Master of Fist

Chapter 535: Return to the Empire (Part 1)

Among the army of hundreds of thousands of stars, there are many star fighters who are comparable to the first-class star bodies. They have rough skin and thick flesh, but their bodies are severely damaged by the Hunyuan stick, and those ordinary star bodies are turned into scrap iron one after another. scattered in space.

At this time, the two punisher star bodies sitting in the rear looked at each other, with extremely humane horror on their faces.

"It's an S-rank list target!"

"This is the man!"

The two asked and answered. As for the S-rank list, it is the ranking of the strong human beings recorded by the Seiya Federation before and at the beginning of the attack, arranged according to the degree of threat.

There are three grades of S, A, and B, among which the S grade is the most, which represents people who have surpassed the half-step Dao Realm and are close to the Dao Realm but have a slight gap with the Dao Realm. A represents the ordinary half-step Taoist, and B is the best among the top peaks.

These are extremely threatening figures in the eyes of the Seiya Federation. As for the powerful people in the Dao realm, they are not included in this list, but have separate names and data records. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Seiya Federation had already investigated all the powerful people in the human race, and established a relevant database long ago.

"According to the database analysis, our winning rate against this person is 1%, so let's retreat!"

One of the punishers rationally made a judgment based on data analysis, and the companions beside him had no objection, and the ordinary star body was naturally a substitute that could be replaced at will. But the further you go, especially at the level of the punisher, although it is still nothing compared to the apostle star body, the materials required are still relatively precious, and it often requires countless processes in the arsenal to be smelted.

The key point is that the damage to the star body is not endless, and the battle damage rate is also related to the power and status of the two of them in the virtual world in the Star Ya Federation.

After a fight, Jiang Heng killed 100,000 star bodies and star warriors, and after a short rest, Jiang Heng returned to the flying boat.

Li Yao and others originally planned to remind Jiang Heng to be careful, but they were dumbfounded when they watched Jiang Heng wipe out the 100,000 federal army with ease.

Unexpectedly, the army that nearly wiped out the entire Li family was easily dealt with by this one in front of him.

At this moment, Li Yao remembered why the master of the family treated this person so courteously at the beginning. With such great power, it seems that it would not be a loss even if the entire Li family was attached to the past.

"Since everything is fine, everyone, please lead the way, and meet your Patriarch first before talking."

Jiang Heng put away the Hunyuan stick and looked down upon the survivors of the Li family present.

"Obey!" Li Yao unknowingly treated the young man in front of him with the same attitude he usually used when facing the Patriarch.


Fortunately, after a month's long journey, Jiang Heng and his party finally joined the main force of the Li family near a space wormhole.

"Patriarch Li!"

"Jiang...Brother Jiang!" Seeing Jiang Heng, Li Miaozhen heaved a sigh of relief with a tense expression.

The reason why Jiang Heng was able to catch up with the main force of the Li family so smoothly was that Li Miaozhen stayed here a lot, which was considered a huge risk.

The two exchanged a few words on the deck, and Li Miaozhen led Jiang Heng into the house, and asked someone to serve him some refreshments, then he said worriedly: "Brother Jiang, did you encounter enemy attacks along the way?"

Jiang Heng nodded with a smile, and encountered four or five attacks along the way, but most of them were small groups of federal troops, ranging in number from ten thousand or tens of thousands. This is very small for the Federation's army, which is tens of millions at every turn.

They were all easily wiped out by Jiang Heng. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Heng in the fleet was not strong enough, Lin Yanwei and Liu Tianyi were limited in strength, Jiang Heng wouldn't even bother to do it.

"It looks like there will be a large group of federal troops coming here soon!" Li Miaozhen's face was heavy, "This group of federal star troops are like carnivorous fish that smell blood, even if they are killed by lightning speed along the way, Before he dies, he will also send a signal to the nearby federal gathering area, and within a few days, tens of hundreds of times the army will besiege him."

"Well, not bad!" Jiang Heng nodded, this is the benefit of convenient communication.

"And the current attack target of the Federation has changed from the human races in various star fields to the large and small wormholes of the entire alliance. These wormholes are a huge traffic vessel and hub for the various forces of the alliance. All parties in the alliance retreat."

Li Miaozhen pressed her eyebrows and fell into deep thought.

"Then let's go through here as soon as possible. As long as I wait fast enough, I can shuttle back to the next space before the opponent destroys the next space wormhole. The Federation's attack on the Alliance is in a hurry, and many people must not be fully deployed. "

Li Miaozhen's idea is very simple, just hurry up! Continuously shuttle at a faster speed, I believe it will be easy to escape from the pursuit and interception of the federal star army.

There are also families with foresight like the Li family. At this moment, a huge spaceship fleet is approaching at a high speed, and an unknown number of star army is hanging behind the tail, with several starships as the main body. Vehicles continue to carry out long-range attacks.

The star shield on the flying boat was constantly under the attack of the opponent, and from time to time it also fired star energy cannons to counterattack. However, this is insignificant compared to the overwhelming energy bombardment of the starship.

"It's the Liu family!" The Liu family is one of the high-level forces in the alliance. Although it is not an ancient family, its size is not far from the current Li family after more than ten thousand years of precipitation.

But it's also quite embarrassing. It's clear that their family doesn't have any powerful people in the Dao realm, and it's hard to resist the continuous attack of the federal army. The Liu family wanted to go to any of Yingji's families, but the federal army came aggressively and very quickly.

"Patriarch, now I don't know if this choice of abandoning my ancestral property and going to the land of the empire is a blessing or a curse!"

On a large flying boat, several elders of the Liu family were discussing with the head of the Liu family, Liu Shiyuan.

"Stupid! The Federation's ability to defeat the alliance center in one fell swoop this time means that the Federation is fully prepared this time, and now it is a tiger's mouth to bring the whole family to Yingji's family!" Liu Shiyuan waved his hand, With a serious look on his face, "If the old man predicts it is right, I'm afraid Yingji's family is too busy to take care of themselves now. The ancestral land of the two families may now become the core of the battle, and rushing there is no different from sending them to death!"

"As for the empire, my Liu family started as a follower thousands of years ago, and now it has grown into a big tree supporting the sky, which is enough for our family to shelter from the rain."

Hearing that several clan elders all nodded their heads, everyone knows the truth of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit. High-level executives like the Liu family are not uncommon in the league.

Although they belittled the empire one by one on the surface, thinking that it was a group of half-hearted guys who not only inherited the technology of the Federation but also tried to reproduce the grandeur of martial arts tens of thousands of years ago, on the contrary, they made half a bucket of water on both sides.

"Patriarch, Li's Flying Boat is found ahead!"

At this moment, a guard of the Liu family walked quickly outside and reported loudly.

"The Li family?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, apparently a little unexpected.


"Isn't this the Liu family? They are very vigilant!" Looking at the flying boat fleet approaching from a distance, Li Miaozhen laughed softly.

"Well, I brought some small gifts!" Jiang Heng nodded and looked at the federal army that was clinging to the tail of Liu's flying boat.

"I can't wait any longer, go through the space wormhole immediately!"

Li Miaozhen ordered categorically that they had no obligation to help the Liu family clean up the enemies behind them.

The space wormhole is not very big, it can only accommodate one large flying boat to pass through at a time, but fortunately, the Li family and the Lin family don't have many flying boats, and the Liu family is far away when passing through the space wormhole, so the battle over there will not be affected. this.

After a burst of grotesque space tunnels, the field of vision soon changed, and when I realized it again, it seemed to be a brand new star field.

However, what surprised Jiang Heng was that the space wormhole actually had a huge interstellar port with many flying boats, which seemed to be developing into a business center.

"It seems that the news of the federal invasion is not known here!"

This is indeed the case. This place is no longer the center of the alliance, and the federal strike range has not yet reached here, and the news has not yet spread.

It seems that seeing such a huge fleet of flying boats on Jiang Heng's side, the port side quickly sent to pick up the flying boats.

This kind of situation is quite common in large ports. Generally, when you see a big customer, you will invite them warmly, because often such a big customer can bring huge profits to the port in a short period of time, and at the same time can promote the prosperity of the port's trade.

"This place is already the eastern region of the alliance, and it should be surrounded by the Luoting Starfield and the Seven Sons Starfield!"

Li Miaozhen said like a few treasures.

"Do you want to stay for another one or two?" Jiang Heng glanced at Li Miaozhen beside him. As for the federal army behind him, there is nothing to worry about. As long as there are not several purple star bodies joining forces, he is confident that he can easily annihilate them.

"Of course, don't we have very few manpower and resources now?" Li Miaozhen pointed out.

Jiang Heng nodded clearly, and the two thought of going together. The Li family fled in a hurry without taking away many resources. Jiang Heng wanted to develop his own power in the empire, and his subordinates even Massive resources are required. And the ball also needs a lot of resources to supplement, who knows when it will take to step into the Tao.

Jiang Heng's idea is very simple. Since the Dao Realm is far away, it is better to use the ball to absorb energy as much as possible to feed back to oneself, and continuously strengthen the physical body. This is also a way to become stronger, but it is not as convenient as stepping into the Dao Realm, which is stupid Method. It is difficult for ordinary people to make a substantial breakthrough without the help of the ball, but Jiang Heng is the opposite.

The corresponding small flying boat approached slowly, and someone told that this place is the joint port of the two domains, which was jointly established by the two city lords of the Luoting Star Domain and the Seven Sons Star Domain. To put it bluntly, the two star field forces have joined forces to build a trade center, and both sides have half and half benefits.

After some understanding, I found out that the two city lords are usually based here. The main reason is that this place is the intersection of the two star fields, and it is more convenient for each to go to their respective star fields. The two city lords sitting together can also firmly guard this golden rice bowl.

"Is that Feng Wen?"

Jiang Heng looked at the dwarf in front of him. The person who responded was only one meter tall. He looked like a child but had the beard and bearing of an adult. He was wearing a robe that was obviously specially tailored, which seemed quite ridiculous.

"It's the villain. This time, I'm here by the order of the two city lords to ask the distinguished guests whether they are here to buy things or to take a break?" The dwarf named Feng Wen began to talk about the connection between their two domains. It is obvious that this kind of sales promotion has been done many times before and is very proficient.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell your city lord quickly..." Jiang Heng didn't delay at all, and directly explained the news of the Seiya Federation's invasion, which made Feng Wen stunned I was taken aback.

"Uh, this honored guest... It's not that I don't believe it, but that the Seiya Federation invaded the Alliance? This is really unconvincing." Feng Wen looked embarrassed. In fact, he almost didn't say it was a lie. Find a better excuse, the Seiya Federation has been silent for so long that many people have forgotten his existence.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was not annoyed, he just smiled lightly and said, "You might as well go and tell your city lord first, before he believes it or not. I've done my best."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Heng waved his hand as if to see off the guests.

"Isn't this distinguished guest going to Hong Kong to rest for a while?" Seeing this, Feng Wen asked hastily.

"Your Excellency, please inform your city lord first." Jiang Heng waved his hands unmoved.

On the way back by flying boat, Feng Wen's head was covered with sewage. He had received many distinguished guests, but he had never been as weird as today. It's fine if you don't enter Hong Kong for supplies, but you just say such news that even a child can't believe it.

But Feng Wen thought about it and felt that it was wrong. The other party had no reason to make up such a ridiculous news to deceive himself, and...

Feng Wen turned his head and looked at Fang Feizhou's fluttering Li character flag. He always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, and suddenly he remembered whose flag it was!

It seems that one of the top few big families dared to erect the Li flag in the alliance.

"Could it be that what the man said is true?"

Feeling extremely puzzled, Feng Wen finally decided to inform the city lord of the news.

He is loyal to Luohuai'an, the lord of Luoting City in Luoting Starfield! A high-level mid-term power sender.

Luo Huai'an is a burly man who seems to be in the middle age, with a Chinese character face, a beautiful beard and a long beard on his face, if he sits on the head seat and says nothing, he releases an invisible deterrent force. out.

"Deacon Feng, are you sure you read it correctly, it's the flag of the Li family?" Luo Huaian put down the book in his hand and said with a serious face.

"This subordinate is definitely not mistaken, it is indeed the flag of the Li family!" Feng Wen hastily recounted what he saw and heard before.

After listening, Luo Huai'an waved his hand to signal Feng Wen to step back, paced back and forth in the room, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in another palace, sitting opposite seven old men who looked a little old.

The seven people in front of them are the Seven Little Heavenly Gangs of the Seven Sons Star Field.

Of course, that was the title when they were young, and now they are nearly two thousand years old, which is already considered old age for the seven brothers who are only half a step up in strength.

Qi Xiaotiangang is a brother of a compatriot from the same mother. They are connected by blood. Since childhood, they have cultivated and trained some kind of seven-star combination attack method that uses the evolution of stars, and then they have engraved inscriptions on their bodies that increase each other. Although the strength of the seven is only half-step superior, the combined attack of the seven can demonstrate an upper mid-term level.

"Several, do you think what the Li family said is true?" Luo Huai'an sipped his tea and smiled lightly.

After listening to Luo Huai'an's narration, the seven of them looked at each other in dismay, each with different expressions, but all of them remained calm.

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, since the envoy is here, we, as the chief officials of the frontier, still have to pay a visit." The boss of the Seventh Heavenly Gang, Zuo Xu, was the first to Not bad! I think big brother is right! "

"Well, brother is right!"

The rest of the brothers agreed one by one, like a repeater.

Luo Huai'an on the opposite side obviously had anticipated this situation, but the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Since that's the case, how about we go to greet him together without delay?" Luo Huaian made a gesture to get up.

"Wait a minute!" the boss of the Seventh Heavenly Gang waved his hand, "Don't be in a hurry for now, this sudden visit from the Li family is really weird, and before we waited for the seventh brothers, I heard that the Li family was weak and was about to be excluded from the five ancient families. "

"That's right, I've heard about it too." Luo Huai'an nodded slightly.

He didn't quite understand what the seven brothers were worried about.

"Since that's the case, we don't need to do this. It's enough for people to invite you respectfully. Why do you want us to greet you in person?"


Hearing this, Luo Huai'an frowned, knowing in his heart that what the other party said was correct, the alliance is a very realistic place, especially in the officialdom, one must know how to stand in line. Now that several ancient families are targeting the Li family, it is not good for them to show too much respect and courtesy.

But for some reason, he faintly felt that doing so was not very good.

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