Master of Fist

Chapter 776: Nebula Sect (Part 2)

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"This is the star seal unique to the star clan, which is equivalent to the ability to make their clan absorb the power of the stars higher, and this person should belong to the relatively special existence of the star clan and possess some stargazing skills!"

The elder also knew that Jiang Heng's knowledge was not enough, so he explained it through sound transmission.

"Astrology? Why do I feel a see-through feeling similar to that of the Blade Clan?" Jiang Heng asked puzzled.

"Do you think it's just ordinary observation of the stars that can't work? This kind of astrology can see through the stars of ordinary people, and can see at a glance which star field the power of the universe and stars I absorbed during cultivation is probably located. I think it's also used for It is a means to identify whether we are the Hegemony Star Alliance.

If he is not a native of the Hundred Nations Alliance, this person can see through it at a glance. As for what you said to see through, it should be your illusion. Anyway, these two feelings are quite unpleasant! "

The elder frowned obviously didn't like it.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly. He did feel a similar feeling, but it was far less sharp than the Blade Clan.

"Since everyone is here, let me introduce the one next to me!" the sixth prince Le said slowly, and he turned slightly to make room for the Xingyun Sect disciple next to him.

"Zi Xinghong, a star disciple of the Xingyun Sect!"

The disciple of the star generation known as Zi Xinghong nodded and stood up when he heard the words. His breath was restrained and his face was as calm as water, but for some reason, he always gave off a feeling that his nostrils were upturned, which made many domain masters present slightly frown.

"I'm Zi Xinghong, so I won't say too much. This time, I will be in charge of screening everyone, and please be patient and stay where you are!"

This person spoke in a cold tone, with a businesslike attitude.

This kind of expression and reaction was actually very uncomfortable for the domain owners present. All the domain owners present here felt that they were no worse than others.

Generally speaking, you have to be polite first, so that everyone feels better, but the other party looks like everyone present is garbage.

There are not a few people who have this kind of thinking, of course Jiang Heng and the elders are not among them.

Yuan Lao is used to seeing countless people of all kinds, Jiang Heng is too lazy to care about it, it is better to concentrate on practicing exercises secretly if he has this kind of kung fu.

Zi Xinghong looked around, even though he saw that many people present were unhappy, he nodded without any objection.

And just when he was about to use his methods to detect and screen, a soft hum sounded.

"His Excellency the Nebula Sect wait a moment!"

Hearing the sound, there was no unnecessary reaction on Zi Xinghong's face, he just looked at the source of the sound indifferently, this time it was not the tough guys from the Blade Clan, but a coquettish girl with pink skin and naked clothes The woman stood up. This person stands in the area of ​​the ninety-three three-star system, but he is the most powerful person in the ninety-three three-star system.

Jiang Heng heard this person mentioned casually by the elders, and he was among those who could barely be seen in this trip. His name was Yue Meier, and he was a domain master who mastered the avenue of desire in the laws of lust. The peak powerhouse in the early stage.

The strength is considered good in the early stage, proficient in the law of lust, and it is said that there is also a late-stage **** weapon at the domain master level, which can barely compete with some mid-stage warriors of the temple system.

"What's the matter with this friend?" Zi Xinghong didn't care about the other party's sneer at all, his expression was still indifferent, his eyes seemed to make people feel uncomfortable looking at a group of inferior life forms.

"Hmph! What's the matter? Of course someone thinks this is quite inappropriate!" Yue Mei'er smiled charmingly on the surface, but sneered secretly in her heart. It was forcibly launched by the leading forces of the galaxy.

Most of those forced out like them don’t have much background. For example, she was originally the leader of a famous star bandit in the empire. However, the rise of Yinliu hundreds of years ago, coupled with the sudden addition of a group of frequent raiders The power of star robbers made it difficult for her to do star robbers.

After much deliberation, she finally chose to take refuge in a powerful force, but in the end she was so unlucky that she caught up with the rare expedition battle in hundreds of thousands of years.

She has a bad temper, and seeing that the other party is only a mere regional master at the beginning of the stage, her emotions that have been suppressed for a long time have completely exploded.

"Yue Meier is going to be unlucky for this woman, the law of **** is indeed a huge hidden danger!" The elder Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but sigh softly through voice transmission.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also nodded secretly. He has also understood the laws of lust, which are relatively rare compared to other laws, and they are also more treacherous and unpredictable.

Different from ordinary mortal Dao and other Dao warriors, the physical body of **** warriors is inherently extremely weak. Even if Yue Mei'er is in the initial realm of domain master level now, his physical body is only in the first-class realm.

But there are disadvantages as well as advantages. The laws of **** are very good at manipulating and playing with other people's emotions.

And this kind of avenue attack is often silent, and the opponent may have caught the loophole in the heart when it is discovered, at the slightest, the opponent can control the emotions, and at the worst, it can cause demons!

How do demons exist?

As far as Jiang Heng knows, the minimum time for a real demon to appear is when the domain master breaks through the demigod. It can range from a drop in cultivation base to a serious blow to the demon, and you will not be you at that time. It's another puppet whose body has been completely occupied by the inner demon.

Of course, it is still quite difficult for the avenue of **** to cause people's inner demons, at least the probability of inducing inner demons for the same level is not very high, and it takes a long time to manipulate and play with other people's emotions.

"What's wrong?" Zi Xinghong asked again.

This time there was a slight change in his expression, and some irritability that shouldn't have appeared between his brows.

it has started!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng knew that Yue Meier had already made a move.

"Of course it's because you didn't consider what you did. Why don't you tell us how you have to screen for us?" Yue Meier breathed out Xianglian, a ray that clearly didn't exist but was reflected in the hearts of everyone. The fragrance of fragrance permeates the air.

Many domain owners had unnatural flushes on their faces.

This situation is actually very abnormal. Everyone here has practiced for many years, and most of them can maintain a very flat attitude towards men and women. Even some domain owners who are over 30,000 years old have long since lost interest in it.

However, at this moment, there is a feeling of distraction.

However, Zi Xinghong's complexion in this fragrant core area was even more flushed. Yue Meier's way of **** is not only these means, every word she utters seems to hit the weakest point of human nature and lust.

It makes people feel swaying, even Jiang Heng can't help but feel a little hot at the moment, and can't help but recall the ambiguous scenes with his wife at home in his mind.

There is something!

Jiang Heng was slightly startled. At first glance, this move was just a small trick, but the aftermath alone has such effects, and the effect in actual combat would be even more astonishing. With his mind being greatly disturbed like this, even Jiang Heng couldn't guarantee whether he could keep his mind and focus on the battle.

"Yes... yes... it should be like this!" Zi Xinghong's voice was difficult, and every word he uttered seemed to be a kind of great persistence, as if he was in a fierce dispute with another self deep in his heart.

"Brother Zi, why don't you tell me what you're going to do to me?" Yue Mei'er's tone was full of extreme charm, and matched with the other's enchanting appearance, it made people want to see him thoroughly at a glance. Take a look and see what happens.

"I...I'm going to fight the star seal against you!" Zi Xinghong's voice was a little dull at the moment, responding like a puppet on a string.

Seeing this scene, Yue Mei'er was overjoyed, and immediately rolled her beautiful big eyes, then smiled and said: "Then tell me what you want to do to me next?"

"I want...I be with you..." Just as this disciple of the Nebula Sect, who was originally repulsed thousands of miles away, was about to say unbearable words, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body A moment of sobriety.

Seeing this scene, Yue Meier's face was horrified, and she was about to control the local **** again, but the other party was faster, and in an instant, she came to Yue Meier with her physical strength and stretched out her hand to grab the other party's fair neck.

The speed of the opponent was so fast that even many domain master-level mid-stage powerhouses present couldn't see clearly. How could Yue Meier, who had only a first-class physical body, resist, and was directly caught by the opponent, and there was no room for reaction .

"This friend, please don't play these little tricks, otherwise I can't guarantee that no one will die here today!" Zi Xinghong rarely showed a cold gaze, his face was so gloomy and ugly, he still had memories of what happened just now of.

It's just very strange. In retrospect, I was in a state of extreme madness at that time, and the **** hidden deep in my heart exploded without reservation at this moment, and it magnified rapidly. In the end, it seemed that every word the woman in front of me said They are all like supreme orders, not daring to disobey and not wanting to disobey, just wanting to give everything for it.

Jiang Heng watched in shock, and couldn't help sighing softly to the elder: "This man is really dangerous. I think he was almost completely controlled by Yue Meier just now."

At the same time, he not only sighed secretly, what kind of law of desire is this dog licking machine?

"Oh, how can it be so simple, Yue Meier can control this person for dozens of breaths at most, if you want to completely control this person, unless the person's temperament is extremely poor at the same level and the soul state is not stable, otherwise you want to completely control the person in a short time Definitely not, it takes days or even long-term psychological hints."

As he said that, the elder pondered for a while and continued: "But this person should have been woken up by the elders of the sect behind him, otherwise he will definitely make a fool of himself!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also felt that this should be the case. Just now, the other party's state has clearly entered the trap set by the woman Yue Meier step by step, and even almost entered the net. As a result, he woke up suddenly, and the mouthful of blood spurted out was probably because his mind was suddenly shocked by some external force, so he had a backlash.

"This month, Yue Mei'er is quite powerful!" Jiang Heng couldn't help but improve his evaluation of this woman a lot.

"It's okay, but the old man doesn't like such small tricks. As a warrior, how can he fight in an upright manner? These old men really don't like it!" The elder shook his head repeatedly.

Looking at the elder's attitude, Jiang Heng vaguely knew why Yue Mei'er was not rated highly by the elder. The prejudice was so deep, it would be **** if the evaluation was fair.

Jiang Heng now thinks that Yue Meier is of great use if she is used well.

It is of course the stupidest way to let other people fight. In Jiang Heng's view, the law of desire mastered by Yue Meier is the best support. Once this person is there to help draw the opponent's mind, it is conceivable that the strength will inevitably increase. are greatly restricted.

"Special envoy Zi, please calm down!" Seeing the person in charge, the Sixth Prince Le had no choice but to stand up and dissuade him.

No matter how wrong Yue Meier did before, she is a member of Tianshuang Empire after all, her own people can bully her own people, but it would be embarrassing if she was bullied by outsiders.

But Le also knew that Zi Xinghong was almost humiliated just now, and he should let the other party have face, so Le's words were very polite.

"Special Envoy Zi, calm down! The Lord of the Moon Region also acted unintentionally. She is quite stubborn, and this is well known in the Tianshuang Empire!"

While talking, Le looked at Zi Xinghong, as if you let go of the person first before talking.

This Zi Xinghong also seemed to know Le's identity, but he didn't insist on pursuing it, he just snorted coldly and threw Yue Mei'er to the ground.

The huge force made Yue Meier, who was physically weak, let out a mouthful of blood and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master Yue hasn't apologized to Special Envoy Zi?" Le pretended to be annoyed and shouted.

Yue Meier is also awake now, she stood up with difficulty and bowed slightly to Zi Xinghong.

"Sorry! Special Envoy Zi, I hope you will forgive me for offending me just now!"

Yue Meier is a woman who is very aware of the limitations of her own strength, and she is also able to bend and stretch.

In the eyes of ordinary domain owners, she did things that were extremely humiliating.

"Hmph! What's your name?" Zi Xinghong narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Yue Meier, as if he wanted to remember her firmly.

"Next month, Yue Meier, I hope Special Envoy Zi will show more pity in the future?" Yue Meier said with a wink, but this time she didn't dare to use the method in person.

"Yue Meier! Good! I remember you!"

Speaking of which, Zi Xinghong snorted coldly and ignored Yue Meier, turned to the previous position and looked around.

"I don't have time to waste time with you guys, so the screening begins!"

He was obviously still a little annoyed, his words were no longer as calm as before, with a hint of anger.

At this moment, Zi Xinghong's star imprint on his forehead suddenly burst into purple light, and starbursts emerged from the imprint on the other's forehead, presenting a sky full of stars.

Just when everyone was suspicious, they saw these stars flying towards everyone present, like a ray of spring breeze.

Everyone was worried about this process at first, but they were relieved when they found that there was nothing abnormal. When these starlights passed by everyone, they circled in mid-air and returned to the mark on Zi Xinghong's forehead again.

"How about Special Envoy Purple?"

Seeing this, Le quickly asked.

Zi Xinghong closed his eyes slightly as if he was meditating on something, he nodded for a while, and said, "There is nothing The advance army of Tianshuang Empire, you are allowed to enter the port!"

As he said that, he didn't mean to be courteous to everyone present, he turned around and walked away as if he didn't want to stay here for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but chuckled to the old man and said: "The disciples of Xingyun Sect don't seem to have a big heart."

Hearing this, the elder also laughed, "How big can it be? Even if the Nebula Sect looks at the entire Hundred Nations Alliance, it can still be ranked in the middle and upper ranks. The disciples in the sect are somewhat arrogant towards us and the Tianshuang Empire. After such a somersault today, no matter how good my demeanor is, I can't maintain it."

Jiang Heng grinned, this is embarrassing this proud man.

After the screening was over, the entire Tianshuang Empire fleet headed towards the giant fortress again, and did not land until they reached the surface of a ring in the fortress.

It has to be said that the vastness of the fortress here is unimaginable, so many starships landing only occupy one-twentieth of the surface area of ​​the fortress.

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