Master of Fist

Chapter 754: Each strength and discovery

Although 15 drops is still quite a lot, considering that a master like Yuan Lao is willing to do his best and doesn't need other materials, everyone can accept it to some extent.

Jiang Heng also nodded slightly, and counted in detail. There are nineteen domain masters sitting here alone, including four domain masters of the eight princes, two mid-term and two early-stage princes, three six-prince princes, and one late-stage prince. Two mid-stage, Jiang Heng and his party of five, two in the mid-stage, and three in the early stage. A group of seven elders, two in the middle stage and five in the early stage.

Jiang Heng knew that the group of veterans and his group were the most dominant on the surface. But in fact, Jiang Heng knew very well that the two crown princes were probably the ones with the strongest background.

"The musicians are not just the three people on the surface, and there are only four people including Mr. Su, but this ratio is very wrong." Jiang Heng muttered in his heart. It seems that the six princes have two mid-stages, one late stage and one early stage, but it is obvious that there are too few domain masters in the early stages.

In fact, it is also easy to calculate, after all, the number of each realm of the domain master level is multiplied and decreased.

It doesn't make sense that the number of high-level powerhouses under Le's command is far more than that of low-level powerhouses.

Therefore, Jiang Heng under Le's command conservatively estimated that there were more than two domain masters in the early stage, and the sixth prince who could be so valued by the eldest prince would not be so simple.

The following conversation naturally leads to strategies on how to deal with these three behemoths.

"At that time, the old man will rush to the front, and he can more or less block the most violent attack of the first giant beast. As for the next step, we have to attack together." The elder said his thoughts.

With so many domain masters present, he had to set an example by taking fifteen drops of blood in one go.

"Okay! Elder, you have tried so hard and we can show it to the fullest!" Le Wenyan was overjoyed, and everyone knew that when the seal was lifted, the giant beast that had been sealed for 200,000 years must be extremely violent. Afterwards, when the qi dissipated a bit, it was naturally much easier.

Then everyone expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they would do their best. During the period, Le was not stupid enough to ask about the cards and methods of each domain owner.

Cooperation is one aspect, but it would be impolite for anyone to ask others about their cards and means.

Jiang Heng had expected this for a long time, and it was normal. Although it is convenient for each of them to understand the strength and means to cooperate with each other, but people are far away from the belly, and the strong who have cultivated to this level are not very good, or some primary and secondary relationships are absolutely impossible to reveal. own cards.

When the meeting was over, everyone was invited to the banquet held by the sixth prince. After a meal, Jiang Heng was familiar with all the domain masters present, and he also knew the power background behind each other.

For example, behind the two crown princes, behind the Eighth Prince is a sect called Vajra Sect, which specializes in the Tao of the body. There are quite a lot of sects like this.

Jiang Heng had heard about this sect before. On the surface, there was only one domain master-level mid-term head teacher named Guangyao, and it was a bit unexpected that there were two of them now. But Jiang Heng felt that it would be very difficult for this sect to produce a strong late stage player.

It is difficult to have no time to grind and some opportunities in the late stage of the physical body.

As for the forces behind the six princes, apart from the Qingshu faction of the mother clan, the other is a sect named Mingzong. The late master is the leader of Mingzong, and the mid-term domain masters are all guardians.

It is said that the head teacher's name was Ming Wang after he succeeded to the head teacher, but it is unknown what his real name is.

Although Jiang Heng didn't say clearly which Dao he was practicing when he was talking with him, but Jiang Heng, judging from the way the other party was always on guard against the elders, it shouldn't be the Tao of flesh body.

From this point of view, it becomes clear that non-physical martial arts fighters will always be on guard when facing mid-stage physical martial arts fighters, even if they are strong in the late stage, in case they are suddenly approached, it will be fatal if they are caught off guard!

At the same time, Jiang Heng also noticed that the other party was also wary of him, but it should be because of his relationship with the sixth prince that the other party could not show that guard too obviously so as not to make the relationship unfamiliar.

Jiang Heng felt that the other party was a non-flesh body martial artist, and it was reasonable. Most of the physical martial arts were stagnant in the middle stage and wanted to cross the late stage.

It is said that talent is a great threshold, followed by extraordinary perseverance and great opportunity!

At least as far as Jiang Heng knows, there is no body master who can break through the later stage by only smelting ordinary planets. Therefore, Jiang Heng guessed that in the late stage of the body breakthrough, the first condition must be a stellar start.

"Damn it, the threshold for cultivating the physical body is as low as it is low. As long as an individual can walk the physical body, but the talent is not enough, the upper limit is enough!" Jiang Heng secretly sneered, and he couldn't help secretly rejoicing that what he smelted was a star.

A banquet lasted for several days, and finally the six princes sent their own people to see them off. At the same time, it was also decided to start dealing with the three giant beasts next year. This year is also for everyone to go back and prepare.

Galloping along the way, Jiang Heng and his party were not lonely in the cabin. As they gradually moved away from the core area, several people began to chat about their feelings about the banquet and meeting at that time.

"My lord, I knew something about Mingzong before." Patriarch Lie Yan followed the topic.

"You know Mingzong?" Jiang Heng frowned slightly, he wanted to know more about the sixth prince and the forces behind him, and wanted to know what this man had done these years.

"Well! This sect is actually very low-key, and most of them only hear about its name. I also did some business with them when I was in business in the early years, so I know something about it." Patriarch Lie Yan nodded and began to recall what he had seen and heard. .

"Mingzong should be a sect that masters the golden road. It is located in the Mingjing galaxy adjacent to the six princes. It was rumored that Mingzong only had one domain master in the early stage, and the style of this sect is very low-key, and there are almost no developments in the territory. For any star gate, there are only two star gates and one is connected to the Virgo galaxy, which is convenient for the royal messenger to deliver messages.

One leads to the Qingshu faction, which is the mother clan behind the sixth prince.

This also resulted in almost no business contacts with this sect. My Sanhua Chamber of Commerce discovered this very low-key and almost forgotten sect only once in order to open up a new channel.

It was also the time when our Sanhua Chamber of Commerce made a transaction with Mingzong. The items traded were also very simple. They only needed some metals containing special substances. This is why I guess what they are building is the Golden Avenue.

Only the masters of the Golden Path are particularly keen on all kinds of metals, which can increase the strength of their laws, and some Jinxing martial arts are also extremely eager for this. "

The old man Lie Yan said a lot, and Jiang Heng was also a little thoughtful.

"This is quite interesting. Mr. Jin has a metallic nature. Now there is a Mingzong who also majors in Jin Xingyi. Could it be that the sixth prince is born to be favored by Jin Xingyi?"

Jiang Heng felt that there must be some kind of connection, and he even believed that some people said that Mr. Jin founded Zong.

Jiang Heng was very satisfied with Lieyan Patriarch's explanation, and praised him casually, and then Chen on the side mentioned another matter.

"My lord, just in case, I will talk about my cards and methods, so that I will not be uncooperative in the next battle!" Chen was actually a little absent-minded just now. I have held it in my heart for a long time.

Jiang Heng also nodded when he heard the words, they are a team, and they still have a very close primary and secondary relationship, there is really no need to cover up some things so tightly.

"It's fine to talk about it, since you all follow me, then I'll make a start!" Jiang Heng nodded, and he decided to set an example.

Jiang Heng didn't hide too much, he talked about his various methods and estimated combat power in the physical body, and concealed the jewelry compass and the ability of the law of space. These are too sensitive, so it's better to hide them in his heart.

"Is it comparable to the late stage of the domain master level?" Hearing Jiang Heng's narration, the three sisters and the four of Chen almost spoke in unison, but the emotions between the two were different.

The three sisters felt that Senior Jiang was being modest. From their point of view, Senior Jiang was able to have such a huge and secret realm of the cave, and the incarnation of the early stage of domain master level and high spiritual intelligence, the strength of Senior Jiang. It should be a demigod.

But then they thought about it and thought that there might be some hidden dangers in the seniors themselves, so the current strength is only at the late domain master level, but they have some demigod means.

Well, it can be scary sometimes to brain-fill monsters.

As for Chen, he was really shocked. He never expected that Jiang Heng would now have a strength comparable to that of a domain master in the late stage.

He couldn't help but think back to the first time he had a discussion with Jiang Heng. At that time, Jiang Heng was still ignorant of many things, but how long has it been?

Is a few hundred years a long time?

Chen was in a daze, wondering if he was taking tens of thousands of years as hundreds of years.

When he regained his senses and looked at Jiang Heng again, his expression became more respectful and trusting.

Chen is a smart person, he quickly figured out a truth, Jiang Heng belongs to the kind of person who is born with great opportunities.

To be able to jump from the early stage of the domain master level to an existence comparable to the later stage in just a few hundred years is such a fierce person. On the contrary, strength is second, and Chen values ​​this great opportunity of great luck.

In such a hopeless battlefield, people who are less than demigods are fish on the chopping board after all. At this time, those who have great opportunities and great luck are the most worth following.

Jiang Heng didn't know that the subordinates in front of him thought so much in an instant. He just looked at Chen, which means it's your turn.

Chen also woke up instantly, and after thinking about it without hesitation, he directly stated his methods, and the level of detail was almost as detailed as some of his current cultivation status.

Jiang Heng also listened carefully, Chen can be regarded as a martial artist in the physical body, but this guy has a relatively big heart, and he has a way that is naturally beneficial to cultivation.

That is Avenue of Stars.

This avenue is actually not considered a small avenue, it belongs to the avenue second only to the avenue of becoming a god. It is said that the highest person has reached the high demigod level.

Its ability is a means of pulling the power of the stars, mostly energy attacks. With Chen's current ability, it can pull the power of ten thousand stars at most to cast a shock wave similar to starlight. His ability and lethality are indeed very powerful, enough to kill a physical martial artist of the same level.

The longer the preparation time, the stronger the power of this move, and it can even unleash a full-strength blow comparable to the late-stage powerhouses.

Of course, the flaw is also obvious, that is, it takes time, if you just randomly pull the power of hundreds of nearby stars to achieve instant release, then the power is comparable to the peak of the ordinary domain master in the early stage.

It's not about fighting with martial artists of the same rank as the physical body.

For this reason, in order to make up for his shortcomings, he also cultivated the Dao of the physical body. As a result, his combat power has indeed soared a lot, and he quickly approached the enemy with the agility of the Dao of the physical body. Then superimpose the destructive power of the power of the stars with the destructive power of the physical body itself.

His combat power is indeed stronger than that of martial artists who specialize in physical martial arts, but don't even think about physical martial arts fighters in the middle stage of the leapfrog battle, the gap is too big.

The reason why he practiced both ways is because of this guy's whim, using his ability to draw the starlight to the greatest extent to temper the body, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of the body way.

But as his physical body also stepped into the early stage of domain master level, he realized that he had taken it for granted.

With the improvement of strength, the two avenues seem to have a slight repulsion. The drawn starlight is okay to use as an attack, but it can be drawn into the body and used directly for cultivation, and it will dissipate by itself.

This discovery caused Chen to fall directly from heaven to the bottom of the valley. He thought that this might be the reason for his martial arts, so he spent thousands of years studying and improving his martial arts.

But it is a pity that this problem not only did not improve, but cost him more time and energy. This is also the reason why he has not made any progress since he entered the initial stage of domain master level.

Jiang Heng was very interested in hearing it. If this Avenue of Stars is really because of the exclusion of exercises and can solve the problem of exercises, it is definitely an excellent way to assist the cultivation of the body.

So several people discussed the exercises again, and finally came to a very helpless conjecture.

That is, Jiang Heng's Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art can help Chen solve this problem, but another new problem arises after that.

That is, Chen's talent is limited, and what he smelts are ordinary planets.

If the starlight is drawn to accelerate the progress of Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art, then the physical body will suffer several times the pain of ordinary people, and the physical body will show signs of extremely rapid collapse, and may even appear deformed.

The collapse of the physical body can be continuously made up for with pills, but the distortion has to consider the endurance of the planets in the body.

Unfortunately, Chen is not satisfied.

Jiang Heng was also very sorry to learn of this discovery. If he had mastered the Avenue of Stars, his cultivation speed would skyrocket several times again.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng was taken aback, and his eyes moved to Chen.

Chen was also frightened by Jiang Heng's sudden action, especially when he found that the master's eyes were extremely hot.

"You can pull the power of the stars, so can you also freely control the intensity?" Jiang Heng asked quickly.

Wen Yanchen groaned slightly but nodded and said: "Yes, but if I want to speed up my cultivation, I need to increase the traction of the power of the stars, so the planets in my body can't bear it."

Chen is a little helpless, he is in this embarrassing situation now, the traction is too small and has no effect, and the traction is too strong, and it can't be controlled all the time. The cultivation of the physical body requires an extreme burden on the physical body to break through.

Of course, it is also possible to follow the usual physical martial instead of using this extreme method, and use a milder one instead.

But in this way, Chen's traction ability is useless, which is no different from ordinary physical martial arts martial arts training a little bit.

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about can you help me practice!" Jiang Heng's eyes were shining brightly.

This is a treasure right now, if you use it properly, you will definitely get yourself a double or even triple experience card plug-in.

In fact, practicing the Beihe Great Zhoutian Star Divine Art can also draw the power of the stars to a certain extent, but the amount that the exercise can draw is very small, far less than Chen can double it like crazy.

"It's fine, it's just..." Chen nodded in a daze, wondering if there was something wrong in it.

But soon he remembered the star that Jiang Heng showed when he introduced his means just now.

Looking at Jiang Heng's warm star floating in the back of his head at this moment, Chen was a little envious.

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