Master of Fist

Chapter 780: Then break the tortoise shell first

Central, Hurricane Keep—

As the first fort established in the Central Region by the Allied Forces of the Eastern Region, it is also the last fortress today. Its strategic value can be said to be unimaginable. If this place falls completely, it also means that the Allied Forces of the Eastern Region will have to travel thousands of miles to set foot in the Central Region again. It can only be reached by a long distance, and the time required for this is almost measured in years, and it may not be possible to reach it in just a few years.

Therefore, the fortress here is extremely important.

On the tenth day after a small offensive and defensive battle ended, a large number of maintenance personnel began to repair and rebuild the outer defense line of the fort one after another.

There have been no less than hundreds of battles with the Overlord Star Alliance, and each time the Overlord Star Alliance's fighting style is as swift as the wind, not only the sudden attack is as fast as the wind, but the retreat is extremely fast, so every time it leaves a lot of damage to the fortress. Few scars, over time, the entire Hurricane Fortress was already riddled with holes in just over ten years after its establishment.

Looking around, there are potholes everywhere. These are either caused by the battle of the master of the galaxy or the power of the master of the domain.

Under the fearless fighting style of the Hegemony Star Alliance, it is difficult for both sides to control the scope of influence, so they have no scruples every time, just because a little distraction will end up with a different body.

This is also suffering for this huge Hurricane Fortress. After nearly a year of garrison work, the fortress is the core and the surrounding area is surrounded by ruins. Whether it is the newly built space dock or various strategic bases, it has been completely destroyed. A pile of ruins.

"Master, when is this a head? I'm almost throwing up during this time!" A middle-aged man with a sallow and emaciated face said bitterly.

The one who is called the leader is none other than Haohu, the leader of the Tianlong Sect in the Tianlong Galaxy in the Tianshuang Empire!

Hearing this, Haohu was also helpless. He looked at the former guardian of the sect. He used to have a very strong and burly physique, but now he looks sallow and emaciated, as if he is malnourished. Looking at this appearance, he feels fatal. It looks like it won't be long.

"It won't take too long to think about it. I heard that the second batch of advance troops has been assembled at the base camp recently. This time, they are here to replace us. Next time, I will leave it to them!"

Hao Hu thought about it.

Hearing this, the protector of the Tianlong Sect was moved to tears, and he murmured, "It's finally coming to an end! It's finally coming to an end!",

As he said this, the man kept kissing the wall of the fortress in front of him, and the excitement on his face couldn't be hidden at all.

Seeing this, Haohu, the leader of the Tianlong Sect, was also helpless. Now he regrets following the eldest prince. He was a hesitant faction before, and he had been entangled in the team at that station. Later, because he had promised the eldest prince before, he had no choice but to follow the eldest prince and become his confidant. But he never expected that this follower gradually became like this.

Not only did all the domain masters brought by the first prince die, but even most of the survivors will face the risk of their realm falling.

It was not luck that Haohu survived, but that he was simply lacking in strength. He was assigned the task of guarding the fortress from the very beginning, so he saved his life. Even so, in some fortress offensive and defensive battles before, he was so choked up that he almost didn't fold in several times.

Haohu felt that he was lucky to be able to survive till now.

After all, there are many people who are stronger than him, and those people's avenues in their bodies have returned to the avenues of the avenues. It is fortunate that he can still be in charge of logistics.

"Master, doesn't this mean that we will go back soon?" Hearing what Haohu said, the guardian of the Dragon Cult looked excited that day. He really didn't want to stay here, even for a moment, because you don't know When will the group of barbarians from the Overlord Star Alliance come to make a surprise attack.

Raids have happened from time to time recently, and their purpose is known to everyone. One is to consume the overall defense of the fortress, and the other is to test the weak points of the entire fortress' defense.

"I think it should be soon, everyone, work harder, don't let down your vigilance even if you persist, and we will go back when the second batch of unlucky ones come over!" Haohu said with a big wave of his hand.

Although this remark was an act of consolation, it also injected a little boost to the hearts of everyone present. The short period of more than ten years had left a deep impression on them. If they had the chance to choose again, they vowed never to come to this ghostly place again.

Those guys from the Overlord Star Alliance are simply evil spirits from hell!

As time passed, everyone was busy reinforcing some important nodes of the formation. As the frequency of battles increased day by day, a series of problems appeared in the formation of the entire fortress. I have to come over to help, not only have to be responsible for the repairs myself, but also teach other soldiers to be responsible for the repairs.

The array mages can be said to be the personnel who are second only to the combat units. With the continuous defeat on the battlefield, the importance of the array mages is also increasing. If there are no these array mages to keep repairing the formations, I am afraid that this huge fortress would have been overlord. Broken by the Star Alliance.


At this moment, a roar sounded in the distance. Hearing the sound, Haohu turned his head, and when he turned his head, he saw sparks sweeping across the sky.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Everyone stop maintenance and quickly go back to the fortress to escape!"

As soon as Haohu's voice fell, dense long-range strikes had already struck, and thunderous explosions began to spread across the entire surface of the fortress' defense line in an instant.

Almost instantly, the entire maintenance team in charge of Haohu was reduced by 50%!

Nearly tens of millions of people instantly turned into wisps of cosmic dust. After the first wave of blows ended, Haohu arrived inside the fortress with a group of cronies.

Looking back at the sea of ​​flames outside, Hao Hu's eyes were almost tearing apart.

He is now the chief logistics officer of the entire fortress, and the people under him can be said to be from all forces in the Eastern Region coalition forces, but generally there are also many members of his Tianlong sect, and nearly ten million people died all at once. How to make him not feel bad.

However, this heartache didn't last long, and another wave of intensive blows swept across.

Terrible and continuous blows swept over and continuously impacted on the surface of the fortress's protective layer. The terrifying and intensive impact sound hit the surface of the fortress's protective system erratically, and violent shock waves responded wave after wave. The entire fortress began to shake slightly.

Facing such a terrifying and sudden blow, the other domain owners in the fortress didn't react much. It's not that these people don't have the necessary vigilance. In fact, everyone has become accustomed to the frequency of opponents' attacks for a long time. Now that they know it, they should recover some strength while they have time.

The long-term battle has made the remaining ten domain masters almost exhausted. Every fight can be said to be a careful calculation of their own energy, otherwise, if one is not enough, the next wave will be dead.

This also led to the domain owner's methods becoming more and more conservative, and the situation of being passively beaten over time could not be changed at all.

"Damn it, these guys are here to consume our energy again!" the former Tianlong Sect protector cursed.

Everyone is not used to this kind of situation. As for the purpose of the other party, everyone has guessed a lot.

"No! Maybe it's different this time!" Haohu shook his head, he had a different opinion.

"Master, what can you do differently? Aren't they trying to consume our energy?" The guardian was a little puzzled.

However, Haohu pointed to the distance, "Look, there are quite a few domain master-level powerhouses gathered by the opponent this time, there are nearly a hundred of them!"

Hearing this, the guardian couldn't help but let out a gasp.

"Hundred Venerable Territory Masters?! Didn't it mean that the Western District has joined the battle and has already held back some strong people? How could there be such a big move?" The guardian was puzzled, this scale was larger than any previous offensive and defensive battles. Much bigger.

"Maybe it's because the opponent is also a little impatient, unable to attack for a long time, and continuous consumption is also a kind of consumption for them. Instead of doing this, it is better to win or lose in one battle, and completely wipe out our fortress. I think our Eastern Region coalition forces will be more than ten years later." It will be extremely difficult to set foot in the Central District again next year."

Haohu shook his head and smiled wryly. The seriousness of the matter was beyond his imagination. Right now, he can only transmit the sound transmission to His Royal Highness the First Prince.

Not long after following the sound transmission, the figure of the eldest prince Tian appeared in front of Haohu after a while.

"How's the situation?" Tian frowned and looked at Haohu and said.

"The situation is not optimistic. Right now they are focusing on the weakest point of our formation. It was originally the place where we planned to repair it today. Now it is constantly being hit. It won't last long if we think about it." Wu Wu shook his head endlessly, his face at this time Gradually with a hint of despair.

He didn't want to die, even though he had seen a lot of domain lord level powerhouses fall during this period, but he was still the kind who cherished his life very much.

He was originally a casual cultivator, and this time he took refuge in the First Prince because he wanted to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, but it turned out that he was involved in such a predicament.

"Then activate the inner city formation as well. The two formations make them want to superimpose each other. Let's go through this wave first." Tian said almost without thinking.

Hearing that Haohu frowned, the superposition of two formations can strengthen the formation several times in a short period of time, but as time goes by, both inner and outer formations will be fatally wounded.

But he didn't dare to disobey the First Prince's order, so he quickly ordered to open the two formations and make them resonate, so that the outer city formation can borrow the power of the inner formation for a short time.

With the overlapping of the two formations, the brilliance emitted by the entire formation became more dazzling, and the dense and terrifying long-range strikes became insignificant at this moment.

At this moment, through the formation, Tianhe Haohu looked at the hundreds of domain masters on the other side from a distance,

"Your Highness, the First Prince of the Tianshuang Empire, you and I are old acquaintances, why are you acting like a tortoise today? Do you dare to withdraw the formation and fight with me?!"

At this moment, a young and burly figure floated out of the Hegemony Star Alliance camp in the distance. It was none other than Kui Jin, the special envoy of the Hegemony Star Alliance who had visited the Tianshuang Empire before!

I saw that this person was in the shape of gold and iron, and the leader had a golden horn on his head, eight golden arms, and a layer of golden scales all over his body. Under the starlight, there was a faint feeling of flickering glass.

The appearance of his whole body not only reveals the cruelty of the cold battlefield, but also reveals a cruel nobleness and majesty!

The Broken Gold Empire is also one of the forces in the battle between the Hegemony Star Alliance and the Alliance of Hundred Nations!

It is the strongest side of the coalition forces in the North District! Ranked second among the entire Hegemony Star Alliance forces!

Regarding this old opponent in front of him, the eldest prince's expression did not change at all, after many fights, he also knew that the opponent was not easy to deal with.

Not only is his own realm in the late stage, but he is also the master of the dual laws of the Dao of the flesh body and the Dao of Fragmentation. This person's physical realm is in the middle stage of the domain master level, and the law of brokenness is in the later stage.

In this regard, the first prince is very clear that he is not as good as the other party!

If you look carefully, you can find that the current state of the First Prince Tian is no longer at the peak level of the Lord of the Galaxy, and is already in the middle stage of the Domain Master level.

An aging and burning sun floating in the back of his head means that what he smelted is a star. Although it is a star whose energy is close to exhaustion, it also means that his foundation is already in the ranks of the first echelon of the same level middle.

With his background as a direct member of the Tianshuang Empire, Kui Jin still seems a little powerless in the face of the Broken Gold Empire!

"Oh! Brother Kui, please don't provoke me. I saw with my own eyes that you killed the true biography of the Nebula sect not long ago. A late-stage true biography of the physical body Dao was beaten to death by Brother Kui. I am quite shocked by this. "

The eldest prince spoke softly, but looked at the other party with serious eyes, which made it difficult to hide his fear.

Not only that, the eldest prince also kept using his consciousness to detect the opponent's camp, and he was relieved when he saw that there was no such guy.

"I thought your Excellency was not such a timid person, but now it seems that I overestimated you. As for the true biography of the Nebula Sect, you do have some skills. The strength of the body is terrifying. It's a pity that the brain is not good enough, and you were beaten. To die is to court one's own death!

It's just that your brain is so good, it's just that your courage is a bit lacking! "

Kui Jin's words were almost contemptuous, but the eldest prince just listened silently without any reaction.

At this stage in the war, it is no longer the time for anyone to show off their bravery. In the previous battles, the commander of the Hundred Nations side did not know how to recognize the strength of the enemy and us. In contrast, Tian is much more sensible.

"I don't know why that uncle, Brother Kui, isn't here?" The eldest prince said, his eyes fell on the other party As for that uncle, he was also the biggest culprit in defeating their Hundred Kingdoms campaign.

It was this person who single-handedly beheaded one of their physical peak powerhouses, which caused the entire eastern coalition forces to slump.

"Your Excellency, you mean my Uncle Kui Mo?" Hearing this, Kui Jin slightly tilted his head and murmured: "The old man is hiding his state of suppression. After all, he is a strong man who is about to step into a demigod. It only needs to be suppressed in real time. Besides, he also used a lot of his old man himself to deal with you."

Hearing that the eldest prince was slightly startled, he didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, but at this moment they decided that it was impossible to go out and fight with others, so they could only stick to it.

Seeing that there was no movement from the eldest prince's side, Kui Jin seemed to have lost his patience, waved his hands lightly and said with a smile: "Everyone, since the other party can't shrink back, then we want to break the turtle shell! Let them have nowhere to hide! "

After saying that, all the domain masters showed excited expressions one after another, as if a fierce beast that had been suppressed for a long time, this would be a fierce beast coming out of the cage.

In the next moment, a respectable domain master turned into a stream of light and rushed straight towards the formation.

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