemy together, and we'll die together!" The eldest prince shook his head, at this moment he regretted that there were fewer people.

In fact, he sent only six subordinates for this advance army battle, but now four of them have fallen, leaving the **** Haohu and the late-stage domain master Haixu.

"Your Highness! Wait for me to block them first, you open the star gate and leave this place quickly!" Haixu shook his head repeatedly. After getting along with him during this period, he has already sincerely trusted and followed His Highness.

Hearing that the eldest prince shook his head and smiled wryly, how could he escape.

Now that so many domain masters have arrived, the fortress is in danger. But if he really abandons the fortress and escapes alone, the punishment will definitely be extremely heavy in the future, even his status as a direct member of the Tianshuang Empire will be safe and sound.

The importance of this central fortress to the entire coalition forces in the eastern region is self-evident, and Tian has no doubt that if he makes a mistake, his guilt will definitely not be lightened.

He wants to fight to the death rather than just living with it!

"In that case, the old man will accompany His Highness to die together!" Seeing that he couldn't dissuade him, Haixu no longer hesitated, and looked firmly into the distance.

At the same time, all the domain owners of the fortress were alarmed and rushed to the front line from the cave. Looking at the scene in front of them, there was not much panic on their faces, and some were just plain, as if this scene had been expected.


Accompanied by the sound of shattering, the large formation shattered into a burst of dense energy light spots and scattered, and dozens of domain masters rushed over like a pack of wolves.

All the domain masters of the first advance army of the coalition forces in the eastern region also let out an incomparably loud cry, and they all drove away with their few remaining laws.

There is no possibility of backing down in the war until now, and they are all culled with the determination to die.

Just a face-to-face, a cloud of legal fireworks rose instantly. It was one of the mid-term domain masters of the Eastern Region coalition who was besieged and killed by several domain masters. He died without any resistance.

Right now, most of the remnants can survive in the mid-term realm, and there is only one case of early-stage domain masters like Haohu.

Looking at the scene of this group of comrades who are not afraid of death, no matter how greedy and fearful Haohu is, he still has blood flowing in his body at this moment, but he quickly calmed down.

"I can't die! I can't die here!"

Talking nonstop, Haohu was looking for reasons for his madness so as to make his heart feel better.

"Yes! I have to live. Only by living can I tell the situation here to everyone behind the base camp. I can't die!"

After finally thinking of such a reason, Haohu hesitated for a moment, then turned around and fled towards the star gate.

However, at this moment, a whistling sound suddenly flew past in front of his eyes, Haohu turned his head in a daze, and saw several figures with extremely strong aura rushing towards the front line.

"How can there be fellow domain masters in the hinterland of the fortress?" Haohu wondered.

And just when he was in doubt, there was a dense whistling sound resounding in the hinterland of the fortress, flying past from far to near. The dense sun gallops overhead.

"This... this... reinforcements?!"

This idea popped up in my mind instantly, and then the dense starship group rising from the hinterland confirmed this guess. I saw the tail of the densely packed starship group in the distance slowly approaching here with tail flames.

But it stopped after only traveling a certain distance, followed by intensive long-range firepower coverage towards the front line.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the sky over the entire fortress was like daylight, and the sudden change made both sides of the frontline warring look stunned.

The first to arrive was the descendants of the direct line of the Nebula Sect, the Heavenly Star Follower!

I saw that this person's physical strength erupted, like a cauldron oven exuding terrifying energy, and the next moment he saw his figure suddenly bursting into the void, visually it seemed like he was moving section by section, and he jumped at a normal person in the blink of an eye. In front of the domain master who fought with the first batch of advance remnants.

The big hand slammed onto the top of the opponent's head and then exploded, causing his head to burst.

However, with the vitality of a domain master-level powerhouse, this person did not die. Granules were constantly wriggling in the wound, and at the same time, his figure quickly retreated.

He backed up extremely fast, but Tian Xingcong's speed was even faster, and this time he inserted his hands into the opponent's chest in a flash, and then pulled his arms hard, and saw the opponent's body split into countless pieces of flesh and blood in an instant.


A group of domain master level initial law fireworks rose up.

Instantly beheading one person, Tianxing Congyou didn't give up, he saw another flash of his figure, smashing the head of one of them with a punch, which solved the plight of one of his own, and then jumped directly in front of a mid-term domain master in a flash again. He hesitated and clapped out a palm.

Immediately, the nebula gathered, as if a galaxy was brewing in the palm of the palm, the palm hit the opponent's chest.

With a muffled snort, the opponent flew upside down and became stiff. After a while, he saw his flesh and blood bursting into tiny blood mist.

Killed a mid-term domain master instantly with a single palm.

"How dare!"'

Seeing this scene, Kui Jin of the Broken Gold Empire couldn't bear it any longer, and leaped towards the stars.

With a wave of his big hand, he saw countless sharp forces sweeping away from the void, quickly gathered into a ball, turned into a big hand, and slapped the stars in the sky.

This is the law of brokenness, the core law in the body of broken gold, this law is especially aimed at physical martial arts warriors, and has extremely terrifying power to break the defense of their physical bodies.

Seeing Tianxing raised his brows slightly, and seeing his happy face, he couldn't help laughing: "Good time!"


Xingyun Palm slapped it without hesitation, and the surging Law of Flesh collided with the Law of Fragmentation, and the countless shattering forces continued to decompose the firmness and thickness of the Law of Flesh.

I only heard a burst of dense cracking sounds from the collision of the two palms. This is exactly the law of shattering that is constantly trying to shatter the things in front of me.

The two were in a stalemate for a while, and after a while, the force of their palms was offset and dissipated.

The two sides stepped back, and then they both looked at each other solemnly.

Both of them appeared calm on the surface, but they were extremely shocked in their hearts.

Sui Jin didn't expect that there would be a body martial artist who could block his palm. His family's restraint on physical martial arts is extremely obvious. As long as he wasn't attacked by a physical martial artist, he would have absolute confidence in dealing with a physical martial artist.

Just like the last time he personally slapped to death a martial artist from the Nebula Clan, it was still a late-stage personal martial artist.

And the person in front of him, whose cultivation base is only in the late stage, can block his palm without changing his face, and this alone makes Sui Jin shocked.

What Sui Jin didn't know was that at this moment, Tian Xing was also extremely shocked from the inside.

He is the true heir of the Nebula Sect, and being able to become the true heir of the direct line certainly has the identity of the direct line, but it also shows that his talent and talent are still extremely terrifying with his current foundation and strength.

Not to mention crushing the same level, he can easily suppress the same level of physical martial arts, and he has absolute confidence in this.

But today, the other party's strange rules really surprised him.

Even now, the weird law is still trying to break down the law and the flesh in his body along the surface.

This side has entered a state of confrontation, and at this moment other areas of the battlefield are already raging with flames.

With the participation of the second batch of advance troops, the situation is no longer a one-sided massacre, but a gradual stalemate.

Jiang Heng was naturally among the fighting crowd, his record was not as dazzling as that of Tian Xingcong, but it was not bad, beheading two early domain masters one after another.

And it was this shot that shocked the heart.

"My lord, these people are very experienced in combat, and I feel that they are all brave and fearless. If they are not careful in fighting with them, they will turn the situation around and even die on the spot!" Patriarch Lie Yan dealt with an early stage warrior. The domain master transmitted the voice.

The situation on her side is much worse than that on Jiang Heng's side.

I thought that with the strength of her mid-stage domain master, it would be easy to kill one or two early-stage domain masters, not to mention killing all directions.

But after fighting against each other, she realized that even if it is the initial domain master, it takes a lot of effort to deal with it.

The opponent is not only brave and fearless, but also has rich combat experience, and the martial arts he has practiced are extremely extreme. Either it is a secret technique that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred, or it is a secret technique that temporarily activates the power of law at a great price .

With the continuous emergence of such methods, the natural situation will not improve.

Jiang Heng also discovered this point. He didn't realize it when he killed two early-stage domain masters in a row, but after fighting with the mid-term domain masters, he knew how difficult it was.

It's fine for these people to possess extreme secret techniques, the key is that each of these people is extremely decisive, and when the situation is not good, they will immediately use secret techniques to meet the enemy, regardless of the side effects of the secret techniques afterwards.

Jiang Heng frowned at this, the ruthlessness and determination of these people was simply something he had never seen before.

It's nothing to be cruel to others, it's really cruel to be so cruel to yourself!

"Are you the reinforcements for this group of remnants and defeated generals? I don't think your strength is very good!" The person who was fighting Jiang Heng looked Jiang Heng up and down, and then sneered.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned. This person was covered in metal. After activating the secret technique at this moment, the metal field made him stronger by several levels. The whole body was an indestructible iron bump.

Every time he fights with him, the blows are bang bang, but the opponent is unscathed and can even talk and laugh happily.

"It's up to you to judge how strong you are!"

Jiang Heng snorted coldly, and after saying that, the Xingyun palm suddenly erupted, thirty times the power of the Xingyun gathered in the palm, and the momentum of his whole body surged rapidly, and a palm was printed out suddenly.

This person is still laughing loudly, and he is not afraid of this imposing palm, covering his chest with both hands, his aura seems to have reached the later stage under the soaring power of law.


The palm of his hand made heavy contact with the opponent's arms, but just this contact made the opponent's heart twitch, and he secretly thought that he would suffer.

An incomparably terrifying force pierced through the opponent's palm in an instant, and the arms that had been completely metalized suddenly burst into a violent crisp sound.

The dense crisp sound caused the entire arm to be covered with a layer of fine spider web cracks. At this moment, the arms also turned into iron **** and exploded. The palm of the hand pushed forward again without hesitation. The opponent who hit him with the hammer stood still in place.

Palm, Jiang Heng let out a long breath.


Turning around and turning his head, Jiang Heng didn't pay attention to this person, and someone actually received his slap hard, he really didn't know what it meant.

If this person had a chance to escape when Jiang Heng used the Nebula Palm, after all, this kind of secret technique can be regarded as a means of accumulating energy. Although the energy accumulating time is negligible, there is always a gap.

However, this person's record of victorious battles with the First Advance Army made him a little lost, and he gradually became more confident in his own strength.

So much so that seeing Jiang Heng's methods that are almost the same as those of the previous guys naturally made him even more arrogant.

The man looked at Jiang Hengyuan's back, and wanted to open his mouth to say something.

But the cracks in his chest that began to spread to the surroundings would quickly intensify, and he could only stand quietly at the same spot, while enduring the destructive force of the pain in his body, while quietly waiting for death.

He could only wait for death, unless some unlucky person who was seriously injured ran in front of him, then he might be able to recover his soul from his body.

As for the opponent's palm not only destroying his physical body, but also crushing his mind in an instant.

Under the trembling of the soul, even the pain in the body directly permeated to the depths of the soul, making him unable to move.

Sometimes it is like this, the impact of energy that is too strong beyond one's own soul will also be affected, ranging from short-term loss of consciousness to severe, being insane and becoming a fool or directly breaking the soul,

Even if he forcibly casts the secret technique with the power of the ordinary mid-stage temple system to reach the power comparable to the later stage, he is still only a mid-stage warrior, as if he can withstand a blow that even a late-stage warrior cannot withstand, and his soul will be shattered on the spot Not bad at all.

"Haha! You little girl is really not afraid of death! Then let me see how long you can last?"

A burst of wild laughter echoed in the ears of the black-haired girl Xiaoya, and she could only cover her whole body with metal laws to resist the endless sword light.

The dense blade light was like a cutting machine continuously drawing deep white ravines on her metal skin, sparking out bursts of sparks.

I saw a strange man with four arms holding four early stage weapon blades and slashing wildly at Xiaoya.

The realm of the two is the same, but the opponent seems to be tireless, attacking like a storm, attacking!

The opponent only sees offense, and when the frequency of attacks exceeds the limit that the opponent can handle, this person naturally does not need to defend.

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