Master of Fist

Chapter 536: Return to the Empire (Part 2)

"It seems that the two forces here don't really believe what you said earlier, Brother Jiang."

Li Miaozhen quietly watched the bustling space port in the distance.

"It's okay, I'll just wait and watch from the sidelines, it's coming soon!"

At this moment, Jiang Heng and Li Miaozhen both laughed. If the city lords of the two sides came out to greet them or come here to ask the specific reason, Jiang Heng would really not be able to sit back and watch the other party get hurt.

Since the opponent is like this, then they don't need to worry about it so much, just look at the winning percentage of the alliance warriors against an ordinary star team.

Jiang Heng's airship sailed slowly to an area a little far from the space wormhole and the port, hiding behind a barren star, silently observing the changes in the situation.

Sure enough, about an incense stick of time passed, and after the space wormhole trembled violently and slightly, a large fleet of flying boats slowly squeezed out of the passage.

Such a big battle naturally attracted the attention of many people. Not only is this space wormhole nearby, but there are also space wormholes leading to this place in other star fields. Spaceships fly out from time to time, but they are all scattered. The scattered people flying boat.

At this time, such a huge fleet of airships suddenly appeared. Compared with the Li family's fleet before, the number was not much larger, and it was faintly a lot more, which attracted many people's attention for a while.

The same is true for the direction of the port,

Hearing the report from the people below, Qi Xiaotiangang and Luo Huai'an both got up suddenly.

"Two huge fleets coming to this frontier?" Luo Huai'an was full of surprise, and the bad feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

"The first branch is the Li family, and who is the second branch?"

"Look, the banner is Liu!"

The servant hurriedly said.

"Liu?" The boss of Seventh Heaven Gang rubbed his chin, his brows furrowed even deeper, "The Liu family is second only to the five great families?"

"Why is the Liu family here?"

This is the question of everyone present, it is too strange.

You must know that their remote place has always been deserted, except that nearby star fields often have trade exchanges here, and occasionally there will be troops passing by here to carry out some necessary supplies.

But those are the norm, but it is very rare or almost no such bigwigs from the central star field come here, especially with such a big fanfare. The Li family is here, and even the Liu family is here.

"Could it be that the Seiya Federation really invaded our alliance?" For some reason, Luo Huai'an remembered what Feng Wen had told him before.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to believe such absurd statements, but it seems that this explanation makes sense right now?

"Since the Liu family is also here, it seems that I still have to go out to meet Yi Er."

After thinking about it, Qi Xiaotiangang still felt that it was not right to let the other party hang out like this, after all, they were all big shots. But that's all for the Li family, they really can't afford to offend the Liu family.

Several people were about to get up, but at this moment, a servant had already rushed in.

"City lord! City lord! Something happened! Something happened!"

"What happened?" The boss of Qi Xiaotian gang took this person into his hands and asked sharply, "Say! What happened!"

"Outside...outside...outside fighting!" This man was trembling with fright from the explosion.

Hearing this, several people frowned, and without delay, they all rushed out together.

Floating above the port, everyone understood what was going on.

Not long after the Liu Family Fleet exited the space wormhole, a huge and very sci-fi steel fleet quickly drilled out of the space wormhole.

This drill caused everyone's amazed eyes. Everyone thought it was the fleet of the empire, and they were all curious about why the fleet of the empire suddenly came here.

Who says this place is a borderland, but it is not as far away as the border, and the steel fleet still passes through the hinterland of the alliance, which is even more puzzling.

But immediately after that, dazzling beams of light shot out from the steel ships, blasting towards the fleet of the Liu family galloping forward in unison.

Seeing this, no matter how puzzled everyone is, they know that something big is about to happen.

Many caravans that just came out of the space wormhole immediately turned around and went back.

As for those who are far away in the ports of the two domains, they wait and see one by one. They know that there are two city lords and heavy soldiers guarding here. It is safer than fleeing in a panic.

"There is actually a port here?" Patriarch Liu, who had just stepped into this star field, was a little surprised.

"Patriarch, although the Li family is lost. But there are so many people here, why not divert the trouble to the east, and we can use this to escape!"

Some clan elders suggested that for those who have been in high positions all the year round, these middle and low-level people are consumables that can be consumed at will. What's more, the tail at the back, if the Liu family tried their best, they could wipe it out, but this business was a blood loss.

Anyway, dead friends don't die poor people, Patriarch Liu ordered the fleet to approach the port without the slightest hesitation.

As the flying boat gradually approached the port, the federal fleet behind also observed the existence of the port. Without the Liu family's deliberate guidance, dozens of fleets began to disperse and fly towards the port.

For the Federation, their task is to eliminate humans, and now they see so many humans gathered here. Its priority has naturally increased by a notch.

"What is this?"

Qi Xiaotiangang, who had never seen the Federation fleet and star body, changed his face drastically. The Federation has always been extremely mysterious. If you have not read the relevant classics, it is easy to confuse the Federation with the Empire.

However, the federal army is fundamentally different from the empire, but the vast majority of people in Qixiaotiangang and the port still regard it as the imperial army. As for why the soldiers are all machines, they can only understand that there may be a certain mechanic sitting in the fleet, and these are just puppets controlled by the mechanic.

Only Luo Huai'an's back was covered in cold sweat. He knew more than these people. He was fortunate enough to read the records of ancient books about the Federation. Among them was an atlas depicting the general structure of the star body. How similar is the picture in the atlas to what you see in front of you!

"Enemy attack! Guards! Assemble!"

The Seventh Heavenly Gang began to roar. Both the Seven Sons Starfield and the Luoting Starfield have a large number of garrisons here. There are a total of 100,000 people in total. one.

This is normal in many alliance star fields. Fortunately, the guards gathered extremely fast. With just a few dozen breaths, many guard warriors stationed in various places were assembled.

At the same time, the port star shield also stood up, and a layer of pale golden light enveloped the entire port.

Under the control of a group of guards, the star energy cannon began to charge and burst into a faint blue light.

"Launch! Launch!"

The beams of star energy cannons in unison bombarded the army of stars in front of them like locusts crossing the border. There were quite a few enemies. At a glance, there might be hundreds of thousands of them, like silver waves overwhelming the sky. .

A salvo of star energy cannons, because the enemy's attacking positions are not very dense and relatively scattered, so this round of salvo only caused the explosion of thousands of star bodies.

As the first line of defense of the port, the star shield disintegrated rapidly under the free long-range shooting of the star body, without even holding a breath.


Seeing this, the Seven Little Heavenly Gang also knew that they couldn't hide now, and the consumption of some personnel was inevitable.

Following Qi Xiaotiangang's and Luo Huai'an's orders, one hundred thousand warriors from the guards all rushed towards the star-body army that was flying towards them and fought into a group.

Qi Xiaotiangang and Luo Huai'an were able to sit firmly as the chief officials of this frontier land, and they had experienced many fights and struggles. There were hundreds of fights with the beast clan and the empire, big and small.

Neither of them is a timid person, and they are quite confident in the soldiers under their command.

Although there are many low-level warriors, they are all those who have practiced combined strike tactics. Often a battle formation formed by a hundred people or a thousand people has a lot of experience in fighting.

These experienced soldiers are much more reliable than those casual warriors temporarily recruited by the alliance from various gymnasiums, and they are especially good at large-scale battles.

But as soon as the two sides confronted each other, Qi Xiaotiangang and Luo Huai'an felt something was wrong.

The individual strength of the opponent seems to be a bit too strong!

It seems that every mechanical body has a medium level of strength, and the opponent's number is superior. Individual strength is still so strong.

Here, it often takes hundreds of people to form a battle formation to barely fight against a star body, and those middle-level warriors face even greater pressure and often need to face the siege of several or even dozens of star bodies.

"Impossible! Impossible!" Qi Xiaotiangang's face was full of disbelief, "The guards of that generation are all veterans, even if they are placed on the border, they can fight with twice the number of orc army. Divide up and down."

No one answered them, Luo Huaian knew it well, but he didn't dare to say it now, because he was afraid that if he said it, the morale here would be completely lost.

"How is it possible, how could the Star Army of the Star Federation appear here?"

Luo Huai'an's face was full of doubts and anxiety. According to ancient records, the stars are endless and each one has a strong fighting ability.

But at this time, they can only fight with all their strength. If they escaped at the beginning, it might be a joke, but now that they have entered the stage of confrontation, there is no way to escape.

"Doesn't the family want to help them?"

The clan elders looked at the people who were already in a hard fight and frowned.

"Fellow daoists are not dead, so why do you care about these outsiders?" Patriarch Liu would not have such a good heart to flatly refuse, and ordered the fleet to sail with all their strength to escape the pursuers.

As the Liu Family Fleet gradually broke away from the battle, the guards at the ports of the two domains gradually became desperate, as did Seven Little Tiangang and Luo Huai'an.

At this time, the seven little heavenly gangs have already resorted to frequent tricks. With the help of the seven people's mutual understanding and the particularity of the exercises, they have held back seven or eight star warriors. The same goes for Luohuaian.

However, a figure slowly floated out of the army of star bodies. This star body has faint golden lines flowing all over its body, which is the symbol of the star body of the punisher.

With the appearance of this body, Qi Xiaotiangang and Luo Huai'an vaguely felt something was wrong, that unique figure was obviously different from other star bodies.

When the opponent made a move, he was even more certain of the guess in his heart. The speed was several times that of the previous star fighters, and he was approaching here at several times the speed of light. The invisible force exploded and turned into a blood mist suspended in the vacuum of the universe.

"not good!"

Both Qi Xiaotiangang and Luo Huai'an's expressions changed drastically, and both sides made emergency responses almost at the same time.

The reaction was so fast that it was almost instant. Both sides discarded their opponents and formed a unique formation. With Luo Huai'an as the leader and the seven little celestial gangs behind, forming a cone shape, Luo Huai'an's momentum suddenly increased several times, and his hands quickly formed seals. As a handprint of Fudo Mingwang, a golden light appeared in front of him.

The punisher was also approaching the front, and he pushed forward with a big palm.

Majestic power surged, and the punisher's right arm quickly opened countless small holes to spit out dazzling blue light, and at the same time opened four giant holes on the back to spit out thick blue tail flames to produce a more terrifying thrust.


Like a planetary impact, an invisible wave swept away in all directions. The terrifying wave burst like a planet instantly, and the surrounding space trembled slightly. Luo Huaian.

The eight people spit out bright red blood in unison, with expressions of horror on their faces.

The faces of the eight people were all different, but at the same time, they had a thought in their hearts, "It's over!"

Just now, the two sides have displayed the best level of strength. This is also thanks to the fact that the eight officials who belong to the alliance are familiar with some of the alliance's popular formations, so they can put on such a defensive posture in a hurry.

However, he couldn't even catch the opponent's blow.


Just a slight thought of this idea was quickly extinguished, no matter how fast he could escape faster than the opponent?

"Brother, I will fight him!"

The seven little Tiangang had the same opinion, as soon as they gritted their teeth, they pressed down the injuries on their bodies again and charged away.

Luo Huai'an was the most injured, but he knew that he could only fight hard at this time, and it was also his strongest blow.

All of a sudden, the boss of the Seven Little Heavenly Gang, with the help of the strength of the six brothers, slammed his palm down on the hard head of the punisher, with a clang!

A humanized sneer appeared on the face of the punisher, and a terrifying force of counter-shock burst out, which was the force of Qi Xiaotiangang's palm backed away in one go.

The elder brothers of the seven people burst into countless blood beads in an instant, and the remaining six people flew out like meteorites pushed away by violence.

Luo Huai'an also approached closely, and a sword hidden close to his body suddenly burst into a cold light, and the **** light was eye-catching, and the sword swept heavily towards the punisher's head.


With a bang, this blade, which was the best choice even if it was placed among the best, broke into two Luo Huaian showed a look of horror, just in time for the opponent's blade. They looked at each other with light smiles, and the next moment they felt a palm pressed against their chest.


There was a very obvious five-finger print on the chest cavity suddenly sunken, and the body flew upside down like a broken sack, like a meteorite falling straight into the port.

Just a few breaths away, both of the main attackers were seriously injured and attrition.

Luo Huai'an, who was lying in the ruins of the port, and Liu Xiaotiangang, who was extremely weak and suspended in space, were completely desperate.

The punisher's electronic eyes turned around and finally landed on the nearest Liu Xiaotiangang, and then he suddenly rushed towards the six people in a flash.

The speed was extremely fast. Seeing this scene, the hearts of the six were ashamed.

The punishers were also full of excitement and cruelty. These star bodies are all citizens of the Federation and have been living in the virtual network.

Now that they entered the real body, it made them unable to tell whether it was virtual or real. Perhaps for them, this is not the real world, but a game, a game in which they can act recklessly and without scruples.

Treating virtual life and why should we care about the death of the other party?

And it turned out to be an order of supreme wisdom, then these guys should be damned!

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