Master of Fist

Chapter 766: For Bora?

"Senior, how did you do this?" Jiang Heng was dumbfounded. He vaguely guessed that the other party seemed to have misunderstood, but he didn't expect the other party to give such a generous gift.

This is not the case that the two have just met for the first time, it is clearly the treatment that the elders treat the younger generation with great importance.

But let me ask Jiang Heng how to think about it, even if he doesn't remember why he has an elder at the mid-level demigod level.

This is outrageous!

"Senior, it stands to reason that the younger generation should give gifts to the elders, but the younger generation came here in a hurry. Now the younger generation is embarrassed to accept such a generous gift from the senior!" Jiang Heng looked embarrassed, and this response was considered cautious and did not reveal too many details.

"It's okay, you just accept it. Since the old man has already taken it out, there is no reason to take it back. Take it!" Xu Ming's face was warm, and he couldn't help nodding secretly in his heart. This direct descendant is as humble and polite as he deserves to be a powerful force. Carefully chosen people.

"Senior, this..." Jiang Heng was a little at a loss for words, no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that one day the middle demigod would think of giving himself a gift.

"Since you call me senior, what's the matter? You don't even listen to what senior says?" Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't take it for a long time, Xu Ming feigned anger.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng could no longer shirk and had no choice but to take it into his hands, but the feeling of the power of the golden law became more obvious as soon as he got it.

This made Jiang Heng stunned. The box looked like metal on the surface, but he felt that it turned out to be a kind of metal life, which wrapped the power of law with the life body so that it would not escape from the long river.

In addition, there are many formation inscriptions on the surface, all of which are used for reinforcement.

Jiang Heng felt that the box could not be shaken even by a domain master-level peak powerhouse. The metal law contained in the box itself was strong enough to cultivate a domain master-level peak Jinxing Dao powerhouse.

"It's really a big deal, and I don't know how precious the items in such a box are."

Without letting Jiang Heng think about it, Xu Ming seemed to know what Jiang Heng was thinking at the moment. He pointed to the box with a slight smile and said, "Inside the box is a complete energy crystallization of a galaxy after death. Although the texture is average, it is definitely a piece of Good auxiliary materials for becoming a god. In this way, nephew Jiang Heng, you can choose the best path when you ignite the divine fire in the future, and the condensed path will also have a more stable foundation."

Xu Ming is very satisfied with the objects he sent. The core of the galaxy is the crystallization of all the energy condensed after death.

In fact, this kind of material is not like the texture he said at all, and it is the best auxiliary material for becoming a god.

The core of a galaxy is very rare to see. Not all galaxies will be born after they are annihilated. The first condition that must be met is natural death.

Just ask how many stars there are in a whole galaxy, and it will take an extremely long time to let such a giant group of celestial bodies enter the end of life. Waiting for its natural death is often billions of years.

Therefore, it is needless to say how precious this thing is.

Of course, such precious things are not needed to become a demigod, and only some direct descendants of powerful forces can use this kind of thing. There are also many advantages. The probability of being a demigod will increase by 10%.

Xu Ming also felt a little bit pained about this, but soon he didn't care about it, anyway, he didn't have any younger generations, and the treasures in his hands were just given away when he met someone who needed to make friends.

Therefore, Xu Ming has a lot of friends, and there is no Spirit Race person in the entire spiritual world who does not know him. Many demigods in the main universe get along very well with him.

But he also has limitations, that is, the starting point is too low, and he belongs to the category with extremely poor foundation in the spirit race. It is entirely because he has many friends that he can climb to the current level, and he stepped into this level after thinking about it.

Because of this, most of his circle of friends are low-ranking demigods, there are a few but not many middle-ranking demigods, and none of the high-ranking demigods.

No one who can become a high-ranking demigod is a well-known big shot, and there are too many people who want to curry favor. He was born with a lower family background, if he didn't have a little background in Wanbaozhai, even the middle demigod wouldn't want to make friends with him.

It can be said that low-ranking demigods depend on strength, middle-ranking demigods rely on relationships, and high-ranking demigods depend on strength and status, especially status is the most important.

It is also for this reason that Xu Ming, an old salty fish, has always wanted to cling to a high-ranking demigod, so he naturally does not want to let go of the opportunity presented to him now.

Jiang Heng was startled when he heard it. He didn't know what the other party's thing was, but he could tell how precious it was by listening to the other party's words.

It's just that in my heart, I feel that it would be better if it can be replaced with something that is of great benefit to the existing strength. It would be even better if it can be quickly promoted to the peak of the domain master level.

But of course Jiang Heng knew he couldn't say these words.

"By the way, I don't know what nephew Jiang needs to buy when he comes here today? Although there are not many treasures in my branch, there are still a few that I can get." Xu Ming changed the subject and thought that this direct descendant could not be missed. Came here for no reason.

"Ahem! This junior is thinking of helping the elders in the family to find some things of law." Jiang Heng coughed dryly, and his heart thumped inwardly.

He thought that there were many possibilities for the other party's attitude, and the biggest possibility was that he mistakenly thought that there was a certain important person behind him.

Of course, it is also possible to guess wrong, but there should be no big mistake in answering this way, Jiang Heng does not believe that nothing is good for no reason.

Hearing this, as expected, Xu Ming's face showed a dazed expression.

"That's right. I don't know what kind of Dao law my nephew and elder need? My Wanbaozhai still has a lot of law power reserves." Xu Ming didn't have any doubts about Jiang Heng's words. First of all, his original definition of Jiang Heng It is a direct descendant of a powerful force, secondly, it is extremely common for Jiang Heng to ask such questions.

Because many high-ranking demigods actually don't have much desire for many treasures, and often only a few types of items are more attractive to them.

One is life-extending things, some items such as life-extending pills that contain the breath of a huge law of life.

The second is high-quality weapons.

The third is the power of law required.

As for supernatural powers and secret arts, they are actually not that attractive to high-ranking demigods. After achieving high-ranking demigods, the number of martial arts methods is usually fixed. This kind of supernatural power is supernatural, otherwise it would not be easy to find another way.

At this moment, a big stone fell from Jiang Heng's heart, but he did not guess wrong, the other party actually thought that he was the heir of a certain great power.

Fortunately, I didn't answer other answers. The answer just now is a panacea.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng pretended to be hesitant, and then said after a while, "What the ancestors of the family mastered is the space law, and recently, they have learned a lot of space laws that need a lot of money."

Law of space? !

Hearing this, Xuming's heart skipped a beat, and then he looked at Jiang Heng suspiciously.

If it is other laws, he thinks it is normal, but the laws of space are too rare, and they are the strongest avenues among the top ones of many avenues in the universe.

Right now, Jiang Heng said it was the law of space, which made him doubtful.

"Jiang Xiaoyou was joking, the law of space is an extremely rare thing, I wonder if you would like to tell me the names of the elders in your family? What kind of power is it?" Xu Ming even changed the name of Jiang Heng, and the gap between before and after is clear at a glance.

"Senior, do you really want to know the name of the ancestor?" Jiang Heng smiled, and at the same time stimulated the only remaining seed of the law of space in his body. As the law was stimulated, an extremely weak power of the law of space emerged in front of Jiang Heng.

This very small power of law gushes out, and naturally it is quickly captured by the demigod Xu Ming. His perception is far from comparable to that of the domain master. He can clearly feel that this law is not some kind of weapon or special item Driven out, but something that really exists in the opponent's body.

Although the number is extremely small and weak, it does exist.

For a while, this made Xu Ming a little confused, the other party does have the blood of the law of space, this cannot be faked.

"Senior, do you still want to know the name of the ancestor?" Jiang Heng asked with a smile on his face.

Xu Ming's face froze, and he immediately laughed.

"Nephew Jiang, why do you do this? I was just joking with you just now. The name of the demigods should not be disclosed to the outside world. Nephew Jiang Heng, you are doing the right thing. You can't tell the outside world, otherwise there is no time for seniors to be busy. Annoyed by things like this?"

Why did Xu Ming want to ask about the name taboo at this moment? He had previously perceived that the power of laws on Jiang Heng's body was mainly based on the laws of the physical body, thinking that even if the other party was a demigod with a physical body, it was actually nothing.

After all, reciting the name of the other party will make the other party look at it, but Xu Ming is afraid of the demigod of the fleshly body, but he is not afraid. After all, this is the spiritual world, and he didn't believe that the other party could come over and fight him.

The body is stronger than the body, and the strength of the soul has little to do with the body, and the opponent cannot come over in an instant.

But it's different if the space demigod is, because the other party's desire to come over may be a matter of thought, and seeing him unhappy is more of a matter of meeting face to face.

Moreover, the master of the space at the demigod level can directly move to this place physically. If it is really a high-level space demigod, Xu Ming is sure that the other party wants to kill him, it is definitely a matter of thought.

"Nephew Jiang Heng, I'm really sorry, but I have some laws of space here, but there are not many of them. It's not enough to satisfy domain masters and demigods!" Xu Ming felt helpless.

Space law is so rare, he naturally doesn't have many here. This is also because of Jiang Heng's special status, if he were an ordinary customer, he would not reveal this matter.

After all, keep this kind of rare thing in your hands and keep it in the future. If a rare visitor comes over, you can take it out to reveal the background.

"That's it! It's a pity." Jiang Heng showed a hint of disappointment at the right time.

Xu Ming was also a little embarrassed, he was a little bragging just now, but he didn't expect the other party to talk about the law of space.

It's just that he looked at Jiang Heng, rolled his eyes, and immediately smiled: "Nephew Jiang, I think your space avenue seems to be damaged?"

"En! That's true." Jiang Heng nodded slightly, while his mind was spinning rapidly thinking about countermeasures.

"I don't know why, who dares to take action against Nephew Jiang so blindly?" Xu Ming asked quickly, he still had doubts.

"It's not that some time ago, I heard from the family's intelligence that there are some leftover bloodlines of some ancient space true gods suspected to exist in the affiliated forces on the southern border of the Great Zhou Empire.

For this reason, I took some servants to go to share the worries of the ancestors, but it turned out that there was chaos there, no! Not long ago, I encountered a confrontation between the two small forces of the Hundred Nations Alliance and the Hegemony Star Alliance. This can be regarded as disaster for Chi Yu. Fortunately, the servants protected me at the cost of their own lives, otherwise I would never have the opportunity to come here! "

Said Jiang Heng's face full of sighs.

Hearing that Xuming was also thinking about some information he knew at a rapid pace, a pavilion master like him who sits in the Wanbaozhai branch of the spiritual world actually has a very wide range of information channels.

It just so happens that the location of his branch corresponds to the southern area of ​​the Great Zhou Empire of the main universe, and there are customers from the main universe who come here all the time, and they are also well informed about some news.

"One of the affiliated forces of the Great Zhou Empire is indeed called the Hundred Nations Alliance." Xu Ming nodded secretly in his heart, "The Hegemony Star Alliance has indeed been at odds with the Hundred Nations Alliance recently, and it seems that it raided the Hundred Nations Alliance's discussions not long ago. Yes. Almost took it all in one pot."

Soon Xu Ming thought of one of the related pieces of information, even though he was still not sure, so he quickly sent a sound transmission to the Minister Yan outside to let him confirm it quickly.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, nephew Jiang is not easy!" Xu Ming sighed while waiting for Minister Yan's reply.

"Forget it, it's my bad luck. I've known for a long time that the situation between the Great Zhou Empire and the Temple of Gods has changed, and some small frictions are endless if I think about it. I didn't think carefully." Jiang Heng shook his head with a wry smile, and pricked up his ears at the same time. Calmly wanting to hear how the other party will answer.

He also speculated about some changes in the overall situation by relying on some details in the past, and he couldn't guarantee the accuracy of the details, so he could only feel uneasy.

"En! Not bad!" Xu Ming's answer made Jiang Heng secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"Nowadays, the Great Zhou Empire and the Temple of the Gods continue to compete secretly. The small and medium-sized forces in the buffer zone between the two sides are suffering unspeakably, and often can only be reduced to pawns for these big men to fight against." Xu Ming is also full of emotion, his position is natural for the situation Know more about a lot of inside information.

"What the senior said is true. Fortunately, I have the protection of my ancestors. After this time, I also need to rush home as soon as possible. It is too unsafe outside." Jiang Heng's face was full of lingering fear.

"Yeah! The situation is turbulent now, and some of my friends in the main universe are complaining too They all joked that it would be better to get rid of the physical body and me in this spiritual world." Xu Ming said, and at the same time, in his mind Minister Yan's report also sounded.

Minister Yan's report was almost the same as what he had thought before, which also dispelled most of his previous doubts, and his attitude became more kind for a while.

"No, the things just now are good for ordinary high-ranking demigods, but are there any good things for a space demigod?"

For a while, Xu Ming was a little worried about gains and losses, he knew very well that for a demigod of space, his own benefits were completely invisible.

"Nephew Jiang, I think your injury is not serious. I'm afraid the journey home is a long way, and I'm afraid there will still be a lot of trouble with physical strength alone." Xu Ming thought of a countermeasure all of a sudden.

He knows very well that icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow.

"How about this! I will give you these space law reserves, which can be regarded as saying hello to your ancestors for me. What's more, it will be much safer to restore the strength of the space law as soon as possible and go back."

Xu Ming waved his big hand and spoke boldly, on the surface he showed the elder's love for the younger, but in his heart he couldn't help the pain.

These spatial laws seem wrong, but the rarity of the items, it is no exaggeration to say that it is definitely enough to exchange for hundreds of other law powers of the same amount.


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