Master of Fist

Chapter 767: big leap in space

Jiang Heng had the intention to refuse, but deep in his heart he was extremely longing. Ever since the law of space was squandered, he always felt empty in his heart.

Although the power of his own space law is not very strong, it is only at the level of the master of the galaxy, but there is still a chance to save his life in an emergency.

Soon under the order of the pavilion master Xu Ming, Minister Yan sent the Space Law over.

The container used to hold the law of space was somewhat beyond Jiang Heng's expectations. It turned out to be a strange little hand, bound by a special transparent prison containing the power of space, and inside the opponent's body was contained the power of the majestic law of space. force.

"The law of space is one of the strongest laws. It is extremely difficult to preserve it alone. This space beast itself is extremely precious and is also a gift to you. I hope you will not hurt it after taking out its inner law. Life, cultivated carefully, has infinite magical effects." Xu Ming slapped his head and smiled and said: "I forgot that your ancestor is a space demigod. Why should I remind you of the magical effects of this small space beast, it's just a trick."

Jiang Heng was speechless, but he wanted the other party to say more.

This is a fluffy little guy who looks like a monkey, but has a soft and cute feeling like a rabbit. Generally speaking, it is a monkey with fluffy white hair and looks round.

This thing is also quite miraculous, moving within the small transparent prison without any bullets is directly moving, maybe one second he was on this side and the next second he had already appeared on the other side, if it wasn't for this The prison itself is special, as long as it wants to get out of this prison, it is completely easy.

Xu Ming on the side looked in pain, not to mention anything else, just this little space beast and the cage that imprisoned it are extremely precious, they are all rare space treasures.

From Xu Ming's point of view, these things may be nothing to the forces behind the young man in front of him, or even worth mentioning, but to him, they are already a huge fortune.

None of the things related to the top laws of space are ridiculously expensive, and only this kind of space demigods dismiss these things.

How does Jiang Heng know Xu Ming's mood at this time, he can't wait to find an opportunity to swallow the power of law in this little space beast right now.

The ray of space law seed in the body is already ready to move at this moment, it seems to be able to feel that there is something in the little beast in front of it that it is extremely longing for.

After chatting for a while, Minister Yan personally sent Jiang Heng out of Wanbaozhai. Originally, the master of Pavilion Xuming wanted to send Jiang Heng home himself.

But how could Jiang Heng be willing at this time, he could only decline on the grounds that the power in his family is a secret cave opened by the ancestor, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, and claimed that Xu Ming was able to give up by claiming to go back and mention today's events to the ancestor.

After all, what Xu Ming wanted was nothing more than the care of the so-called high-ranking demigods in space. Since Jiang Heng promised to mention his name to the elders in his family, it naturally meant that his wish would be fulfilled.

In fact, although the difference between the middle-ranked demigod and the high-ranked one seems to be only a few ranks, there is a world of difference between them.

What's more, among the high-ranking demigods, the different strengths of the laws are also very different. At least the high-ranking demigods who have set foot on the ordinary road are far from comparable to the top-ranking demigods.

Even the masters of the top laws are often able to leapfrog and kill the powerful enemies of the next level.

That's why Xu Ming was extremely polite to Jiang Heng, who was suspected to be a descendant of a high-ranking space demigod.

"Sent away?" Xu Ming hovered in the air, looking down at Minister Yan who came in to report.

"It has already been sent away. Everything is in accordance with your requirements, and a high-level credit card was given as a gift." Minister Yan said quickly.

"Well, it's done well!" Xu Ming nodded and waved his hands to let Minister Yan leave.

However, Minister Yan stood there hesitantly.

"Is there anything else?" Xu Ming raised his eyes slightly.

"Pavilion Master, you will spend so much money. Although we Spirit Race people are happy to bet on the talented master of the universe, it is also because of this ancestral teaching that our Spirit Race people can establish stability in the spiritual world for hundreds of millions of years. But this After all, there is no basis for what he said, and I am not familiar with this person's background and footsteps..." Minister Yan said with a troubled expression on his face.

"So you wanted to talk about this." Xu Ming smiled slightly when he heard the words, the people of the Spirit Race really regarded themselves as making friends.

Among the countless ethnic groups in the universe, the Spirit Race is not a powerful group. It has been able to continue for so many years without ever declining or even dying out. The second is to invest in the genius of the master universe who is fancy.

"Even if this person doesn't have the so-called background at all? In my opinion, if he doesn't have such a profound background, it would be more worthy of my investment and I would have to pay all the price to invest in him. I even want to make him my apprentice!" Xu Ming Slightly smiled.

"This..." Minister Yan was a little confused. If this is really a liar, shouldn't he be furious and make trouble for him?

"Xiaoyan! You still don't have a deep understanding of the investment methods of our spirit clan!" Xu Ming pointed to Minister Yan and sighed, "If he has such a talent for cultivation without a strong background, doesn't it mean that he himself is Is it better than those direct descendants of powerful forces?

It is necessary for such a person to invest more, because once he grows up, he will be of greater help to us, and he will not be constrained by power. Such a genius is really grateful, and he will not just verbally say That's all. "

Xu Ming shook his head and smiled wryly. Their spirit clan's devotion to genius can be regarded as both pros and cons. The advantage is that they will be more or less rewarded in the future, no matter in terms of strength or connections. The disadvantage is that it needs to cast a wide net, so the investment required is astronomical. In fact, most of the profits of the Lingzu from running Wanbaozhai are squandered like this.

After all, many people may die in the middle, and some are simply white-eyed wolves, who simply ignore the previous favors after they grow up. But in general, there are still people who miss this kindness.

Leaving the spiritual world, Jiang Heng couldn't help sighing. He actually wanted to buy a good-quality soul-type weapon this time, and inquire about the news of the soul-type weapon refiner. Accidentally leaked.

"Forget it, try again next time when you find a chance, this branch is not the only one in this huge spiritual world." Even though he complained like this, Jiang Heng's face was already full of smiles.

Looking at the box in his left hand for a while and the cage in his right hand for a while, this made Jiang Qiu's heart agitated. He never thought that there would be such a chance to go to Wanbao Zhai.

Sometimes it's just that when the opportunity arrives, it can't be stopped.

Temporarily putting the box containing the galaxy core into the storage space, Jiang Heng focused his attention on the little space beast in the cage.

According to Xu Ming, the space law in the body of the small beast must be small, and it is best to sign a soul contract with the small beast first.

For this reason, the Minister taught a soul secret technique, which is not difficult to learn. The simple use is to let yourself separate a strand of soul and mix it with the soul of the little beast, so that the little space beast is like your second one. Eyes can even control small animals to a certain extent.

If you don't do this, as long as the prison is opened, the little beast will escape into the space instantly, even if it is a low-level demigod who wants to catch it, it will be very troublesome.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated and began to separate out a strand of soul according to the description of the secret technique, and rushed towards the little space beast in the prison.

However, this secret technique looks simple, but it is actually difficult to control. The little beast moves too fast, not only the body but also the soul is moved, which undoubtedly adds great difficulty to Jiang Heng.

Gu Fortunately, it took nearly ten days for Jiang Heng to capture the opponent's body by accident. At the same time, the power of the soul quickly poured into the opponent's body and began to fuse with the soul of the little beast according to the secret technique.

This process is very fast, which is due to the huge gap in soul strength between Jiang Heng and Xiaoshou.

The real strength of this little beast is actually at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy. The reason why it can move so quickly is entirely its own characteristics. It has a natural adaptability to space. To a certain extent, they are even like creatures born in space.

"Huh! It's finally ready, let's start!"

Jiang Heng took a deep breath and released the shackles of the space prison according to the formula taught by Minister Yan. With the release of the prison, the little space beast lost control and began to flee quickly.

Its speed is completely beyond Jiang Heng's perception, and it has already made hundreds of small shifts in the blink of an eye.

"Because it is limited by its own strength, can it only be used for short-distance teleportation? But there is almost no time gap between teleportation." Jiang Heng looked at the performance of this little space beast and couldn't help but secretly stunned.

This guy's short-distance teleportation ability is far superior to that of ordinary domain masters who master the laws of space. At least Qingyue, the space domain master, has a certain gap when he moves.

In contrast, the little guy in front of him moved in a short distance, and even a domain master-level peak powerhouse couldn't lock his position with his perception.

But the opponent is also limited by his own strength, and can only move short distances, and the farthest moving distance is equivalent to one-tenth of a light-year.

This distance is completely not enough for domain master level space law powerhouses.

"There are advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages have completely made up for the disadvantages. The short-distance teleportation speed is really enviable." Jiang Heng is very envious of this teleportation speed.

If he has such a moving speed, Jiang Heng can be sure that he can absolutely rely on this as an assistant to fight with the strength of the domain master level peak powerhouse and cannot take care of himself.

Unfortunately, this ability is unique to space beasts.

"Enough trouble, come back!" Jiang Heng sighed.

Hearing Jiang Heng's voice, a little furry monkey brought out a wisp of spatial fluctuation and instantly appeared in Jiang Heng's palm.

The little monkey was about the size of a palm, and it was so insignificant that it couldn't stop making squeaks.

This kind of secret technique does not seem to be mandatory to create a clone of Jiang Heng, but to make the space beast have an innate sense of dependence on the caster.

"This secret technique is overbearing, but it's a pity that it can only be contracted once." Jiang Heng shook his head regretfully, and there are many restrictions. If the difference in soul strength is not particularly large, the failure rate is extremely high.

Next, Jiang Heng directly activated the devouring of the law of space without any hesitation. At the beginning, Jiang Heng only dared to ingest a little bit. There was only one space seed in his body, and the amount he could ingest could not be too much.

Fortunately, the little space beast cooperates very well, otherwise, the little space beast's own space attainments can completely make Jiang Heng's little space law unshakable.

The engulfment of laws pays attention to two characteristics. First, it must be the law of the same origin before it can be engulfed. The second must be the law of no master, that is, the law of the escape of the dead, or the law of the same origin in the long river.

The situation like Jiang Heng's is a bit special, because what is sealed in the little beast's body is the law of no owner. If you don't pass the threshold of the little beast, then the strength of your own law is much stronger than the threshold of the little beast.

Fortunately, the little beast is extremely dependent on Jiang Heng and has no doubts about Jiang Heng's orders. It directly makes a gap in its own way so that Jiang Heng's space seed can directly link with the law of no master in its body.

As time passed, the space seeds in Jiang Heng's body began to ingest them hungrily. This is definitely a gluttonous feast.

Half step to the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy!

The early stage of Lord of the Star River! mid term! late!

Domain master level!

As January passed, Jiang Heng only felt a roar in his body, and the power representing the law of space began to rapidly become extremely thick.

Originally, the bodily avenue in the body is like a big river, while the law of space is like a strand of hair.

As the law of space stepped into the realm of the domain master, this strand of hair began to grow rapidly, gradually turning into a small stream, and then into a stream, until it became a small river and was juxtaposed next to the river of the bodily avenue, like a The vice is to catch up.

"From the end to the domain master level, there are so many space laws left!" Jiang Heng was secretly stunned, thinking that the space laws presented by Pavilion Master Xuming could at most allow his own space laws to break through to the domain master level.

Unexpectedly, after breaking through to the domain master level, the space law in the little beast's body was only reduced by one-fifth. Obviously, it seemed to be just a drizzle just This gift is not small! "Jiang Heng once again lamented the generosity of the demigod-level powerhouse.

It's really a demigod-level powerhouse who leaks a little bit through the fingers, enough to feed him for several years.

Without hesitation, Jiang Heng began to devour and absorb again.

The engulfment that followed was extremely slow, and the efficiency was obviously tens or even hundreds of times slower than before, and the ingestion efficiency was still gradually decreasing.

Until a year later, the power of space laws in the body broke through to the middle stage of the domain master level, and the total amount of space laws in the little beast's body dropped by one-third, and the efficiency of this intake directly soared to a thousand times.

"It's no good, it seems that I still don't have enough understanding of the laws of space, and I have squandered my previous understanding of space."

Jiang Heng shook his head, the power of law is not something that can be devoured casually and break through quickly, talent and understanding are essential.

Jiang Heng is very clear about this, and his previous understanding is not lacking. The reason is that the Lord of the Galaxy is mainly limited by the lack of space laws, so he has been unable to break through. Now that the law is abundant, it will be a matter of course. .

In fact, it is a little bit reluctant to advance to the middle stage. Now Jiang Heng feels that the space law realm in his body is a little vain, and he has to settle down for a while.


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