Master of Fist

Chapter 177: Rampage

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The fascia is wriggling, and the blood vessels are rapidly congested, lighting up the stars. The already strong physique was further elevated and the dimension was further improved. The clothes on her body were twisted into pieces and blown away by the air waves. The hot air waves rolled up and raised the red silk woman's hair.

The muscles are bulging, and the blue veins are jumping, like a dragon scrambling to swim wantonly, but the steaming air waves all over the body seem to rise and fall on the body surface more rhythmically, like breathing. The grasp of power is more precise.

Hongsi was terrified in her heart. After knowing that the archer in front of her was that day, her vigilance was already raised to the highest level. Now seeing this scorching energy and blood like a scorching sun, she was even more on guard!

Barely giving the opponent any time to breathe, Jiang Heng stepped on his front foot suddenly, and his figure suddenly shot away, whipping up a strong wind, bringing out a piercing sound of breaking through the sound barrier.


The hard marble corridor was directly torn apart, and the ground exploded to a height of half a meter, and the smoke filled the air. Being able to clearly perceive, this punch... was in vain!

Turning his head abruptly, his eyes instantly glowed with a pale white luster, his field of vision switched rapidly, and his eyes turned into black and white.

"Got you!"


The ground exploded again, and Jiang Heng's figure was once again like a rampaging bull, heading straight for the opponent, his blood surging and boiling, his steel body directly smashed into the pillars blocking the way, the sawdust exploded, and countless debris scattered like sharp hidden weapons open.

Bang bang bang!

Looking at the ferocious beast in front of him, Hongsi felt his scalp tingling. The oppression of his strength was more oppressive in his heart.


The terrifying force directly aroused the dust that burst inch by inch on the ground, and lost the last pillar, the eaves of half of the corridor collapsed instantly, and countless rubble fell down.

"It's pretty good at running!"

Slowly pulling out his fist, Jiang Heng stood up straight, shook his neck slightly, and turned his head with scarlet eyes to look at the red silk that moved to the other side again.

This woman's speed is really fast, and she didn't react for a while before she took the first shot.

Fortunately, the poisonous gas from this woman's mouth is not a big problem for me.

Jiang Heng secretly rejoiced in his heart, glad that he had a certain resistance to the poison in advance, and this woman is not a monster, the toxicity is far worse than that of a monster!

But this feeling of being shown off the speed is really not cool!

The muscles surged, Jiang Heng adjusted his breathing method, and controlled the movement of Qi and blood to the legs as much as possible! This was an operation that was unimaginable in the past. In the past, the energy and blood were all driven by the way of martial arts to drive the circulation of energy and blood.

It can be said that mastering the breathing method is equivalent to mastering the real use of qi and blood. Of course, it is limited to the first level of use, and Fu Hai's higher level of external martial arts is the second level of use!

At this moment, part of the qi and blood rushed towards the feet like soft waves, and I felt a burst of heat on the soles of the feet. Jiang Heng stepped on his legs, and the ground violently burst into waves. When he got up, when he landed, Jiang Heng's huge body shot away like an arrow from the string.


There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and the red silk was terrified, lying on the ground with her limbs twisted and twisted. At this moment, she jumped up and quickly moved and dodged. It wasn't that she didn't have the courage to face the young human in front of her. It is really not allowed by her strength, she is good at speed and all kinds of methods to quickly strangle opponents.

But the speed of these means is not bad, the strength and means are especially ridiculous in front of such an unreasonable man of steel, even the poisonous gas that is omnipotent is useless.

how is this possible!

how is this possible!

How can there be such a person in this world?

Thoughts were spinning, a terrifying oppression struck heavily, the huge body rushed towards him quickly, and the squeezed air seemed to be sticky for a while.


We must run away quickly!

Only the general! Only the general can deal with this person!

Fear has completely taken over her mind, she moves quickly almost everywhere she can use her strength, and even her back rotates 180 degrees strangely from time to time and jumps quickly on all fours.

"I got you!"

He only felt a pain in his heel, and Hongsi's heart beat wildly. At this time, Jiang Heng was filled with steam, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked at the red silk through the heavy smoke, like a **** of death staring at the gray fog.

In the next moment, she felt dizzy and dizzy, and her big hand firmly locked her right leg and ankle, as if grabbing a beautiful red snake, and lashed left and right towards the ground, once, twice, three times and four times.

Every time it shook the floor, it burst open, and dust and gravel rose up and down on the ground.

Hongsi felt severe pain all over her body, and even felt dizzy. The next moment she gritted her teeth, a tentacle flicked swiftly, like a sharp ponytail directly cutting off her calf.

The next moment, the tentacles sprayed out in all directions, entangled in various points of leverage, and then suddenly retracted. The petite figure jumped up into the sky, and the flesh and blood on the calf wriggled and reshaped rapidly.


Before the red silk breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden roar on the ground, and a huge shadow was immediately shrouded above the You can escape very well! "

In the next moment, Hongsi felt her head was firmly held down by a pair of big hands, and at the same time, there was a piercing sound of wind, and finally a loud noise.

Two figures, one big and one small, one front and one back, smashed directly into the middle of the small courtyard with a gust of wind. At this moment, all the bluestone slabs on the ground of the small courtyard were shaken up, and then burst.

The smoke filled the air, and Jiang Heng was not affected at all by being in it. He looked at the head in his hand with a somewhat ugly expression at this time.

The anger in his heart became more and more vigorous, and the black hair scattered wantonly in the gray mist. This kind of self-mutilation method used by the other party to escape again and again made Jiang Heng feel as if he was directly slapped in the face.

Jiang Heng turned his head to look at the eaves of a nearby house. At this moment, the red silk girl was falling steadily on top of it. A head was still being reshaped rapidly, and countless bloodshots were jumping and spreading on it. Her legs were back to normal again by this time.

But at this moment, she leaped directly towards the outside of the courtyard, this little damage was nothing to her. But what she was worried about was that if she was really caught by this person, she would definitely die!

Of course it wasn't the kind of one-hit death, but it was definitely a punch. Her blood was exhausted and she couldn't reshape her physical body, and even shattered her Yin Sha body!

Although I still have some special means, I'm afraid it won't be very effective for this person.

"This person, every blow can burn a strange hot flame, which is extremely restrained to me. I must report the situation here to the general as soon as possible!"

Thinking quickly in my heart, Wei's footsteps gradually slowed down.

"This lady....what's the reason for breaking into a private house at night?"

An old voice came from the opposite eaves, but Fu Changsheng was seen wearing a white gown and holding that simple saber, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

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