Master of Fist

Chapter 777: front line fiasco

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As the fleet landed, there were no instructions for the next few days. According to the information provided by the sixth prince, it was necessary to wait for the advance troops of several other empires to gather together before setting off.

Waiting like this until half a month later, Jiang Heng and his party received news from the sixth prince to participate in a temporary combat meeting held by Xing Yunzong.

There is no need to rush over to this, just a remote meeting. After all, the distance between allies will not be too close after the war.

Although it is an alliance now, everyone knows that there is not complete trust between the allies, not to mention that even if the allies are in an empire, there are many factions. Jiang Heng is not surprised by this.

Enter the specified frequency in the Galaxy flagship, and Jiang Heng’s temporary meeting room immediately showed a series of virtual projections. There are familiar domain masters of the empire, and more domain masters of other forces. Because it is a remote meeting, so Jiang Heng didn't know the specific strength of the people here.

He could only look at the direction of the person in charge, among which five projections were specially magnified, and these five projections were the leaders of the advance army of the five major forces this time, among which the sixth prince of Tianshuang Empire, Le Ran, was there this column.

In addition, the projection of a young handsome man with a star mark on his forehead is even bigger. This is the commander of this group of advance troops.

Jiang Heng only knew that this person was named Tian Xingcong, but he didn't know his specific strength. He seemed to be one of the five direct disciples of Xingyun Sect's current star generation.

During the time he came here, Jiang Heng also knew that those who can be granted seniority by the Nebula Sect are all inner disciples in the realm of the Lord of Galaxy.

Among them, the realm of the master of the galaxy belongs to the generation of the word cloud, and the level of the master of the domain is the generation of the character star.

Among them, the master of the galaxy is the inner sect, and the domain master is the core. On top of this, the domain master is the true biography in the middle period, and the direct lineage true biography in the later period and even the peak.

Of course, even if the realm is high enough, not everyone can take the role of direct lineage. It must be a direct descendant of that Xingyun demigod. Others, even if they are at the peak level, are just ordinary true lineages.

The Nebula Sect follows the sect's rules, but the order is clear and clear, and some clues can be seen from the imprint on the opponent's forehead.

For example, those with only one star imprint on their foreheads are all below the domain master level, three are early domain masters, six are mid-stage, and nine are late-stage.

If the person in front of you has nine stars on his forehead, no accidents, he should be the true descendant of the later direct line!

Seeing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but secretly stunned. The entire Xingyun Sect is famous for its flesh body, and the combat power of ordinary disciples is the same as that of the same class. However, the strength of such a direct descendant is not lower than that of ordinary true disciples.

There must be some secret techniques and methods bestowed by the demigods, just like some of the methods Le used before.

"Everyone, I won't say too much, as the commander-in-chief of this group of advance troops, I only have one requirement for you, and that is to carry out my orders without compromise!

Before that I had to make three iron rules! First, any order I give must be carried out, even if you die!

Second, you must strictly obey my orders, and those who disobey will die!

Third, my orders must be strictly and unquestionably implemented, and those who disobey will die! "

The first person to speak is the true descendant of the Nebula Clan, Tian Xing Cong, the opening chapter has nothing else, just three dead words!

This publicity has caused many of you to frown. Why do people from the Nebula Sect have this attitude.

Jiang Heng could see something unusual in it.

"Le didn't change his expression, and the other leaders did the same. So they all acquiesced to Xingyunzong's move. Could it be that something happened in the central area?" Jiang Heng thought silently.

Just when everyone felt unhappy and wanted to refute, Tian Xingcong spoke again.

"Not long ago, there was a battle report from the front line. The advance troops of the Sikh Empire and the Siji Empire were unwilling to listen to the commander's action because of the heavy casualties. As a result, the entire army was defeated. More than 20 domain masters were killed. Now they are on their way back. !"

As soon as this remark came out, the presence was silent, Tian Xingcong had already clicked on some screens, but it was some screens of domain masters discussing matters with severed limbs and bruises all over their bodies.

This is a remote meeting connected in real time in the central area, and everyone present can't help but feel a little moved when they see the situation over there.

"Didn't it mean that there were more than a hundred domain masters in the first batch of advance troops? Why are there only a dozen or so now? Are there any others?"

Many domain owners have already muttered to themselves, the only dozen or so people left in the picture are too eye-catching, and they are still brought by everyone, many of them are because the power of the law and the elixir are consumed too much, and the injuries on their bodies have not healed Many of them had severed hands and feet, and one had a horrific piercing in his chest, which looked quite frightening.

"You guys are polite!" The leader on the opposite side also knew that the screen was being linked here, and immediately got up and cupped his hands in this direction with a little fatigue.

"I don't know what your Excellency is..." Seeing the person opposite, Tian Xingcong nodded and asked.

It stands to reason that the first batch of commanders were also disciples of his Xingyun sect, and he was a true biography, but now the person in charge opposite him is a stranger he doesn't know.

"Oh, hello, Your Majesty, I am Tianshuang Empire's Commander Tian, ​​who is currently taking over all the affairs of this fortress."

As this person spoke, in fact, many Tianshuang Empire domain masters present had recognized him, this person was none other than the First Prince Tian!

It's just that no one thought that the eldest prince would look like this now. One arm was gone, and one eye was stabbed blind by some kind of sharp blade. It seemed that he couldn't recover in a short time. Many places were even wrapped in bandages. bleeding.

Presumably, these injuries must have been caused by some kind of method that contained a great power of law, so that the wounds could heal extremely slowly or even be no different from ordinary people.

It was also this miserable appearance that made many domain owners of Tianshuang Empire fail to recognize each other at first.

"Has my junior brother Qing Xingzi already..." Tian Xing never hesitated to ask.

Hearing that the eldest prince Tian nodded slightly, his face was a little numb, other than exhaustion, he said softly: "Commander Qing Xingzi was killed by a peak martial artist of the opponent in the raid of the Dominant Star Alliance not long ago! We wait Unable and powerless to rescue!"

The eldest prince Tian was a little helpless, and everyone could also know from his situation that the first batch of advance troops had suffered so badly.

"Can you report on the current situation of the Hegemony Star Alliance over there?" Tian Xing asked after thinking about it.

Hearing that the eldest prince nodded, he also made a handover description this time.

As the second batch of advance troops arrived in the second galaxy, the central area also learned that they were about to replace them and go back to rest, and they also did their utmost to these finishing work.

After some description, including the detailed description of the eldest prince, who experienced it personally, everyone gradually became clear about the situation in the Central District.

Overall the condition is extremely bad. It was originally planned that the Eastern Region and the Southern Region would quickly occupy the Central Region, and then quickly join forces to fight against the Hegemony Star Alliance, which caught them off guard.

The current situation is that the Eastern Region is directly intercepted at the outskirts of the Central Region, while the Western Region learned from the information sent back by their exploring teams that the West Region coalition forces are currently restrained by a small fleet of the Hegemony Star Alliance.

Now the opponent's purpose is very clear, give priority to dealing with their eastern region, and eliminate as much as possible their domain master level masters in the eastern region. When the coalition forces in the eastern region are exhausted and unable to fight again in a short time, they will turn to deal with the western region.

It can only be said that the opponent's actions are extremely fast. Based on the information that the advance army has learned so far, the Hegemony Star Alliance has not mined any resources along the way because they are galloping all the way.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help complaining in his heart, and he didn't know how to formulate the strategy at the beginning. Obviously, the strategy of the Hegemony Star Alliance is very correct. First join forces, and then quickly rush towards one of the enemies. great.

At this meeting, the First Prince Tian also talked about some masters he has learned about the side of the Hegemony Star Alliance.

Among them, there is one peak powerhouse, ten late stage powerhouses, forty-two mid-stage powerhouses, and sixty early stage powerhouses!

Following the spit out of this series of numbers, everyone present couldn't help being a little stunned.

Jiang Heng frowned even more.

Jiang Heng didn't think that the opponent had many strong men, but that the first batch of advance troops had been fighting fiercely for so long, yet the opponent still had such a large number of strong men.

Judging from the battle damage reported by the eldest prince earlier, there were nearly one hundred and fifty domain masters in the first batch of the coalition forces in the eastern region, and now more than one hundred and thirty have fallen.

So many domain masters have fallen, what is the result?

There are only forty domain masters, of which only ten mid-term domain masters were beheaded.

Such a battle loss would be understandable if a large number of late-stage powerhouses were killed, but this result made all the domain masters present look at each other in blank dismay, obviously very shocked and unbelievable by the result.

Even the Xingyun sect's Tian Xing follower is like a pot bottom. Their nebula sect has always been known for being brave and of the same rank, especially the first batch of advance troops. results.

This kind of result made Tianxing never know what to say.

The eldest prince Tian seemed to be aware of the mood of these people opposite him, he sighed helplessly and said: "Sometimes you can only know the difficulties of these domineering barbarians when you come here in person, but this time, everyone, I think I will definitely do it when I go back." I was punished by my ancestors, but I have a clear conscience. Let’s just say this!"

Jiang Heng saw the expression on the eldest prince's face that was relieved and relaxed.

At this time, everyone also recovered from the words of the eldest prince, but they didn't have a good face towards the eldest prince. Originally, I was more sympathetic to the other party, after all, it still looked extremely miserable.

As a result, such victories made it hard not to wonder, were the first batch of advance troops a group of pigs?

Even a pig wouldn't be like this, exchanging a hundred and thirty domain masters for the opponent's mere forty domain masters, this is really a good deal.

But listening to what the First Prince said just now, everyone is not in the mood to scold each other now. After all, the front line is like this. As the second person in charge of the first batch of advance troops, the First Prince will definitely punish severely as a model.

This is true even for the descendants of demigods. As for what will happen, we can only wait and see.

The eldest prince over there quickly closed the real-time communication after finishing speaking, and Jiang Heng's meeting continued. On the one hand, he described the general strength of the second batch of advance troops, and on the other hand, he also described some of the main points of the advance army. Task.

In terms of strength, it is still the same as the first batch of advance troops. There are one hundred and fifty domain masters, and the number of strong men in each realm is also counted.

For example, the one in the peak state, like today's Tianxing Cong, is the true heir of the Xingyun sect, but this one is not a direct descendant, so he only serves as the deputy commander.

In the later period, there were five strong men, of which two came from the Xingyun Sect, two from the Siji Empire, one from the Twin Empires, and one from Xi Ke and Tianshuang.

Thirty-two middle-stage powerhouses, and the rest are all early stage.

To be honest, the overall strength of the second batch of advance troops is actually not as good as that of the first batch of advance troops. Although the first batch does not have peak powerhouses, the number of strong people in the later and mid-terms far exceeds that of the second batch of advance troops.

Everyone is tacit about this point, after all, many people were forced out.

"Everyone, we have a heavy task this time, and the most important task is to strengthen the protective circle of the core fortress of the star gate in the central area, and maintain the security around the star gate. This is related to the main route for our eastern coalition forces to attack the central area. It is also the retreat route for us to come back later, so I hope you will pay attention to it.

Secondly, it is to open a channel within the encirclement of the Hegemony Star Alliance as much as possible, so that it can get in touch with the coalition forces in the southern region as soon as possible. If we continue to fight each other like this, then there is no need for us to continue. "

Tianxing gave the order seriously.

Hearing that at this meeting, a domain master from the Siji Empire hurriedly said: "Excuse me, Your Excellency, Tian Xing, the overall strength of the first batch of advance troops was still stronger than my group at first, but now they are all like this. You What is our winning percentage in the past?

And based on what your Excellency said earlier, since you want to break out of the encirclement, you will inevitably have several tough battles with those barbarians in the hegemony!

Have you thought about what if we really get in touch with the Southern District under such a big battle? Shouldn't the current situation continue to stick to the star gate?

Why not wait for the third batch of advance troops to arrive and accumulate enough strength before attacking? "

The righteous words spoken by this domain are all based on reasoning and even analyzing the strength of the words. On the surface, it seems that it is for the sake of the overall situation to avoid unnecessary damage, but in fact everyone knows that well aware.

"Are you the Heartfire Domain Master of the Four Pole Empire? If I remember correctly, your father is the Furious Domain Master, a domain master whose limit is close to the peak in the later stage. I respect the Furious Domain Master very much. I have seen this senior's Compared with the overall battle situation, his record is very outstanding, and he died in the front line in the end, I am very sorry for this."

Speaking of which, Tian Xing turned from the topic, his eyes became extraordinarily sharp, and he looked at the Lord of Xinhuo and shouted coldly: "But this does not mean that you can be timid! The performance in the first batch of battles of the Four Pole Empire was not bad. That's right, compared to Tianshuang, Shuangsheng and Xike are all better. But you have such an idea?"

After being reprimanded like this, the Lord of Heartfire suddenly felt a little ashamed and angry. This kind of public speaking of his inner thoughts made him very embarrassing.

"What do you mean by your words? I'm just analyzing the situation, why are you so timid? Why do you have any ideas?" The Lord of Heart Fire couldn't help retorting.

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