Master of Fist

Chapter 753: difficulty

"Especially Your Excellency Lei Yuan, I know you very well." Said the sixth prince, Le turned to look directly at Lei Yuan, his expression still extremely calm.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Lei Yuan's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

"Of course, my Highness is the person in charge of the bright side of the Ninety-two Galaxy System, and he is also a direct descendant of the Tianshuang imperial family. He is a nobleman of the royal family. You'd better listen carefully when I speak!" Le's expression was slightly cold, looking Looking at Lei Yuan, his expression was full of stern warnings.

Even if the other party is a mid-level domain master.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, several auras in the arena instantly locked onto Lei Yuan, Jiang Heng's expression moved slightly, and he unconsciously glanced at the Sixth Prince's mother clan.

In fact, there is only one representative of the mother clan over there, and he is an old man at the peak level of the Lord of the Galaxy. In addition, there are three men and women wearing uniform costumes, all of whom are domain master-level powerhouses, and they should be members of the same force.

"Two in the middle stage and one in the late stage, these should only be used as deterrents on the surface, and there should be some hidden early stage domain masters." Jiang Heng muttered in his heart.

Jiang Heng is not surprised that the sixth prince can suddenly possess such a power. The variable Mr. Jin has already appeared, which also shows that the sixth prince is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

He glanced at the elder who was sitting next to Lei Yuan again, but the other party remained silent, even though he watched Lei Yuan, a casual cultivator, being oppressed, he, the boss, did not change anything.

Jiang Heng knew that on the surface, it looked like Lei Yuan's unreasonable anger caused Le's sullenness, but it was actually the temptation of the six princes from the group of conferred domain lords.

Now it seems that the sixth prince has the upper hand.

"What Your Highness said, I naturally have to listen carefully, Lei Yuan will apologize to His Highness soon!" The elder was silent for a long time and finally spoke.

Hearing that Lei Yuan's complexion changed, but under the lock of a few breaths and the elder's reprimand, he still bowed slightly and bowed towards Le.

Seeing that Lei Yuan was submissive, Le did not intend to continue to pursue the matter. After looking at the crowd, he pointed out the smart bracelets on his wrists, "This time, the seniors are called here to let everyone get to know each other. Of course, after the meeting is over, my prince There will be a banquet in honor of the seniors, and we will wait for the banquet to make friends.

As for now, this prince wants you to see this! "

As he said that, in front of the sixth prince, in front of everyone's field of vision, there appeared three 3D models of giant beasts with virtual projections.

The three giant beasts are all hideous and terrifying, and there is a series of introductions in the universal language next to them, and the dense introductions are fairly detailed.

Jiang Heng looked at it, and it was roughly the same as what Elder Su said before, the three-headed domain master mid-level behemoth.

Seeing this scene at this moment, the eighth prince and his party couldn't help but gasped.

Jiang Heng looked around for a week, but keenly found that the elder's expression was a little different. Although he was astonished like the others, he was also a little excited besides the astonishment.

"These giant beasts in the starry sky are very important to him?" Jiang Heng thought in his heart, and the sixth prince continued to talk.

"These three giant beasts were sealed here by the Sik Empire before, because the Sik Empire is unable to solve such difficult things, and now they can only be left to us. Clear internal obstacles. If these three heads are comparable to the existence of the later stage, if you don't know, once there is any change during the war, I believe you will understand the consequences!"

The sixth prince's words were short but the meaning was very obvious, that is to deal with these guys.

"Being sealed for 200,000 years, even if the starry sky clan has a long lifespan, it is estimated that their strength will decline a lot, right?" The elder who spoke was obviously quite familiar with this matter.

"Not bad!" Wen Yanle nodded approvingly, "The lifespan of the starry sky behemoths is often a hundred times longer than that of ordinary races. They naturally have such a long lifespan and belong to the darlings of the universe. Domain master level behemoths The lifespan of a family should be five million years, but these 200,000 years have little effect on their lifespan.

But the formation that sealed the three giant beasts cut off their absorption of the free energy of the universe, and of course lost the energy supply, which also weakened their lifespan in a disguised form.

As the elder said, after 200,000 years, the three giant beasts are already in an extremely weak state! " Le finally made a conclusion.

This news made many people present nod their heads.

Jiang Heng felt that this was reasonable. If they were to deal with the three-headed domain master-level mid-stage behemoth in its heyday, it would be hellish difficulty.

Rough-skinned giant beasts in the starry sky, not to mention invincible in the later stage, at least few people can kill them.

As for now, I really hope to try one or two.

"Where are the three giant beasts sealed now? Can they be unsealed separately, so that we will be able to relax a lot when we are encircled!" It was the eighth prince who spoke, his voice was as pleasant as ever, look at him I'm in a good mood and look excited.

"Sealed in the core area of ​​this galaxy, the three-ring formation is powered by the energy of tens of thousands of stars. The suggestion you put forward, eighth brother, is indeed feasible. But the three-ring formation is a complementary large formation.

Unsealing any link will weaken the power of the other two links in disguise.

For this reason, the prince came up with a plan. First, we will unite all the warriors who are good at formations under your command to stabilize the three-ring formation, and then we will unseal the first ring. Countless people will stabilize the remaining two rings for us. I guess It can last about fifty breaths. "The sixth prince looked at everyone present while talking.

"Your Highness means that we need to kill the first starry sky behemoth within fifty breaths, otherwise we will face three starry sky behemoths at the same time?" Jiang Heng understood Le's meaning after a long time. .

"That's right!" Le nodded, "We only have this one chance, only 50 breaths! Otherwise, we will be under a lot of pressure to face three martial arts warriors who are comparable to the late domain master level at the same time!"

Regarding Le's statement, everyone present was not clueless, and after a little thought, they could clearly understand the strength of the martial arts in the physical body.

Moreover, the sense of oppression given by giants like starry sky behemoths is far from that of ordinary physical martial arts fighters.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Everyone in the venue was silent for a long time, and then the elder said leisurely.

"What's the original opinion of the elder, but it's okay to say!" Le is very clear about the situation of the old man in front of him, and attaches great importance to his words.

"You don't know this family! The starry sky behemoths seem to be just savage creatures that devour planets, stars and many stars and energy substances, but it is precisely because of this that they are the most terrifying.

Two hundred thousand years without energy supplements did make them enter an unprecedented weak state, but the thin giants were also bigger than ordinary people. Their fleshly Tao has long been deeply ingrained into their flesh and blood. "

At this moment, the elder's expression was very solemn, and it could be seen that he was very concerned about this matter.

"Old man, you are the oldest senior here, you are very knowledgeable, why don't you tell us what we need to pay attention to!" Le said with a slightly lowered posture.

"There are too many things to pay attention to." The elder said with a smile, and everyone could see that although he was smiling, his expression was extremely serious.

"Then let me talk about a few points! First of all, I would like to ask you, which of the three giant beasts do you think is the easiest to deal with and which one is the most difficult?"

This actually made many domain owners present start to carefully weigh it based on the information provided by the sixth prince.

"In my opinion, the giant beast of fire should be the strongest, followed by the giant beast that masters the Dao of Dou, and the giant beast of the Dao of Strength is the last!" The Eighth Prince replied almost immediately.

These words made many domain owners nod their heads. Although Jiang Heng felt that something was wrong, he also thought that there was nothing wrong with the Eighth Prince's statement.

After all, although the Fire Avenue is relatively common, it is the most irritable existence among the conventional Avenues of the Five Elements, and existences such as starry sky behemoths feed on devouring stars and planets. Amplification is most beneficial.

In contrast, the Avenue of Strength is somewhat repetitive with the Avenue of Flesh. Mastering these two avenues at the same time is indeed terrifying in terms of physical strength, but because of overlapping abilities, sometimes the increased power will attenuate a lot.

As for the Dao of is too rare. Jiang Heng has almost never heard of it before, and he has no idea what it is.

However, the elder who heard this answer shook his head.

"In my opinion, the one with the best preserved strength is the giant beast that masters the Dao of Dou, followed by the giant beast of the Dao of Strength, and the last is the giant beast of the Dao of Fire!"

"Oh! Elder Yuan, is there something weird about the Dao of Dou?" The sixth prince Le was a little puzzled, and he didn't know what kind of power the Dao of Dou belonged to.

"There are thousands of avenues in the universe, and the avenue of Dou is a side path. It can even be said that this avenue is very weak, so there are only a handful of people who master this avenue. Even among the ancient gods, there is no one who masters this avenue. God."

As soon as the elder's words came out, many people present nodded their heads.

There are indeed many avenues of the universe, but not every avenue has someone who has achieved the realm of a true god.

And some small roads, maybe the end point is a high-ranking demigod, and because the long river belonging to this road is very weak, there are very few people who master it.

Jiang Heng also has a good understanding of this. To put it bluntly, it is still the previous river theory. The avenue itself is thick, which is equivalent to a river with abundant water, which can spread and open up longer channels.

On the contrary, if the avenue itself is weak, the river water will be extremely scarce, and it may only be possible to open up a shorter road.

"Old Yuan, what's so special about this Dao of Dou?" Le was still a little puzzled.

"I don't know much about the Dao of Douzhi. I only know that people who master this way often have amazing effects on martial arts comprehension. It may take a few days to master or even master a martial arts that others need tens or hundreds of years to learn. study.

Moreover, those who master this way have a natural intuition for fighting and killing. They have rich experience in fighting and fighting, and various fighting methods emerge in an endless stream. They can make every move into the most fatal weakness attack.

Fighting with this kind of existence often makes the opponent feel extremely uncomfortable, feeling like being detected everywhere. At the same time, it will also withstand the crazy attacks of the opponent like a storm.

This avenue works on the soul, it is a kind of absolute control of the soul over the body, and it has an extremely precise fighting intuition. "

The elder slowly spoke the truth about the Dao of Dou, and everyone went from initial confusion to astonishment.

Jiang Heng also felt a little envious when he heard it. He believed that all martial arts warriors who had heard the news about the Dao of Douzhi would long for this Dao.

"This is definitely an avenue tailor-made for physical martial arts!"

Jiang Heng only felt that his breathing became a little short of breath. The body martial arts fighters are best at melee combat. For those who are good at melee combat, they have an incomparably terrifying fighting instinct and the ability to detect the opponent's weaknesses at a glance. It is a terrifying increase.

At least now Jiang Heng is extremely envious.

At this time, many people present also realized another point, that is, the Dao of Dou will not be weakened by insufficient energy supply.

In contrast, the Avenue of Fire and the Avenue of Strength, which have lost their energy supply, are both weakened to a certain extent due to lack of energy.

At this time, everyone also understands why the old man believes that the way of fighting is the most difficult Thanks to the old man's explanation, otherwise we will suffer a big loss! "The sixth prince Leman said with lingering fear.

At first, he thought about unblocking the giant beast that mastered the Dao of Dou, but now it seems that unblocking this kind of fighting madman, let alone solving the opponent with fifty breaths, the other party probably caused them great trouble with fifty breaths.

"It doesn't matter, since I want to do something, the old man will naturally need to contribute. But before that, the old man has to ask His Highness for one thing!" The elder said after a while.

"Oh, old man, but it's okay to say!" Le said disapprovingly.

Hearing the words, the elder nodded, but he still bowed his hands to all the domain masters present, "This plea is also to my colleagues, this time I will go all out to deal with the three-headed domain master-level mid-stage starry sky behemoth! The old man also hopes that after the matter is completed, I can absorb ten drops of blood essence from the three giant beasts!"

The request of the elder is not too high, ten drops is a total of thirty drops of blood essence.

Essence blood is not comparable to ordinary blood. If it is the starry sky behemoth in its heyday, the amount of essence blood in the body will naturally be a lot, but right now these are three extremely weak starry sky behemoths. They have not replenished energy for 200,000 years. In the state of self-consumption, in this case, each giant beast has fifty drops of blood essence and burns high incense,

Jiang Heng frowned at this meeting, and he also wanted to get more blood from the starry sky behemoth. After all, this thing is the main alchemy medicine that is naturally made to have a miraculous effect on the physical martial arts.

What's more, this is the blood of the domain master mid-term starry sky behemoth, and any drop can be exchanged for a big medicine that can help break through the domain master.

It is equivalent to a drop of blood essence is equivalent to a domain master level powerhouse.

"If you can't do it, five drops each is fine. I don't want anything except blood essence." Seeing that many people present were a little displeased, the elder was silent for a moment and took a step back. He also knew the value of this thing.

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